I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 288 The Life And Death Of The Universe, Yin & Yang Hug

Zhuge Jiufeng suddenly grabbed Su Taiqing's back and said, "At that time, when Su Li, the Emperor of Heaven, was telling about Shi'e on the journey to the west, didn't you promise to get me an Innate stone tire? Now that the matter is settled, do you want to escape?"

"Is there? I'm sorry I'm old and blind."

Su Taiqing's body was shocked, and half of the clothes on his body were directly broken. At the same time, his figure slammed into the Eight Trigrams map and disappeared immediately.

The half of the broken white robe that Zhuge Jiufeng grabbed suddenly turned into a page of an ancient book at this moment - this is not a fragment of a book, nor is it something extraordinary.

This is an ordinary book page containing the power of heaven.

There is a line of text on the page - what do you want Innate stone tires, isn't there a ready-made emperor with the emperor? Do you really want to breed a six-eared macaque through the Innate stone fetus in the Nether Sea? This time is too long, find the emperor quickly!

As soon as Su Li came back to his senses, he immediately noticed this scene. He glanced at the page in Zhuge Jiufeng's hand with curiosity, but immediately saw the glowing words on it.

Originally those words were hidden, but when he looked at them, those words glowed.

Zhuge Jiufeng blushed, gave Su Li a ruthless white look, and said, "It's all your fault!"

As she said that, when her figure moved, she actually took the initiative... It turned into a flash of fire and flew to the distant wasteland.

Su Li is also confused - shit, there is something wrong, these two old clappers are not good things and what does it have to do with me?

I, Su Li, don't have that, what are you?

If it's really like that, I'll recognize it if you treat me like this...

Su Li has restrained some bold ideas. She still has to be low-key, and she can't always have bold ideas—the two kissing wives are still by her side.

Su Li turned around and looked at Yun Qingxuan, Mora, Que Xinyan, and the others. This time, they were generally lucky, but what happened next is unknown.

Su Li wanted to use the life file system to deduce it, but when he thought about the result-every time after deduction, something must happen, as if he had touched Heavenly Dao's nerves, so this time, he held back. No deduction.

The experience this time was truly unimaginable.

There are too many changes in this, especially the situation of Guixu Zhi Xiaoqian cannot develop, and the time point is too early.

If it happens, he will not have any growth time, and this is the most deadly.

Now, the system has reached level 16, and the star rating has also been raised to 6 stars. The ability in all aspects has indeed been greatly enhanced, but only the "Huangji Jingshishu" has been lowered by one level.

This is fatal for the loss of intelligence.

However, it is conceivable that the state of 'Heavenly Dao Unity' may not be a light loss of the system. After all, even Mu Yuxi instinctively covered it.

There is no way to do this.

Moreover, Su Li has a feeling that this time the system is normal and stable, and it should not refresh the top Magic Treasures again.

Otherwise, the system can't handle it, Su Li can't handle it, and even the top star powerhouses who condense the Yuanshen level may not be able to withstand it.

This time it was Lie Yang—the 'Emperor-level' powerhouse who called himself the 'Xuanji Great Emperor'.

Although this self-proclaimed means of self-improvement, it is also obvious that this is by no means a weakling.

You must know that the avatars of the gods that existed before have been cut by Tongtian to cut off 90% of their divinity, and even the source of divinity has been cut.

This time, he can still withstand Hou Yi's murderous intention of shooting the sun with nine arrows. How much more than a little bit of strength?

Of course, Su Li also knew very well that what was purchased in the system store was not really genuine, at best, it could be regarded as a high imitation.


Because compare Su Wangchen's bluffing Magic Treasures to know.

To be honest, at the beginning, Su Wangchen took out the moonlight treasure box, the wind-stabilizing beads, the life-saving hairs and the like. Su Li was so shocked that the walls were separated, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to fight with him. .


The life-saving hair was chopped into slag by Lie Yang with an axe.

Although Lieyang is strong, it is also a god. He has not even reached the level of the divine soul of the emperor's body, and he has only comprehended such a thin and rotten Immortal background, and it is still some Karma of the highest level. the benefits of.

