I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 281 Life Builds Wood, The Heart Of Consonance

For such a situation, Su Li had already thought about it.

If you follow Su Wangchen's method, you will directly put the system into debt from the beginning, buy five fires and seven birds, and then solve Meng Qianqiu.

So what about the next face of Bingfen and Meng Qianqiu?

Continue to use the five-fire seven-bird fan?

Su Li thinks that the Magic Treasures purchased through spending may very likely have different conditions of use.

In these ways of use, there are also some choices, a kind of mentality of 'small and big'.

And often as long as you choose, you may unknowingly embark on a road of no redemption.

Is Su Wangchen not smart enough?

Su Li felt that Su Wangchen was the smartest person he had ever met, not even one of them.

It is not worthy of respect that a person can calculate the success incisively and vividly, but it is terrifying that a person can calculate the failure incisively and vividly.

Did Su Wangchen fail?

Failed, not only has failed, but also been suppressed.

But what was the result of his failure?

His system has obviously been repaired a lot, not to mention that his system level has only been upgraded from level 59 to level 60, his debt has been reduced by more than 500 trillion, and Karma has eliminated nearly 10,000 points!

Moreover, after being suppressed in the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", Su Wangchen is obviously equivalent to finding a safe place to take refuge, and he can still cultivate in peace of mind, which is quite refreshing.

This is failure.

Once it succeeds, I am afraid that he will directly do it again in reality, the benefits will be even greater, and of course the crises that will follow will be greater.

This kind of existence, but because of the deviation of the selection of the system, it is irreversible.

So, this is a place that needs to be woken up very, very much.

As for the situation where Meng Qianqiu was killed this time, Su Li's income was indeed huge, but it can only be said that Meng Qianqiu has no primordial spirit, and is only a slightly stronger god than Xia Xinning, Gu Tianyin and other gods.

Only 1.6 billion Tianji value and 320 Karma value were killed, which is indeed not much.

Meng Qianqiu still does not know that he is not in a dream at all, but in reality.

The reason for this situation is that on the one hand, Su Wangchen covered several layers and directly counted Meng Qianqiu and other people.

What's more, Su Li himself will be able to dream a thousand years of magic. This kind of magic is actually an advanced version of "Destiny Returns", and it is even very close to the effect of "Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly", but it is not. It's still far from the effect of "Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly".

Therefore, when Su Li noticed this scene, he secretly wiped out the dream by means of "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" - it was like a hacker attacking a seemingly ordinary server, but when he attacked, he I didn't know that there was a stronger hacker in this server, but as soon as he made a move, he easily counterattacked in the past.

The most ridiculous thing is that in reality, Su Li reminded the other party again and again that this is reality and not a dream, but Meng Qianqiu believes that reality is a dream, and a group of people are still unable to wake up in the dream.

The reason for such an idea is that Meng Qianqiu's own primordial spirit has been cut.

In his dream, his primordial spirit was cut off, so he lost his primordial spirit, but in reality there must be primordial spirits!

But now that there is no primordial spirit, naturally this will be a dream!

This is what Meng Qianqiu firmly believes, and at the same time, it is also believed by many strong people, although those strong people will also find it very strange - this time is a bit outrageous, the quality of this dream is so high? Can we simulate our divine aura exactly?

The reason why the gods have no doubts is because those gods who know the origin of Meng Qianqiu will all agree on one thing - the loss in the dream is real, but in reality it is harmless.

That's right, even if Su Li was killed in a dream, so what?

It's not like killing him in real life, right?

Unfortunately, they all overlooked one thing - this time, Su Wangchen synchronized certain powers and rules of the archive world with reality, so that when Su Li directly incarnates Saint to permanently eliminate Meng Qianqiu's primordial spirit, he directly Really made Meng Qianqiu from the dream world and the archive world into reality!

Therefore, Su Wangchen reaped a lot of benefits, while Su Li became a wage earner.

