I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 102 Daosheng Is A God-Level Stealth, And The Ancient Temple Of Hua Ziyan Is Ordered To Seal

Su Li took a deep look at Yun Qingxuan, and said solemnly, "Don't use this charming and enchanting method."

When Yun Qingxuan heard the words, her delicate body trembled, and her pretty face became obviously pale.

She pursed her lips, her eyes filled with a deep sadness, "Master Su, I have given up all my dignity, and I have even taken the initiative to give you everything, even if it is your Human Cauldron, now No regrets.

Why do you still persecute me like this? !

I admit that I have a lot of bad things and even disgust you, but you have thought about it, I am a moderate practitioner who was only Gold Core before, and now I have stepped into the Nascent Soul Sixth Stage middle stage because of my bloodline Nirvana, I can What should I do?

I'm not smart, I don't have a particularly good talent, I live in a narrow world of my own autism, and I don't dare to get close to anyone around me...

I don't want this either, but what can I do?

I won't deduce it, and I don't have anyone to trust - in this world, Master Su, can you really trust anyone?

With my humble existence, if I am not careful and selfish, how can I survive?

However, even if I am careful and selfish, I still become someone else's pawn, a plaything...

So, I knelt down and kowtowed in front of Meier, and being a bull is just asking her to give me some pointers, so that I can please you, or even a little bit of your favor!

I have nothing left, and I have abandoned everything. If you still want to humiliate and torture me, just do it! "

Yun Qingxuan couldn't help crying as she spoke.

These are all truths.

But—it's still an emotional offensive!

This wave of emotional offensive is here.

It's Meier, and it's not Meier.

It was Yun Qingxuan, not Yun Qingxuan.

Because at present, Meier has almost eroded half of Yun Qingxuan.

Therefore, Yun Qingxuan almost became Mei'er's clone - the reason why it wasn't completely eroded was mainly caused by the soul-suppressing tablet in Yun Qingxuan's restricted area of ​​memory.

If it was in the past, Su Li might not necessarily be recruited by such means, and his heart would fluctuate somewhat.

Because after all, he was an otaku and a diaosi in his previous life.

Now, he has indeed grown up, but the growth time is too short-this is also the reason why he used Yuqing to clone himself before facing Meier.

Otherwise, it will not be able to withstand the wave after wave of emotional offensive.

In particular, when Meier communicated with him based on her own experiences, her desperate and numb mentality like a walking corpse, Su Li was quite affected and shocked.

It also reminded him of the days when he pretended to be despairing and manipulated Meier with emotion.

Alas, so, it is not that the time has not come.

At that time, it was so cool for him to play with others with love, and now he is so entangled when he is dealt with in the same way.

To say that I don't care about these people, I really care a little bit.

To say he cares, it really doesn't matter how much he cares.

"Yun Qingxuan."

Su Li looked at Yun Qingxuan deeply, and then sorted out the messy, half-scattered gauze skirt for her to make her look neater and more normal.

"No matter how difficult it is, live well and have hope. Because even if there is no hope, even if the ending is tragic, the ending may never change. Then, a life with hope and longing will at least not be too bitter.

We live, in this world, just for ourselves.

Of course, you do the same for your mother - she loves you more than you love her, so she doesn't want you to live badly.

In addition, I will continue to help you deduce your future Karma, and then I will let you experience some future changes.

I also know that at this time, you are still under the influence of Meier. The so-called learning, pleasing and so on, you may have this intention, but it is definitely not your original intention.

But under the influence of Meier, you can go out of your way.

None of these matters.

Because I'm not noble, but I also don't like to do this kind of down-to-earth thing.

Even though I know that your intention is not pure, it is also not the original intention.

I promise you that it won't change because of how you change.

Not before, and never will be. "

Su Li said, "Let go of the guardian of the soul, I just deduce it. The rest, there is no emotional basis, those are meaningless. As for things like Meier's memory that you saw... this can only be It means that your situation is less and less egoless, and you know what that means."

As Su Li said, he spent the sky-high value to deduce it for Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan's life profile for the next seven days can be deduced this time.

