I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 312 The Son Of Time And Space, Fight Against Each Other!

Su Li looked at it strangely. Through the blasted water, Su Li seemed to find that the void in the depths of the pool seemed to be cracked, and a bright light appeared.

In the light, after the void split open, the small long leg bone began to swell violently, and The next moment turned into endless pitch black, like Shrouding the Heavens blocking the sun, moving towards the vast world below. smashed over.

A look of astonishment appeared in Su Li's eyes.

He vaguely felt that such a scene was somewhat familiar, and he seemed to have experienced it before.

But where exactly he experienced it, he couldn't remember.

Su Li continued to stare at the huge, black blood-stained bone monument, thinking in his heart, if this thing smashed towards the mysterious world below, wouldn't it destroy the mysterious world below?

However, at the moment when such an idea was born, Su Li saw the cracked void not far away, and an incomparably vast starry sky giant tomb appeared.

The starry sky giant tomb seemed to be conscious, and directly opened its huge mouth like a black hole. When it opened its mouth, it sucked the black bone tablet!


The black bone tablet was ruthlessly inserted on the starry sky giant tomb.

At this moment, Su Li found that the starry sky giant tomb seemed to become more complete.

And this giant tomb disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, the dark little pool had also returned to normal, becoming as calm as ever.

The water in the small pool also became clear again, sparkling, like a spring.

It's just that Su Li didn't dare to underestimate this small pool at this time.

These things, or the things here, are not normal things-what did Light Blue suddenly bring him here for?

Could it be, what other new plans does Zero have?

Or... feel like you want me to take some kind of test?

Su Li pondered and looked at the other leg bone he had thrown into the flames earlier.

This time, when Su Li looked over, the leg bone had already been burned, and it turned into a small long strip again.

This time, Su Li really recognized that this thing was not a small cement block, it was a bone tablet!

Something that is naturally made from the thigh bone through some mysterious flame.

The point is, everything here seems to be unconscious, right?

No one controls it, right?

Then why do bones burn into bone monuments and form tombstones when thrown in?

What is the logic?

The thigh bone is burnt into a tombstone, so what will burn out of the rest?

Su Li thought about it, and then picked up the small bone tablet again.

This time, the bone tablet was in his hands, and he did not throw it into the small pool immediately, but looked at it repeatedly in his hands.

After a while, Su Li had a strange idea.

"It's all about dripping blood? I'll try to see if it works, anyway, if you die, you die!"

Su Li thought for a while, then he walked over and stretched out his hand towards the flame.


When he stretched out his hand, the flame violently rioted, as if some kind of terror was about to come.

Su Li's hand didn't burn, but there was still an indescribable pain that stabbed his nerve all at once.

Su Li withdrew his hand and looked at his own hand, but there was nothing abnormal.

His current state of existence is just a state of consciousness derived from Meditation, and it is not necessarily completely real.

As for what state it was in, Su Li himself didn't know.

Anyway, this is in a certain state of the 'system', so there should be no problem.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is a problem, it has already worked hard anyway.

In this state of mind, Su Li took the bone tablet and swiped his palms to the left and right.

In an instant, there was indeed blood flowing out.

However, Su Li found that his blood didn't seem to be pure red, but with a little bit of bright red and pale gold, which seemed a bit strange.

Su Li didn't have time to question. At this time, after his blood began to penetrate the stone tablet, the dark color on the stone tablet was immediately washed away layer by layer.

It is as if the weathering process of the stone tablet after the time has been accelerated is directly presented at the speed seen by the naked eye.

This scene is very magical.

But what's even more amazing is that after this bone monument faded from the black, it turned into the color of ancient times, with a vast wave and ancient atmosphere, as if it came from a very ancient era.

Su Li looked at the bone tablet, and vaguely, he found some words on the bone tablet.

These characters are not complicated. In Su Li's view, he knows this kind of characters.

This is a script similar to oracle bone inscriptions, but fortunately, his current intelligence is not what it used to be, and he was familiar with these things in his previous life, so he recognized the text on the bone tablet as 'Zhenzhen' at a glance. Soul Monument'.

Seeing this scene, Su Li was amazed.

A thigh bone, after being burned by an unknown flame, turned into a dark soul tablet?

