I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 250 The Three Realms Leaderboard, Immortal Good Fortune Monument

Su Li didn't want to hear Que De's words.

Because Que De is really Que De, if he listens to some of his words, he will often provoke Karma.

But Su Li had to listen at this moment.

He could tell that someone like Que De finally gave some solid advice this time.

This is not Que De's conscience discovery, but Que De was completely stunned in this round of random beatings by Su Li's honey and big sticks who rebuilt the "prehistoric world".

Does Qued have a choice?

He has no choice!

The current situation of the light blue star is exactly like a terminally ill, critically ill person, either die, or grab the life-saving straw and struggle again.

For Que De and others who have lived for at least tens of thousands of years, the remaining few thousand years are very short.

Now that there is such a glimmer of hope, he will naturally grasp it firmly.

Even if we can't really let the prehistoric world come back, let the royal family be born again, and let the Nether Sea get the chance to take charge of Samsara, it will not be worse, is it?

At this time, he set foot on the ship of the Emperor and the royal family behind him, and he wanted some convenience anyway.

This is allowed by the rules.

Just like the rules of the royal family - under the guardian, how to compete is not a problem.

The boundaries are clearly demarcated.

What Que De did at this time was to give Su Li some deadly and dangerous information that needed attention.

It was his limit to be able to do this.

Su Li kept the names of these people firmly in his heart.

Su Li, the god of the giant elephant tribe mentioned by the subject Que De, was actually afraid of it for a long time.

This is the first god that jumped out when he practiced "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" Cultivation Technique and returned to the past. It seemed reckless but was actually very scheming.

The key is that this existence was not killed by the Immortal Execution Sword Formation this time, and even was not cut much, which shows how cautious and stable it is.

To do this, one must remain 'neutral' in the heart, completely disapprove of the practices of the Indestructible Ancient Star, Heavenly Blood Ancient Star and other forces, and never oppose a series of practices by Su Li and others At the same time, there must be absolute respect and awe for the royal family in their hearts.

Precisely, these key points, such as a group of gods like Zuolong, have all achieved.

Although the leader of Tongtian was a fiery, impulsive and belligerent person, he was actually a clone of Su Li at that time, and the core was still Su Li.

In that case, those killed are the core existences to be feared, and the rest can only be regarded as 'not a big threat'.

If it is really a bigger threat or there is a huge hidden danger - such as Lin Tianyan, a special fire genius, Tongtian was killed on the spot.

Judging from this point, the fear points mentioned by Que De may not be fully believed either.

Its information should come from before the birth of the royal family, rather than after the birth of the royal family.

Although Su Li had his own considerations, he still remained vigilant—the heart of being defensive is essential.

Next, Que De talked about the fact that Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su Galaxy Cluster did not participate in the affairs of the royal family this time.

Su Li didn't worry too much. His mother, Mu Qingya, had been mysterious and mysterious, and she didn't seem to have participated. When he tried to use "Zhuang Zhou Meng Die" again, he unceremoniously killed him back.

And when he went back to the past and prepared to endure, he was directly killed by his little aunt Mu Qingya every time.

From this point of view, we know that this pedestrian has nothing to worry about.

The key is - what can you do if you are worried?

He is not as strong as Mu Qingya's group!

"Okay, I know all this, and I have kept it in mind."

Su Li scrutinized it carefully, and after firmly remembering the information, he nodded to Que De and responded earnestly.

Que De said, "This time, in addition to Que Xinyan who will follow you, Guizhenzi will probably let Que Xinyan be born to experience and compete. Therefore, she will probably still exist in the outside world.

The area we are in the outside world is the 'Black Mountain' in the area where the black kite next to the Mingshan Mansion is located.

At present, the person in charge of the Black Mountain area is the person in charge of Taiyuan Zuxing, who is also a genius with the potential of the gods, named 'Que Zhishang', I will see you later.

Don't be surprised, don't doubt, this is also a failure, but it is also a normal life, and it has nothing to do with you. "

Que De's statement made the muscles at the corner of Su Li's mouth twitch twice, but he had nowhere to complain.

A lack of heart, a lack of intelligence?

Really good name.

When Su Li was muttering in her heart, Que Xinyan smiled and said softly, "Senior brother, he is a good person, a gentleman who is as warm as jade."