Perhaps it is also because of the deduction experience of Zhuge Ranyue and others and a large number of similar results, so this time, when Su Li deduced, he didn't think there would be any difference.

However, when he spent 100,000 days to deduce, when he saw completely different files for the next six days, he was shocked again!

The future has changed!

And this time, the six fairies of Yueming all died on the sixth day!

Instead, Yun Qingxuan lived until the morning of the seventh day, but also died in the morning.

Therefore, Su Li did not see that Zhuge Qianyun, nor did he see Zhuge Qianyun's maid Zhuge Qiyan.

This time, the future scene that Su Li saw was a little duller, but the process was more tragic.

And something strange and spooky didn't happen.

This time, the Ancestral Dragon Demon was born, but the objects in it were Gongcheng Tianzhu and Gongcheng Qingdie.

So, this time Su Li's rescue failed.

And it is very strange that in this deduction, Su Li did not find his own existence, just like he disappeared out of thin air.

What's even more strange is that Mu Qingya would appear on the sixth day and kill You Yue.

But this time, Su Li didn't see the relevant scenes - even if it was just to deduce Yun Qingxuan, but because they intersected with each other, they could also see some Karma from each other.

Such a result was far beyond Su Li's expectations.

"The future has changed?"

"Or is it that someone deduced that I would deduce it, so it changed the atmosphere of heaven, so that even the 'next seven days' of the system were affected?"

Su Li was surprised at first, but quickly rejected the idea.

After a while, Su Li still transformed the chaotic means of deriving the heavenly secret into the corresponding information into "deduction illusion", and then penetrated into Yun Qingxuan's eyebrows.

This time, it took Yun Qingxuan three hours to wake up.

Then, Yun Qingxuan looked at Su Li with deep gratitude.

And the gratitude this time is the kind of sincere gratitude-because, she suddenly understood that her so-called self-discipline, her so-called giving up all dignity, is ridiculous.

She suddenly realized that Su Li never thought she was self-deprecating and self-defeating to her, nor did she think that doing so would be a smashing of her dignity!

Because, Su Li didn't look down on her.

Whether she is arrogant or humble, Su Li treats her, even everyone, with a very equal attitude of communication.

This kind of equal communication attitude will make the previous her feel that the other party is very arrogant, self-righteous, and very self-confident.

But at this time, she knew that the other party, whether facing the aloof Zhuge Chunqiu or facing ordinary mortals, was the same attitude of equality and gave enough respect.

At this moment, Yun Qingxuan's mentality changed a lot.

What is a real senior?

This is the real master!

What is a real master of celestial secrets?

This is the real master of heaven!

This is the real not being humble or arrogant, the real uninhibited indulgence, and the real not obliterating the conscience, you oppress ordinary people.

In Yun Qingxuan's heart, there was a sense of gratitude from the heart, as well as a ray of admiration and respect from the soul.

At this time, the anxiety, panic, anxiety, fear and despair in her heart all dissipated.

Even at this time, she felt as if her life had suddenly been sublimated, and at the same time she had unlocked part of Meier's control over her.

Very strange, very special feeling, but very deep into the soul.

As a result, Yun Qingxuan suddenly felt that the most honored thing in her life was to meet a truly masterful person like Master Su.

"Master Su, can Qingxuan's future be changed? It seems that this time he failed. Moreover, even Master Su was involved, and it seems that he encountered a disaster on the first day."

Yun Qingxuan asked seriously.

She has been able to treat Su Li calmly.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Meier's 'control' seems to be temporarily invalid.

However, whether it is true or not, Su Li no longer wants to judge.

Su Li thought for a while, and said, "It should be possible, the future is derived, and it is only a kind of future - it is just more inclined to this result. And now that you know the future, it is easier to change the future. Much more."

Su Li said, looking at the fish belly white exposed in the sky in the distance, a little stunned - the whole night has passed, and now, I can't sleep if I want to.

Because change has already begun.

Because, the location of Huayuegu will be revealed at noon today, and then Que Xinyan and others will arrive.

At that time, the killing round will start directly.

"It's dawn, you see, the night has passed, and the dawn has come."

Su Li laughed.