Not to mention comparing it with the Saint of the Day After Tomorrow, even if anyone from the Heavenly Realm came down in the prehistoric era, he could beat the blazing sun and Life couldn't take care of himself.

Don't say anything else, just say the life span of 100,000 years - imagine the flood and famine era, it was all based on "huiyuan" to mark the year!

One Huiyuan is 129,600 years. In this world, all God Kings have died, and the grass on the grave has grown into a tree hundreds of times.

After Zhuge Jiufeng left, Yamina bowed and said goodbye to Su Li-although she also wanted to stay by Su Li's side, but in this world, Lieyang walked ahead of others, and Lieyang's inheritance can still be seen. watch.

As for whether Lieyang will plant a cage or the like, it is no longer a concern, because this time Lieyang was killed by the royal family, and after the arrival of the five soul-requiring tablets, this time is equivalent to a 'frontal war' ', is the fight and contention of the real Tianjiao.

Therefore, after Yamina weighed it, she did not stay.

The god-level powerhouse Yami Ling of the Ancient Star of Life and the Yuanshen-level god Yani both perished this time.

Therefore, Yamina has to work harder for some gains.

After Yamina left, Yun Qingxuan walked over with some hesitation.

"Master Su, my mother kisses her... is she okay?"

Yun Qingxuan's pretty face was full of worry, and her whole body was a little haggard.

Su Li said, "Don't worry, even though she has manifested the blood cocoon of destiny, and at the same time she hates that person's ruthlessness, it's not a big deal.

This time is a real opportunity for her to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly. "

Yun Qingxuan pursed her lips and said, "Master Su, thank you."

Su Li smiled and said, why do you have to imitate Yamina?

Yun Qingxuan shook her head and said, "No, Qingxuan is just thinking about one thing—I don't know if I should tell Master Su."

Hearing this, Su Li looked slightly awe-inspiring, and said, "You say it."

As Su Li spoke, he glanced at Meier and Mu Yuxi.

Mu Yuxi immediately raised her hand and photographed a celestial dao mark, covering all directions.

Mei'er released an incomparably powerful aura of charm, covering up a void.

In this way, only Su Li, Yun Qingxuan, Mu Yuxi and Meier were left at the scene.

The rest, even Zhuge Qingchen, Que Xinyan, Xia Xinyan and others, were blocked.

"Go ahead."

Su Li said solemnly.

Yun Qingxuan's strength should not be underestimated.

Don't look at the appearance of so many gods this time, it seems that the gods and guardians are like a bad street. In fact, most of the powerhouses in the entire Ziwei star field have gathered here.

In fact, at the level of Tianjiao, Yun Qingxuan is really not weak.

Not to mention, Yun Qingxuan has grown stronger as Meier has grown.

Without some of the shackles of Gongcheng Qingdie, Yun Qingxuan will once again become the Yun Qingxuan who derived the method of 'Ancestral Dragon Demon'.

Yun Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Master Su, there are three things that are more important. Qingxuan has always been undecided, but now that she thinks about it, there shouldn't be anything to hide, she needs to make it clear."

Su Li nodded without interrupting.

Yun Qingxuan pondered for a moment, and then said softly, "Master Su, my restricted area of ​​memory is gone, completely gone."

Su Li said, "Including the Qingshuang Sword Tomb has disappeared, right? That forbidden memory area seems to have been stripped away, completely disappeared, and then your memory forbidden area expanded to the next level on its own?"

When Yun Qingxuan heard this, her beautiful eyes widened, showing a moment of cuteness, but then she returned to normal and said, "It's true, Master Su knew it for a long time."

Meier said, "He didn't know, he just judged it. Qingxuan, it's time for you to improve your intelligence."

Yun Qingxuan sighed, "I think so too, but the difficulty of transforming into a mortal is on the one hand, and on the other hand, I'm a little worried that it will break some of my current balance, so that after the transformation, some bad thoughts will arise.

