I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1952: Love will disappear right?

Jiang Siming didn't hesitate, so he exchanged a copy of the Cold System Cultivation Technique [Ice Vein Shenjue] in the Fragment Mall, and it cost him 20 omnipotent fragments.

Lao Jiang, who had worked so hard to save 150 pieces of omnipotent fragments, was only 130 left in an instant, and he was a little farther away from the spacecraft factory.

But who wants his daughter-in-law to have this need?

For Huo Wu, there is no need to change to a new one. The existing [Suzaku Heart Sutra] is already the best fire technique he has ever seen.

Although the two of them have abolished their cultivation base, the foundation and experience are there, plus they are all cultivation directions of the same attribute.

It is estimated that it won't take long to surpass outsiders like Zhao Xuan and others.

Bing and Huo Wu, who had received the inheritance of the two exercises, hadn't even been relieved from this surprise.

They had always envied what Sheng Xue had learned, but they didn't expect to get it so easily.

No wonder Zhao Xiaoxiao said at the beginning that as long as she is her mother, she has everything...

Except for the surprise, the two women are only touched.

The two women now only have one thought: "Why don't you join this big family earlier (cover your face)..."

In short, this time, there are two more sisters in the family.

The population rose from 28 to 30.

When Jiang Siming thought of this number, his heart surged with pride.

These are all the results of the past two years~ not easy~

The result? Chen Guo? Hmm, and Chen Guo seems to be good too...heh...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, stop!

Chen Guo, who was at home still busy reading the company's financial statements, suddenly sneezed twice.

"What's the matter? I have an allergic nose or a cold..." Chen Guo muttered to herself somewhat strangely, then glanced at the date on the phone.

"Why are the holidays so slow? There are still two days left before it ends. Alas, I really want to go to work in the company..." Chen Guo was a little disappointed.

Since the holiday, she has been counting her days with her fingers, wishing to fly back to the company to work quickly.

For this reason, she has been babbled by her parents in the past few days at home, saying that she is in the heart of Cao Yingxin, and she is not at all coming back to accompany them.

Helpless Chen Guo could only appease the two elders, and promised them to go shopping with them tomorrow, and watch a movie at night. Her father chose the movie, "Jiang Ziya".

While feeling melancholy, the phone WeChat rang, and it was a WeChat voice message sent to her by Qi Muxin.

"Xiaoguo, the "Le" program will start tomorrow. Do you have time to cheer for your boss on the spot?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Guo jumped up on the spot, and immediately pressed the record button to reply: "Some and some, I will be free all day tomorrow, I will definitely go!"

Unexpectedly, just after sending this voice, I found my mother was looking at her at the door.

"Ahem... Mom, I might..." The result of the guilty conscience was not finished yet.

Her mother said: "So, love will disappear right?"

Chen Guo, die...

The next day, just in the afternoon, the Workers' Gymnasium was already full of people.

Chen Guo was among them, but she still came.

I didn't hesitate to be beaten by my mother last night.

Of course, she still did not breach the contract. She just squeezed things like shopping and watching movies in the daytime.

All three things were completed early in the morning, and I went to the cinema to watch a movie early in the morning, and I still had a rest while watching the movie.

This allowed her parents to go home with satisfaction, and she drove here non-stop after getting the two elders.

Thinking of Chen Guo is very proud, she is really a little genius of time management.

When I thought of going in immediately, I could see her chairman, Chen Guo had wiped out the boredom of the holidays these days.

She was still worried about how to get in, but she didn't have a ticket.

At this time, the cell phone rang, and an unfamiliar phone called, after Chen Guo connected.

"I see you, look to the left."

When Chen Guo heard the words, she turned her head and found that beside the exclusive passage on the left, a woman as beautiful as Qi Muxin and the others was standing at the entrance of the passage, beckoning to her.

Chen Guo immediately knew who the other party was after a little brainstorming.

One of the chairman's wife, but rarely stays in the company.

"This is Liang Tian, ​​Xiaoxin and the others told me that you are my husband's new secretary? You look so beautiful."

Liang Tian looked at her like she was looking at a baby, looking up and down, and showing her aunt's smile.

Chen Guo was panicked by this look. Could it be that this lady suspected that she had an affair with the chairman, and was wary of herself.

That's it, if I am really suspected of getting involved, will I just get out of the company...

"Let's go, I'll take you in." Liang Tian said, taking Chen Guo's hand and walking inside.

Chen Guo was uneasy all the way, her little heart beating fast...

But along the way, Liang Tian's attitude towards her did not seem to be vigilant and interrogating her. This made Chen Guo relieved and made a false alarm.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the show "Le", which was not broadcast for two weeks, finally started today.

Even if this show is so arrogant and neglecting the audience, more people still flock to watch it.

Sure enough, there is no audience for a good show.

At that time, there were still many shows waiting to see the jokes of "Le", because they had never seen a show that dared to put the pigeons in the audience so grandly.

Many other TV stations that are jealous of the "Le" program have concluded that the popularity and ratings of "Le" will definitely drop.

But reality gave them a slap in the face. Not only did the ratings of "Le" show not drop, but it was much higher.

"Finally, it started, and I thought it would start after the holidays."

"It must be the richest man Jiang who has had enough during his vacation, and now he has time to start broadcasting when he comes back (envious face)."

"It's great to have money. I will be content when I can do it without going to work during the holidays."

"We have been working overtime during the holidays."

"As expected of my father, he is still so self-willed~"


The audience was chattering, chatting and talking while waiting for the show to start.

Before long, the stage lights came on and the host walked onto the stage.

Everyone stared at the stage closely, guessing in their hearts which host of Yang Ma would be this time.

In my head, I guessed every host at the stage post of Yang Ma.

But when the people on the stage appeared, everyone was stunned. Who is this?

Some viewers find it familiar, but more viewers don't know the host at all.

The host lineup of the previous three episodes of the program was unprecedentedly strong.

Bai Song, Dong Qing and Kang Hui.

Which one is not Yang Ma’s gold host.

But this, surely it’s not on the wrong set?

Why is she so young and still a girl.

She looks very beautiful and friendly, a bit like the girl next door.

Especially the way he laughs is sweet to people's hearts.

Many male viewers were shocked, and some people finally remembered who she was.

Isn't this the blind reporter who interviewed Jiang Siming at the vegetable market?

Everyone still remembers that video.

I don’t even know the richest man, and I asked how the company’s treatment was. The key person said he didn’t believe it, hahaha.


Second more~

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