I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 280 Five Vulcan Fans, Xuanyuan's Lore

Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan (selling price of 200 million celestial value, 40 Karma value) every time it is used, it will consume 10 million celestial value, 2 Karma value, and 10% of its own essence and soul source (self-loss can be recovered, and the use of clones will be lost). nine times higher).

The effect is that the flames are soaring high in the sky, the golden snakes are heroic in a thousand ways, the black smoke is three feet above the ground, and the waves of boiled plums are disappearing within a short distance.

Explain that this fan, also known as the "Five Fire God Flame Fan", originally belonged to Yuanshi Tianzun, and was made of seven kinds of birds, namely Phoenix, Qingluan, Dapeng, Peacock, Baihe, Honghu, and Lie Xiao.

There are five fire flames hidden in the fan; it is a combination of air fire, stone fire, wood fire, Samādhi fire, and human fire, so it is named "five fires and seven birds".

This fan has a talisman on the front and a poem on the reverse.

Wuhuoqizhen is called Qiling, and Sui Ren first appeared in Bing Liying. Every mountain strange rock turns into ashes, and when it is fried in the sea, there is less exposure.

Kemukejin is the first, and there is no stop for burning beams and burning buildings. Wang Bianzong is an immortal body, which disappears when the fan is lifted.

Seeing this strange object, Su Li's heart moved slightly, but he did not buy it immediately.

The sky value is indeed enough, but the Karma value is not enough.

The Karma value can indeed be refreshed negatively, and the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fans can indeed be purchased. After purchasing, his Karma value has changed from 7 to 47.

And after buying it, he can use it immediately, and he can kill Meng Qianqiu with a single fan.

But at this time he couldn't do it.

Because, as long as he owes debts to buy the items in the Tianji Mall, then he will be the second Su Wangchen!

This dream is not stupid, and Meier can't really betray - if Karma heard from the heart of the world can still make mistakes, then in this world, he can indeed commit suicide now, because that has already been done. There is no hope.

His normal intelligence, as Su Wangchen said, only has about five Hidden Dragon Pills, so with the increase of "The Book of Emperor's Classics", it will barely reach eight, and it must not have reached the level of nine.

But Su Wangchen is at the level of ten.

From this point of view, Su Wangchen's layout may not even be as simple as one or two games after failure, and it should be calculated in a longer term.

From another angle, if he himself is Su Wangchen and wants to rob the system, how much direction will he deduce if the estimation fails?

At least a million may start.

If you feel that you are unlucky and everything will be unlucky, then count it in the worst ending - if every step is the worst ending, how to turn defeat into victory?

If there is a way to solve even the worst ending, and at the same time set up traps to counteract, then any other possibilities can be easily dealt with.

Su Li, who has only five Hidden Dragon Pills, would think so. Su Wangchen has the intelligence level of ten Hidden Dragon Pills. Wouldn't he think like this?

That's obviously impossible!

So, is there something wrong with this system?

For the first time, Su Li was suspicious for a moment, but he immediately realized that it was not a problem with the system, but the current display method of the system was the normal display method.

Previously, the system was all in the back, and it was posted backwards.

He uses it in various ways and even wastes it without knowing it. It doesn't matter, because he doesn't have a will.

It's like parents who sell blood to their children to study because of family difficulties, and children take money to eat and drink in addition to reading.

Because I don't know, I use it.

But today's situation is - facing an important exam, the future and destiny are related, but you need to spend money, and if you want to spend this kind of money, you must sell your blood or even overdraft your life.

So, should you spend money first to make your future better and your own destiny better, and then make it up for your parents after earning money, or grit your teeth and survive without letting your parents sell blood?

In such a choice, it is obvious that Su Wangchen has always chosen the former.

Then because he always chose this way, the system became stronger and stronger, and he could sell more and more blood. In the end, during a certain blood sale, he died because he sold too much.

But if Su Li chose to do the same this time - then he would go the way of Su Wangchen.

Why do you say that if something is done once, it will be done countless times?

Because, people should never overestimate their own willpower and think that they must be able to be how they are-when this kind of thinking appears, it means that you must not be able to be.

Su Li felt the same way about all this.

So at this time, the impulse that he had in that moment was gradually subsided when the Meditation Emperor was writing the book of the world.