After the soul-suppressing tablet was dripped with blood by him, it actually faded from its black color and showed its true shape? Soul monument?

Su Li thought for a while, then walked to the side of the small water pool again, and then raised his hand and threw the Soul Rejuvenating Tablet into the small water pool.

Sure enough, this time when Su Li was thrown into it, it was like a silver pure sodium thrown into the water, and a violent explosion occurred again with a 'boom'.


Su Li even saw that there were four lightning dragons appearing in the south, south, north and west!

Yes, the lightning actually manifested four colors, and it also turned into a lightning dragon, roaring in the void.

In the void, there was a very harsh and inexplicable 'rubbing' sound, and I don't know if there was anything abnormal.

All the clear water in the small pool turned into black water. After the black water exploded, the void in the water cracked.

At the same time, in the cracked void, the Soul Soul Stele suddenly fell.

At this time, Su Li saw a woman in a white dress and a gauze skirt appearing in the void. She raised her hand to condense a giant hand in the void, raised her hand and grabbed it, and grabbed the soul-suppressing tablet in her hand.

However, after she grabbed the soul-suppressing tablet in her hand, she seemed to sense the corresponding blood aura, so she raised her hand and pumped it, collecting the blood that Su Li had infiltrated in the soul-suppressing tablet.

At the same time, the woman in the white gauze skirt showed a strange color, and seemed to murmur, "I didn't expect that there is such a bloodline?"

The woman in the white dress and gauze muttered to herself, and then a bloodline was condensed, and the bloodline began to fuse with the bright red and dark golden bloodline.


In the void, a very mysterious change appeared.

Twisted strands of the power of the void dispersed, and at the same time, purple lightning appeared again around the woman in the white gauze skirt.

The lightning was densely packed, but the woman was standing directly in it, as if she was not affected at all.

When Su Li watched silently, the woman combined the blood power of both sides to create a baby out of thin air.

The baby glowed with mysterious wisps of flame power.

However, after the woman had done all this, she raised her hand to grab the baby, and in Su Li's stunned eyes, she broke her neck and discarded her body.

After the baby's body was thrown away, it fell into the world below the void. Su Li saw that in the deep sea, a giant tortoise suddenly rose into the sky and bit the headless baby. A roll, curling it deep in the deep sea.

And the baby's head was pressed into the soul-suppressing tablet by the woman with great care.

After a while, Su Li saw that there was a vortex in the Soul Requiem tablet, and a light blue door of light appeared in the vortex.

After the door of light appeared, the baby's little head just stuck in the door of light, and at this moment, it began to absorb some of the energy in the door of light.

Instead of dying, the baby immediately came alive.

Su Li looked suspicious and strange.

But he felt that he shouldn't read it, it seemed to involve some huge secret.

"Does it look good?"

At this time, the mysterious voice of the woman in white and gauze seemed to come from her ears.

Su Li's heart was terrified. At this moment, he was in such an environment, how could the woman in the white dress and gauze dress feel something, and even talk to him?

Su Li didn't dare to respond in the slightest, the whole person just felt very unbelievable.

You know, this is in some kind of void illusion drawn by the system. How could other beings enter this place to communicate with him?

When Su Li was thinking about it, the woman in the white gauze skirt seemed to see Su Li through the broken and empty area of ​​the small water pool below.

Su Li saw that it was a pair of beautiful eyes full of mysterious will, cold and aura of law and Taoism.

Such eyes made him lost for a moment.

And at that moment, he can do almost anything for the other party!

However, Su Li soon woke up, because he is not a licking dog, so he would never do such a thing.

So, Su Li quickly regained his composure, and looked at the woman in the white dress with a cold look - it doesn't matter whether the other party can see it or not, what does Su Li need to worry about? What to be afraid of?

In this state of mind, Su Li's eyes became a bit colder, and at the same time, he spit directly at the small black pool.

"Oh, it seems that your origin is really amazing, not in Samsara, not in Karma. And it is this kind of origin that is suitable for helping me raise a child.

Alright, I've borrowed your blood.

In the future, I will pay you back. "

The woman in the white dress spoke softly.

"You don't need to pay it back now. What's your name? What's your origin? And the Soul Requiem tablet you took before is also mine."