I don't want to be an enemy of Master Su, but I have a terrible hunch that once we become smart, we will eventually become enemies. "

Meier said, "I have it too, but it doesn't matter, doesn't it? When you have this kind of jealousy, it means that you don't need to be jealous anymore. Believe in your own heart, and believe in your own choice."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Then...then let me try it, Meier, thank you very much."

Meier said, "There is no need to talk about this between us. After a while, I may need your help. My situation is not ideal, but I can control it for the time being."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Your hidden danger has appeared? After the destruction of Lie Yang, that Lie Yang Blood Monument?"

Meier said, "It appeared outside the Ziwei Star Territory. The current situation there is Zhuge Qianlan and Zhuge Qianyun. I still can't perceive their situation. In addition, my seven souls are indeed There was chaos."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Then you can let Master Su reconcile with you Indistinguishable Dao dual cultivation, Yin & Yang. In this way, with Mu Yuxi, she will help you. Together, it will be much better."

Meier said, "How about you?"

Yun Qingxuan said, "Don't talk about me, my current situation is no longer suitable."

Meier said, "Why?"

Yun Qingxuan said, "It may be Karma of the Ancestral Dragon Demon, I don't know, this time I feel like I was tricked by Yan Hongyue."

Meier frowned, "Yan Hongyue? What exists?"

Mu Yuxi said, "A special existence in the City of No Tears is one of Yan Hongye's Karma successors—white-haired Hongye."

Meier said, "What are you talking about? Why...why don't I understand at all? We...are we really in the same world?"

In Mei'er's words, there was finally a hint of panic - the most terrifying thing is never that there is a problem in reality, but that the topic of the people around you suddenly can't understand it, which means that it will be obliterated by the law of time.

Su Li reached out and held Meier's hand, covering it in the palm of his hand, "Don't panic, it's not that you don't understand, but this time Karma of the City without Tears belongs to the Karma drawn by the Great Dream Qianqiu Technique, and Meier, you are not too involved.

They are witnesses, and so am I.

However, it is unknown whether there will be changes in the future.

Now, the City of No Tears itself has become a silent legend. "

When Meier heard the words, her expression finally softened a bit.

However, her sudden nervousness made Su Li realize one thing—the complete balance on Mei'er was broken.

Su Li Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu" for a moment, but couldn't think of the answer.

"The Emperor's Book of the World" is no longer usable.

In other words, it was not because "The Book of the Emperor's Classics" was not easy to use, but because he was not in that state of abandoning wisdom, he had an illusion of rigid thinking.

Therefore, at this time, he couldn't even control his own mind, the strong obsession with wanting to be smart.

Su Li took a deep breath, deeply aware of the terrible impact of this kind of influence-especially when trying to help the people around him, this kind of impact will be terrible.

So, from extravagance to thrift is difficult, what a blood-soaked way!

It is a pity that those who really understand have often experienced the hardships involved.

Mu Yuxi pulled up Su Li's other hand, and conveyed a warm heavenly atmosphere, like a trickle, which warmed people's hearts.

Su Li's mood calmed down, he looked at Mei'er and Mu Yuxi and said, "It's okay, after all, on the whole, your current situation is better than before, and the pain is completely relieved, right?"

Meier said, "It doesn't matter. When I'm with you, no matter how painful it is, it's a kind of happiness."

Mu Yuxi said, "Yes, where Young Master is, is our home."

Su Li's heart flowed with warmth, and suddenly, he realized that all the sacrifices he had made so far were completely worth it.

Sometimes, moving is often just two words and two simple actions.

After a while, Su Li looked at Yun Qingxuan and said, "Apart from Yan Hongyue's plot against you, what else?"

Yun Qingxuan said, "When I was incarnated as the Ancestral Dragon Demon, I saw 'Su Tianya', holding an axe and hacking Su Yumu to death, it was a distorted picture, but I was in the Ancestral Dragon Demon state at that time. very clear.

The kind of experience I was assigned to—or Karma to replace—was the one I had in Jingyang Village at that time.

Didn't I run away then?

Later, I came back, and then I, Zhuge Qingchen and Qingshuang were severely injured and were in a state of dying.