This is also the difference between having more than 100 clones and having only one of his own.

Three people, there must be my teacher.

It doesn't matter if you are stupid, but all the more than 100 clones are thinking silently on the ninth floor of the forbidden memory area, so there will always be some overlooked places.

The time scales are different.

Maybe the reality is only a split second, but on such a question, those clones in the memory restricted area may have been thinking about it for ten days and a half.

So, what does Su Li need to be afraid of?

Therefore, in this moment, he had already thought of a way to deal with it.

As for the system mall?

From now on, as long as he owes the system to sell his blood, he will not do it.

In terms of the file world, the system has a bottom line, it's not a reverse post - but, when the file world is opened, the secret value has been deducted in advance, and then the system opens a virtual world.

The things inside are all virtual, so even if the system has a debt in the bottom line, it is a virtual debt, and it will be gone when it returns to reality.

It's like a private server. You can spend 7 trillion yuan on yourself, and it's okay to be blind, because these things are gone when you return to the official clothes. That's it.

Therefore, the meaning of the archive world is to explore the world in an 'invincible' state, and don't be afraid to collapse the data, because it doesn't matter if the data collapses, but much of the information explored in an 'invincible' state is official. serve the information that should be possessed.

This information is true and can be used in official uniforms.

The current situation is the same.

So, in reality, Su Li can do whatever he wants, but in the world of archives, he should definitely hit hard.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with trial and error in the archives world, but—that is directly a waste of the archives world.

And in reality, is there still a need to be compliant now?

Su Li felt that there was no need.

The road he took was not Su Wangchen's road after all.

Therefore, his coping method is completely different from that of Su Wangchen.

Some people don't understand, Su Li Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu", activate the "heart of the world", and finally understand.

Not only that, Su Li also understood a problem - the way of debt.

What is the way to be in debt?

I am afraid it is to work for Heavenly Dao in this world.

That is, the proton problem he had considered before, but this proton was not Su Wangchen, but Mu Yuxi, Mu Yusu and others.

So this involves another question, the debt is paid off, are Mu Yuxi and the others still there?

It's like, Su Wangchen split up his Su Li, if one day, Su Wangchen takes back his Su Li, will his Su Li still be Su Li?

This situation has now become a hidden danger and worry.

He likes light blue.

Light blue has great affection for him.

But if Mu Yuxi, Mu Yusu, Zhuge Yunni, Su Yumu, and Ning Caijian were to be merged in order to revive Light Blue...

Su Li didn't want to.

This is equivalent to exchanging his wife's life for his daughter's life? Or trade the life of one wife for the life of another?

The result is quite cruel.

Su Li didn't even dare to think about it.

But after hearing such a situation in "The Book of the Emperor's Classics", Su Li suddenly felt a little reluctant to restore the system.

However, when such an idea came up, Su Li immediately realized that Su Wangchen must have made a similar choice!

And no regrets!

Otherwise, there would never be a scene of him kneeling and kowtowing, slamming his head against the wall with blood and tears flowing every time.

Su Wangchen, to a certain extent, is also Su Li.

Therefore, there is a secret between the two that no one knows - that is hard bones!

In the past, Taiqing's 'Born to be a human, would rather die than kneel' was Su Li's voice.

Yes, from his birth in the past life to his death, to his survival in this life to the present, he Su Li never knelt down on anyone.

As a child, because of this, he was severely beaten by his parents and listened to a lot of gossip from relatives.

However, in today's world, judging from the information he learned in his memory, Su Wangchen knelt down three times.

But it wasn't that others forced him to kneel, but he himself knelt down because of incomparable remorse and pain.

That little boy was Su Wangchen.

The little boy called 'Little Brother' by Soho.

It may also be the first time or the second or third time-travel experience.

For the information seen from "Zhuge Wuwei" in the world of life archives, because it is a "hyperlink" and "bystander" vision, it is impossible to judge the time node.

Moreover, the existence of Zhuge Wuwei itself is true and false, so it is impossible to lock the time point of that scene.

Because the era of 'Xiaoqian of Returning Ruins' has not been covered, or even 'lifted the veil', the City of No Tears certainly exists, but there are no real ancestors - that is a group that can be recognized but not recognized recognized existence.

People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.