Su Li spoke directly.

"What's my name? I don't know. I don't know my name. Walking in time, I seem to have forgotten my own name."

The woman in the white dress and gauze murmured, for a moment at a loss.

Su Li frowned and said, "You're so strong, you can walk in time, and you don't even have a name? Have you forgotten? Do you think I'm so stupid and easy to be deceived?"

The woman in the white dress shook her head and said lightly, "What do you mean? Can't you remember a lot of things while walking in time? Isn't this the truth?"

Su Li said, "Then, you will use your ability to walk in time to repay me! It seems that you not only borrowed the power of my blood, but also borrowed my Soul Requiem tablet to raise a baby?"

The woman in the white dress and gauze said, "Soul Soul Stele is not yours, you can't mix your blood into it at will, this will only bring you endless calamities! Soul Soul Stele is fake, it's just a corpse, left on the corpse. The power of blood, when the corpse revives, you will all become blood food!

So I actually saved you. "

Su Li said, "Whatever you say, you can repay now."

The woman in the white dress and the gauze said, "It's alright if the child has your bloodline. I'll teach you "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time". This kind of Cultivation Technique, if you practice to the extreme, you can walk in the gap of time. , This can avoid the catastrophe of returning to the ruins for 100,000 years."

Su Li said in surprise, "The 100,000-year catastrophe of returning to the ruins? What do you mean? Also, what child has me? If you want to conceive a child, shouldn't I fuck you a few times first, and then you will get pregnant? I'm not happy. So, you didn't conceive with your body, and all the children were born?"

The woman in the white dress and gauze heard the words, but she was not angry with Su Li's Meng Lang's remarks, but explained, "The 100,000-year catastrophe of returning to the ruins is the life in this world, and all can only survive for ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand years. At the age of nine, at the last moment of one hundred thousand years, it will definitely turn into a ruin, a wisp of dust between heaven and earth.

Everything between heaven and earth will be annihilated!

This is the return to the market.

However, if you learn "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" and practice it out of Immortal's divinity to a level of ecstasy, you can use this Cultivation Technique to walk in the gaps of time without dying. "

Su Li said, "I probably understand what you mean - this is living in a certain time node in the past or the present, right, it's equivalent to living a life unscathed."

The woman in the white gauze skirt said, "Yes, that's what it means."

Su Li shook his head and said, "Do many people know this Cultivation Technique?"

The woman in the white gauze skirt said, "Not many people know it, there should be only a handful of them. After all, Cultivation Techniques are things that are easy to learn but difficult to master, not to mention, to condense Immortal's divinity, at least one must perceive Immortal's Dao marks. .

But there is no real Immortal Dao Mark in this world. "

Hearing this, Su Li disdainfully said, "It's ridiculous, how could there be no Immortal in this world? Am I not Immortal?"

The woman in the white gauze skirt said in surprise, "Are you Immortal?"

Hearing this, Su Li smiled and said, "Yes, if I were Immortal, with your existence, I could still use my blood to forge offspring? But, it's similar to your situation. After all, elephants are invisible, right? You walk in In the long river of time, there are still many forgotten.

And I'm actually pretty much like you, but I've forgotten more. "

Su Li said, his eyes rolled, and then he smiled and said, "After talking for so long, let me introduce myself, my name is 'Su Wangchen', Su is the Su who revived everything, and Wangchen means forgetting the red dust."

Hearing the words, the woman in the white dress and the gauze skirt was a little shocked and a little emotional, and said, "Su Wangchen... It's really a good name, but unfortunately, I don't remember my own name."

Su Li smiled and said, "Then let me give you a name."

The woman in the white dress and gauze heard the words, her beautiful eyes were full of anticipation, "Then, thank you very much, this is the first time I have been able to meet someone who can communicate with me since I have walked endlessly."

Su Li said, "You look very much like the oriental fairy in my hometown of Honghuang world, so let's take 'oriental' as the surname. Then...you look very cute, and in my hometown, describe a girl as a girl Like angels, most of them will be described as 'anl', but I don't like those foreigners, so I will name them in the way of pinyin - 'An Keer'.