When Su Li heard the words, he immediately sentenced this 'Que Zhishang' to 'death sentence'.

A humble gentleman cultivated by the Nether Sea?


After communicating with Que De and his group, Que De also revoked the guard, and then the group reappeared on the third floor of Su Li's restricted memory area.

Next, Su Li communicated with Zhuge Qingchen again, and learned that although there were many dangers in returning to Tianji Pavilion this time, he finally managed to get over it.

After being suppressed by the unknown, it was inexplicably released.

Although Zhuge Qingchen was puzzled, he also knew that this matter should be related to the royal family.

He expressed his gratitude, but Su Li didn't take it too seriously.

Soon, the group of Tianji Pavilion also completed the trial of Tianchi Blood River one after another.

Among them, Su Ye and others have the deepest perception.

Moreover, after everyone's experience this time, everyone did not leave directly, but watched other people's experience.

Now that everyone has finished their training, and they can’t buy more opportunities without training, the gods are also ready to leave this place and go to the tomb of the Great Emperor.

Tomb of the Great Emperor, comprehend the Immortal Dao Marks.

This is the core purpose of this time.

This time, Su Li also really got to know the real characters of this trip to Tianji Pavilion.

The Tianji Pavilion is headed by Zhuge Jiufeng, followed by Zhuge Yunni, Su Taiqing and Su Musheng.

Afterwards, Tianjiao and his party consisted of seven people, three men and four women.

The three men were Zhuge Qiming, Zhuge Wuwei, and Zhuge Jiayun.

The four daughters are Zhuge Jiayi, Zhuge Yunmeng, Zhuge Muxue, and Zhuge Ranyue.

Originally, there were Zhuge Chunqiu, Zhuge Ranting, and Zhuge Qingchen in the Tianji Pavilion. These arrogances, but these three are traitors, and Tianji Pavilion will naturally not mention them.

Moreover, now Zhuge Chunqiu and Zhuge Ranting have also disappeared, and their whereabouts are unknown.

And around Su Li, the people in front of him are basically the same group of people from the past.

Meier, Mu Yuxi, Que Xinyan, Zhuge Qingchen, Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan, and now there is a follower Moura.

At this moment, the trial of Tianchi Blood River has been completed.

Su Li looked at the secret value—the secret value was 516275961.

There is no need to say more or less of such a number of heavenly values.

Moreover, these are actually not the kind of energy source that Tianchi Blood River has condensed into a divine and spiritual source breath.

These, after Su Li absorbed and refined through Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu", can actually enhance his own ability and improve the speed of cultivation.

The Tianji value is re-acquired. Now, it is less than half a day before the Tianji Mall is refreshed again.

But the number of refreshes of Tianji Mall has not been used up this time.

So, he still has three chances to refresh.

Su Li did not refresh immediately, but first chose a place with a good environment in the Huayue Valley area, took out the bodies of 'Yun Qinhong' and 'Gu Miaoyi' that were previously transferred to the Qiankun Ring, and then The two were buried well.

This burial was under the attention of almost all the gods.

Therefore, although Su Li's actions seemed meaningless to many gods, it also made many gods take a high look at the emperor of the royal family.

Therefore, this funeral is actually an unprecedented 'grand'. After all, so many gods have come to pay their respects - think about it, with Yun Qinhong's carefree temperament, I'm afraid she will be very proud, right?

Unfortunately, this pride has no way to show off.

Judging from the current ending, Yun Qinhong is really just an abandoned child who was sacrificed innocently.

The breeze blew past, and they were buried on the tombs of two fairies in Huayue Valley, full of rhododendron seeds.

These seeds, on the graves of the two, seemed to be quickly filled with Spiritual Qi and quickly grew.

But in the breath, a beautiful rhododendron has already bloomed on their graves.

Rhododendrons are blooming, red as blood, beautiful but also frightening.

This scene is like eternity.

There are many such azaleas in Huayue Valley.

And the two rhododendrons on these two graves are just two unremarkable places in the sea of ​​​​flowers.


After burying Yun Qinhong and Gu Miaoyi, Su Li looked at Mu Yuxi, who was beside him, and raised his hand to make a divination.

However, Su Li has not condensed the yarrow, but just made a gesture. In his mind, the divination has been divination by the Meditation yarrow through the "Huangji Jingshishu".