In the beginning, they could be locked by the system because they existed, but they were ordinary existences and had nothing to do with Karma in the era of "Xiaoqian of Return to the Ruins".

Therefore, their 'memory' has not recovered, just like Mu Yuxi and Hua Ziyan at the beginning, no matter whether they are participating in the show or not, they are who they are in the game.

Their thoughts and thoughts will not transcend this identity.

If you are detached, you will either die, or you will struggle to survive in the current situation.

So, what did Su Wangchen do so that he regretted it too late, but he always wanted to revive the system and snatch it?

According to the current situation, Su Wangchen's failure is more like his first choice, right?

Su Li recorded a lot of information on the system's panel page - but only, about the scene that Mu Yuxi would be swallowed up by the system, he just kept it in his heart and did not record it on the system panel. .

Like, he never doubted it.

As for whether the system would know, Su Li had no choice.

Because, other than that, he has nothing to say.

However, he also has a choice in his heart - if Mu Yuxi is really swallowed up by the system, if the system is really resurrected, then he may also go with Mu Yuxi.

He knew that if that day came, Meier would definitely be with him.

"Shouldn't be, Qian Lan can always post backwards, give silently, and is also very smart, so I must be influenced by Su Wangchen, so I am overwhelmed.

He should be killing and punishing, deliberately leaving a seed of doubt in my heart, so that he can replace me at any time, and I may become him at any time. "

Su Li pondered, abandoned distracting thoughts, and restrained his mind.

But he still instinctively glanced at Mu Yuxi again.

The system has recovered a lot. Generally speaking, the function has become stronger, and the effect of star-raising is amazing. Mu Yuxi should be better.

But at this moment, Mu Yuxi seemed to be stagnant in the same place, dull and a little distressing.

When Su Li looked over, Mu Yuxi didn't react, but Meier guarded Mu Yuxi with vigilance to prevent any harm from affecting Mu Yuxi.

Su Li retracted his gaze, and then looked at Meng Qianqiu.

These countless thoughts all occurred on the ninth floor of the memory forbidden area, and were synchronized with the system panel in an instant.

At the same time, when the system panel is turned on, the time is stopped, and Su Li has also determined.

So after he closed the system panel, when he raised his head to look at Meng Qianqiu, he could still hear the reverberation of his previous sentence, which was what he just said——

"None of your goals can be achieved. But mine can be achieved."

Meng Qianqiu heard the words, but didn't notice anything unusual or wrong. She didn't even know that Su Li was thinking about Karma at this moment.

Diluted, his eyes were very joking, "Our goal can't be achieved, can your goal be achieved? Come, let me see it, you may not even know our real purpose."

Su Li stared at Meng Qianqiu and said, "I will kill the wounded Immortal-level powerhouse Light Blue behind me again, so that you can directly obtain the source of Immortal-level good fortune? It seems that you have killed a lot of people like this. Otherwise, it is impossible for you to cultivate the level of the soul of the soul to the level of the 'primitive spirit'."

Meng Qianqiu's eyes were slightly awe-inspiring, and then he laughed and said, "It seems that you are really the emperor, otherwise you would not know such a secret. Since you know, how do you deal with it now? ?

What else can you do to kill us?

Yes, the one I came here this time is indeed a primordial body, but you can't kill me unless you draw the blood of that Immortal again!

However, if you draw the blood of that Immortal, judging from the fact that the Immortal just merged with the 'Heavenly Soul Stone', I am afraid that her Immortal's origin will collapse immediately.

And right now - even if the royal family is born, it doesn't make sense, do you know why? Because the emperor himself came out to do things, not us, understand?

In the same way, because you now have an Immortal secretly guarding you, so if we take action against you, it is not considered bullying.

Of course, if the royal family is angry because of this, then there is no need for the royal family to exist in Guixu. "

Meng Qianqiu spoke lightly.

As soon as these words were said, the scene fell silent.

This is the showdown.

However, Su Li was also directly killed—or whether Su Li was Su Li or not, Su Li was directly killed as ‘Su Wangchen’, and then killed.

Su Li glanced at Meng Qianqiu lightly, and said, "Actually, the biggest difference between me and the previous emperor is that I don't deliberately carry Karma, and I have a treasure on my body. of."

Su Li said, and took out the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword directly from the system store.

Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword is Xuanyuan Candid Sword, and the evil is Mo Xie. Xuanyuan Tian turned into an evil sword and took charge of Xuanyuan Sword Soul. The specific usage is to kill the soul and return Karma, and the setting sun buries the sword soul! With the blood of the royal family, the blood sacrifice avatar, burns the value of heaven, and releases the supreme swordsmanship of killing the soul - the Tao of Heaven and Evil. Unlimited restrictions.

Heaven's evil destroys the sky and annihilates the Tao, and the sky's evil breaks the sky, and the silence destroys. There is a sword, a heart, and a sword heart. The mind of the sword is enlightened, and the way of the sword is enlightened, and the way of the sword can be silenced, and the heaven can be destroyed.

Instructions for use If you are born as an emperor, you will act when you do, and you will die when you die - the emperor is not afraid of death. Burn the secret value, sacrifice all the life of the clone and the main body, and perform the ultimate killing (if you have the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, the sacrifice requirement of the main body will be cancelled)! The more the secret value burns, the more the sacrifice clones, the stronger the lethality.

Xuanyuan Tianxie Jianyi exudes a faint golden imperial aura, with five-clawed golden dragon and dragon soul phantoms circulating on it, and the breath of Immortal Dao rhyme permeates the world, extremely dazzling.

At this time, Su Li took it out directly.

What's not to use?

I dare to use it, do you really dare to grab it?

Is this a hole card?

Yes, but also not!

Because, as far as owning the Tianji Mall, the cards are endless.

So, Su Li picked up the sword, pointed at Meng Qianqiu, and said, "Do you think I will make a move? Do you think I will owe Karma endlessly! Do you think my good fortune, the source of life energy, is also showing a huge loss. ?"

Meng Qianqiu's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes locked on the sword in Su Li's hand.

At this time, not only him, but also Long Lindao, who was not far away, was short of breath and his eyes were red.

It was excitement, frenzy, and madness.

However, no one moved.

Meng Qianqiu suddenly said, "In my dream, you dare to do this, you are really amazing! However, you probably know that if I dare to stand up, I have already thought about all the results. Therefore, you can't fool me. ."

Su Li asked, "Who else would like to try it?"

Meng Qianqiu said, "Sounds like you want to do it all in one go? Let's make a move! Give you a chance to make a move, otherwise, you won't have a chance this time!"

Su Li heard the words and stopped talking.

At that moment, his pupils condensed, his obsessions condensed, and in an instant, all one hundred and seven avatars condensed, and in an instant, a ghost of light and shadow was formed, condensing in front of his eyes.

Immediately, Su Li murmured, "World Fantasy, Universe is prehistoric. The evil is breaking the sky, and the silence is killing!"

The moment the words were spoken, Su Li burned the system's 200 million celestial value on the spot!

The secret value is a positive number - this time, more than ten billion secret value was fished out from Su Wangchen's fish pond. Not only has the debt of the secret value been paid off, there are more than 1.2 billion left!

1 billion left, just in case!

Moreover, the average Magic Treasures lore is only 30 million one second or once, and it will deduct a little Karma at the same time.

This data is not too wrong.

Then, just amplify this loss, and 200 million is enough.

Because a million and a billion are different.

More importantly, he directly sacrificed 107 clones this time - that is to say, he sacrificed all the clones.

Coupled with the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword itself, this peerless killer, Su Li is fearless.

And he firmly believes that it can be done!

"call out--"

At that moment, Su Li's Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword smashed out the peerless Heavenly Evil and Heavenly Evil Dao!

At that moment, when the 200 million celestial value was burning, Su Li suddenly felt that a chaotic explosion like Pangu's opening had occurred in his bloodline.

In an instant, it is like eternal glory, like the real Dao of Hongmeng.

And at this time, when the Evil Destruction Dao of Destruction and Destruction came out that day, the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword had already manifested an Immortal-level majesty!

When that sword was shot out, it was not like the Immortal Execution Sword Array, which destroyed ten thousand things, and all living beings trembled.

However, that terrifying artistic conception still directly tore apart the world.


The golden dragon phantom flickered, and after tearing the void, the golden-red dragon scales shone, manifesting the totem phantom.

