I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 258 Good Fortune Ming Paper, Zhu Xian Lore!

Su Li directly asked Meier, Mu Yuxi, Yun Qingxuan, Zhuge Qingchen and others to wait on the Nether Sea for a while.

He considered this as a possibility of 'spending'.

But in the same way, after going outside, Zhuge Jiufeng, Su Taiqing and even Su Ye were all there.

In that case, it is unrealistic to start secretly.

In addition, Mu Yufei was indeed hit, but in the Netherworld Sea area, there should be no chaos, and if it were, it would be in the tomb of the Great Emperor.

After all, the Great Emperor's tomb has not been opened yet, and the crisis between Mu Yuxi and Mei'er will not appear, otherwise the Great Emperor's tomb cannot be opened.

Mu Yufei's lineage came this time to seek the transformation of the underworld, and of course it has other purposes.

At the same time, it is impossible for Xia Xinning to develop Cultivation Technique.

After some thought in Su Li's mind, he also pushed Feng Yao away at the same time - he did have a battle with Feng Yao, but it was also not the right time.

"Su Li, then Yuxi and I will go out first."

Meier showed a sweet smile.

Su Li responded with a tender and doting look.

Mu Yuxi also instructed Su Li to take care of herself, and then they all started to leave the third floor area along with Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan, Mora and others.

Next, Gu Tianyin, Mu Yufei and others left the place one after another.

At this moment, this Huayue Valley is basically empty.

Xia Xinning's figure moved at this time, suddenly turned into a streamer, and suddenly disappeared into the sky.

"call out--"

The next moment, he suddenly appeared again.

The speed was beyond imagination.

"The scope is not very large. It seems that there is still black and white chaos in the more distant places? You haven't even dealt with the third floor. How does this form an independent Minor World? Do you want to relocate the Nether Sea?"

Xia Xinning asked.

The tone of his words seemed sincere.

"I do have this idea, Netherworld Sea gets 20% of the benefits."

Xia Xinning said, "Give more."

Su Li said, "It's the entire force of the Nether Sea, not Que De or you who have acquired so much."

Xia Xinning said, "I can't eat too much."

Su Li "???"

Up to now, he was the first person to hear that others dislike giving too much.

Xia Xinning said, "It's a lot. If we are in charge of Samsara in this side of the world, it is a great power of life and death. If we also take 20% of Karma, the rules of heaven and earth will easily become unbalanced."

Su Li said, "When the time comes, give 10% of the income and 50% of your forgotten power as a dowry, and marry your Little Sister to me, it will be even."

Xia Xinning said, "Don't stand against the Karma of the entire royal family, you can't stand it."

Su Li said, "Don't stand against Karma in the entire Nether Sea, you can't stand it."

Xia Xinning said, "Yes, the progress is not small - let's not talk about this, do you know how to clean the memory restricted area?"

Su Li said, "Format?"

Xia Xinning "???"

Xia Xinning was indeed puzzled this time, and couldn't understand at all.

But he still patiently said, "When there are no other creatures and corresponding laws in the restricted area of ​​memory, the restricted area of ​​memory is your own Realm world, which can present your own extreme laws.

So you can use this way to cover the entire memory restricted area once and see.

Just like the existence of Huayuegu, it is a pure whole. Once it is mixed with strange things, it can actually be distinguished very clearly.

In this way, you can easily erase the 'blemishes' or some abnormal 'imprints' that were mixed into the restricted area of ​​memory.

In this way, it will not be 'surveilled'. "

Su Li said, "Is it to bring my own will to the entire restricted area of ​​memory, incarnate as a 'creator', and patrol my own territory?"

Xia Xinning said, "Yes. Because when the restricted area of ​​memory is not open to the public, it is actually an independent space for condensing one's own memory, its own Heavenly Dao Realm, not a real world for the public."

Su Li said, "I see. Want to try it now?"

Xia Xinning said, "If you want to test me, you have to go out first."

Su Li said, "Also."

Su Li listened to Xia Xinning's words this time - Xia Xinning didn't set up a cage this time, because he was not worried about Su Li being tricked, but worried that his Cultivation Technique would be monitored by others.

