Chapter 34 Grimoire Heart (the fifth)

“I can tell you, but you must handle this matter carefully, and don’t let the council get hold of it!”

Makarov stood beside Su Jue and whispered.

Although he regards Su Jue as a family member and does not want Su Jue to take risks, everyone has their own privacy, and he will not interfere with Su Jue’s choice.

And he really believes in Su Jue’s strength!

In the entire Fairy Tail guild, Su Jue’s combat power can definitely be ranked in the top three!

Therefore, Makarov is not worried about Su Jue’s own accident, he is only worried that Su Jue will be arrested by the council because of this.

Once it is involved with the Dark Guild, the Council will not be so easy to let go.

“Of course I know that.”

Su Jue nodded in response.

“Then listen up, in the northwest…”

Makarov quietly told Su Jue what he had gathered.

After listening to it, Su Jue had a general understanding of the situation.

Not long ago, in the northwest direction of the Kingdom of Fiore, a group of black magicians suddenly appeared.

This group of black magicians is very active, often invading villages to hunt adults, and arrest many children, and do not know where to transport them.

After learning the news, the top of the council was very angry, and immediately sent someone to investigate the black magician sect.

But after in-depth exploration, the council found that the forces behind this Black Mage Guild are very large, and there are even many shadows of dark guilds.

But those dark guilds are just shrimps, the real big fish are the black hands behind those dark guilds!

After investigating again, the council was silent, because they found many clues and traces, all pointing to a dark guild.

Grimoire Heart!

At the same time, during the exploration, the council also found a girl with terrifying magic power.

And this girl is Ultear!

Of course, it was impossible to find out Ultear’s information by means of the council.

Makarov also had some information provided by Su Jue to identify Ultear.

And he didn’t tell the council.

Therefore, although the council knew that there was a terrifying girl in Grimoire Heart, they did not know her identity.

After getting Makarov’s information, Su Jue didn’t stay in the guild. He immediately returned to his rented house, prepared to pack up, and set off to look for Ultear.

Neither Makarov nor the Council knew the purpose of the Black Mage Order this time, but Su Jue knew.

The purpose of the Black Magic Order this time is to build an R system to resurrect the “dead” Zeref!

In fact, they didn’t know at all that Zeref wasn’t dead.

I don’t know which corner of the world that guy is traveling in now.

Although Tower of Heaven only started construction a year later, before that, the Black Mage Order had already started operations, and even built seven R systems!

It’s just that these seven R systems will eventually be destroyed by the council.

Watching the back of Su Jue leaving, there was a hint of worry in Makarov’s eyes.

“Boy, don’t let anything happen to you!”

Believe it, but believe it, but the force behind the Black Mage Order is Grimoire Heart after all, so Makarov is still a little worried.

Although Makarov also wanted to go with Su Jue, it was even more dangerous to do so.

Once Grimoire Heart finds out who he is, it is bound to send stronger forces to attack them.

For Grimoire Heart, Makarov doesn’t have much confidence, after all, the other party is the strongest dark guild on the bright side!

So even Makarov needs to be treated with caution.

A few days later.

Su Jue, who was in a hurry, finally arrived at a small remote village before night fell.

Looking at the humble village ahead, Su Jue walked in directly, looking for a place to stay and rest for the night.

After rushing for several days, Su Jue was very close to the place where the Black Mage Guidance was active.

So he chose to settle in this small village, and also wanted to see if the scope of activities of the Black Magic Guidance Order had been expanded again.

If the scope of activities of the Black Mage Order expands again, it is very likely that the other party will come here.

Because this kind of remote small village is very in line with the goal of the Black Magic Guidance Sect.

(Hey…the big guys are so enthusiastic when they see that they want to add more, the author is really shivering… not much to say, the tenth update will be arranged tomorrow! Please continue to support the big brothers!!!)*

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