I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 304 File Copying, A Huge Upgrade!

Chapter 304 File copying, a huge upgrade!

After watching for a while in the restricted area of ​​memory, Su Li did not find anything wrong with this dark monument.

It's just that this dark monument emits a fierce Blood Qi from time to time, which makes Su Li a little palpitated.

Su Li stared silently at the dark monument, sensing the killing intent of the blood on it, raising his hand almost instinctively to divination.

However, Su Li stopped halfway through this action.

Then, he made a half-diagram.

The result of a half-hexagram is a ridge.

Hom is water.

Before the result came out, Su Li had actually judged that this must be a Kan Gua, and it turned out to be this.

Su Li stood for a moment with a calm expression.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged here, and started Meditation here, running the function of the heart of the universe.

This time Meditation, he almost instantly appeared in the world of the book as if he had traveled through time and space.

In other words, that is not the world in the book, but a deduction of the dark blood monument in front of me after the "Book of Emperor Jingshi" combined with the heart of the world.

This is not deduction, but Su Li starts Meditation after divination for half a hexagram. Then, it is not deduction or deduction.

It's just that this is just a derivation of inaction.

At this moment, Su Li appeared in a land of ruins.

Where the ruins are, Su Li doesn't know.

But the ruins still made him feel very familiar.

It is like a barren mountain in the sunset, like an ancient temple of death, and it is like the ruins of Jingyang Village.

Anyway, no matter where it is, this place has become a ruin.

At this time, there is still a shining sun in the sky.

The light of the sun is not strong, even a little thin.

At this time, it was already dusk.

At dusk, the sun was a bit tragic, without any temperature, with a kind of gloomy and gloomy light that appeared when someone was about to die.

The yellowish cold light, the gloomy environment, and the atmosphere of a devastated environment give people an indescribable feeling of discomfort.

If there is any other place in this world that is Guixu, perhaps, this place is Guixu.

After Su Li stood for a while, the twilight was already dreary, and everything in front of him was even more devastated.

Su Li instinctively took out a good fortune pen and opened a book.

An ancient book that is equally ancient, ancient and yellowed.

The pages of the ancient books are still yellowed, but they are crystal clear and flawless.

The book is old, but at the content level, it contains endless beauty and spirituality.

Su Li held a good fortune pen and had no idea, but the good fortune pen took the initiative to write a line of words - dust to dust, dust to dust.

People will always leave this world.

Therefore, leaving at this time and leaving later, after all, have to leave.

When this line of words was written, Su Li suddenly realized that it seemed to be a line of words that Su Taiqing had written after he did not want to fight and decided to kill himself?

Either yes or no.

After Su Li wrote this line of words, the ancient book page immediately tore off with a 'hiss' of his own accord.

This page of the book flew in the void, and soon 'wow' it burned.

Ming Zhi flew into the sky, with blood-colored flames, flying in the sky.

The ashes fell from the Ming paper from time to time.

Su Li reached out and took a wisp of ash, but this wisp of ash has gradually condensed into dust.

"If even the dust is gone, then everything in this world has nothing to do with me anymore? So, can't I forget the dust?"

"A person's existence, to the final Death, is when the last person who remembers his existence at this time forgets him, then he really never exists."

"Su Wangchen, what have you done to encounter a fatal crisis again?"

"Or, after I killed Taishang Xi and killed Qin Taichu, I cut off your plan directly?"

Su Li muttered.

Among the ruins, Su Li kept walking forward.

Soon, he passed through the ruins and came to a small river.

The water was pitch black.

This is not black water, but the river is very deep and cold, so it looks very dark in the tragic twilight.

Some things just look black, but if you look closely, they are actually very clear.

For example, the small river in front of me.

Su Li approached the river, and then he subconsciously looked into the river.

The river is not black.

Not only is it not dark, but it is also very clear.

It was so clear that his figure could be reflected in it.

However, when Su Li saw this figure, suddenly, his breathing stagnated.

Because he saw a person reflected in the clear river water.

A person he is extremely familiar with, and a sword that is extremely cold and sinful.