This is a Lei Ze Gui Mei Gua xxoxoo

Guimei seeks murder, without benefit.

The elephant says that there is thunder on the swamp, return to my sister, and the gentleman will know the truth forever.

The hexagrams say that the fish must go to the water, and the tree is unhappy.

On the whole, this is a horrific gossip.

Those who have obtained this hexagram, in times of difficulty, do things contrary to common sense, and disasters continue. It is advisable to observe the truth clearly, cultivate one's self-cultivation, and cut off delusions.

In terms of luck and fate, there are many disasters, and things go against common sense. At first there is joy, but soon after, the evil will come.

Su Li sensed the hexagram for a moment, then retracted the divination result, then called up the life file system, locked Mu Yuxi, and checked Mu Yuxi's life file.

This time, as Que De said, he can view Mu Yuxi's life file.

However, this time, Mu Yuxi's life profile has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mu Yuxi, female, 60017 years old.

Realm Infant Transformation Ninth Stage is complete (the three sources of transformation, the three paths of good fortune.).

Nascent Soul good fortune Holy Infant 3 stars.

Talent Yinyue Nine Demons, Frost Promise, Tianshu Soul Cleansing, Tianshu Transforming Ordinary, Tianji Leaving Soul, ? ? ?

Physique Xuanyin good fortune Sacred Body,? ? ?

Fate is about to die.


After Su Li saw this basic information, he was stunned for a while, because the situation he originally judged was directly judged by the system.

Sure enough, Mu Yuxi is Zhuge Yunni, the God of Heaven and Secrets, but her soul has been washed away.

As a result, he was washed eighteen times and came back.

This is indeed a show-turning operation.

At the same time, if you can view Mu Yuxi's life file, it means that you can view Mei'er's life file.

But those big blood-red characters made Su Li give up checking Meier.

Not for anything else, just because he is really a little evil now - see who is about to perish!

Therefore, the first function of this life file system, the "life file", how to use it, how to use it, I am afraid I have to re-study it carefully.

Otherwise, it will definitely not work!

However, Su Li also knew that it wasn't all the fault of the system, because the hexagram she helped Mu Yuxi divination was really not very good.

Su Li pondered and spent 100,000 days to check Mu Yuxi's life files for the next seven days.

This time, Su Li's breathing became heavy immediately.

At 000:00000 on October 14, 3030 in Yunhuang Calendar, the Heavenly Devil's change of the nine evils occurred, the taboo in the Great Emperor's tomb was opened, and the blue moon ghost was revived, turning all the tomb soil in the Great Emperor's tomb into a ghostly moon and ghost soil. .

Entering the golden dark star in the tomb of the Great Emperor, the dark night demon god Mu Yufei, the guardian Mu Yushang, the god-level arrogance Mu Yuqi, Mu Yuwei, and Mu Yuxian were all resurrected by the underworld.

The devil's soul is revived, the blood of Emperor Wang returns to his ancestors, and he transforms into Du Yufei, Du Yushang, Du Yuqi, Du Yuwei and Du Yuxian, and starts the violent killing mode...

Cloud Desolation Calendar...

Su Li just glanced at the life file information, and immediately closed all the information, showing a deep thought.

Nether Goddess.

The goddess of the netherworld is not the goddess of the nether sea, the goddess of the nether sea is called the goddess of the nether sea.

The Nether Goddess is Mu Qingyan, the goddess of the Nether Mu clan, and the aunt of his Su Li.

The name Mu Qingyan used before was 'Nether Moon', and the Netherland that appeared this time was Nether Moon Netherland.

Moreover, this time, Mu Qingyan did not enter the Great Emperor's tomb from the outside world, but she was already in the Great Emperor's tomb.

And, he was involved in the whole process.

Their series of behaviors, even if Su Li has watched all the experiences after seven days, is completely confused, even a little out of anger!

Because, if this development trend is followed, Mu Yuxi will definitely die!

Not only that, but another thing happened that made it even crazier—the third layer of the restricted memory zone was stripped out.

The method used is the power of heaven and earth of Heavenly Devil to rush the nine evils, plus the previous set of cage methods of Su Galaxy Cluster!

In this way, the restricted area of ​​his memory was stripped out alive.