So, your name is 'Dongfang Ke'er, or 'An Ke'er', depending on which one you like. "

The woman in the white dress and gauze heard the words, her beautiful eyes lit up, and said, "Both of these names are good, just this one."

After Dongfang Ke'er finished speaking, she glanced at the Soul Repelling Monument not far in front of her and said, "So, do you want to name this child too?"

Su Li's breathing stagnated slightly, and said, "Is there really a child? It was born so soon? But we haven't kissed Fang Ze yet!"

Dongfang Ke'er said with a smile, "Master Su really deserves to be the owner of the 'Heart of Forgetting Chen', but he has such a solid memory for the mortal world, which is admirable.

Dongfang Ke'er said, and explained, "In fact, raising the younger generation is like eating an ordinary beast."

Su Li asked curiously, "Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Dongfang Ke’er said, “It is analogous to eating. For example, Agumon eats for more than eight hours a day. If it doesn’t reach eight hours, all kinds of drawbacks will definitely come out.


Because in the food structure of Agumon, the vegetarian food such as grass and leaves with the lowest spirituality are the main ones, so if you don’t eat for eight hours or more, the spiritual intake will not meet your own needs, and various physiques will be produced. , Defects in the soul.

I'm using the time rule here, but it's actually wrong!

Now if I want to raise an Agu beast and let it grow into a dragon, how do I raise it? Let him eat leaves?

Of course not, I just need to activate the Soul Requiem tablet, extract the bone marrow, blood power, and spiritual divine aura that are close to Immortal, and directly refine it into pure source energy and inject it into its body, it will not It takes eight hours to be full!

Moreover, the eating time that does not reach eight hours does not affect its growth, because the spiritual origin of Immortal Requiem Tablet is more than natural grass.

So those basic rules are actually not important at all, the important thing is to give key resources in key places!

So, does time matter?

Time doesn't really matter!

Agumon needs to eat for eight hours a day to live, this is the truth of Agumon, it is their law.

Humans need to breed the next generation to produce Yin & Yang Indistinguishable Dao, which is the Yin & Yang Indistinguishable Dao theory of biology and their law.

But is this rule really true?

Actually not.

Therefore, you have the power of blood, and the power of your blood has been purified to the extreme. It contains the breath of the ancient emperor, contains the immortal rhyme, and contains the level of life that has no upper limit.

I extract this kind of bloodline, condense it into the essence of energy, combine it with a drop of bloodline power that I have condensed, and transform it into a new life, what's wrong with this?

Where does it take a year or more to conceive.

Indistinguishable Dao still has an accident after all, and the child born may be Innate mutilated.

But for the child that I have refined by means of refining like this, rest assured, there will be no surprises at all.

Absolutely the arrogance of the arrogance - do you understand now? "

Hearing this, Su Li's expression became rather strange.

Is this kind of thing so professional?

What he originally thought was the charming dance, but the result? ? ? Is this what it is?

The result is one drop of blood per person, refining in the void? Refine a child?

This is more baby?

Su Li's three views have been greatly subverted.

But he also knew that this should be the reality in this world of practice.

"By the way, what do you think the child should be called?"

Dongfang Kerr asked.

"Charming spicy-"

When Su Li just blurted out and wanted to tell the truth, she was stunned and said "Mola" casually.

Dongfang Ke'er nodded lightly and said, "Then 'Mora' is fine.

She said, thought about it, and said, "Just this way, once he grows up, he will not be able to walk in time, otherwise, you will take him with you? I did take some advantage of you, stay After a while, I will imprint all "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" on this monument of the soul, and then land on it through the method of 'the monument to the soul of the sky'.

At that time, you can adopt him. "

Su Li disapproved and said, "Why worry too much about such a thing? Since it is my son, are you afraid that he will not live a smart life? Just let it be free. The real strong person is never afraid of any test."

Dongfang Ke'er was stunned for a moment, then thoughtfully said, "That's true, a real strong man never fears any darkness."

Su Li said, "It's not darkness, it's hardship."

Dongfang Keer said, 'For me, hardship is darkness, and only the light of the eternal Immortal can dispel the darkness. "

Su Li said, "Light can't dispel darkness. Behind any light, there is darkness. Because darkness is like a shadow, it goes with it."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "Really? Then, where are you now, and why can you see the long river of time?"