He was in a good mood, although he saw all kinds of tragic, bizarre, bizarre and unimaginable things happening in the next seven days.

But after deducing Yun Qingxuan, he completely calmed down.

After finding a way to deal with Master Tianji, Su Li is not afraid of the powerful and invincible Zhuge Qianyun.

If Zhuge Qianyun wasn't so scary, then Zhuge Chunqiu and the others would not be too difficult to deal with.

Even if he uses his real strength, at least, in the 'Red Soul Movement Technique' of the 'Gongshen good fortune' level, he has the ghost sense of "The Emperor's Book of the World" and two Qianlong Pills and a Marrow Washing Pill. Under the transformation situation, it is almost impossible to kill him in one blow.

More importantly, knowing that this time is a near-death situation, how could he really use his real body to go?

It's just a clone, who can't have a few these days?

This time, let you see, what kind of avatar is the most awesome avatar!

"Master Su, thank you."

Yun Qingxuan is still sincerely thanking her.

Su Li nodded and said, "Okay, go back to adjust your breath and adjust your state to the best. At three o'clock in the afternoon, it's time to go to your restricted area of ​​memory."

Yun Qingxuan immediately nodded in agreement.

Then, with a faint relaxed smile on her face, she walked out of Su Li's yard as if there was no pressure at all.

After Yun Qingxuan left, the smile on her face gradually subsided, and she became a little more depressed.

"In any case, try your best to try, maybe you can change the future?"

"After all, Master Su once also changed the future, otherwise I would have died at that time, and the end would have been particularly miserable."

"This time, Master Su himself has suffered a disaster, but it should be able to change."

"Master Su is right. The future that can be derived is just more in line with the trend of future changes, but it is not necessarily the future."

"Mei'er, this time... I'm willing to trust you and obey your arrangements. But, I also hope that you can help Master Su. We owe Karma too much."

"Huh? Are you trying to figure it out too? That's great."

"Why do I suddenly believe you? Master Su's deduction really calmed me, and I suddenly realized that I can't get any worse, and I have reached the end of my life. In this case, since I have even the most If you are willing to endure bad results, then let go of your heart, believe in you, and believe in him.

Even if it is used, the final ending is the most miserable and the worst, which is just the sad ending that has been thought of for a long time, isn't it?

The worst is accepted, and any other poor results are surprises.

And if there is a little bit of good results, it is the greatest luck.

Meier, you are right, if you don't expect too much, you won't be too disappointed. As for me, Yun Qingxuan, if there is no hope, I will never be disappointed again.

Although, I still greedily put a ray of hope in Master Su.

But, like me, I am afraid that I am completely unworthy. "

"No, Meier, you deserve it, but I don't."

"Okay, Meier, I'm actually in a good mood. I suddenly felt that even if I became your clone, it would be pretty good. Meier, I've decided to agree to all your conditions."

"Okay, Mei'er, if I'm gone, I'll make up for him."

"I'm really sorry for him. I completely disappointed him from the very beginning."


Yun Qingxuan's deep-seated communication with Meier, or her self-talk, Su Li didn't know.

He also stopped paying attention to everything about Yun Qingxuan.

Because he could see that Yun Qingxuan was about to become Mei'er's avatar - once it did, Yun Qingxuan would be equivalent to eternal annihilation and completely become the past.

And Meier is equivalent to another springboard avatar - but this avatar is already well known.

This matter is Yun Qingxuan's own choice - if she doesn't agree, with her Nirvana bloodline Talent ability and the magical inheritance Cultivation Technique of "Returning Butterfly Cocoon Technique", Meier will not be able to succeed.

Not to mention, there is a soul-suppressing tablet in the restricted area of ​​Yun Qingxuan's memory, which makes it impossible for Mei'er to refine Yun Qingxuan to become a clone if Yun Qingxuan doesn't take the initiative to agree.

"This time, it costs 100,000 to check, 10,000 for Heaven's Secret Chaos, 210,000 to harvest, and 30,000 to convince people with virtue. A total of 130,000 Heaven's Secret Value."

"The secret value has reached 702,226 points."

"The request has been fulfilled.