Among the participants, it is precisely the Xiang Zuolong mentioned by Que De, as well as all the powerhouses of Yutian Zuxing.

But this time, it's not illegal!


Because the rules in the Great Emperor's tomb directly suppressed the Realm, all the gods after entering, all showed the Realm of the level of 'Ninth Stage of Infant Transformation', as well as the levels of the Three Sources of Mortal Transformation and the Three Paths of Good Fortune.

Even the level of the foundation of life has been suppressed.

And the level of divine heritage and the power of divine soul were directly disabled.

So the gods are in it, and it is no longer illegal!

This seems to be a kind of encouragement competition by the 'royal family' - so this time, in the tomb of the Great Emperor, it is simply crazy!

What is even more terrifying is that this time the tomb of the soul-suppressing tomb and the tomb of the Great Emperor have been opened up in a certain area. It is not only the Tianhe tribes in the Ziwei star field that can come in, but all the talents who can enter the tomb of the soul-suppressing have a chance. Enter the tomb of the Great Emperor!

And this time, there was a pair of dao companions, Hua Liuyun and Yan Hongyue, and there was a shocking movement.

After watching the seven-day life experience of Mu Yuxi, Su Li felt a little heavy.

He vaguely felt that after Huayuegu entered the restricted area of ​​memory and established the blood river of Tianchi, some changes had occurred extremely violently.

Outside, like recovering in Spiritual Qi, ordinary people quickly become extraordinary, Transcendent, and powerful.

The area is stretched and becomes bizarre.

This influence obviously also directly affected the tomb of the Great Emperor.

This time, it's not the gods who are doing things, it's not that the demons are doing things, but some hidden and silent forces in this world have also begun to raise their heads.

However, perhaps because of the ferocity and terror of the royal family, no matter what the changes are, these changes are all 'following the rules', and there is nothing wrong with them.

Not only that, this time Que De and his group, together with the peerless god-level arrogant Que Zhi Shang, who had just been cultivated by the Nether Sea on the Taiyuan Ancestral Star, all died and were crippled.

The position of Jiuyao Devil Monarch was also deprived.

Besides, this battle...

Su Li didn't see his own ending in Mu Yuxi's future seven Deva life files, because it was very similar to the last time - this time, many people only lived to the sixth day and died. What happened on the seventh day is unknown.

After Su Li closed the life file, she was silent for a while.

He had the urge to deduce Meier or Zhuge Qingchen.

But by deducing Meier, I am afraid it will accelerate the change - Meier's current situation has formed a certain balance, and the best way is to proceed gradually.

If there is a sudden change, it will cause a series of reactions.

The hidden danger of the Great Emperor's tomb should always exist, but this time there was an abnormal change, but there was no cause.

But there is no doubt - the cause must be the manifestation of Hou Yi Dao Mark.

But he has already released the words, there is Hou Yi Dao mark in the tomb of the Great Emperor, and it will not work if it is not manifested.

If you don't use the Houyi Dao Mark, the Heavenly Devil will probably not appear. After using it, the Heavenly Devil will appear, and the Houyi Dao Mark has been used, and it is impossible to use it again.

More importantly - even if the Houyi Dao Mark is not used, those changes will definitely happen, it is nothing more than a delay.

Su Li pondered for a long time, then glanced at Que De and others again, and then withdrew his gaze.

The Meditation of "The Book of Emperor's Classics" has continued, and more than one hundred clones are also doing their best to analyze and think about Meditation, but at present, Su Li can't think of a safe way to deal with it.

However, Su Li is not in a hurry.

He silently called up the system file, and then checked the Tianji Mall.

Next, Su Li refreshes directly.

In the first refresh, Su Li refreshed with 30 Karma points.

The price is 1.5 billion.

Su Li buys directly.

In the second refresh, Su Li refreshed the 'good fortune tablet'.

Good fortune tablet (selling price of 100 million Tianji value, 10 Karma value) has a good fortune tablet, you can open The Three Realms leaderboard. This is a good fortune tablet containing the 'The Three Realms leaderboard', which can leave an indelible Immortal mark on it. How to use Set it up beside Mount Tai Tianchi, and sacrifice it with two soul tablets, it can be activated by itself.

In the future, for each additional piece of Soul Requiem tablet sacrificed, the special functions will continue to evolve.

