“But making dragon power potions not only requires the blood of dragon mutant beasts, but also other precious materials, the dragon blood in this blood crystal diamond is only enough to make three bottles of dragon power potions, the people above have discussed, the rest of the materials they package, three bottles of dragon power potions to give you a bottle, this transaction is very cost-effective, do you agree?” Mr. Fei said.

“Dragon power potion, it can greatly improve the physique of drinkers, but you can’t take more, one bottle is enough.” Fei Zongqiao, it could be seen that he wanted Qin Hao to agree to come down.

“Okay, it’s all up to Mr. Fei.” Qin Hao also felt that this transaction was not a loss, after all, there were other precious materials to manufacture the dragon power potion, and he also needed professional people, and he didn’t have to worry so much about taking a ready-made bottle.

“Well, in three days at most, this bottle of dragon power potion will be delivered to you, you better check this dragon power potion online.” Mr. Fei smiled, “I can be regarded as accepting your love, one of the bottles of dragon power potion I will pay for my grandson, and it will definitely help him a lot.” ”

Mr. Fei left happily, while Qin Hao opened the computer in the training room and searched for this dragon power potion, and couldn’t help but smack.

Dragon power potion, this is a genetic potion, can greatly strengthen a person’s physique, at least can increase the power of 10,000 catties, but dragon power potion is very domineering, do not take too much, and their own physique must reach the second-order elementary, otherwise there will be life danger!

“Increase the power of ten thousand catties?” Qin Hao was also happy, which was really a surprise.

Qin Hao didn’t waste time, now he has two thousand contribution points, plus thirteen million alliance coins, he has to buy himself some good equipment!

Weapons and combat suits are very important to evolutionaries, the former kills the enemy, the latter saves lives, and the combat suits are useless for Qin Hao, his venom suit is there.

Qin Hao first browsed weapons in the online mall of the Transcendent Alliance, and finally chose a weapon made of cold moon alloy.

Cold moon alloy, which is a precious metal found on the moon, with the sharpness of its weapons can be resisted by the armor of few monsters, of course, due to the difficulty of mining cold moon alloy, its price is also sky-high!

Qin Hao took a fancy to a combat knife made of cold moon alloy, and its price was as high as 1300 contribution points, which was equivalent to 13 million alliance coins, which was still a discount for the status of an extraordinary alliance member, otherwise it would be more expensive.

“Bought!” Qin Hao waved his hand and placed an order.

In addition, he also needs throwing knives, and he picked up the martial arts of slashing god throwing knives from the Wind Demon Hunting Group, which can’t be wasted!

Qin Hao bought three throwing knives made of cold moon alloy, the flying knives are small in size, and the three of them only contribute 300 points in total, well, very cheap….

Two days later, someone sent the goods to the door, and Qin Hao couldn’t help but be excited after signing for it, for an evolutionary to get a good weapon, it is like a child getting a good toy!

First of all, the Cold Moon Combat Knife, a hundred centimeters long, with a sharp blade, exuding a complete chill, Qin Hao threw a hair at the blade, and the hair was gently divided into two halves!

Sure enough, you get what you pay for, Qin Hao weighed it, and the weight was about one hundred and fifty pounds, just in time.

As for the Cold Moon Flying Knife, it was less than twenty centimeters long, three Cold Moon Flying Knives, and a tactical belt was also attached.

“Experiment with this God Slashing Flying Knife!” Qin Hao decided to cultivate the God Slashing Flying Knife, he took a deep breath, his spirit and one, gathered on the flying knife, and the next moment threw it at the target a hundred meters away!


The throwing knife turned into a cold light, flashed away, like a shooting star, punched the target through the hole, bombarded the metal wall of the cultivation room, and did not enter it, leaving only the handle outside.

This kind of power is simply terrifying, even some heavy armor can’t prevent it!

Then Qin Hao experimented with the previous idea, using space ability to teleport the throwing knife directly to the target.

The result is successful, the space energy that has risen to level 3 is already extremely powerful, and the throwing knife can be teleported to any place within a hundred meters centered on itself, think of the terrifying lethality of the god-slashing flying knife, and then cooperate with the space ability, the opponent has almost no possibility of dodging!

On the third day after that, Chief Manager Fei sent the bottle of dragon power potion as promised.

This dragon power potion was packed in a test tube and appeared dark red, giving people a violent feeling.

Chief Manager Fei admonished: “This dragon power potion is extremely domineering, it can only be absorbed by a second-order primary physique, you store it first, and then take it later.” ”

“Okay.” Qin Hao agreed, and smiled secretly in his heart, now that his physique has reached the second order, General Manager Fei would not have thought that Qin Hao’s progress would be so terrifying in less than a month!

After Chief Manager Fei left, Qin Hao took out the dragon power potion and drank it all in one gulp.

“It’s so hot!”

Qin Hao’s first feeling when taking the Dragon Power Elixir was heat! Every cell seemed to be burning, which was his physique rapidly increasing!


Qin Hao decided to vent, and his whole person rushed up in the training room, using spatial ability to teleport from time to time, venting and digesting the heat of the dragon power potion.

After running for three hours, Qin Hao stopped covered in sweat, Qin Hao gasped, but his eyes showed a strange color: “It is worthy of being a dragon power potion, my strength and physique have been greatly improved!” ”

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