Su Li was satisfied with the result.

At this point, the Heaven's Secret Value has not been brushed anymore.

Ordinary people can't bear his current Karma connection, and even if they can bear it, they won't be able to get a few points of celestial value.

Therefore, Su Li temporarily stopped the thought of continuing to rush to the sky.

Opening the Tianji mall, Su Li directly meditated in his heart - refresh the Tianji mall and manifest the supernatural power of 'incarnation outside the body'.

With such thoughts, Su Li has always maintained a state of obsession. In this state, he refreshed the Tianji Mall and prepared to buy the magical power of "incarnation outside the body"!

Yes, it was refreshed at the beginning, and Talent's supernatural power, which is as famous as Yiqi Sanqing and worth 500,000 yuan!

The next moment, after consuming 100 days of machine value, Su Li refreshed the item "Incarnation Outside the Body", and then he chose to buy it without hesitation!

Incarnation outside the body (selling price of 500,000 days) (the effect of supernatural powers can be improved with the value of heaven).

Incarnation outside the body (consumes half of the energy and soul, splitting a complete incarnation of the self, can have all its own abilities (except the incarnation ability outside the body), the duration is unlimited. If the incarnation is destroyed, the body will suffer a certain loss of energy and soul , at the same time unable to cast out-of-body avatar for a short period of time.

After purchasing this ability, Su Li immediately felt the blood in his body congeal, and then deep in his soul, deep in his blood, it was as if the silent ancient spirit was revived, and the divinity in his blood was awakened!

At that moment, a mysterious and mysterious feeling arose spontaneously.

Moreover, this feeling is very profound.

After a long time, Su Li realized the "Huangji Jingshishu" immediately, and entered the Meditation state of "Huangji Jingshi", and seriously realized the basic model of the magical power "Incarnation Outside the Body"!

As a result, the magical power of this basic entry-level model has been transformed and evolved again, and turned into a 'dang hall entry' model.

And consumption, it only needs to consume a quarter of the essence and soul to split a complete incarnation of the self, not half of the essence and soul.

In addition, originally only one external avatar could be split, but it has also become able to split two complete id incarnations, and can have all of its own abilities (except the external avatar ability).

In this way, Su Li's purpose has been completely achieved.

Then, he couldn't wait to use the technique of "One Qi and Three Clears" on the spot, and condensed two clones out.

Then, the two avatars can indeed cast out-of-body avatars!

As a result, Su Li found that, between the breaths, there were two more incarnations beside the Shangqing avatar!

And beside Yuqing's avatar, there are also two more avatars outside the body!

At this moment, he has a body and six clones!

Su Li looked at the six himself around him, each with 90% or 100% of his own combat power. His mood was quite indescribable!

The next moment, when Su Li tried again to make the incarnation outside the body perform the technique of "One Qi and Three Clears", it was unable to perform it.

At this time, Su Li took back all the clones and re-tested.

This time, he first condensed two external incarnations, and then each external incarnation performed the technique of "One Qi and Three Clears".

At this time, Su Li clearly felt that in this case, his control over the body and the clone was smoother and the connection was closer.

And this time the condensed Shangqing avatar and Yuqing avatar can't continue to use the incarnation outside the body.

Su Li is a little bit regretful - it's a pity that it can't be split in an infinite loop.

But they can be applied once each, which is also within the scope of Su Li's judgment.

Even so, Su Li is still very satisfied.

Clone problem, completely solved!

Then, next, is the hidden problem!

Today, he Su Li is not deduced, as long as he can obtain a powerful concealment method, that is enough to be a complete Lao Yin ratio!

There are countless daddy avatars, take the avatars to play with you!

With this thought in mind, Su Li continues to be worthwhile!

702226 points, the refresh cost is 100, and "Incarnation Outside the Body" consumes 500,000.

Today, he still has 202126 points left.

The second refresh, you need to consume 1000 points!

Therefore, Su Li insisted that he could super hide the undiscovered Cultivation Technique or supernatural power, without any heaven-defying function in the region, but only required that the concealment effect was extremely heaven-defying and extremely powerful! At the same time, it must be within the value of 200,000, including 200,000!