In the totem, the law of destruction shrouded the golden dragon, the dazzling rays of light derived the power of lore and the roar of the dragon of destruction, roaring the void.

That sword, like a peerless dragon destroying the sky and breaking the earth.

That sword, like the immortal Immortal Great Emperor Linchen.

Eternal Dragon Soul, a heaven-shattering lore.

With a single sword, Nine Heavens will strike the world!


That sword, like the law of destruction of the extreme way, smashed through the void, annihilated the law, and instantly hit Meng Qianqiu with a peerless and invincible posture.


Meng Qianqiu's primordial spirit escaped and turned into a colorful divine light. Before escaping, it was cut off by Sword Ray and instantly smashed into powder.

What's even more terrifying is that Meng Qianqiu's countless extreme Restrictions, guardian backgrounds, etc., were all killed.

With this sword, it was like piercing through countless cages. Su Li saw with his own eyes the 108th floor of the extreme defense forbidden formation, and all of them were killed!


The flesh burst, the soul shattered, and the primordial spirit was annihilated.

At that moment, Meng Qianqiu's screams stopped abruptly, and it was annihilated on the spot, turning into nothingness!

Meng Qianqiu is dead.

Before he died, he seemed to see an extremely incredible scene in his pupils, or he saw the truth he wanted to see the most - deep in Su Li's soul, a man in golden armor held a blood axe, quietly. Standing in the chaos, he glanced at him with a look that looked down at the common people.

That glance made Meng Qianqiu realize something, and he really wanted to say some information and convey some truth.

Whether this information is passed on to Su Li, or to...

It will be all right.

However, he could not pass it on.

Pay attention to the official account of Book Friends Base Camp, pay attention to get cash and points!

"Be careful--"

Meng Qianqiu's message was not conveyed, but at the moment when he was about to die, he sounded a reminder.

Unfortunately, the voice did not come out.

But the existence of the scene, as long as they can reach the guardian level, they are aware of this scene, and they are aware that Meng Qianqiu has discovered an amazing secret. Unfortunately, no one can confirm this secret.

At this time, many gods set their sights on the extremely cold ice palace powerhouse who is good at "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" and the peerless god Yami Ling from the Ancient Life God Clan.

These two major forces are both good at making the dead return or return life, and the dead speak.

Bing Ling of the Extreme Ice Palace was noticed by everyone, and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I can't do anything about this, because that is a supreme and peerless God King-level powerhouse. If I go back, I'm afraid I will be annihilated."

Just after Bing Ling finished speaking, at this time, Bing Fenxiang, an ordinary true disciple in the Extreme Cold Ice Palace, suddenly stood up and said indifferently, "I'm coming."

Bing Ling showed a look of astonishment and looked at Bing Fennel.

This is a disciple who does not have any sense of existence, and this time he even came to the tomb of the Great Emperor, and he was very reluctant to occupy the last place.

And it was only the second time she came here. She also brought Bing Yuli and Bing Yuying with her before, but unfortunately, both of them have already perished, and even the body has been worn.

This time, there are five more talents from the Ice Palace, but none of them are truly outstanding.

Among them, Bing Fennel is not even a candidate Holy Maiden, but at this time suddenly dare to stand up?

Bingling is not stupid. Thinking of Meng Qianqiu's situation, she suddenly smiled bitterly.

Not only did she smile wryly, she also bowed to Su Li with an apologetic look on her pretty face.

Obviously, she never wanted to be an enemy of Su Li. She could see that this emperor was the emperor who was protected by the royal family. Some people with ulterior motives used some unsightly means-although it was still allowed within the scope of the rules, But it's definitely not good.

Bingfen walked over, glanced at Yami Ling and said, "You can't do it, let Yani come out, let's join forces - Meng Qianqiu's ability is very strong."

Yami Ling said lightly, "Is this Yani you're talking about?"

Yami Ling smiled lightly, and when she turned her figure, she turned into another enchanting woman with a beautiful face and an incomparably bursting figure.

Bingfenxiang's pretty face showed a dignified look, "Eight or nine profound arts?"

Yami Ling said, "It's just an imitation of Cultivation Technique, how can I really take such a Cultivation Technique from him, but it's enough, it's much better than being alone!"