Now, Su Li doesn't know what Su Wangchen's situation is, but Meng Qianqiu should really know some truth before he died, but unfortunately, even if he knew it at this time, it was too late.

Su Li glanced at the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fans in the Tianji Mall. The use of such Magic Treasures would still cost him a lot today.

He had previously harvested 320 Karma points and 1.6 billion Heavenly Secret Points. After he used it to upgrade some basic functions of the system, he still had 61 Karma points left. After purchasing the Five Fire and Seven Bird Fans, he had 21 points left. Karma value.

The extra Karma value is 21 points, which is obviously enough for the use of five fires and seven birds.

However, the use of this treasure not only deducts Karma value, but also deducts Tianji value.

In terms of the secret value, after deducting 200 million at the time of purchase, there is still just over 1 billion left.

According to the cost of 10 million Heavenly Secret Points, 2 Karma Points, and 10% of his own essence, he can use it at least five times.

And if such a peerless Magic Treasures is not used, once it is used, it will definitely be killed directly at one time, and it is almost impossible to have any accidents.

Su Li silently took out the five-fire and seven-bird fan and held it in his hand just in case.

The Five Fires and Seven Birds fans are very gorgeous, but after being taken out of the system space, they are restrained and their size is only the size of a fingernail.

This is a five-fire seven-bird fan without a state of 'Kaifeng', and there will be no leakage of breath.

This situation is the same as the nature of Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Su Li knew that these things were the real treasures.

Of course, these things are in his hands, and currently they can only exert very "minor" abilities. After all, his Realm has only been able to refine the Indistinguishable Dao. The small success has not yet reached the big one.

However, Su Li has a feeling that the Indistinguishable Dao accomplishment of refining the void is almost here.

As for the fan's "tiny" ability, killing these gods who don't even have a primordial spirit is really as simple as chopping melons and vegetables.

Therefore, no matter what Su Wangchen's purpose was or what hidden means he had, at this time, Su Li's mood was very calm.

Su Wangchen's killing was only for killing, and the core purpose of killing was absolutely only one - to revive his own system.

All but this purpose can be ignored.

Then, to grasp the purpose of the other party, Su Li can also not care too much about the rest.

Su Wangchen is not as simple and easy to be suppressed as he imagined, but he Su Li will not be as stupid and incompetent as Su Wangchen imagined.

While analyzing and thinking, Su Li looked at Bingfen and Yami Ling.

At this time, Bing Fennel and Yami Ling, also known as Yani, have already begun to condense the colorful "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time".

The cooperation between the two is simply seamless. The dazzling light and the invincible peerless rhythm are simply dizzying and shocking.

Because, even Xia Xinning, Xia Xinyan, Que De and others, looking at this scene at this time, are full of shocking colors.

These means are obviously not available to Xia Xin, Ning Que De and others.

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

When this method was used, Xia Xinning and others understood that these two existences were more powerful than Qin Zuyuan, the most powerful ancestor of the indestructible ancient stars.

Xia Xinning and Que De looked at each other, Que De shrugged, the two beards at the corners of his mouth curled up like a mouse, and at the same time gave Xia Xinning a secret look.

Xia Xinning hesitated a little and tried to glance at Su Li.

But at this time, Su Li didn't look at him.

"call out--"

Xia Xinning seemed to be insane, and actually blew at Su Li, like a prodigal son whistling to a pretty girl.

Su Li noticed something and gave Xia Xinning a direct and light look.

Xia Xinning stretched out her hand, rubbed her index finger and thumb, and asked Su Li if she needed a good fortune and Karma.

Xia Xinning's performance fell into Su Li's eyes, Su Li thought about it, and then shook his head.

He had an instinctive hunch that something big was about to happen.

Meng Qianqiu is not an idiot, but what does it mean when he swore that this is a dream?

Unless——Su Wangchen is also a means of dreaming, and a layer of file world is set in the dream...

If so, it's all over.

Su Li's heart throbbed, and her scalp felt numb.

But soon he stabilized his mind and was not chaotic.