And Master Su, at a critical moment, you continued our lives with the blood of your own origin..."

"I thought at the time that the experience of that scene should have developed like this, the result? Suddenly everything seemed to be completely distorted.

And in the twisted situation at the time, I did see that scene.

And I also know that person is Su Tianya, like Little Brother from Su Yumu?

I don't know why I know those people, but I know it's not fake!

It's not fake, it's not a mural, and it's not an illusion!

It must be something that will happen in the future, or it has already happened at some point in the time gap, but I just didn't find it. "

Yun Qingxuan's words made Su Li's brows wrinkle deeply.

Who is Su Tianya?

Su Li didn't know.

However, it is impossible for Su Li not to know who Su Yumu is.

Because this is Muyusu and also Muyuxi!

This time, when the system was upgraded to six stars, it didn't cut out another clone, but recovered another -- Ning Caijian.

Therefore, the corresponding Karma also already exists in the forbidden area of ​​Wu Yuxi's memory.

In the future, if the City of No Tears is born, and if there is the experience of returning to the ruins of 'Xiaoqian', then there will be a difference at that time.

Or, in a certain period of time in the future, he will accompany Mu Yuxi to the 'mural world' to relax, and then live out the life experience of an ordinary dao companion - at that time, that dao companion is not Muyu. Xi instead Ning Caijian.

The system will not erase any life experience of any clone, but it will only be temporarily stored in Mu Yuxi's restricted memory area.

Therefore, any doubts that Su Li once had did not exist, it was just the Hearts Demon planted by Su Wangchen. Once he really doubted, it would be the beginning of the catastrophe.

Just imagine, he Su Li has nothing, but the system is willing to sell blood for him to eat, drink and have fun - just like Bai Suzhen treats Xu Xian like that to you, are you still drinking Realgar? Picture you what?

This is self-awareness.

It is true that there is no pie in the sky, but sometimes, this kind of giving is just a true love that comes from a hope.

Those who sacrificed their love for love, did they picture each other? Could it be that being good to a person has a purpose? The other person must think that this is a pie from the sky, is this impossible?

The height of thought often determines the height of achievement.

At this point, Su Li's system already had six stars, but he could only find one Mu Yuxi.

The whereabouts of Mu Yusu is unknown, and Su Yumu may have been silent in the legend of the City without Tears, and Zhuge Yunni has been following Zhuge Jiufeng.

Su Li originally thought that there would be nothing wrong with the rain curtain, but after hearing what Yun Qingxuan said, Su Li realized that she was still taking it for granted.

"Su Tianya? What characteristics does he have?"

Su Li asked.

Yun Qingxuan shook her head and said, "I can't say it, I can't describe it, I can't even gather the projections, so I will mention this to you, Master Su. Otherwise, Qingxuan will worry about it for a while and forget about it. , so that it will lead to great disasters and lead to regret in the future."

Su Li said, "You don't have to do this, I said it before, since I left you, you are also very kind to Meier, so you don't have to worry about all the past.

From now on, just be yourself.

You're doing well, and that's a very pleasant thing. "

Su Li said, and thought, "I still can't tell what relationship I have with your mother, so even if I want to care, what can I do with you?"

Yun Qingxuan said, "Master Su, Qing Xuan understands. Thank you Master Su for letting go of the past. Qing Xuan will definitely make up for it in the future. You may not be able to gain Master Su's complete trust again, but she will definitely be more sincere."

Su Li said, "Actually, if you are selfish, you have more character."

Yun Qingxuan just shook her head and smiled bitterly when she heard the words.

Su Li said, "Don't worry about your restricted area of ​​memory, there will be some changes in the future. This matter, Qingshuang Sword Tomb has already changed, and it should be almost completed by now. For you, this is a good thing.

Exchange good books, pay attention to the base camp of vx public account book friends. Follow now and get cash red envelopes!

In addition, in the future, Tianchi Blood River, you also have a good experience, for you, there are many benefits. What I can do is, when the time comes, I have refined some tools suitable for the blood river, and I will let you try it first. "

Meier smiled and said, "Qualified tool person."