Su Li opened a door to the void, and Xia Xinning left first.

Xia Xinning's method is feasible.

This is the "stop server update", while fixing the problem, get rid of the plug-in.

At the same time, this mode is also like turning on the "safe mode" for anti-virus, which is indeed a good way.

Su Li sat down from the first floor of the forbidden memory area, started Meditation, and then gathered all his related memories into the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", and conducted a careful analysis.

At the same time, a profound meaning that governs the law of heaven and earth, and the natural law of Taoism pervades the whole world.

Under such circumstances, Su Li carefully scanned the first floor of the restricted area of ​​memory, but did not notice any abnormality.

In order to be sure that he did not make a mistake, Su Li condensed ten clones, each of which was in a different memory forbidden area, and then performed the same Meditation, and simultaneously began to 'scan' the first layer.

With such careful cleaning, Su Li noticed three unusual points.

A point is an afterimage trace left by the Meier invasion.

A dot is a trace of purple air left by Hua Ziyan at some point.

One point is the breath of a butterfly left behind when Yun Qingxuan's mother Gongcheng Qingdie once invaded.

After realizing the three points, Su Li was speechless!

What's even more speechless is that these three points are actually - the avatar on the fourth floor and the avatars after the fourth floor 'checked' out!

The avatars on the first to the third floor were actually unable to sweep out such hidden traces.

Su Li stared at the three points, considering whether to 'kill' it.

After pondering for a while, Su Li called up the system panel and looked at it again, and the Karma value was 0.

After Su Li pondered for a while, an incarnation on the tenth floor of the forbidden memory area directly looked at Yun Qingxuan, Hua Ziyan and Meier on the Nether Sea through the forbidden memory area. Su Li directly erased all these three points.

After erasing it, Su Li only felt that the whole person was inexplicably relieved, as if a meridian was opened up.

Su Li noticed that in the outside world, apart from Hua Ziyan's momentary unnaturalness, Yun Qingxuan seemed a little heartless.

While Meier and Mu Yuxi were talking from time to time, the relationship between the two seemed to be progressing extremely well.

In another place, Xia Xinyan came not far from Guizhenzi and Que De.

What Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan were talking about seemed to be arguing a few words.

Guizhenzi didn't seem to want to face Xia Xinyan, so she pretended not to see it and hid behind Que De.

Que De, on the other hand, faced Xia Xinyan with a carefree face, smiling coquettishly from time to time, like a little cockroach.

After Xia Xinyan asked a few words, she didn't seem to be able to get the result, and her face looked a little regretful.

In the depths of the restricted area of ​​memory, looking at the outside world is like a slow-motion picture scroll, with a strong sense of delay, and it's a bit weird.

However, Su Li has long been accustomed to all this.

This time, whether it's a good 'dot' or a bad 'dot', Su Li is ready to go straight and kill them all.

This method, in order to avoid Xia Xinning's hand, Su Li used the Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu" method after washing once, and then used it.

And the method mentioned by Xia Xinning is a general direction, not a complete method.

This is equivalent to giving Su Li a direction of 'anti-virus', and then Su Li wrote the code to create anti-virus software to kill the virus, so it is impossible for this anti-virus software to have its own backdoor and Trojan horse.

What's more, even if there is a real problem, "The Book of Emperors" itself is equivalent to an extremely complete virtual system, which can directly eliminate all hidden dangers.

In this case, Su Li has such a system and "Huangji Jingshishu" to cover the bottom, he is not afraid.

After the first layer was scanned, Su Li scanned the second layer!

Good guy, on the second floor, he swept away a purple gas spot from Hua Ziyan and a spot left by Gongcheng Qingdie.

In the second floor, Su Li didn't scan the spot that Meier left behind.

Judging from this, Meier really had no intention of invading again after receiving a certain amount of 'backlash' at the very beginning.

On the contrary, when did Hua Ziyan and Gongcheng Qingdie plant the Trojan horse?

This is also great!

Su Li thought of the Cultivation Technique of "Where Destiny Goes", that is, the Cultivation Technique of "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly", which has reached the highest level, and vaguely had an answer in his heart.