Not only was there no chaos, he also immediately activated his spirit and soul, silently sensed the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", and in the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", he Meditation "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" Cultivation Technique, trying to condense a thought to form the Tao into a dream.

Results Su Li found - feasible.

At the same time, Su Li opened the heart of the world and listened for a while, but still found no problem.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief - right now, it is indeed in reality and not in a dream.

But even so, instead of taking it lightly, Su Li became even more awe-inspiring.

Intellectually, he couldn't compare to Su Wangchen—then, it would be good to arrest the authority of the system.

When the time comes, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. I believe that Su Wangchen's follow-up deadly ultimate move will come layer by layer.

"Perhaps, I should have killed Qiye once before and limited my own retreats to death, or like in "The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils", I should have killed all my own retreats. There is a way out."

"What trick is Su Wangchen hiding? Xia Xinning suddenly signaled to let me take out a loan?"

While Su Li pondered, he looked at Xia Xinning again, Xia Xinning pointed directly to his own eyebrow.

In an instant, a strange message appeared on Su Li's system information panel.

Do you establish a Karma relationship with Wangchenhuan, mortgage 30% of the income of Tianchi Blood River, and withdraw 80 billion copies of the original life qi and 9999 copies of Karma in advance? There is no interest in this transaction.

The information that suddenly appeared made Su Li a little strange.

Although I know that Xia Xinning did have good intentions - after all, the painting he painted before has already shown that, in any case, as long as Xia Xinning and his 'Wangchenhuan' do not do anything out of the ordinary, even if they are a neutralist, Once it's done, the rewards are unparalleled.

At this time, Xia Xinning did this, obviously aware of the danger and began to ignore the benefits of the danger.

However, Su Li refused without hesitation.

Such things as mortgage or overdraft, no matter how great the benefits, are never in his consideration.

After Xia Xinning tried several times but was always rejected, she looked at Que De helplessly. After Que De looked at Que Xinyan inexplicably, she didn't say anything more.

When Xia Xinning saw this, she had no choice but to give up.

At this time, "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" derived from Bing Fennel and Yami Ling is full of the divine breath of the origin of life.

After this original breath of life began to penetrate the void, it immediately caused a change that was almost distorted in the void.

Soon, a strange scene appeared in the midst of such changes, as if time had flowed back.

Countless destructive energies have converged to form Meng Qianqiu, which is about to be annihilated.

At this time, Meng Qianqiu's situation looked a little strange. It didn't look like a living body, but instead looked like a ferocious spirit, full of terrifying evil Devil energy.

But this scene, Bingfen and Yami Ling seem to be used to it.

The knots in the hands of the two continued to penetrate into it, forming mysterious areas like Realm.

This area is obviously not reality, but the area in the 'archive world'.

When this area manifested, Su Li's pupils shrank slightly.

But he did not stop, but calmly watched the progress of things.

In such an area, not only Meng Qianqiu appeared, but also Su Li, and Su Li in the state of "Innate Saint".

When ‘Innate Saint’ Su Li appeared, Meng Qianqiu and Su Li had already formed some kind of realm confrontation.

Meng Qianqiu's eyes were cold and unruly.

Su Li's eyes were indifferent and calm, but there was a look of indifference to the common people like ants.


In that mysterious area, Meng Qianqiu suddenly manifested an endless colorful dreamy atmosphere, forming a murderous intent to annihilate everything, and swept towards Su Li.

However, Su Li just locked Meng Qianqiu with his eyes, and then spit out a few lines of text.

No one could understand what those few lines of text were, but after each word was uttered, Meng Qianqiu would let out an extremely miserable wailing sound.


On Meng Qianqiu's body, mysterious breaths like Immortal Dao marks appeared, and these breaths were like bone-eroding flames that were constantly burning Meng Qianqiu's body, mind and soul.

As the horrific mourning continued to sound, Meng Qianqiu was like being skinned and cramped, and the gorgeous colors on her body were actually removed little by little.