Yun Qingxuan bowed and saluted, gratefully said, "Thank you Master Su for your accomplishment."

Su Li said, "Don't be so polite, it seems very foreign and unfamiliar."

Meier said, "Learn from me, don't be polite to him."

Yun Qingxuan smiled helplessly, thinking that if I were you, I wouldn't be polite, I'm not afraid to be more cautious, I'm afraid that I will make Master Su hate again, it will be really difficult for me.

Yun Qingxuan thought for a while, and then said, "Master Su, in addition to the inexplicable loss of memory in the forbidden area, Su Tianya of the City without Tears killed Su Yumu in a twisted time and space, there is one more thing that I was suddenly caught by an inspiration. Live, this matter is also related to Hua Ziyan."

Hearing this, Su Li froze and said solemnly, "Tell me about it."

Yun Qingxuan said, "At that time, my mother manifested the blood cocoon of destiny, and I immediately broke down in my mind. Without hesitation, I activated all the power of blood, turned into an ancestor dragon, and wanted to fight.

I was really impulsive at the time, and it could be bad, but I really didn't think about it that much, and it wasn't intentional—"

Seeing Yun Qingxuan's cautious appearance, Su Li approached Yun Qingxuan, hugged her gently, patted her back and said, "Tell me well, don't worry, don't talk about my current secret. How is the derivation ability.

If you really have any dissent, do you think Meier and Yuxi will still let you follow me?

So, Meier and Yuxi are so reassuring about you, will I really care about you?

You don't have to worry about your mother, she is infinitely stronger and infinitely better than you think!

So you don't have to bear everything on your body, whatever hatred or shadow, it seems to be a conspiracy now, and you will understand it later. "

Su Li felt the scale of the stalwart, and was also a little excited.

But he still hugged and let go.

In fact, he has seen it very lightly.

As he said, Meier and Mu Yuxi are obviously very relieved about Yun Qingxuan, and many things have been with her. Mu Yuxi's instinct represents the system, and when Mu Yuxi Indistinguishable Dao, he clearly sensed it. Mu Yuxi has reached the intelligence level of the nine dragon-like pills.

Moreover, Mu Yuxi doesn't look like Mei'er will lower her intelligence, she doesn't lower at all, like a scanning radar that exists all the time, watching secretly everywhere!

Meier didn't know all of this, and still kept in sync with Su Li's intelligence all the time.

Under such circumstances, what is there to doubt about Yun Qingxuan?

He has become his own person completely.

Yun Qingxuan was hugged by Su Li at this moment, her delicate body froze for a moment, and her whole body trembled.

Fortunately, she quickly reacted. She was both happy and excited, and at the same time she wanted to cry inexplicably.

Su Li comforted her and released the huge pressure she was holding. As for Su Li rubbed a few times, her pretty face was slightly hot, and she pretended not to know anything.

She even wanted Su Li to get closer.

Yun Qingxuan's heart was like a deer, but she still knew what was going on in the overall situation, so she worked hard to stabilize her mind and said solemnly, "At that time, Hua Ziyan used the method of beheading and the method of deriving Ziqi Wandao to cut me off. a bit.

It wasn't fatal, but it interrupted my ancestral dragon demonization process very accurately.

At that time, I suddenly remembered a picture of a memory that was erased. It should be the picture of the last time we tried Qingyun Tomb—perhaps once? "

Su Li's pupils shrank and said, "Have you ever tried Qingyun Tomb?"

Yun Qingxuan said, "Yes, and it must and must have been tried! In Qingyun Tomb, there is a waterspout, there is Huayue Valley, and there is the River of Forgetfulness—there was a battle in the River of Forgetfulness, and the wind at that time Yao, by the way Master Su, do you remember Feng Yao?"

Hearing this, Su Li did not answer whether he remembered Feng Yao, but thoughtfully said, "You can call me Su Li in the future, and I will call you 'Qing Xuan'."

Yun Qingxuan's breathing stagnated, and a mist of water appeared in her beautiful eyes, but it quickly dried up.

Her breathing was stagnant for a while, and then she sighed in disappointment, venting a lot of melancholy.