As for Gongcheng Qingdie, this is more powerful. When he was in the file world, Gongcheng Qingdie directly broke into the second floor of his restricted memory area, peeping some scenes about high-rise buildings and cars like running water. Killed by the system.

It is very likely that this taboo point was left at that time.

Su Li continued to kill some points - killing the aura of existence is actually very simple.

After discovering it, just call the power of the law of heaven and earth to erase it.

Su Li not only erased it directly, but also Meditation the catastrophe of heaven and earth, 'destroying' a wave in the restricted area of ​​memory.

At the beginning, didn't Tongtian sect master wipe off the third layer of the restricted area of ​​memory once and washed the third layer of the restricted area of ​​memory?

After thinking over and over again, Su Li chose to use the same method to do this!

Therefore, Su Li used a similar method - manifesting the supernatural avatar, incarnating as 'Tongtian', and directly erasing the restricted area of ​​memory!

And after erasing it, Su Li simply went wild!

He took out the good fortune pen on the spot, and he was not afraid of losing the value of heaven or owed Karma. He directly used the substitute paper figurine to turn it into a talisman paper, and drew a sword of killing immortals, which corresponded to an ancient killing array. In the first-layer memory forbidden area.

good fortune pen book ghost paper!

Zhu Xianjian crushes the lore formation!

Before, the Tongtian Sect Master manifested the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, showing the Four Immortal Execution Swords.

Su Li's memory is very scary.

Now he directly uses the good fortune pen combined with the ghost paper of the surrogate paper figurine, and firstly draws the first sword of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian - the Sword of Zhu Xian!

Then, focusing on the Zhuxianjian, depicting the Zhuxianjian, and combining the Seven Star Heaven Gang Array, the Eight Trigrams Qiankun Array, and the Jiugong Lore Array as the lore formation, the attack and kill defense system was created.

Afterwards, Su Li portrayed the Sword of Immortal Slaughter, using the same combination of killing formations to form another offensive and defensive killing formation system, forming a back-and-forth combination.

As a result, the formation recovered, and the first layer of the memory forbidden area suddenly transformed.


It seems that the heaven and the earth have just opened, and the earth is surging with spiritual springs, and there are monstrous divine might emanating from the heavens and the earth, which is deadly good fortune.

But seeing the rising yellow mist, the brilliant golden light kills!

The surging yellow mist, like a cloud in the Zhuxian formation; the brilliant golden light, the Eight Trigrams stage is like a hood!

Swords, halberds and spears are like iron barrels; east, west, north and south are like copper walls!

After arranging the first floor, Su Li went to Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu" to check the gaps and fill in the gaps. After careful perception, there was no abnormality, Su Li began to arrange the second floor of the restricted memory area.

On the second floor of the restricted memory area, Su Li used the same method, combining various ancient formations and good fortune pens and paper, to draw the trapping fairy sword and the absolute fairy sword.

At the same time, combined with formation to deal with it, Su Li also made the second layer of the restricted memory area into a killing Realm, a copper wall!

Just looking at the first layer and the second layer, it seems to be very powerful and terrifying.

But what is even more terrifying is that after the first and second layers were constructed, Su Li discovered that the first and second layers had formed a brand new union.

It was as if the real Immortal Execution Sword Formation had been completely revealed.

As a result, the gray, blood, cyan, and black auras of destruction, slaughter, ferociousness, terror, etc. permeated the four directions, and the entire restricted memory area was revised into an inexplicable taboo place.

After Su Li projected a clone and wandered in for a while, he ran out in a panic, a group of panicked faces.

The key is that the first layer and the second layer of the memory forbidden area are so connected, and the third layer is directly a copper wall and an iron wall, and almost instantly forms a special iron plate.

So, what's the situation in the three-layered memory-forbidden zone now?

It's done - good fortune Zhong Shenxiu, Yin & Yang cut the dawn!

This is the formation of an iron barrel formation, and then it can be completely independent from his memory restricted area!

"Good guy - this Xia Xinning's idea is that my memory forbidden area is made into a piece of iron bucket, and then others can strip it out and use it directly as a Minor World!"