Under such obsessional requirements, Tianji Mall was refreshed.

Then, only one option that meets the requirements appeared in the system - "Dao Sheng Yi Shen Hidden Chapter".

"Dao Sheng Yi Shen Hidden Chapter" (selling price of 200,000 Tianji value) contains the Dao Sheng Yi Ji Dao rule, interpreting Heavenly Dao's escaped one. The Great Dao is fifty, and Tianyan is forty-nine. That share of regret is the one that escapes. The one who escaped, turned into one of the Taoists, for the sake of 'God Hidden'...

Seeing such information, Su Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What he hoped for, he brushed it out, and he just could afford it.

So, Su Li bought it on the spot and used it on the spot.

The next moment, he seemed to have entered a mysterious and chaotic time and space, quietly listening to the sound of the avenue.

In this way, it seems that after countless years of precipitation, one day, he suddenly enlightened.

Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things...

With many insights, Su Li's whole body has undergone an inexplicable metamorphosis.

This transformation is not physical, but spiritual and spiritual.

After a long time, Su Li completely mastered this Cultivation Technique.

Yes, this is a Cultivation Technique, which can be practiced by yourself.

Thinking that Huangji Jingshishu could upgrade Cultivation Technique Meditation, Su Li was ready to rely on her own Talent, and tried to cultivate "Daosheng Yizhizhishizhi" to the highest level or the pinnacle first, and then rely on "Huangji Jingshishu" Meditation, to improve Cultivation Technique one level, to a higher level...

So, while there is still a lot of time, Su Li is ready to calm down and work hard on the cultivation Cultivation Technique, and then it is best to take one breath to cultivate it to super perfection.

After half an hour, there was no change in the cultivation process of Cultivation Technique.

After two hours...

Su Li resolutely decided that she should use the Heavenly Secret Value or the Meditation of "The Book of Huangji Jingshi" to upgrade. Cultivation or something was really unnecessary, it was a waste of time.

After all, isn't it fragrant, like the "Red Soul Movement Technique" that the system brought about by copying files for free?

In the end, Su Li still took advantage of the Meditation ability of "The Book of the Emperor's Classics", and easily cultivated "Dao Sheng Yi Zhi Shen Hidden Chapter" to the level of 'Pure Fire'.

As a result, Su Li called up the system properties panel, took a closer look, and immediately showed a satisfied smile.

Possess the system abilities of Mysterious Art, Moxie Jianxin, "Mysterious Secret Art of Mysterious Heart", "One Qi and Three Clears", "Xuanji Battle Spirit", "Red Soul Movement Technique", "Dao Sheng Yi Shen Hidden Chapter".

Has the special ability of the system to incarnate outside the body; Huangji Jingshi (can peep into the fate, in charge of good fortune).

Afterwards, Su Li glanced at the secret value on the system panel, and the silly '1126' point secret value made his smile froze and his breathing stagnated.

Then, Su Li closed the system panel without hesitation.

The next moment, with a thought, Su Li performed the Cultivation Technique of "Dao Sheng Yi Shen Yin". After the "Shen Yin" evolved, his figure suddenly turned into a particle of nothingness and disappeared on the spot.

This is a very peculiar state, just like suddenly entering a gap in the void, the person is still in the same place, but it is completely empty!

When Su Li thought about it, he realized that he could still move forward or backward, and he could still go up to the sky.

After entering the ground, it is actually able to shuttle like an escape technique!

However, in this state, his speed is not very fast, and in this state, he cannot use his special abilities to a large extent, otherwise it will be easily detected.

Of course, once the Cultivation Technique is widely used, it is easy to exit such a state of "hidden".

In terms of Cultivation Technique, apart from concealment, it really doesn't have any other functions, and it can be said to be specific enough.

However, it is this single-purpose function that makes Su Li extremely surprised and shocked.

This time, he didn't have much worries.

With a thought, Su Li first revoked the hidden state, and then used the avatar outside the body, resulting in two avatars.

The two incarnations also displayed one qi and three clears, and each derived the supernatural avatar and the jade avatar.