She stared at Su Li for a moment with her beautiful eyes, nodded lightly, and said, "Su Li, Feng Yao was fighting Zhuge Ranyue at that time, and Zhuge Ranyue manifested a lotus pedestal and smashed Feng Yao into the bottom of the Nether Sea. , sank into the abyss of darkness."

When Su Li heard the words, her scalp felt numb—Zhuge Ranyue's Karma is here!

What happened to Zhuge Ranyue, no one knows.

But when Su Wangchen left, he specially reminded him.

As a result, Yun Qingxuan said it now?

And it is still a memory scene split by Hua Ziyan with an axe, is it true or false?

Was Hua Ziyan intentional or unintentional?

Hua Ziyan is Liuli, the person next to Jiu Yao.

Jiuyao is Jiuyao Devil Monarch, the inheritor of Seven Nights Devil Monarch.

Who is Seven Nights Devil Monarch?

Su Wangchen was able to beat Karma of Devil Monarch in Seven Nights.

But Su Wangchen may not necessarily be Seven Nights Devil Monarch.

Now, since Zhuge Ranyue once defeated Feng Yao, what is the strength of Zhuge Ranyue?

It's just that Zhuge Ranyue's strength is obviously not strong, otherwise, how could she be the tail end of the previous system ranking?

"Your memory, are you sure that it was suddenly smashed out of a flash of inspiration, not a cage?"

Su Li said solemnly.

Mu Yuxi thought for a while, and said, "It was just a flash of inspiration. Hua Ziyan will only befriend Young Master at this time, and will not mess up again. After all, none of them have the ability of Lie Yang, and Lie Yang's death is in the It doesn't really seem to us, after all, it's long overdue.

However, the existence represented by the fierce sun is the existence of the Half step good fortune Immortal level.

So there will be no strong people coming out to provoke the royal family again.

Returning to the ruins, the rules of the world without gods have been set through this battle. "

Su Li was relieved at the moment, and directly believed Mu Yuxi's words.

At this moment, Mu Yuxi is equivalent to the wise man and military advisor beside him. If you don't listen to this, do you still want to fly?

Just follow what Su Wangchen said-then he Su Li's intelligence, let's mention it quickly, otherwise he really pulls his hips.

With a wise man like Mu Yuxi by his side, does he still analyze it by himself?

Of course, it's just a general direction, but it will definitely be combined with Mu Yuxi's views.

Being stupid is not scary, but being stupid and relying on others without thinking is really scary.

Yun Qingxuan nodded and said, "I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I'm sure it's not a cage. Although intellectually I'm definitely far from the opponent of Meier and Mu Yuxi, but in terms of my ancestor dragon demon, I think My attainments are fine.

And this time Hua Ziyan's shot is really good intentions, otherwise I'll ruin your big business Su Li.

It's right and wrong, I can tell. "

Su Li said, "So, the problem still lies with Zhuge Ranyue. I will ask Zhuge Jiufeng about this later."

Meier said, "Don't ask, whether it's Zhuge Jiufeng or Zhuge Yunni, I'm afraid they don't know much more than us - maybe Su Taiqing and Su Musheng are the real core, they know a lot of secrets, but the basics are It's hard to ask."

Mu Yuxi said, "It must be impossible to ask, so just take Zhuge Ranyue with you. At that time, Young Master will open the fourth floor of the restricted memory area, and we will all stay inside. I will help Young Master pass the memory. The restricted area peeps at the outside world, and at the same time observes the situation of Zhuge Ranyue."

Yun Qingxuan asked, "Will this delay her chance this time?"

Meier smiled and said, "You're confused now, following Su Li is the best chance, so why don't she climb up the pole immediately?"

Yun Qingxuan blushed slightly and said, "I always feel that the meaning of the 'pole' you said seems to be a bit wrong."

Mei'er smiled and said, "Don't think too much, otherwise Su Li will scold me for bringing another one bad - but in this respect, Zhuge Ranyue is quite disgusted."

Mu Yuxi said, "She's disgusted on the surface, but she's very rambunctious on the inside."