After Su Li saw this 'good fortune tablet', he thought about it, bought it directly, and renamed it the 'Immortal merit tablet'.

However, after this name was named, it was not successful.

After Su Li sensed it, he changed his name to "Immortal good fortune monument", and he succeeded immediately.

Next, Su Li spent another 1 million to refresh Tianji Mall for the last time.

This week is the last day, and now there are less than three hours left until 0:00 in the morning.

At that time, the Tianji Mall will be refreshed again.

Adhering to Su Li, who cannot waste any purchase opportunity, he can only spend millions to refresh the Tianji Mall.

It's still a random refresh - a directional refresh, he never dares to touch it casually, and he doesn't even dare to think about it.

After this refresh, something appeared again.

It was a sculpture in the shape of an arch bridge.

But that is only presented in the system mall.

Actually, this is not a carving, but a real stone arch bridge.

This stone arch bridge has a bluestone deck and five steps. The west of the bridge is in the form of a woman, and the east of the bridge is in the form of a man. The left yin and the right yang are distinct.

This bridge is divided into three layers, the upper layer is dyed with green air, the middle layer is connected to Yin & Yang, and the lower layer is through the blood river. It looks gloomy and evil.

Su Li looked at the name of the bridge in Tianji Mall——

The other side of the bridge (selling price of 100 million Tianji value, 10 Karma value) blood river is like Sea of ​​Bitterness, Sea of ​​Bitterness is also boundless. Instructions Since there are blood rivers in Tianchi, how can there be no bridges. You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery, and the creatures under the bridge are also watching you.

Seeing this explanation, Su Li couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He vaguely felt that it was not a good thing to have too much value in heaven.

These brushes are all frightening and frightening big things.

Su Li only felt a little tingling in her scalp, but she still held on... She bought the bridge and renamed it "Immortal Bridge".

This time, it really succeeded.

Afterwards, Su Li Su Li came back to his senses, and he immediately sensed that both Meier and Mu Yuxi were looking at him with a bit of worry.

Su Li's heart warmed, and after responding with a calm look, he gestured to Meier and Mu Yuxi, and then flew into the sky.

"Everyone, this trial of Tianchi Blood River is over.

Next, probably tomorrow, the trip to the Great Emperor's tomb will begin.

Anyone who comes here this time can enter it and experience it…”

Su Li's voice resounded in all directions, as deafening as the sound of Taoism.

He didn't worry that others couldn't hear it, anyway, it was a real thunderous sound - he had to listen to it if he didn't listen.

He originally wanted to get into the list, but he noticed that the rest of the soul-suppressing tombs actually opened the passage to the tomb of the Great Emperor, so here he simply was generous.

After he finished speaking, many gods and geniuses immediately showed surprise and anticipation.

Because the benefits of Tianchi Blood River are real.

This sweetness is great.

Although many gods at the scene suffered heavy losses, they gained more. As long as they gained more than they lost, no one would dislike it!

Therefore, they are also looking forward to a more powerful trial opportunity next time.

And Su Li's words at this time are tantamount to giving them greater hope.

Su Li waved his hand, and immediately, the gods such as Zhuge Jiufeng, Xiang Zuolong and other gods also immediately blinked, held their breath, and listened carefully.

"This time, the royal family is actually very satisfied with everyone's performance, so for the blood river of Tianchi, the royal family gave me two rewards, the emperor."

Su Li said, and directly took out the bridge on the other side.

The Bridge on the other side was very small when it was taken out, but when Su Li raised his hand and threw it on the blood river in Tianchi, the bridge on the other side blew up, and it suddenly increased and thickened!


In the sky, the incomparably obvious destruction of purple thunder exploded, and the endless Heavenly Devil, ghosts, demons, ferocious souls, ghosts, and other destructive beasts all roared and roared.

The entire Tianchi Blood River roared violently, and the blood waves rushed to a height of several kilometers!

It was a truly tsunami-like upheaval, but it was also a tragic, murderous scene like the opening of the door of The Underworld.

In such a scene, the gods were shocked and horrified!

The other side of the bridge shuttles through the clouds and mists of Mount Tai, looming, looking mysterious and terrifying!

And under the bridge on the other side, the water was full of blood and filthy, making people feel bored and want to vomit when they saw it, unable to withstand the impact of its ferocious aura.

