The people of Kaidara, through the live broadcast screen, can see the black sand storm in full view.

It’s terrifying!

At least ten kilometers were submerged in black sand, and the former city disappeared.

The Kaidara, who thought they were brute power, didn’t even last a second, and instantly died and cocked.

That terrifying power is comparable to natural disasters!

They lost their voices in unison, completely shocked by the power displayed by Zhou Yang.

Is this the strongest among humans?

It turns out that human beings also have such terrifying powerhouses!

At this moment, they completely converged their careful thoughts, and I don’t know how many Kaidara’s people remembered Zhou Yang’s face deeply in their minds.

“Whoever violates my earth star will be condemned from afar!”

This phrase was broadcast live through the game of death and reached many Kaidara ears.

Strangely, no one showed a look of contempt, and no one felt that Zhou Yang was incompetent.

He has gained the respect of others with absolute strength.

Powerful people, no matter where they go, are the most dazzling existence.

Their words will even be held up as truth by many.

“Hurry up and close the dimensional channel!”

Kaidara’s audience thought of something and quickly shouted to the organizers of the game of death.

Zhou Yang’s words meant that he wanted to take revenge, and a strong person of this level was angry, at least a million corpses.

Even if the Kaidara’s people have a strong man of the same level, what if they can kill him in the end?

A mad strong person, no matter who it is, will also feel jealous.

The organizer of the game of death reacted, and his face changed greatly.

If Zhou Yang really had to enter the Kaidara plane through the passage they opened, even if Zhou Yang could be solved, then everyone who died would be remembered on their heads.

No one wants to bear such a responsibility, and no one dares to bear it.

“Close the dimensional channel immediately! It has to be fast! ”

Nearly a hundred kilometers away, a light blue light gate flickered brightly, and the dozens of Kaidara’s guards guarding the entrance were ordered to retreat inside, and the passage became smaller and smaller.

“Not good, he disappeared!”

“Don’t worry, he doesn’t know where the entrance to Kedara is, it is close to a hundred kilometers from here, and by the time he does it, the entrance will be closed a long time ago.”

“Please rest assured, we will definitely handle this matter clearly.”

“The strength of this human being is very strong, but the Kaidara, who is not jealous, is just making a strategic surname shift.”

“Soon, we will send experts of the same level to hunt this human race and make an exclusive death hunting game live broadcast, welcome everyone to watch.”

Knoll from the organizer of Game of Death is indeed a talent, and he can see the business opportunity at a glance.

This time, Zhou Yang shocked the Kaidara, and also provoked the anger of everyone, and no one spoke up does not mean that they do not want to kill Zhou Yang.

When he said this sentence when the popularity was at its highest, he would definitely get huge feedback and even usher in a spike in ratings.

Sure enough, the audience was in an uproar, followed by loud cheers and applause.

“Kedara will win!”

“Death to all who dare to offend Kaidara!”

“Humans actually threaten us, and I’m curious to know what his expression will be when he faces death?”

“Your game of death really didn’t disappoint you!”

A smile appeared on Noer’s face, which meant that his plan was successful, and he would hire a master of Kaidara’s high price to encircle and suppress Zhou Yang.

Hunting the strong, what a gimmick.

The more miserable Zhou Yang died, the better the effect.

“Something bad is wrong! A human appeared outside the space gate, which seemed to be the human who had just made trouble! ”

The warning of the remaining personnel of Kedara came from the communicator in Knoel’s ears, and he quickly connected the screen connector to observe what was happening near the dimensional passage.

Zhou Yang didn’t know when he crossed a distance of nearly 100 kilometers to the dimensional passage, and walked step by step towards the dimensional passage connecting Kaidara Star.

How did he find here?

“Stop him at all costs!”

Knoll immediately gave an order to the guards and had already decided to sacrifice them.

Fighting on Earth Star and Zhou Yang rushing into Kaidara Star are not the same thing at all, and losses can be kept to a minimum.

Even if there are deaths and injuries, they are human beings, and they will not be distressed by how much they die, and they do not need to worry about the punishment of others.

More than a dozen guards received the order and rushed towards Zhou Yang one after another.

The dimensional channel is about to close, as long as this is done, it is a victory.

Noel looked at the smaller and smaller dimensional passage with a smile on his face.

It is worth sacrificing a few guards to minimize the damage.

Of course, he does not intend to waste this picture, and will make it into a promotional film to fully mobilize the anger of the Kaidaras, and obtain higher ratings.

Zhou Yang flicked his hand gently, and more than a dozen guards who rushed over seemed to be slapped by invisible palms, and instantly turned into a pool of minced meat, and they didn’t even have the qualifications to block Zhou Yang for a millisecond.

Noer was not afraid at all, because the dimensional passage had shrunk to only half a fist size, making it impossible for people to pass, and whoever passed was dead.

“Human, you will regret your decision, you can’t afford the wrath of Kaidara!”

Through the projector in the sky, Knoll put down the cruel words.

Of course, this sentence is also to prepare for the promotional video in advance.

After doing all this, Knoll smiled and immediately asked the staff to process the clips and turn them into a promotional video as quickly as possible.

He wants to take advantage of the audience’s anger before it has completely dissipated, mobilize their anger again, and get more ratings.

Everything is moving in the direction of perfection.

This wave of losses is worth it!

“That’s what I want to say to you too!”

“You can’t afford my wrath!”

“Do you think I can’t do anything if the passage is closed?”

“Open it for me!”

Under Noer’s shocked gaze, the dimensional passage that had shrunk to only the size of a nail shell was instantly cut into a three-meter-long opening, followed by a second and third path.

The disappearing dimensional passage was directly torn apart by Zhou Yang by violent means.

Aren’t you planning to close the dimensional channel?

Did I agree?

Is the passage closed if you want?

Since there is no passage, then it is up to me to open one!

Nuoer was completely dumbfounded, and it was directly at this moment that he deeply realized that Zhou Yang was far more powerful than he expected.

Whether it was the previous black sand storm, or the space power that spanned hundreds of kilometers, or even the secret technique of cutting space, everything proved how powerful and extraordinary this human being.

I thought I had provoked a fierce beast, but now it seems that it is completely a desolate beast!

What a terrible being am I provoking?

Nuoer watched Zhou Yang’s figure gradually blur, and he resolutely stepped into the black space passage, and the figure was completely engulfed.

“Kaidara, I’m coming!”

Who is the hunter?

Who is the prey?

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