The man was the one he knew so well.

The sword is also the sword that he is very familiar with.

In fact, when he saw this scene, he instinctively held his breath, but even so, he still couldn't control his heartbeat.

Su Li held his breath, his breathing and heartbeat stopped for a short time.

However, at this time, the man suddenly reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Brother Chen, why did you come here?"

The voice was as familiar as ever.

Su Li didn't look back.

Because he was worried that if he turned back, he would be cut off by a sword.

In this ruin, in the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", if his head was chopped off, he would not necessarily die.

However, there is a good chance that you will be stuck in the book.

Su Li still stared at the clear water.

From the clear river surface, he saw the man's face, wearing a mask.

A bloodstained skeleton grimace mask.

However, he is not Su Wangchen, but Su Ye.

Yes, he is Su Ye.

At such a point in time, in such a place, he met Su Ye.

Where is this place?

What's tonight?

Su Li didn't know either.

Because he didn't know where the time gap on the tenth floor of the forbidden memory area led to.

And here, he can't call up the system, and he can't check the time.

Everything is a huge mystery.

"If you want to come, come here."

Su Li said softly.

Su Ye sighed softly and said, "Those who want to come still come, but those who don't want to come can't come after all. This is actually not contradictory at all."

Su Li asked, "How did it become like this?"

Su Ye said, "Something has to be done by someone. I won't do it. Could it be that the Master should do it?"

Su Li remained silent, no longer answering.

Su Ye said, "A lonely person, a sinful sword, the original intention of the Sin Moon Ghost Sword's existence is probably like this."

Su Li said, "Actually, you are not alone at all, because I have always been with you."

Su Ye said, "No, I have never existed. I only exist because some Karmas need me to exist. Brother Chen, don't come to this place unless it is necessary in the future."

Su Li said, "Okay."

Su Ye said, "Three thousand weak water, just take a scoop to drink."

Su Li heard the words, breathing slightly stagnant, and did not respond.

Su Ye raised his hand, gathered two jugs, and sucked at the river water.

Immediately, two dark jugs containing a bit of strange green light immediately released a ferocious, gloomy cold air.

The cold air is overflowing, and from time to time it spews out of the jug.

At this time, Su Ye carried the jug and handed over a jug of wine, saying, "Come on, let's finish this last glass of wine, brothers."

Su Li wanted to refuse, but he found that he actually took the jug of wine on his own initiative.

At this time, Su Li realized that he was not him at this time.

In other words, this statement is a bit strange, but at this time he is actually 'Su Wangchen', not Su Li.

And Su Ye obviously has an excellent relationship with Su Wangchen.

Su Ye held the jug and did not drink, but looked at the twilight in the sky and said, "Brother Chen, how many years have it been?"

Su Li sighed softly, but still didn't speak.

Because he didn't know what to say.

Moreover, his current state seems to have suddenly returned to the past or future himself, which is too strange.

He seems to be able to control himself to do a series of things, and it seems that he can't control it.

In other words, as long as it does not affect a certain 'track', he can do it, but he cannot do anything that affects a certain 'track'.

"Brother Chen, with enough wisdom, it can't really solve the problem. It's like you forcibly go to Wangchen to make a deal.

What do you think the deal that can be made and the self that can be sold will be in the end?

Yes, now you may really be invincible and smart, but you have never thought about it, where is your future?

Not to mention, you are in a state of time chaos all the time because your intelligence exceeds the limit you can bear.

It may be difficult to say whether the present you is the past you or the future you. "

Su Ye said and sighed again.

Then, he raised his head and poured the whole pot of wine into his mouth.

The wine was clear and chilly, but after Su Ye drank it, it was as if he had drank a fire, and his whole body burned to blood.

Su Li even passed the river water and could see that Su Ye's internal organs were being burned by fire.

Su Li didn't speak, and he didn't control his own actions, but he still instinctively lifted the jug, raised his head and drank all the wine.

The drink was clear and cold to the bone. After drinking it, Su Li saw himself in the river, and his internal organs were also being burned by the fire.

It was an extremely painful but extremely crazy and refreshing feeling.