"Although my hidden dangers are eliminated, but--it also completely allows me to be harvested more perfectly!"

"This is the temptation to make me a more perfect one, and use me as a bait!"

Only at this moment did Su Li understand what this brother-in-law was thinking—this thing is simply not a rafter!

"I just said, why are so many people in the Great Emperor's tomb in Qingyun Tomb going crazy this time... The male cultivators can't wait to kill me, and the female cultivators can't wait to kill me..."

"Rely on by..."

Su Li is also unable to complain.

But this is indeed a good thing - because Mount Tai is on top of Tianchi Blood River.

The top of Mount Tai has a change of 'Yin & Yang cutting the dawn'.

This does not mean to cut, but to cut the space channel of the third and fourth floors.

The so-called 'as steady as Mount Tai' is really stable.

Therefore, if the first and second layers of the forbidden memory area form a basic Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the power of good fortune is given to it with a good fortune pen, it will have the power of protection.

The Mount Tai on the third floor communicated with the memory forbidden area of ​​Su Li's fourth floor, forming a complete whole.

But other people don't know, they think that the first three layers of Su Li's memory restricted area can be perfectly peeled off.

So, the fruit is ripe!

What is Xia Xinning doing?

It is ripening.

Watching the fun is not too big of a problem, not a rafter!

Although he helped Su Li solve the final trouble, he also let Su Li face all the coveted gods, dark demons, etc. alone.

Fortunately, the royal family killed a group before and suppressed the restless heart, otherwise this time they would be directly swallowed alive.

As for the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, this is really fierce!

The poems include the four gates of the evil formation of Yunzhuxian, the yellow fog and the violent wind, thunder and fire; in the event of a robbery, the yellow crown is robbed, and the fallen soldiers are buried. Sword Ray only swallows the bones of the gods, and the talisman is empty and vomits black haze; even if there is a supreme law that reaches the sky, how obedient the Holy Lord is at this time!

This is not rhetoric, but - it's hard to describe its 1/10,000th fierceness.

This memory forbidden area was created, the first floor and the second floor, Su Li is now unwilling to go.

This is the same as whether the owner of the haunted house will play his own haunted house-isn't it scary enough not to play?

No, it's because the real ghost was frightened when I was playing in the haunted house.

Although Su Li didn't meet the real guy, he was indeed shocked by this terrifying killing formation.

Therefore, he was reluctant to touch the third floor of the restricted memory area.

As for who wants to leave Dao marks in it in the future, and put them in a cage...

Su Li just wanted to say a welcome welcome, a warm welcome…

Then murmured Amitābha in your heart, asking for more blessings - so, here is a black coffin-carrying song for you.

Su Li took back Tongtian's avatar, sighing in his heart.

It seems that everything is starting to take shape.

At that time, if the first and second layers of the restricted memory area are stripped out and smashed to the outside world, is it the Sword of Immortal Executioner?

Su Li looked at the good fortune pen in his hand.

This thing is too arrogant.

Su Li took another look at the Heaven's Secret Value, and the corner of his mouth twitched - my dear, I just drew two pictures, and ended up burning 200 million Heaven's Secret Value?

However, because of the help of Long Lindao, and the continuous flow of gods to the Netherworld Sea area to participate in the trial of the 'Great Emperor's Tomb', as well as the news of the blood river in Tianchi, more and more gods and Tianjiao began to pay attention. , became interested, and was rewarded for 'believing'...

All in all, in a word, Su Li's secret value is not about to bottom out, but the ideal in his heart - more than 53 million secret value.

More than 50 million Tianji value, 0 Karma value.

What a great start.

But why are you panicking?

It seems that it is not practical without a few hundred million?

Su Li stared at the data on the system panel——

The secret value is 539638235.

Karma value 0

He was silent for a long time.

Subsequently, Su Li continued scanning.

On the third floor, Su Li still scanned it, but found nothing.

There are no gods and arrogances on the third floor anymore.

On the fourth floor, Su Li swept away a ray of black light left by Mu Yufei.

Su Li directly manifested the means of Tongtian avatar and forcibly erased it.

In order to avoid accidents, Su Li directly manifested the mysterious purple fire of "Mysterious Heart Secret Art" and completely destroyed it!