At this time, Su Li's body displayed the "Shen Yin" Cultivation Technique.

The next moment, Su Li's body disappeared on the spot.

Su Li manipulated the avatar and the avatar to perform various sensing, monitoring and even deduction, but it was to no avail!

This time, Su Li was also really surprised.

Although the main body cannot fully perform many Cultivation Techniques in the hidden state, but this is a 'concealment' method after all, what is there to hide in demanding battles?

Afterwards, Su Li's hidden figure took out the Heavenly Secret Seal and the Qiankun Ring, and handed the Qiankun Ring to the first incarnation outside the body.

This outer avatar immediately put on the Qiankun ring, and took the sacred seal of heaven, and took a photo of the second outer avatar and the Shangqing and Yuqing avatars he derived, and immediately put all three avatars in. In the heavenly secret holy jade.

At this time, Su Li, who was hiding, had already walked out of this Huayue Valley, and was temporarily silent at the edge of Huayue Valley.

He turned into nothingness, like a speck of dust, and fell on the weed leaves on the roadside of the exit, motionless.

On the other side, Su Li, the incarnation of the body outside the room, showed a relieved smile on his face, and glanced at the avatars of Shangqing and Yuqing beside him, and the two avatars immediately disappeared into his body.

The killing game, in less than two hours, is about to start.

At this time, Que Xinyan and others should have arrived.


Outside the Moon Dark City, the Moon Dark Wilderness.

Feng Qianwei, Meier, and Qingshuang searched carefully here.

"Can the ancient temple of Yueming still move? Is Leng Yunshang's information wrong?"

Feng Qianwei scolded Meier.

Mei'er responded immediately, "That's right, it's just that the space in this area is not very stable, so it has changed. Besides, Leng Yunshang has been suppressed. In that state, her words will of course not be false."

Feng Qianwei said coldly, "Don't say these are useless, I'll give you a hundred breaths. If you can't find it again, just wait for your soul to be refined!"

Meier was silent.

On the body of Qingshuang Jianjian, the cold light is dense, and Sword Qi is sensible.

After a while, the Qingshuang Sword suddenly vibrated softly and chirped.


Meier said immediately.

Feng Qianwei snorted softly and said, "You are lucky! Let's go, the ancient temple of Yueming is over there, I saw it."

As she said that, she had already walked in towards the Ancient Moon Temple.

"This ancient temple is very similar to the ancient temple of death and silence."

In the Qingshuang sword, Qingshuang's voice came out.

Meier said, "It's the same structure, so if you want to find Hua Ziyan, it might be similar to the previous scene?"

Qingshuang said, "In a huge statue? Hanging to death? Probably not."

Meier said, "It's quite strange that she came here, and it's a bit unbelievable that she can get out of control. She should have a lot of secrets."

Qingshuang said, "Why should you care about this, or do you envy her way of getting out of control?"

Meier said, "No, I'm not envious. This method is only suitable for her. I just said that it is actually very difficult for us to find her under her method."

Feng Qianwei said coldly, "Can't find it? Then you should die, useless bitch."

Meier said, "Then we can only use the 'Soul Fixing Technique' to lock her soul power, and then sense it."

Feng Qianwei said, "Why, it shows that you are powerful, Cultivation Technique is great? What kind of soul-fixing technique, how to cultivate, let's talk about it."

Meier said, "This kind of Cultivation Technique is suitable for ghost cultivation. Fairy Qianwei is currently injured. Such a vulgar Cultivation Technique, Fairy Qianwei is not suitable for cultivation. It's better to wait for the injury to recover, and let Su Li's "Heavenly Secret" Wouldn't it be better for "Anti-Soul Art" and "The Art of Tianshu Promise Deduction"?"

Feng Qianwei nodded and said, "Okay, calm down, as soon as possible, drag it on, I can't stand it!"

Mei'er immediately began to cast the soul-fixing technique.

Soon, the breath of Jiuyao Wenxin Tea quickly filled the four directions.

Among them, a large amount of dense fog began to diffuse out, and soon flocked to the Yueming Ancient Temple area.

