Chapter 120: Brother Gray is defeated (second more)

As the battle continued, Ellu trampled on the ground with her left foot, and the strong reaction force directly caused traces of cracks on the ground.


“I see!

Seeing Erza flying like an arrow, Gray and Lyon both released ice-shaped magic.


“Icemake Volcano!”

A layer of frost spread rapidly from under Gray’s feet, freezing the ground within a radius of 20 meters in just an instant!

At the same time, layers of huge diamond-shaped ice crystals protrude from the ground, and every step Erza will be blocked by the diamond-shaped ice crystals.

As the number of diamond-shaped ice crystals increased, Erza was directly frozen!

Seeing Erza being frozen, Lyon didn’t feel a trace of joy, but showed a hideous face.

“I can’t hold on anymore, get ready for your strongest move!”

“Sixty-seven Lyon kept sweating on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said.

“I won’t just sit back and watch!”

“Open it, Ophiuchus Gate, Orphinx!”

Yukino took out the key of Ophiuchus and immediately injected a lot of magic power.

In an instant, a dark purple mist emerged in vain, covering an area of ​​two kilometers!


In the fog, a black giant snake with a length of more than 100 meters slowly emerged, spitting out the snake letter, the brutal snake pupil, and staring at Gray and Lyon.

After being taken up by the Orpheus Town, Gray and Lyon suddenly felt cold in their backs, and a feeling of anxiety emerged in their hearts.

“Damn it, I forgot to have Yukino!”

Lyon’s eyes widened, his face a little unwilling.

In fact, it was Erza who gave them such a strong sense of oppression that caused them to forget Yukino.

As a Celestial Spirit wizard, Yukino is not strong in his own right. Even if he learns the fighting ability, he cannot beat the experienced people like Lyon and Gray.

But Yukino can summon the Celestial Spirit with good strength, especially the Celestial Spirit of Ophiuchus, Orpheus!

Ophiuchus is the thirteenth house that surpasses all the signs of the zodiac, and Yukino’s magical power is also far greater than before, which makes Orphinx able to exert a stronger strength!

Erza hasn’t settled yet. At this time, a huge and extremely difficult opponent appeared, which made Gray and Lyon feel a lot of pressure.

More importantly, the dozens of diamond-shaped ice crystals that trapped Erza quickly disintegrated at this time!


Facing this almost desperate situation, Gray took a deep breath, and then condensed a large amount of magic power in his body on his arms, solidifying two ice swords exuding white cold air!

“Ice Demon, Extreme Ice Dance!

Gray trampled on the ground, causing the layer of frost on the ground to instantly shatter, and then his whole body jumped up and appeared where Erza was trapped.


At this moment, all the diamond-shaped ice crystals that trapped Erza were all shattered into tiny ice fragments!

When she saw Gray holding two swords and being less than one meter away from herself, a white light flashed in an instant, and the dressing magic started!

“Ding Ding Ding…

There were waves of dense metal collisions, and at the same time, the silhouettes of Erza and Gray fell steadily from mid-air to the ground.


More than a hundred slashes exploded in five seconds, and the exhaustion of physical strength made Gray a little unbearable.

Afterwards, Gray, who was panting violently, suddenly froze.

Because what is in front of him is two huge metal shields together, forming a huge shield!


I only heard a shattering sound from the shield, and cracks continued to emerge from it, and then the two shields combined together were quickly shattering!

After the double-sided shield was shattered, Erza was unscathed!

At this time, she was wearing a set of dark blue and white intersecting armor.

This is Erza’s most defensive armor, the King Kong armor!

In the original book, Erza’s double-sided shield can resist the attack of the lower magic cluster gun-Jupiter.

But now, Gray is able to smash the double-sided shield of the King Kong Armor.It is conceivable how fierce Gray’s attack is this time!

However, there is a fact that must be accepted is that Erza is still in good shape, and Gray and Lyon are about to lose the ability to fight!

“You are already defeated!”

Erza summoned a black one-handed sword from a different space, and directly knocked Gray into the air with the face of the sword, and slapped it to the outside of the Sirius Terrace.

Seeing Gray withdrew from the Sirius Terrace, Lyon stopped fighting and sat on the ground, panting slightly.

Withdrawing from Sirius platform means being eliminated from this s-level assessment. Gray, the selected candidate, has been eliminated. As the partner he was looking for, Lyon was naturally eliminated by 0…

Afterwards, the dark purple mist that enveloped the surroundings disappeared, the battle was over, and Orphinx quickly returned to the Celestial Spirit world.

At the same time, two lightnings suddenly appeared on the Sirius stage.

“Ming, it seems that the winner of this S-level assessment has already appeared.”

Su Jue looked at Erza who was almost unscathed, and suddenly smiled.

That’s right, one of the two thunderbolts is Su Jue, and the other is Laxus.

“Mirajane team, Elfman team, and Gray team have been eliminated!”

“I declare that the winner of this s-level assessment is the Erza team!”

Laxus looked at Gray who fell to the ground outside the Sirius Platform, and immediately announced the result of the exam.

“Great! Brother Su Jue!”

“I have finally become an s-rank Sorcerer!”

Erza ran to Su Jue with excitement and hugged his arm, his tone full of joy.

At this moment, she, how fierce she was just now, is completely a little girl.

“Hmm, congratulations, Erza!”

Su Jue touched Erza’s head, nodded and smiled.

On the other side, Gray, who slowly got up, looked a little unwilling to hear the results announced by Laxus.

It’s only one step away from the 5th-level magician!

Damn it! Sure enough, I am still not strong enough, I still need stronger power!

Gray hit the ground with a punch, roaring inwardly.

At the same time, the black lines on his right arm continued to spread by 3.8, and soon spread to the position of his right chest.

When Su Jue not far away noticed this scene, he slowly walked towards Gray.

“Get up, even if you fail this time, there are still many opportunities in the future.

“Moreover, you have to strengthen your heart, and you can’t be controlled by things like power!”

Su Jue stretched out his right hand to Gray, and said in a low tone.

“Controlled by power?

Gray was stunned for a moment, a little bit unable to understand what Su Jue said.

Yes, “If you find that what you are doing is contrary to usual, then you must be careful.”

“Because this is one of the experiences you have encountered!”

“You must be firm in your heart, otherwise there will be big problems!”

Su Jue’s expression gradually became serious, and he said to Gray.

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