Yun Qingxuan asked, "Doesn't she want Face, you all said it so directly?"

Meier smiled and said, "Yu Xi is letting Su Li know what kind of character Zhuge Ranyue is, and then he will take it down."

Yun Qingxuan "..."

Yun Qingxuan felt that her own IQ was indeed not enough, and she was obviously not at the level of the other party.

At this time, Meier and Mu Yuxi directly cancelled the barrier.

Que De, Kameko and the others have long been impatient, and they seem to want to enter the depths of the ruins.

Although this area is shrouded by the Qiankun Life and Death Gate, the area where Su Li is located is still at the outer level, and it is necessary to pass through the huge Qiankun Life and Death Gate to enter the inner area.

This situation is very similar to the scene when Zhuge Qingchen entered the secret realm of Soul Rescue.

But this time, there are not so many cages with twists and turns.

Meier walked directly to Zhuge Ranyue, who hadn't left yet. Zhuge Ranyue blushed in just a moment. She even glanced at Su Li secretly. Seeing Su Li looking at her, she immediately blushed even more as if she was guilty of a thief. .

Su Li was weird, thinking what are you doing, still shy in front of me?

It's not that I haven't seen it... Yes, I really haven't seen it.

"never mind?"

Que De came over and asked.

"never mind."

Su Li nodded and said.

"The nine gates, which one to choose, help me to see fortune-telling."

Que De looked at the giant gate in the distance and asked.

Su Li didn't care about Que De's tone - Que De's tone has always been like this.

"Choose no, you guys."

Su Li made a random divination calculation, and it corresponds to the hexagram of heaven and earth, and choosing whether or not is obviously the best choice.

"Okay. What about Que Xinyan and his Little Sister, following you?"

Qued asked.

When Que Xinyan heard the words, her ears perked up immediately.

Que Xinyan was very casual and decent, standing there gracefully and beautifully.

"If you enter this door, you will be scattered and disrupted. The specific situation is hard to say. But if they are willing to stay on the fourth floor of my memory restricted area, I can try to take a look around."

Su Li said.

Que De said, "Have you brought more than three?"

Su Li said, "Mei'er, Mu Yuxi, Zhuge Ranyue and Yun Qingxuan. There are four in total, plus a few more should be—"

Que De shook his head and said, "No more, no more! Besides, what do you know when you brought Zhuge Ranyue?"

Su Li asked, "Does the news sell?"

Que De said, "I'll sell your loan. I'll give it to you in installments. You don't have to pay interest. Twenty-four installments are interest-free, and each installment is ten years."

Su Li said, "That's fine."

Que De said, "With your current attainments, you can draw a random amount of good fortune and some Karma chance, and you will really rise up from forgetting the world. Why do you want to fight alone? Do you think this Wouldn't my Que De hurt you?"

Su Li said, "I know you won't hurt me, but I'm not confident in my own self-control. I know I can't control my own desire, so I just don't touch it."

Que De said, "You are escaping."

Su Li said, "You think so, but for now, let's not talk about that."

Que De said, "Okay, if you don't take out a loan, you won't take out a loan, but I can't tell you this kind of news if you don't take out a loan. After all, this is a legal transaction. Friendship is friendship, and transaction is transaction. After all, I am a forgetful person. Tool man."

Su Li said, "I understand, I didn't ask you to give a discount, I didn't want to bargain with you, and I didn't force you to share news."

Que De said, "Anyway, you should be more cautious. Zhuge Ranyue is very involved in Karma, so she is—it's not worthy of your trust."

Que De strengthened his tone.

Su Li understood at once, because Que De's Dao is 'there is no lack of evidence', so the last sentence is false.

In other words - Zhuge Ranyue is trustworthy.

Of course, this may also be Que De's cheating, so one of his words is false.

But it doesn't matter, with Meier and Mu Yuxi by his side, he is no longer panic.

"I see."

After Su Li and Que De communicated, at this time, Xia Xinning and others had also come over to say goodbye to Su Li.

"Don't ask, dry door is right for you."