Yami Ling said, raised his hand to pluck a hair from the back of his hand, and blew a sigh of relief, the hair immediately turned into the previous Jami Ling, and then said, "Look, the eighty-nine profound arts have changed. Clone, invincible, no loss!

But my avatar only has one percent of the strength of the main body, and if I die, I will lose the source of my soul and damage my soul, which is a loss. "

Bingfenxiang said, "Okay, you are amazing! You are indeed the God King of life with an ancient star."

Bing Fennel said, and has already begun to perform "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time".

At this time, Yami Ling, that is, Yani, began to use the method of the origin of life.

The moment the two joined hands, Su Li's face turned serious.

But he didn't care.

Because, although he sacrificed all the clones, and killed the lore of the evil and the dead.

But this time, he also earned blood.

Because, Meng Qianqiu was killed with 1.6 billion Tianji value and 320 Karma value!

So, this time, he got fat in one wave!

Therefore, he does not need the system to sell blood at all!

For Su Wangchen, this kind of secret value is really not much, or even better than nothing. After all, Su Wangchen owes 7,500 trillion!

This is a drop in the bucket for him, even mosquito legs!

But for Su Li, that's a wave of fat!

All debts paid off!

Su Li looked at the data of the system.

The moment he turned on the system, the system immediately broke through!

This time, the system is upgraded, but there is no star upgrade.

However, the system has reminded that the system function can be upgraded!

Without any hesitation, Su Li immediately started to give priority to the upgrade of the heart of the world.

The secret value, the Karma value, and the belief that originated from the unknown, after such an upgrade, Su Li felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

Life File System☆☆☆☆☆

Level 15

The secret value is 12, 1041, 2213.

Karma value 21.

Function 1: Life file☆It can consume the secret value, view the life file of the life body in the past and present, and block all the fake files of practitioners with intelligence below 5 hidden dragon pills.

Function 2: Control the future ☆ You can consume a certain amount of secret value to view the life file of the life body in the next seven days.

Function 3 Tianji Mall in the early morning of every Monday, the mall will randomly refresh a Tianji item, which can be purchased with Tianji value. Items can be refreshed four times per week.

Function 4 The Heart of the World ☆ There is no reason to convince people, and there is no truth to listen to the secret, but you can have the heart of the world.

Function 5. Reality and virtual realization ☆☆☆ consumes a lot of secret value, locks the time of the current world unchanged, and enters the file world where "controlling the future" is located in the form of "archive character". During the period of 'Reality and Void Realization', only system functions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 can be used.

Ancillary function bonus - file copying...

Function 6 Heavenly Secret Chaos ☆☆ Consume the secret value, brand the viewed "control the future" secret file into a "deduction illusion", and pull the living body into the illusion to experience the illusion, and feel the future secret.

Function 7 Heavenly Secrets Linglong ☆☆ Linglong chess game, with heaven and earth as the chessboard, with the common people as good fortune, derivative scenes (can consume Heavenly Secrets value, make certain modifications to the Heavenly Secrets files of "Control the Future" or "True Void Realization", and then spend the Heavenly Secrets The value is derived from the exquisite chess game, which makes the chess piece mistakenly think that he is on a whim, and produces a Deva induction in the dark. During use, it is necessary to determine the equivalence of the chess piece's soul to derive the true and virtual strength of the corresponding scene. many.)

Function 8 days, star change, star upgrade, function transformation.


After seeing this scene, Su Li did not hesitate to buy the 'Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan'.

The next moment, he put away the Xuanyuantian evil sword in his hand, and at the same time coldly looked at Bingfenxiang and Yamiling who wanted to resurrect Meng Qianqiu and check Meng Qianqiu's obsession.

The two didn't care about Su Li's eyes at all, but completely released the series of heaven-defying methods.

At this time, Meng Qianqiu was about to recover.

Su Li took out the "Five Fires and Seven Birds Fans" directly from the Tianji Mall, and then set his eyes on Bingfen and Yami Ling.

As long as they dare to move, they will directly use this big killer to kill in groups.

With one fan, it shot them all to death!

(s: The first 8,000 words are here~ on the last day of this month, ask for a monthly pass and subscription~ Thank you~

In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Drunken Watching Red Leaves' for 888 book coins for the support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend 'Tiantian' for 300 book coins for the support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend "Your fellow daoist" for 100 coins for the support~)

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