After cleaning, a dark abyss suddenly appeared between Su Li's third and fourth floors of the restricted memory area.

It is like a Yin & Yang meridian, which perfectly isolates the third and fourth layers directly.

At that moment, Su Li suddenly had a very strange feeling - in the previous archive world, he couldn't enter the third floor of the restricted area of ​​memory!

So, at that time, the fourth floor of the forbidden memory area became the forbidden memory area of ​​the first floor!

Su Li was thoughtful, and after his mind condensed into the dark abyss, when his mind moved, the darkness immediately enveloped the restricted area of ​​memory.

Immediately, the top three floors of the restricted area of ​​memory suddenly disappeared, as if they had fallen into the dark abyss forever.

"Lost in the realm?"

Su Li felt awe in his heart, and in an instant, he only felt that his life essence level had dropped by three levels at once!

However, when this feeling was born, he also gained an indescribable power of Heavenly Dao, which made up for this loss.

At that moment, an indescribable comprehension was born in my heart - the way of heaven, the excess is lost and the deficiency is made up...

At that moment, Su Li seemed to understand what it means to be in charge of destiny and what it means to be arbitrary!

"It turns out that the level of the foundation of life can really start from the negative. Mount Tai is divided into Yin & Yang. Before, I only had Yang, but the first three layers of this restricted memory area can be Yin. For Yang, it is positive; for Yin, it is negative."

"So, girls are afraid of the sun, so they turn into the sun and cover the shade."

"So Feng Yao got a graceful Wei female body, so Que Xinyan got a Que Xinyan male body..."

"So, those arrogances who do not have extreme yang to generate yin and extreme yin to generate yang are mostly Yin & Yang in the memory forbidden area?"

Su Li thought about it and took back the darkness Yin & Yang meridian.

Immediately, the restricted area of ​​memory came back.

Afterwards, Su Li discovered that because of this epiphany, his life essence level had inexplicably risen to three levels in a row!

This time, the improvement was a little strange.

"This is an improvement? Isn't it?"

"And the sudden realization is a little strange."

Su Li repeatedly recalled the suddenly elevated level of life essence before realizing that there was a time gap on the third floor of the forbidden memory zone.

And when he destroyed Yin & Yang, that point was covered.

But when he reopened Yin & Yang, the dot was still there, still shining.

But now, he is equivalent to 'fixing that point'.

"When I cover it like this, does it mean that I have reached the 'future' of the past that I have experienced at that point? It means that some kind of result has been determined in advance!"

"It seems that if Feng Yao goes back to the past and fights against me, the ending will not change, because I have determined the result first."

"No matter what plan he has, I am invincible."

Su Li got it.

Under normal circumstances, he would not go behind the 'future' or 'past' represented by that point in time.

But because of the 'split Yin & Yang' coverage, he realized a kind of rude operation - 'locked' some future results.

In this way, Feng Yao is estimated to have been completely pitted.

"Sure enough, the chaotic fist beat the old master to death!"

"Ha, I have directly suffered the greatest benefits and results of Feng Yao's battle. If Feng Yao has no purpose, it's fine. If he has a purpose, I don't know if he will vomit three liters of blood."

Su Li was in a good mood.

He sensed the system, but the system had not been upgraded.

However, he is already on the 14th floor of the restricted memory zone!

Opening three floors in a row is beyond description.

Su Li strengthened the protection of the fourth floor again.

The fourth floor was already guarded by the gate of Yin & Yang, plus so many taboo formations had been set up before, and now Suri has set up, revised and updated like this again, and naturally it is more strictly guarded.

Therefore, in the future, unless he brings others in and others plant a 'Trojan horse' in it, he will not be 'poisoned'.

Of course——if it is super strong, it is another matter.

Afterwards, from the fifth to the fourteenth floor, Su Li did not make any changes.

Because it is a dark area.

The memory forbidden area was opened to the fourteenth floor, and Su Li also sensed it layer by layer.

The time fault point of the tenth floor, etc., still has not changed.

But on the tenth floor, Su Li no longer loses the value of the sky.

