I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 2101: Two in one

Desperate style.

Not to mention, the power is really strong, and it is too suitable to match the attributes of the Golden Crow sword.

The power is indeed not lost to the "Excalibur True Thunder Sword".

If people with a higher cultivation base use it, its power will increase exponentially.

The Divine Sword Yulei True Art Jiang Siming could do it, but he didn't know how to slash the gods.

There was a hint of shrewdness in Jiang Siming's eyes.

When the fight is over, I will find the old man Daoxuan to cut the secrets of the gods.

For powerful supernatural powers, the more the better.

But right now, he needs to face this sword style.

In the direction of the Golden Crow, only Jiang Siming was the center.

All the powers, gathered on the tip of the sword, are so powerful that all the disciples have lingering fears.

Even Lu Xueqi frowned slightly, a little worried about Jiang Siming inexplicably.

"Can he take this trick..."

At this time, Jiang Siming waved the Dragon Slashing Sword towards the sky, and the sword's edge pointed it straight at the Golden Crow!

For a real man, you have to face it hard.

The Dragon Slashing Sword turned into thousands of sword shadows, and then condensed together to form a giant sword shadow.

Boom above the Golden Crow.

Ran and egg.

In the final analysis, the return of Wan Jian to the Sect was only a martial arts move. Although Jiang Siming used the aura of cultivation, it was a hundred times more powerful than the basic martial arts.

But it still can't compete with the authentic Xianxia's unique knowledge.

In layman's terms, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect cannot beat God Slash.

If Lin Jingyu used the magical powers of the base-building period, Wan Jian was enough to deal with it.

But this guy used the magical powers of Jindan strength to deal with him, and the return of ten thousand swords seemed a bit weak.

Wan Jian Guizong slammed into the edge of the Golden Crow's sword, although its sword light was dimmed a lot, and its power was also weakened a lot.

But after the Golden Crow crushed Wan Jian to the sect, he continued to press against Jiang Siming like a dark cloud!

Including Lin Jingyu, Cang Song and Long Shoufeng's disciples all smiled triumphantly.

"Teacher, shoot, Jiang Siming has already lost." Tian Buyi couldn't bear Jiang Siming was seriously injured, so he spoke.

He admired Jiang Siming very much. Although he was not his disciple, he didn't want to see him defeat too badly.

Cang Songxin was dissatisfied, but he also knew that Daoxuan would definitely protect Jiang Siming, so he simply pushed the boat along the river, pretending to say:

"Teacher, or I will come, and blame me, a disciple who is not a weapon, who has learned some tricks and showed it off to the big brother. I will definitely educate him when I go back."

The words were full of mockery.

But Daoxuan looked at the center of the field, but shook his head: "It's not over yet."

Cang Song felt better after hearing this. Daoxuan was best if he didn't make a move. Jiang Siming was at least seriously injured this time, and it was best if he died.

On the arena, after Jiang Siming returned the sword to the sect, he threw away the high-grade magic weapon, the Dragon Slashing Sword, as if it were trash.

Then he soared into the air, transporting all his aura onto his fists.

The left hand transforms the palm, there is a faint sound of dragons and tigers roaring, and the right hand transforms the fist, accompanied by thunder and lightning.

One palm, one punch, and simultaneously!

With the eighteen palms of Jianglong, and Tianba cracked and blasted, Jiang Siming shot them all at once.

Jiang Siming was also playing this way for the first time, and there was no way, his cultivation base was low, and he could not resist using any of these tricks.

As long as he raises his cultivation base a little, he builds a five-layer foundation, and one move is enough to drop the dragon and eighteen palms.

This is like a computer with software, not the hardware, and the software is useless no matter how strong it is.

Cultivation is like hardware, while supernatural power is software.

Jiang Siming has the software that can be used in the transformation stage, but for the time being there is no hardware facility to carry these magical powers.

In this case, it's better to have some show operations, if one doesn't work, then two in one is better.

When this combination of two-in-one punches went down, Jiang Siming's lack of aura was instantly emptied.

But these two moves completely defeated God Slash!

The golden crow flew out, the hilt of the sword hit Lin Jingyu's chest, causing him to vomit a big mouthful of blood and roll off the ring.

Although Jiang Siming fell into the ring in embarrassment, he squatted in an inelegant butt.

But the ending is still clear, he won.

It's a little harder to win. Lao Jiang found that this **** dungeon was not easy to do in the main quest.

Even if the first main mission was added to Qingyunmen, Cang Song was almost killed.

The second main task is to get the Zhuxian Sword, but it's not finished yet.

Now this main task is also extremely difficult, and he won the first place in Qimai Huiwu.

He was abandoned for two years, and others worked hard for two years.

Naturally it cannot be as simple as it was two years ago.

Even if Lin Jingyu is so difficult to clean up, let alone Qi Hao, this guy has a half-step golden core.

There are even Lu Xueqi and Zhang Xiaofan, who seem to be quite good.

The next competition is estimated to be more difficult.

"Brother Jiang!"

Tian Linger and Zhao Linger yelled at the end of the competition and rushed to the ring to help the weak Jiang Siming.

Lin Jingyu was already seriously injured and passed out into a coma, and was lifted on a stretcher by a disciple of Long Shoufeng. There was his golden crow beside the stretcher.

The people at Longshoufeng wanted to take the opportunity to fish in the troubled waters, and quickly led them away.

But Lao Jiang's eyes are so sharp, he immediately sneered: "You don't want to go wrong, do you? People can take it away, leave the sword, and the pill."

The people at Long Shoufeng stayed where they were, and Qi Hao, headed by him, said to them coldly, "Give it to him."

After finishing talking, Qi Hao sneered at Jiang Siming: "If you only have this strength, then you'd better prepare for a miserable defeat to me, don't wait for me to see you, you will be a turtle."

Jiang Siming said: "Your father, I haven't counseled yet. You can bet whatever you want by then."

"Okay, you said this!" After Qi Hao finished speaking, he turned and took Lin Jingyu away.

Shuang Ling also helped Jiang Siming to get off the ring, and Xiao Zhufeng's female disciples all congratulated Jiang Siming.

Lu Xueqi asked curiously: "The two tricks you just used don't seem to be unique, right?"

"of course not."

"Then which sect is the jerk?"

"Innovative." Jiang Siming was cheeky again.

Anyway, Mr. Jin Yong and "Chu Yuxun" were not there, and it was not too much to say that it was his.

"Awesome." Lu Xueqi couldn't help but admire and exclaimed sincerely.

Obviously those two tricks just a moment ago surprised her.

Tian Buyi walked over at this time and handed him two pills.

"This is the virtual spirit pill and rejuvenating pill. They are the most effective for restoring aura and healing injuries. The master teacher asked me to give it to you."

"Thank you Elder Tian." Jiang Siming took it unceremoniously and threw it directly into his mouth. If you don't eat white or eat it, you can save one fairy bean.

Although the fairy bean can also be used to refine alchemy robots, the refining conditions are not much simpler than that of building a base pill. Generally, an alchemy robot can only be refined for more than a week.

Tian Buyi smiled and waved his hand, saying:

"You can defeat Lin Jingyu, it is indeed beyond our expectation. The two moves just now, I heard that you created your own. Although my sword is popular in Qingyunmen, it is really rare for you to create such a powerful boxing method. Talent, this may be talent!"

After speaking, the more I saw Jiang Siming, the more satisfied.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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