Crazy and suicidal.

Su Li suddenly realized that there is a state in life, that is, to seek the ultimate happiness in the midst of extreme pain.

Sometimes, happiness is always short-lived, like alcohol anesthetizing pain.

It's just like……

Where do you wake up tonight, Yangliu Bank, Xiaofeng and the last moon.

Su Li remained calm.

At this time, Su Ye suddenly said, "Ask Qingtian about the wine, but I won't ask the palace in the sky again, what year is it today."

Before Su Li could figure it out, he had already responded, "It's too cold at the heights."

Su Ye said, "You have recovered."

Su Li said, "When will Mingyue appear? The bright moon in my heart is gone. So, as a brother, after I drink this glass of wine, from now on, all Karma between us will be cut off."

Su Ye said, "What kind of knife is a knife?"

Su Li said, "The sword that kills without blood, the sword of the bright moon in the world."

Su Ye said, "What kind of Tianya is Tianya?"

Su Li said, "Tianya is the Tianya of the heartbroken, and it is also Gu Tianya."

Su Ye said, "What kind of bright moon is the bright moon?"

Su Li said, "The bright moon is the bright moon when the bright moon is there, and it is also the moon of Zhuge Jiayue."

Su Ye said, "It's okay to cut in two, I'll just kill Gu Tianya and Zhuge Jiayue."

Su Li said, "Yes, it's always going to die anyway."

Su Ye said, "This is my guardian place, you can go back."

Su Li said; "No, I'll take you off Yellow Springs."

Su Ye said, "Does this have to be the case?"

Su Li said, "It must be like this."

Su Ye said, "Then look, in the bottom of the river, they are all looking at you."

Su Li said, "I don't need to see it, and even if I see it, I don't care."

Su Ye said, "You will definitely care, because your bright moon is still there."

Su Li asked, "Where is she?"

Su Ye said, "She is in your restricted area of ​​memory, she is in your memory. If you haven't forgotten her, then she is still alive."

After pondering for a while, Su Li slowly said, "Living in the past, living in memories, that itself is gone. The rules of this world show that after being killed, it will be completely annihilated."

Su Ye said, "You Su Wangchen, when have you followed the rules of this world? Aren't the rules of this world always customized by you? Whether they exist or not is in your mind."

Su Li said, "That said, but I can't do it."

Su Ye said, "It's not that I can't do it, but I'm escaping. They all say that Wangchen is ruthless, that Wangchen is a devil, and that Wangchen is the biggest devil in this world. But I know that the devil is also my Little Brother, my relative, and also --Have feelings."

Su Li said, "You can't touch me, I will definitely take action against you."

Su Ye said, "Master gave me this sword, and I have never known the reason. Now that I know, he wants me to leave the Sea of ​​Bitterness alone.

Yellow Springs are not springs, and Sea of ​​Bitterness is not sea. "

As Su Ye said, he raised his hand and threw the jug into the distance. He said boldly and unrestrainedly, "In the beginning, there is a Tao, all Taos Return to Self. Wang Chen, no matter what others think of you, father, mother, I am Su. Ye, you Little Sister Soho have never blamed you.

In the same way, Yuxi and Meier have never betrayed you.

In our hearts, you are always a unique emperor and the true leader of the Su family of the Pangu clan in our return to the market.

Returning to the Ruins to establish the royal family is the only way out for the human race under Heavenly Dao.

So, even if I really die, so what?

This world only needs one Su Wangchen, not one Su Ye.

Wangchen, you are never 'out of reach', but 'don't be in a hurry'.

You are still too impatient, otherwise many things will really become very good.

However, there is still room for manoeuvre, and we are far from reaching the point of the dead end. "

As Su Ye said, the Sin Moon Ghost Sword manifested in his hand, and stabbed it directly between his eyebrows in an instant.

What he stabbed was Su Ye himself.

A sword pierced his eyebrows, killing him completely.

At that moment, Su Ye stood up straight and did not fall down.

Su Ye died here like this, and a faint ghostly aura escaped from his body.

Twilight is darker.