From the eleventh floor to the thirteenth floor, it is also quite stable.

The fourteenth floor is in a distorted form, as if the turbulent void of destruction is flooded. Although it is opened, it is obviously unstable at all, such as it will collapse all the time.

Therefore, the thirteenth floor can really be used at present.

But——this is the 'yang attribute' state.

Yin attribute state, that is, after covering the first three layers of restricted memory area with darkness, his restricted area of ​​memory will return to normal, and the whole person will be weaker. Although it is also the 'eleventh layer of restricted area', it is much weaker than today.

Su Li speculated that this ability should be related to the next step in dealing with others to pick the fruit of victory - stripping his restricted memory area.

All the way through the inspection, under normal circumstances, Su Li swept the tenth floor several times on the thirteenth floor of the forbidden memory area, but he did not find any flaws or taboos.

At this time, he was considered to have completed his own inspection.

In total, six cages were detected.

It is equivalent to saying that he was trapped in six layers of cages!

Now, it's all over.

After doing this, Su Li was also a little tired.

In this kind of world, it's really not easy to survive!

"If anyone says that the transmigrator is a mess in the future, I have to smash his dog's head!"

Su Li thought indignantly.

At the same time, he returned to the third floor of the restricted memory area, Huayuegu.

Immediately restraining all his breath, after returning to normal, he directly released the avatar paper avatar that Mu Yufei had dropped from the dark demon from the Qiankun ring, and then released the "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Art" and "Xuanxin" on his body. "Mysterious Secret Art" spell shackles, and manifested "Mysterious Heart Secret Art" on the spot to completely refine it.

After the wisp of dark demons condensed, a dazzling black colored glass was formed.

Su Li tried all kinds of flames, talismans and even condensed the mysterious fire derived from "Tiangang good fortune", but it was impossible to burn the black glass.

The toughness of this thing is amazing, and as long as there is a wisp of existence, it can immediately devour and develop and restore its original strength.

However, when Su Li condensed the Thunder Purple Flame in "Mysterious Heart Secret Art" to manifest Wanfa Return to Self's means, the dark colored glass was refined into nothingness on the spot.

And the world strength of the third layer of the entire memory forbidden area has been greatly enhanced.

It's just such a group, it's so amazing, Su Li is also extremely shocked.

Moreover, after killing such a group of dark demons, Su Li's value has skyrocketed by 10 million!

This kind of gain made Su Li extremely shocked - at the same time, he realized that in this third floor, this dark demon would definitely not dare to resist!

Otherwise, I'm afraid he can't easily destroy it.

"This time, the first three floors of the restricted memory area really don't have any major problems. It's rare to have a quiet place."

"And this place..."

"It's still five thousand years of Bridge of Helplessness - this Xia Xinning is so sick, what are you talking about?"

"But...it really seems like something I can do."

"Just saying 'my heart is too messy', only I will use the lyrics as poetry and mood to chat with beauties..."

"These are really brain-damaging things that my temperament in the past would absolutely do."

"However - no matter the present, the past, or the future, the answers to the core 'verification codes' such as 'odd change even unchanged' cannot be passed on."

"Otherwise, you won't be able to tell whether it's Li Kui or Li Gui."

Su Li conducted another deep self-reflection.

In this kind of world, it is impossible to examine my body three times a day.

It takes three hundred reflections a day to survive like this...

After a long time, Su Li opened the third-layer memory restricted area, and a large hand formed with profound energy, and directly grabbed Xia Xinning, who was a gentleman and gentle like a jade outside.

Xia Xinning did not resist.

After entering, seeing Su Li closing the door to the void, he immediately moved, and his body exploded with a 'boom'.

At that moment, Xia Xinning's whole body shone with golden luster, and the whole person was directly raised to nineteen meters!

This is the standard deity body type.

Su Li's figure moved, and he also transformed into a 19-meter-tall on the spot, his qi and blood swelled, and the whole person showed a powerful Kunpeng blood aura and a wisp of his own royal blood aura.

Xia Xinning said, "It's the basic form now. Next, I'm going to transform."

Su Li asked, "Will you transform into an Agumon?"