After a while, Feng Qianwei became impatient again, looking at Mei'er and the Qingshuang Sword in her hands, her eyes were icy and cold.

But soon, Meier opened her eyes again, "I found Hua Ziyan."

"Okay, let's go, let's find her!"

Feng Qianwei said impatiently.

The Yueming Ancient Temple seems small, but after entering it, the interior space is unusually wide.

Inside the temple, it is also very desolate.

Holding the Qingshuang Sword, Meier took Feng Qianwei through several floors, and finally came to a room that looked like a tomb.

The room was very empty, and there were all kinds of dilapidated statues.

At this time, Hua Ziyan was right here in such a dilapidated and desolate place.

She sits cross-legged with her knees closed, her eyes closed gently, as if she was in the midst of Insight's remarkable heritage.

Meier came over with Qingshuang, and at this time, Feng Qianwei had also followed.

"Is she Hua Ziyan?"

Feng Qianwei glanced at Hua Ziyan indifferently and asked.

Meier said, "She is."

Feng Qianwei said, "Then I'm here, so why don't she come over and bow down? What sloppy Cultivation Technique is still Insight?"

Mei'er thought for a while, and said, "That is the secret technique of sealing the town. She should be preparing to completely seal herself and completely transform into a mortal."

When Feng Qianwei heard the words, she immediately became extremely unhappy and said, "So, is she trying to jump out? Haha, I really think too much!"

Feng Qianwei said, and immediately gathered a feminine Spiritual Qi, turned it into a Spiritual Qi long whip, and slapped Hua Ziyan's face with a fierce whip.

Hua Ziyan suddenly raised her hand, took the whip, and then grabbed the whip with a single pull.

"call out--"

Hua Ziyan raised her hand and threw it, and the Spiritual Qi long whip slammed into the void, and with a 'puff', it exploded on the spot, turning into Spiritual Qi powder.

Seeing this, Feng Qianwei's face suddenly became gloomy and cold.

She stared at Hua Ziyan with her eyes, the fierceness in her eyes did not hide at all.

"I don't know what it is! Look for death, and I will fulfill you!"

Feng Qianwei was about to explode with murderous intent immediately, slapping the weak ants in her eyes to death.

But at this time, Meier came out and discouraged, "Fairy Qianwei, the overall situation is the most important, and the injury is the most important."

Feng Qianwei glanced coldly at Mei'er, and sneered, "I'm doing business, do you have a chance to interrupt? What are you?!"

Feng Qianwei said, condensed a holy weapon long whip, and then immediately slapped Meier's face fiercely.



With just two whips, Mei'er's skin was torn apart, and two blood-colored bloodstains were drawn on her face.

Meier didn't fight back or dodge, but let Feng Qianwei's holy weapon whip hit her fiercely.

After a while, Mei'er's entire face was blurred with flesh and blood. At this time, Feng Qianwei retracted her long whip, and at the same time swiped towards Hua Ziyan again.

Hua Ziyan did not resist this time, so she was hit with a whip, and the bones in her back exploded on the spot, followed by a blur of blood and blood.

Hua Ziyan stood up, her eyebrows furrowed, with a clearly unpleasant look on her face.

"Do you know the whereabouts of Su Li? Don't deny it, just lead the way and take us to him!"

Feng Qianwei ordered directly.

Hua Ziyan frowned and said, "I have been practicing the secret art of sealing for many days, and I have completely escaped the entanglement of many Karma. What did you say Su Li, why are you embarrassing me when you go to him?

I'm not Su Li, how can I know where he is? "

Feng Qianwei's tone was cold and stern, her murderous intent was complete, and she said, "For useless people, I always kill them directly on the spot, and you say it again that you don't know!"

Hua Ziyan was silent for a while, and just as she was about to speak, she was slapped in the face with a whip.


Half of her face was blown into a blood mist on the spot.

(s: The third update is 9,000 words~ The update of 290,000 words is completed today~ I was so tired that I couldn’t finish it, and I will continue to update it with 30,000 words tomorrow~ Another tearful request for subscription, recommendation ticket and monthly pass, thank you very much~ , thanks to 'Book Friends 20170416181934223' 100 book coins for your support~)

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