Meng Qianqiu's figure was also shattered in the void, and was wiped out by the traces of the Dao, and it seemed that it would disappear completely at any time.

At the scene, all the people who saw this scene gasped and stared at Su Li with a strange and suspicious expression.

At this moment, the eyes of 'Innate Saint' Su Li seemed to have crossed the illusion, looked directly into reality, and set his eyes on Ice Fennel and Yami Ling.

The two of them immediately burst into a raging purple flame.

The moment the flames burned, Bingfenxiang and Yami Ling immediately sounded like Meng Qianqiu, and let out an extremely miserable wailing sound.

After this tragic sound was made, it was not a real sound, but a struggle that originated from the pain in the depths of the soul.

When such a voice appeared, a purple ghost appeared above the heads of the two of them.

This ghost is also their appearance, and its appearance is similar to that of Nascent Soul, but it is more mysterious and has the atmosphere of divinity.

The moment these two ghosts appeared, everyone at the scene immediately knew that this was the level of divine soul that only top-level God Kings possessed.

This is to condense the level of the soul of the soul to the level of the primordial spirit!

This is the soul of Bingfen and Yami Ling.

However, after the primordial spirits of the two were shaken out, they suddenly collapsed before they even had time to escape.


Bingfen and Yami Ling couldn't control their own bodies, and knelt on the ground on the spot, their bodies shivering.

Wisps of seven-colored divine aura ghosts continuously flowed out through the purple ghosts, and exploded in an instant.

However, between the breaths, the purple ghost souls of the two have completely disappeared.

The two of them knelt in the same place as if they were lost, without any ability to resist, let alone any thoughts of fighting back.

"Sir, spare your life—"

Bingfenxiang cried out in a tragic grief, and while pleading, she grabbed the ground with her head, and knelt down and kowtowed.

And Yami Ling's performance was similar. It wasn't that she was willing to kneel and kowtow to beg for mercy, but the pain of the primordial spirit being burned alive with the flames of destruction was really unbearable.

"Sir, spare your life—"

Yami Ling also begged sadly, and her voice was particularly mournful.

Unfortunately, when they begged, Meng Qianqiu's body that was about to transform into the Dao was about to disappear into the place of eyes.

But at this moment, in Meng Qianqiu's eyes, an incomparably bright glow suddenly bloomed.

In the ray of sunshine, Meng Qianqiu's eyes turned into colorful glass beads and flew out in an instant.

When the glass beads flew out of the sucking, it immediately burned up, and directly turned into an extremely turbulent and powerful flame.

While the flames are burning, they rotate with each other to form a change like Yin & Yang Pisces playfully chase.

After the acceleration of such changes, the flames quickly formed a mass in those two days, turning into the Tai Chi of Yin & Yang Pisces.

Among the Tai Chi, a golden battle armor figure came out step by step, holding a battle axe.


The void exploded, and "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" seemed to have derived a brand new Realm, covering this world.

It was as if the man in the golden battle armor manifested the flame Realm, shrouding the void in all directions.


At the moment when such a fiery Realm manifested, the seven-colored chains of order manifested by the flames, like vicious snakes, rushed out violently, locking Su Li's body and his body in an instant. soul.

Su Li did not resist, letting the chains of order under this Realm lock his body and soul.

The change is so fast and amazing.

Although Su Li can use the Movement Technique of "Kunpeng Getaway" to avoid the shackles of the order chain, but if he moves away, Mu Yuxi, Meier, Yun Qingxuan, Que Xinyan and others around him will all be attacked .

These are second.

The most important thing is that this golden armored man who derived Tai Chi from Meng Qianqiu's eyes and walked out of Tai Chi was indeed somewhat unexpected.

However, Su Li also quickly figured out some problems, so he did not dodge.

He just squeezed the five-fire and seven-bird fan in the palm of his hand a little bit tighter.


The power of destruction cut all directions, and after the appearance of the golden armored man, Innate Saint Su Li was also locked by the golden armored man.


The next moment, the man in the golden armor held a giant axe and slashed out.