Xia Xinning took a deep breath and said, "I'm your uncle, do you scold yourself like that?"

Su Li knows that he is a seven-year old troll in Zaan, and he is no match for the other party.

Xia Xinning's whole body was shaking, and there was a real sound of dragons and tigers, which was very shocking.

Just as this voice manifested, Su Li found that his blood was almost agitated.

good guy!

Su Li secretly mobilized "Huangji Jingshishu", and at the same time Yuqing's clone was put on on the spot, which suppressed the restlessness of the bloodline.

Even so, Xia Xinning still had a faint sense of it.

However, because the traces he noticed were very light and subtle, Xia Xinning regarded it as Su Li's thin bloodline, but showed a hint of disappointment without concealing it.

"The bloodline is indeed a little worse, but your transformation road is not long, it is already very good, we can still wait, Daxia is going to rise, five thousand years is indeed enough.

In the way of washing ancestor bones of the ancient Hua clan, it will be China for five thousand years. "

Xia Xinning's words were almost like a thunderous sound, which blew up Su Li almost to the point of shattering her mentality.

Good guy - this guy is so fierce, he even said 'China'.

This is simply inappropriate!

This is a headshot bombing, and any information that blows up is a bloody profit!

Is this forcibly blasting me as an ATM?

Su Li glanced at Xia Xinning and urged, "Use whatever means you have! Just this time, it's not an example!"

Xia Xinning said, "With your stingy temperament, it is estimated that you will be sore that you will give birth to a shadow at one time. Wouldn't it be an example? I will be snickering next time, so this time, hehe, be a little cruel!"

Xia Xinning said, "Are you ready?"

Su Li said, "Ready! Let's evolve Taoism!"

Xia Xinning said, "Hey, then you—why don't you hide in the fourth-layer restricted memory area and leave the weakest clone here? Otherwise, I will use the means to kill you."

Su Li said, "Don't talk nonsense! I'm using paper avatars now! Do you think I'll take my main body and be crushed by you here? Take advantage?"

Xia Xinning said, "You are smart, not bad."

Su Li "???"

Su Li "You're not a human being, right? Believe it or not, I'll kick you out immediately and take your permission?"

Xia Xinning said, "Forgot, I have 20% authority over the Netherworld! Que Zhishang is still my subordinate! I agree with your discussion with Que De. If you have 20% authority, you really can't blast me out at will."

Su Li said, "I have 80% authority to erase your authority, do you want to try?"

Xia Xinning said, "I don't want to try anymore. Now I really believe that what you say is the truth, even though you often tell the truth with fake paintings."

Su Li "..."

Xia Xinning's day-to-day misconduct is already a basic exercise.

Su Li gradually got used to it.

Because this person often throws bombs this super kill.

Xia Xinning reminded Su Li to be careful again without being too long-winded.

Su Li is getting a little annoyed - you are so sick, if you want to do it, do it, mother-in-law-


Just when Su Li was irritable, let down his guard, and was jealous, Xia Xinning took action.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the endless dragon roar manifested the entire Huayue Valley.

Shrouding the Heavens The golden five-clawed golden dragon soars into the sky!

The phantom of the ancient divine dragon, as huge as an ancient beast, manifested behind Xia Xinning.

It was the real totem-like dragon of China, and the moment the phantom turned into reality, Su Li's mind froze.

In an instant, the endless divine dragon, dragon soul, divine soul, and Xia Xinning's own blood power all evolved together.


The dragon soul roared.

Roaring the sky.

Earth shakes.

The void trembled violently like annihilation.

"Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing Heaven Divine Technique!"

At the same time, Xia Xinning manifested the extreme devouring technique, and in an instant, the giant dragon opened its bloody mouth and swallowed a whale towards the blood river of Tianchi.


Heaven and earth change color.

The sun and the moon are dull.

Su Li only felt that the entire Huayue Valley was blown up, and her mind went blank.

What is even more terrifying is that Xia Xinning swallowed nearly 80% of the blood river of Tianchi when swallowed by this whale!

This means that this time, many benefits such as the source of divinity condensed by the trials of countless gods were swallowed up by him!