Su Li's face turned black, this person came to say goodbye or something, it was just a favor.

Xia Xinyan, on the other hand, smiled politely at Su Li calmly, her ladylike temperament was undoubtedly revealed, and Su Li couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

Unfortunately, now is not the time.

The crowd left one after another.

Zhuge Qingchen, Mora, and Hua Ziyan also followed.

"You are all in the door, and it's a good situation."

Su Li responded one by one.

Hua Ziyan wanted to stay and say something, but Su Li didn't take the initiative to keep it. Hua Ziyan thought about it, but believed Su Li's words, and chose to follow Mora and others into the door of life and death. area.

In the end, only Long Lindao, An Ruoxuan and Gu Tianyin were left.

Why did Gu Tianyin stay? Su Li almost had some ideas in his heart - it was all Su Wangchen's fault for brushing Zixia's Karma on Gu Tianyin's body.

Su Li glanced at Gu Tianyin and said, "You are at the 'Kun' gate, and I have a word for you - terrain Kun, a gentleman carries things with great virtue."

What Su Li said was translated from the language of this world, so Gu Tianyin could fully understand what it meant.

Hearing this, Gu Tianyin stopped talking.

Su Li said, "This Karma is also too early. You don't have to wonder. When the time is right, you will see for yourself."

Gu Tianyin bowed and saluted, "Thank you Su Shenju."

Su Li said in surprise, "What God calculates..."

Gu Tianyin said, "The current emperor is the god of heaven."

Su Li was slightly stunned—he finally walked down the tree-lined path he had longed for.

Su Li said, "As for your future, you just need to keep faith. If you have hope, you will have the future, so everything else is destined."

Gu Tianyin said, "Tianyin understands, Tianyin retire."

Su Li nodded and looked at Long Lindao again.

Long Lin said, "This time, I didn't find my Little Sister, but I sensed that she must exist."

Su Li said, "The secret cannot be leaked, you can leave first, your life and death gate is at the gate, and for you, the next road is 'the gate is the water'."

Long Lindao pondered a little, and said, "Have my Little Sister ever had a weight in Su Shensuan's heart? Have I ever had a weight in the Emperor's heart?"

Su Li said, "Yes, and it's still very important."

Long Lindao bowed and saluted, and said respectfully, "Lindao, many thanks to Su Shensuan for pointing out the maze."

After Long Lindao finished speaking, he also withdrew on the spot and entered the 'Han' gate.

In the end, An Ruoxuan was left at the scene.

At this time, Su Li had also sent Zhuge Ranyue to the fourth floor of the restricted memory zone.

Therefore, An Ruoxuan was left beside and in front of Su Li.

An Ruoxuan stared at Su Li, and her beautiful eyes became a little bit different, "Xiao Langjun, do you still remember the old heart? When the former Yaolan turned into "Xinxin", he said that he would let a certain Xiaolang Jun tried the taste of ecstasy, does a certain little man remember?"

As An Ruoxuan spoke, she suddenly smiled coquettishly.

Hearing this, Su Li's expression instantly became solemn.

Su Li frowned slightly and said, "The fourth floor of my forbidden memory area is transparent to the outside world. Do you know what this means?"

An Ruoxuan said, "Su Li, when you put them in, I looked at them. Do you think I know that they can see everything outside? Do I care?"

Su Li asked, "What do you mean?"

An Ruoxuan said, "Me and Mei'er have a good relationship, it's just that my acting is not good. Now that Lie Yang is gone, there is no need to pretend. There is some trouble over Yao Lan, and there is also some trouble here for me, so this time You carry me into the gate of life and death."

Su Li said, "Am I holding you in? Are you crazy? Those twisted rules will cut us up."

An Ruoxuan said, "You and I transformed the Yin & Yang curve into a hug, so you'll be fine when you go in. You'll know more shocking secrets then! Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mu Yuxi's opinion, she should be smarter than Meier now."

(s: The third 10,000-word update is here~ Today’s 330,000-word update is completed~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass, bow and thanks~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'uu' 1888 book coins for your support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend' Xunqiuwangye '1500 coins reward support~)

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