The surrounding environment is even more devastated.

Su Li was touched, but not very heartbroken.

It seemed that Su Ye's death didn't touch his nerves at all—or rather, it didn't touch the nerves of that 'Su Wangchen'.

Su Li still didn't look back, but looked into the depths of the river.

Under the concentration, the scene in the depths of the river immediately became clear.

It's like a layer of light shines into the depths of darkness and fully presents all the environment inside.

Hello everyone, our official account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention, you can get it. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

Su Li saw with his own eyes that the black water was not water at all, but purified blood!

And what is the bottom of the water?

All of them belong to the Su family.

One by one, they were like walking corpses, all of them had empty eyes, and they all stood silently at the bottom of the water.

So, why does the river water look dark.

That's because, after they stood at the bottom of the river, the top of their heads was above.

The black hair on the top of the head was scattered throughout the river, forming a presence like pieces of water plants, and then fluttering with the slight turbulence of the river.

As a result, under the light, the river looks very dark.

At this moment, Su Li felt extremely heart palpitations.

Dense corpses.

In other words, it was not a corpse, but a state like Mu Qingya who woke up from the colorful crystal coffin at first, but her eyes were empty.

It appears to be alive, but it is actually dead.

But in the same way, it looks dead, but it has some consciousness, and it is still 'alive'.

So living and dead are sometimes really hard to define.

Su Li clearly sensed that at this moment, the 'he' suddenly had some heart palpitations and some heartache.

But he didn't show it and remained indifferent.


Su Li snorted coldly.

In other words, it wasn't that he snorted coldly, but 'Su Wangchen' snorted coldly, and then raised his hand to condense a sword.

As soon as this sword appeared, Su Li recognized it. The name of the sword was 'Panhuang Shengxiejian', and it came with a special killing method "Panhuangshengxie Dao".

This is the weapon of ‘Su Wangchen’.

The nature is similar to the 'Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword' and the corresponding killing method.

Right now, Su Li's figure didn't move, but suddenly the sword appeared. With a backhand sword, Su Ye's head was chopped off, and then he kicked into the river.


The river water exploded with blood.

Blood splattered.

The river began to turbulent.

Among them, it seems that all the Su family members suddenly opened their eyes.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at him like that, and many of them had deep anger in their eyes.

Su Li glanced at the past, and the names of these people appeared in his mind.

The leaders were Su Pangu, Su Taiqing, Su Musheng, Su Yuqing, Su Jade Emperor, Su Yinglong, Su Daji, Su Mufan, Su Youru and others.

At this time, Su Galaxy Cluster and Su Xingzhao also appeared, along with Su He and Su Ye.

Su Ye was the last to appear.

When his head fell into the river and exploded into blood mist powder, there was another Su Ye in the corpse in the river.

There was no hatred in Su Ye's eyes.

Instead, there was just a hint of loneliness.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry, the big brother is incompetent, he couldn't save you from this disaster."

Su Ye's empty eyes showed the last piece of information.

And Su Li didn't even look at it - it wasn't that he didn't want to look at it, but at this time, he found that he was completely unable to dominate this body.

Su Li tries out Meditation 'Heart of the World'.

Like a Meditation, in an instant, he regained some control over the body.

Therefore, he took a deep look at Su Ye and tried to speak.

After this attempt, he found that he was able to speak.

So, Su Li suddenly said to Su Ye, "I'm Su Li, we will meet later."

Su Ye's empty eyes were slightly stunned.

At this time, Su Li himself seemed to be struck by endless lightning, paralyzed all over and scalp numb.

At that moment, the endless shackles of order instantly turned into chains of order, piercing through his body, mind and soul in an instant, if he wanted to lock him up.

However, Su Li said again, "Grandpa, father, mother, and Uncle big brother and sister, Little Brother Little Sisters, you can rest assured that the emperor Su Li will rise up and bring you a whole new world. ."

Saying that, Su Li said word by word, "True love that comes from hope, and hope that comes from true love, can definitely create miracles! If not, then I, Su Li, will become the source of hope and become the source of hope in the endless darkness. Eternal hope, light up the darkness for you, and illuminate your way forward."