Su Li saw this scene and wanted to vomit blood on the spot.

What the hell!

It's too dark!

This is the wool that has been plucked out, leaving the bare sheepskin on the body!

Su Li watched this scene, unable to breathe in pain.

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What's even more sinister is that the emperor's gasification dragon swallowing the sky is actually sweeping the world, and even the divine breath on Mount Tai is swallowed.

Not only that, but even Su Li, the avatar of the paper figurine, was sucked away by him in one fell swoop.

Su Li, a stand-in paper figurine, turned into a paper figurine painting on the spot, standing there, as if he wanted to fly.

"Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art!"


At that moment, Xia Xinning transformed the endless energy into a murderous intent, and killed it with Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art.

And when that sword came out, it was the real Sword intent like a dragon.

Su Li's pupils shrank as a paper avatar.

Immediately, the killing method of 'Heavenly Evil Destroying Heaven and Quietly Destroying Dao' appeared like lightning in his brain.


Su Li silently retracted his eyes, and calmly compared the killing moves between the two.

Then, he was basically certain that after the lore-killing magic of Heaven's Evil Breaking Heaven and Quiet Destruction Dao had degraded it a billion times, it was almost the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art.

That was Xia Xinning's killer move at this time.

Xia Xinning's move almost directly smashed through the blood river of Tianchi - of course, it was not a real piercing, but directly smashed out of the Wanli area!

This is the real Sword Ray Cold Nineteen Continents!

This is really ferocious!

If such a sword...

Su Li thought that Gu Fanque was probably killed long ago!

But obviously, Xia Xinning couldn't really be this strong.

Therefore - Xia Xinning's murderous intention is derived from the energy in the blood river, as well as the energy swallowed by the previous "Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing God".

Devour massive amounts of energy, and then directly kill with Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art!

This directly formed the devastating Samsara ultimate move!

If this is on the battlefield, suck and kill, and fight to support war!

When Su Li looked at Xia Xinning, there was a bit of gratitude in his eyes.

This is Xia Xinning teaching him inheritance.

Therefore, Xia Xinning said before that he was really sincere when he said that he would practice "Divine Qi Transforming Dragon Swallowing Heaven" and "Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art".

Moreover, the reason why the other party wants to determine whether he will know the "Heavenly Secret Galaxy Cluster Blood Demon Soul Refining Technique" is that he hopes that he will really go to the battlefield and learn the method of fighting with war.

That way, at least you won't be in danger of being consumed endlessly.

After Xia Xinning left behind this ancient sword, Su Li replaced the paper avatar with Su Li's clone, and then the main body shrouded up, took the paper avatar that was almost sucked to death, and looked at Xia Xinning with more eyes. Kind of complicated.

No matter how wrong this person is, his heart is indeed kind.

"Whether you learn it or not, you have to keep this direction in mind. In addition, whether it is in the past, now or in the future, Su Li, listen, it's not that I don't agree with you and my Little Sister, it's not that I broke up ruthlessly. You, but you are not qualified enough.

Reluctantly together will not be happy, only painful.

Now, I have pointed this direction to you, just like I pointed out the flaws in the restricted area of ​​memory. After you listen and act, there will be greater dangers, but you will also make up for your own flaws.

This defect, whether you intentionally or unintentionally, is better to make up for it.

Now, I have used this move to absorb almost 80% of the source of your forbidden memory area, but only 50% of the combat power released.

In the case of energy balance, this restricted area of ​​memory will then recover 50% by itself.

For the remaining 40%, I take my share of the 10%—that's the cost of teaching, so we don't owe Karma.

Whether you study or not is up to you.

I will cut the remaining 20% ​​for you!

Xia Xinning glanced at Su Li, and then a Sword intent stabbed between the eyebrows.


Void slammed a thunderbolt.

Immediately, a terrifying purple air violently descended from the sky, landed on Su Li's head, and did not enter.

In an instant, Su Li discovered that his secret value had instantly increased by 600 million!

Su Li "..."

(s: The second ten thousand words are here~ continue to ask for full subscription, monthly ticket~ I hope everyone can support a lot, bow again and thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Yue Zao Zao' for 4,000 coins for your support~)

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