Obviously, the difficulty of Tianchi Blood River does not need to be increased by Su Li. With this difficulty, anyone who dares to jump down now will probably die at most three meters!

Su Li couldn't help frowning secretly - how could he be swayed like this?

Thinking about it, Su Li raised his hand and took out the good fortune tablet!

That is, the 'Immortal good fortune monument' renamed by Su Li!

At the same time, Su Li also said, "This is the Immortal good fortune monument, which is a monument to the soul condensed from five soul monuments - but in fact, there are two soul monuments, No. 91 and No. 92, because I got Requiem monuments 93, 94 and 95 are fake.

Such words are related to the Immortal good fortune monument, which is a symbol of honor for the royal family. As the emperor, I will definitely not tell lies about this matter. "

Su Li explained casually, and then directly took out No. 91 Soul Requiem monument and No. 92 Soul Requiem monument, and sacrificed them to the Immortal good fortune monument.

Afterwards, Su Li took out the false soul tablets Nos. 93, 94 and 95, and sacrificed them in the same way.

Although it is fake, it seems to be a little real, so the Immortal good fortune monument also swallowed it.

In this way, the Immortal good fortune monument was completely activated, and immediately flew up into the sky, and on the top of Mount Tai above the bridgehead of the other side of the bridge, it suddenly suppressed with a 'boom'.


The whole world suddenly shook and rolled, as if a terrifying earthquake had occurred again.

But soon, the scene calmed down.

On the top of Mount Tai, the Immortal good fortune monument is like a pillar through the sky, straight into the sky.

The Tianchi Blood River, which had been suppressed, returned to normal as before.

But it is clear that there is a substantial increase in difficulty.

And that's not the point!

The point is - the Immortal good fortune monument opens the 'The Three Realms Ranking List' ranking.

And the number one among them is actually Que De - it clearly records Que De's name and the distance of 8146 miles.

The second place is Su Taiqing, the distance above is 7999 miles.

The rest, such as dragons and other gods, are all on the list.

The most powerful is Su Li's cheap son Moura, who is 3 miles away and ranks first.

After this list appeared, the gods were stunned for a moment, and at first they were very afraid, but when they saw the word 'Immortal' in front of the list, their eyes immediately turned blood red.

At this time, many gods can't wait to re-rank immediately.

This ranking has nothing to do with strength Realm or even life and soul, but the corresponding ability!

So, this ranking is just a testament to - how deeply you feel about Immortal!

So this kind of "famous" is completely not afraid!

For example, Kong Yunsu, the least favored goddess of the Peacock Star Immortal Phoenix God Clan, has always been ranked at the bottom of the gods and gods, but this person ranked 19th this time, advancing 3977 miles!

Therefore, this seemingly ordinary girl immediately counterattacked from the "waste material" and became the existence of the stars holding the moon in one fell swoop.


Su Li saw the crazy performance of the gods.

However, he also realized that although the rankings are hot, if you can't "hide information", I am afraid that many Tianjiao have a lot of concerns.

After all, the road of Immortal has gone farther than others, and it will definitely encounter jealousy and killing.

Su Li glanced at Kong Yunsu - this is a small fairy phoenix peacock, he doesn't seem to be very old, it looks normal and ordinary, but this person is simply amazing in the tomb of the Great Emperor, but unfortunately he was...

The reason why Su Li remembered her was because she and Mu Yuxi had an accident together, and the end was a bit miserable.

Su Li sensed the Immortal good fortune monument and tried to increase the ability to 'hide information' or 'change name' to 'symbol'.

Later, Su Li discovered that this was actually feasible.

However, it is indeed necessary to consume the value of heaven.

Cultivation once, need to consume 1000 days of machine value.

This number is already quite a lot.

Moreover, it is impossible for him to help everyone to modify their identity information to hide them - it is better to let these people brand their own 'identity imprint', that is, to have a 'set name' qualification for themselves in this 'restricted area'.

"I can't delegate power, and I can't help others to change it again and again, so I'm afraid I still have to refresh the Tianji Mall."

"Directed refresh will definitely come out, but I don't dare!"

"Forget it, the later system should take the initiative to brush it out considering my needs."

"Take your time, just let these people feel pain and be happy for a while."

When Su Li was thinking about it, the gods whose names were written on the Immortal good fortune monument were extremely excited.