The void was stagnant for a moment, and soon, it returned to calm.

However, the figure of 'Innate Saint Su Li' was shattered little by little, and finally gathered into a drop of Blood Essence like the sun, and the man with the golden battle axe raised his hand to grab it and sucked it into the palm of his hand.

After absorbing this drop of blood, the golden battle axe man swept his gaze to Bingfen and Yami Ling.

"call out--"

The man in golden armor raised his hand suddenly, and the red flame battle axe in his hand turned into an afterimage almost instantly.

The colorful rays of light that scattered from his body were also grabbed by the golden battle axe man in an instant.

The next moment, he was another axe, slashing towards Jami Ling.

At this time, Yami Ling seemed to sense a fatal crisis, so her body immediately turned into a green aperture, trying to twist the void to escape.

But, the man in the golden armor didn't care, and cut out an axe horizontally.


In the distorted flame area in the void, it seems that even the Dao marks between heaven and earth have been cut out by this axe.


Yami Ling let out a miserable cry and screamed, "Quick, run away, run away! His real target is you!"

Yami Ling's voice was extremely sharp, penetrating the void, causing the faces of all the gods on the scene to change greatly.

At this time, the Realm immediately spread even more with a 'boom', enveloping everyone on the scene.

This scene is terrifying.

But what's even more terrifying is that Yami Ling's screams and screams stopped abruptly at this moment.


A beautiful, twisted head flew into the sky, and the colorful divine power exploded like fireworks, blasting a cloud of light in the void.

The headless body of Yami Ling was also sucked by the man in the golden armor in the distance, swallowing and refining it directly, turning it into the source of essence and soul, and absorbing it in an instant.

The golden armor man's eyes narrowed, and his eyes locked on Yamina, the goddess of life.

This goddess of life, Yamina, is not a god, but just a god-level arrogance.

Moreover, because Yamina had communicated with Su Li before, she was not far away from Su Li at this time.

Just like that, when the golden armored man's eyes locked on Yamina, an indescribable horror also enveloped Su Li at this time.

Su Li watched with a very calm expression, and the five-fire and seven-bird fan in his hand was ready to be used almost immediately.

"call out--"

At this time, the battle axe in the hands of the golden armored man suddenly came first, and he was killed without any struggle.

When Su Li realized it, she realized that Yamina's eyes were wide open, as if she was dying.

Her head flew up, soaring into the sky, and the blood rushed out nearly 100 meters high.

At the same time, an incomparably amazing and terrifying vitality also escaped from Yamina's body.

The intensity of that vitality, Su Li was a little closer, and after taking a breath, he immediately felt as if his own essence and soul were about to explode.


The man in the golden armor grabbed his hand violently, crossing the void, penetrating the nothingness, grabbing the head of Yamina like a flash of lightning, and pinching it in his hand.


Yamina's head immediately seemed to be crushed.

Yamina's head let out an extremely painful and twisted scream, and the man in golden armor directly stuffed his head into his mouth.

But at this moment, Mei'er, who had been silent for a long time, actually directly manifested the body's dead soul tea pot, and at that moment, the tea pot was tilted, and the lid of the tea pot was suddenly lifted.


Among them, an equally bright blood-red demonic, ferocious, reckless, deadly and dead flame spurted violently, slaughtering the golden armored figure.


As soon as Su Li thought of it, the power of blood was activated, and suddenly the five fires and seven bird fans in his heart were smashed.

But at this time, the five-fire and seven-bird fan seemed to have malfunctioned, and at the moment when there was movement, he was suddenly caught by the orderly chains around his body.

Those chains, like spider webs, completely locked some kind of power in him, so that he couldn't destroy the five fires and seven birds!

Su Li froze, but quickly regained her composure.

The next moment, with a hook of his finger, immediately showed a good fortune pen, and at the same time Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu", painting in "Huangji Jingshishu".

Time is too late, but it is not desperate.

"Come out? Just come out!"