Su Li said, and said, "My heart is not the heart of forgetting the dust, but the heart of inaction."

"So, Bodhi has no trees, and a mirror is not a stage, and there is nothing in it, where can it cause dust?"

"Su Wangchen, you have usurped more means, you have failed!"

Su Li said, and in the Meditation, a burning flame manifested.

In the flames, Su Li burned himself directly and burned himself to death.

At that moment, Su Li saw that he had turned into a book from heaven. It was the one page that was torn apart suddenly by a mysterious big hand, and it was also the one page of the book that Su Wangchen moved his hands and feet on.

Su Li thought that in the previous scene, the scripture that moved his hands and feet had been erased.

But in fact, this is not the case.

In the raging flames, Su Li's figure disappeared little by little, and at the same time on the tenth floor of the restricted memory area, it reappeared little by little.

At this time, the dark monument that was originally pitch black gradually faded away, becoming ancient and mottled.

Su Li saw that this monument to the soul is an extremely ancient monument to the soul!

This is a total monument that Su Wangchen or whoever once captured it!

The total monument of ninety-nine in one!

And the most powerful attribute on this monument is that it contains the attributes of heaven, time and space!

The No. 92 Soul Soul Stele originally contained the attributes of heaven and time, but it was very simple.

And this piece is probably from tens of thousands of years ago? The stone tablet contains three important attributes, which is simply invincible!

Such a giant monument suddenly appeared here...

Su Li's mood gradually calmed down.

In fact, he had already guessed what was going on—obviously, the method Su Wangchen left behind this time was to cover him in the time fault point in the forbidden memory zone, but it failed.

In other words, killing Taishang made him Su Li feel that he had succeeded, that he could do it, and then floated away.

At this time, Su Wangchen was ready to start.

Therefore, defeating an enemy is often not when the enemy is in danger, but when the enemy is in a good mood.

However, Su Wangchen really ignored the heart of the world, and also ignored what kind of system his Su Li's system was.

At this time, Su Li just wanted to say something to Su Wangchen - we are different, we are different!

My system is willing to die for me, Su Li, and is even afraid of my loneliness, Su Li, and is willing to cut out my avatar and come to serve me!

In your system, you only know to drink her blood, and you only know to constantly squeeze and deceive her.

Can you compare?

After Su Li re-condensed on the tenth floor of the forbidden memory area, he sensed the system panel.

At this time, he couldn't help but light up slightly.

The system is up again!

However, this time, it is not the overall star upgrade of the system, but a small star upgrade - the system's 'Function 5 Reality Reality Realization ☆☆☆' has been upgraded from 3 stars to 4 stars.

That is to say, the function of 'True Void Realization' has reached a certain extreme when it was upgraded before, but this inexplicable encounter has allowed him to obtain huge unknown benefits, so that this function has been improved on its own. .

This unknown benefit is undoubtedly the great merit brought by his sincere commitment!

Yes, merit!

Sometimes, whether it is done or not, the moment a vision is made, action has actually begun.

Because the moment when I made a big wish was sincere.

Merit is not celestial value and Karma, there is no data.

But as long as there is merit, it is obviously not too difficult to ascend to a star.

For these, Su Li does not insist.

However, he will be very, very happy to find that some functions of the system have been upgraded.

In particular - the benefits of being promoted to a star like Zhenxu's realization are simply indescribable.

This time, after the function is upgraded, the corresponding changes are also huge.

Function 5 Reality and Void Realization ☆☆☆ Consume a lot of secret value and Karma value, create an archive world based on one's own merits, replicating the real world, and deduce everything that may happen in reality in the archive world.

In the archive world, the passage of time can be accelerated at any time, and the archive world can last for ten days.

During the period of 'real and virtual realization', system functions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 can be used.

Ancillary feature bonus - file copying.

Every time you use the 'Reality and Void Realization' function and return to the real world, you will get an opportunity to 'file copy' and an opportunity to experience an evaluation.