Because after they existed on the monument, they clearly sensed a special Dao rhyme breath and comprehension, which appeared from time to time.

That is the insight that leads to Immortal.

Although it is very rare, it can be seen that the higher the ranking is...

At this time, some gods looked at the other Tianjiao's eyes with some malicious intentions.

However, they will not do it themselves, because it is taboo.

But let Tianjiao deal with Tianjiao, there is nothing wrong with it - am I ranked lower? Can't move forward? It doesn't matter, just kill the first one!

And are Tianjiao people afraid of being on the leaderboard?

Of course not afraid.

The first is that the gods behind them will do their best to protect them!

Secondly, since he is a god-level arrogant, and he is a peer of the same generation, the good fortune of life and death depends on his ability.


Su Li did not participate in the discussions of these gods and the arrogance.

He just looked at the secret value - my dear, after this wave, the secret value has skyrocketed again.

Originally more than 500 million, I bought 300 million to 400 million things, and now there are more than 400 million left!

It is obviously more than enough to arrange Houyi Dao Marks.

However, when Su Li looked at the more than 400 million Tianji value and 10 Karma value, he was a little scared.

He doesn't like the low refresh value.

The refresh value is high, and his heart is too scary. It is a big killer at every turn. It is too troublesome to bear!

Unfortunately, up to now, the system has not been upgraded, which is quite a pity.

Su Li called up the system panel and took a look.

Level 10

The secret value is 419126517.

Karma value 10


After reading it, Su Li took the system panel and looked at the blood river in Tianchi.

Although the difficulty has increased, the blood river has also become more mysterious and powerful.

Together, Su Li felt that the restricted area of ​​his own memory was as stable as an old dog.

This enhancement is terrifying.

At this time, the blood river of Tianchi was already shrouded in a misty white mist, and it was even more mysterious and mysterious.

And the gods and arrogances were also very emotional at this time.

Since the blood river of Tianchi has appeared in a state of fog, and the fog does not disperse, it means that it can no longer be opened for the time being.

The gods and geniuses who did not seize more opportunities were quite frustrated.

Que De, Su Ye and others, who had obtained many opportunities, were very satisfied.

On the contrary, this time Meier and Mu Yuxi didn't go to experience it, but when Su Li and Que De were talking about things or even busy, they helped to deal with the whole process.

Among the busy people were Moura, Su Yehua, Ziyan and others.

In general, the matter of the blood river in Tianchi has temporarily ended, and it can be regarded as an effect that is extremely satisfactory to all parties.

After that, Que De and his party took Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan out of the restricted area of ​​memory and came to the Nether Sea.

Zhuge Jiufeng also left this place and came to the Great Emperor's tomb in the Nether Sea, sitting silently and feeling, waiting for the opening of the Great Emperor's tomb.

The gods and gods of other planets such as Qiankun Ancient Star, Sky Splitting Ancient Star, Peacock Star, and Wandao Star also retreated.

In the end, only Meier, Mu Yuxi, Zhuge Qingchen, Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan and Mo La were left beside Su Li.

However, some geniuses stayed.

For example, the ancient Tianyin deity of Sumeru Ancestral Star.

For example, Kong Yunsu of Peacock Star.

For example, the god Mu Yufei of the Golden Dark Star.

For example, Xia Xinyan and Xia Xinning of the Taiyuan Ancient Star Taiyuan Royal Family.

In addition, Feng Chaoge, Feng Zhishui, Feng Yao, Feng Qianwei and others from Soul Town Hall all stayed.

These people stay, naturally there are things that need to be dealt with.

"The Emperor."

Gu Tianyin of Sumeru Zuxing walked over first.

As she spoke, she looked at the people around Su Li, and immediately showed hesitation.

"Come to the fourth floor of my memory forbidden area, in the real world, I will discuss with you in detail."

Su Li thought about it, he thought about the human skin mask, and he couldn't help but speak directly.

"it is good."

Gu Tianyin didn't hesitate or worry about getting caught, and directly followed Su Li to the fourth floor of the restricted memory area.

(s: The second update of 9000 words is here~ Continue to ask for full subscription, dear friends, please come and subscribe~ Thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friends 'Muyouyuyujun' and 'Fengqingyundan' for 100 coins each Reward support~)

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