The man in golden armor was burnt by the flames in the Soul Teapot, and his body kept bursting, making a terrifying sound of bone smashing, but he didn't hesitate, squeezed his giant hand fiercely, and squeezed Yamina's head alive. burst.


After Yamina's head was crushed, a piece of green wood condensed.

This piece of wood is more like a green jade plaque, but this jade plaque is covered with a hazy green light, making it difficult to see what it is.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Mei'er's face was pale, and a large amount of blood was suddenly dripping from the Teapot of Death Soul.

The blood water was like a catalyst for the death of the soul tea pot, and a blood-red black flame suddenly burst out and continued to burn the body of the golden armored man.

"Puff puff--"

The body of the man in the golden armor continued to explode immediately, but he didn't care or even resisted, but continued to obliterate Najamina, wanting to devour her alive.

At this time, all the gods also discovered that they had lost any ability to move and could not move.

The situation is almost the same as that of Su Li.

The endless blood-colored, dark-black Destruction Demon Fire was burning, and the hazy light on the face of the golden-armored man gradually melted.

After their fusion, it was Lie Xuanji who had disappeared for a long time!

After Lie Xuanji's appearance was exposed, he didn't care, and showed an extremely cruel smile on his face.


The next moment, his body directly turned into a raging flame, which was actually mixed with the flames spewing from the Soul Teapot.

The flame that originally formed a destructive and murderous intent for him, has now formed his general strength.

However, his body gradually became nothing in the flames.

In his Dantian place, a chaotic totem world like Tai Chi was formed.

In such a totem world, the same man in golden armor holds a black blood tablet.


At that moment, the eyes of the man in golden armor opened, and the black tablet in his hand directly crossed the void, and slammed the tablet on the head of the person who turned into a jade tablet.


At this time, Yamina's miserable cry also stopped abruptly.

At the same time, under the black blood monument, there was an incomparably beautiful head of beauty.

However, this beauty's head was suppressed under the black blood monument, but it was chopped down with an axe by the golden armored man in the totem world of Lie Xuanji Dantian.


Beneath the monument, Yamina's head was cut off at once, and the head rolled over like a ball.

Bright blood sprayed all over the ground, staining the ground in this area red.

That bloody water was as dazzling and terrifying as the plum blossoms in the snow.

At this time, Mei'er also trembled all over her body, and then she covered her head and let out a miserable cry of 'ah'.

"call out--"

At this time, the man in the totem world stepped out and appeared in reality. Lie Xuanji's body also instantly turned into rays of blazing sun and merged into the body of the man in golden armor who came out.

At the same time, the radiance of the fierce sun on the face of the man in the golden armor gradually disappeared, showing his true appearance - Lie, the god of the blazing sun, immortalized!

Lie Yongsheng ignored all the gazes of the gods, and slammed an axe on the death-soul tea pot.


The flames in the Death Soul Teapot shook suddenly, making a sound like a bronze bell, and at the same time, the endless bright red and dark black silent demon fires collapsed and extinguished one after another.


The light on the Soul Teapot dimmed and rolled to the ground in an instant.

Lie Yongsheng slashed another axe on the head of Yamina, who fell on the ground.

This time, Yamina had no resistance, and her head was split open like a watermelon.

A green jade piece flew up the moment its head was split open.

The moment this piece flew up, some changes gradually took place, like a beating heart.

It is like a heart of life that contains an incomparably huge life force.

"Want to steal my Jianmu and Lingxi's heart? Just you bastards, all of you have to die!"

Lie Yongsheng roared word by word.

(The second update is around 12:00~ I am very grateful to the book friend's 'Drunken Red Leaf' for 40,000 book coins for the reward and support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend' to see the genuine '20,000 coins for the support of the gods and gods ~ I am very grateful to the book friend' Duren Budu's 5000 coins for rewarding support~Thank you very much for 'book friend 160526192154316'2000 coins for rewarding support~Thank you very much for book friends 'Fengxia Chenjing' and 'Sanzhumu' each 1500 coins for their support~)

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