The evaluation is divided into nine grades: f waste grade), d, c, b, a, s, ss, sss, ssss, sssss, each grade has superior and inferior (distinguish.

File Copy Copying a file of a 'directly related' character and re-engraving it, you can have all the abilities of the character within ten days and completely replace the character! During the period of replacing the character's file, the character will go through the lock down of Karma, the permanent town of "Lost in the Realm" and lose all self, and will not have any memory of everything during the period of being copied.

After recovery, it is completely covered and fully substituted by the experience within ten days (the evaluation after the real and virtual realization determines the complete substitution effect of the 'copy character'.


Seeing the ability to 'file copy', Su Li gasped in breath.

Good guy, this is really a complete blowout!

Su Li's hands were too weak, and the whole person was quite moved.

The meaning of copying this file is that if he copies Fengyao after getting the sssss evaluation, he is the real Fengyao.

And when Feng Yao recovers, when Su Li returns, whatever he did with Feng Yao before, Feng Yao would feel that it was what Feng Yao did himself - the memory would be perfectly connected.

The perfection of this connection is sssss level!

What does this represent?

This means that if he Meditation a Yuanshi Tianzun in the file world, and then copies Yuanshi Tianzun in reality, he is a perfect Yuanshi Tianzun!

Also, the archive world can exist for ten days now!

Ten days!

That is to say, if the archive world lasts for ten days, then... then the characters copied from his archives can exist in reality for ten days!

In ten days, if you copy a super powerful existence, even your stuff will be smashed!

Su Li thought about it, and then looked at the function information of the system panel.

This time, he found that the functions have changed a little.

After sensing for a moment, Su Li realized that the upgrade of the system to level 17 did not mean that the function remained unchanged.

Rather, there may have been a lack of some variable "merit" and the like at that time, so that some abilities were not transformed.

But if the level upgrade requirement is met, the system will break through first.

Su Li wanted to understand this, and suddenly felt that the light blue elf was too human and too cute.

That's right, if Qianlan doesn't understand human nature, how can he and Mu Yuxi have such an indistinguishable Dao experience of Wushan Yunyu ecstasy?

There are indeed some changes to the system at level 17 these days.

There are good aspects to this change, and some bad aspects.

The good thing is that the 'control the future' function can view the life file of the living being in the next ten days.

At the same time, Tianji Mall has one more chance to refresh, and items can be refreshed five times!

But... but the interval has increased from seven days to 10 days.

If this is calculated as a whole, it can be refreshed 16 times in 30 days, but this time it is upgraded and transformed, it can only be refreshed 15 times in 30 days.

"Inexplicably lost."

Su Li did the math, it is true that there are more opportunities to buy, but the time has become longer.

"This may be the trend in the future."

"Before I was too weak, so I needed to refresh a lot in a short period of time. But now, I have the heart of the world, coupled with the 'doing nothing' way of doing things, it is difficult to be calculated."

"So, the refresh interval of this kind of Tianji mall will be strengthened, but the number of times will increase, so I have to be more cautious every time I choose."

"The little details in light blue are full of true love."

Su Li sighed slightly.

However, the next refresh time has not changed.

Moreover, Tianji Mall has one more chance to refresh.

This is obviously a good thing.

In addition, the biggest advantage is that this time - his "Book of Emperor's Classics", a large part of it has been restored again.

Although it has not reached the peak level, it is only a little bit closer.

At this point, Su Li can almost be sure that as long as he has an epiphany or a perception of merit, it will definitely not be a problem!


Su Li took a deep breath, and then silently glanced at the Soul Requiem tablet containing the time gap. Then, he moved to the fourth floor of the forbidden memory area.

It's been a long time since Meier and Mu Yuxi, as well as Yun Qingxuan and Zhuge Ranyue.

So, what did they see this time?

Su Li had some expectations in her heart.

(s: The second 8,000 words are here~ Tears for full subscription and monthly and recommended tickets~ Thank you dear friends~ Bow~ In addition, about the current detailed attributes of the system, put it in the Easter egg chapter at the end of the chapter of the mother-in-law version Now, I won't put it in the chapter to make up the words~~)

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