Su Li said, "I'm rather surprised that you can see me."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "I just sensed peeping, not seeing you, because I don't even know what you look like."

Su Li said, "I look like the man in your heart."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "But I don't have any man in my heart, only myself."

Su Li said, "Then I'm just like you."

Dongfang Ke'er smiled and said, "Su Wangchen, don't talk nonsense, I will take this sentence seriously."

Su Li said, "Inexplicably, I fell into your trap and was used as a seed. What if I talk casually? Forget it, I won't tell you, I've been at a loss."

Su Li said, turned around and looked away, and at the same time did not look at the beautiful fairy in the white dress in the pool.

Compared with this woman, Hua Zili and Mu Xue are all far behind.

"In such a world, if you can sleep with a few such top-quality peerless fairies, it's not a waste of time.

But so far, it seems to have been continuously calculated by others. "

"Before, I wanted to calculate Li Muxue, but she was shattered by her intention to retreat, and instead got the 'projection' she wanted.

This time, the soul-suppressing tablet was inexplicably thinking of dripping blood, and threw the soul-suppressing tablet into the water to try it.

It's as if the mind is being pulled away.

While it's true that it's all my own doing, is there a tendency to be out of my own control? "

"A subtle influence?"

Su Li thought for a while, then moved a little further away from the pool.

After a while, the pool became calm, and after Su Li looked over, he found that the water in the pool became clear again.

There, the beautiful fairy that he wished for countless times every day also disappeared completely.

Inexplicable things appeared, said inexplicable words, and then inexplicably borrowed seeds to give birth to children, and then inexplicably threatened...

Su Li was very unhappy.

What a treasure trove of Heavenly Emperor this system brings. This is it.

What about a painting.

What a picture!

Su Li murmured in his heart, and after walking a few steps, he came to the body of a woman.

The woman's body had only one head.

But Su Li can see that she is also very beautiful.

However, when Su Li looked at her face carefully, she found that her face was not a real face, but a human skin!

Su Li's breathing stagnated, and then he squatted down and lifted it towards the human skin.


After the human skin was peeled off, at that instant, the woman's head rotted and weathered, and began to emit a lot of black smoke.


At this time, the two eyeballs rolled out like two glass balls.

Shiny and looks a little weird.

When Su Li looked at those two eyeballs, there was a strange luster in those two eyeballs, and he was also looking at him.

In other words, not looking at him, but looking at this human-skin mask in his eyes.

Su Li looked at this human-skin mask and felt chills in her heart.

He is unscrupulous and has no worries, but he is also a new traveler. If he suddenly encountered such a situation, it would be false to say that he is not afraid.

Su Li panicked, but calmly glanced at the human skin in her hands.

After thinking about it, Su Li gritted his teeth and threw the human skin directly into the flame in front of him.


The flames swelled suddenly, and the flames suddenly rose several feet high.

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This situation seems a little scary.

But just like that, after the flame gradually became smaller, Su Li chose a thigh bone as a torch and fiddled with the human skin mask directly.

After fiddling with it, this human skin turned into a yellowed ancient scroll, like a page.

Seeing this page, Su Li's heart moved slightly, and he felt that he must have obtained some kind of martial arts secret book, and felt that he finally got the rest.

Su Li walked over, reached out and touched the yellowed ancient book page, but found that the page was very soft and elastic like the skin of a beautiful woman.

In this way, Su Li even inexplicably gave birth to a very bold idea, if this is wrapped in this...

Forget it, Su Li discarded his distracting thoughts and held the page in his hand.

After thinking about it, Su Li didn't care whether it would be used or not, and once again wiped the page with the blood from the palm of his hand.

This time, with this touch, Su Li discovered something bizarre.

"Hello Su Wangchen, I'm Su Li, and you too."

"When you see this suicide note, congratulations, you have succeeded in replacing me, so after I was unable to struggle, I left such a suicide note for you, of course, for myself."

"Is it weird? I know you must be weird, but please don't be weird and don't ask why, because you and I both failed."

"Didn't you always want to kill me and replace me? This time, I'll give you a chance to see if you can truly replace me."

"You don't have resuscitation memories right now, so you don't know who you are, and that's also okay.

Next, do you see those two eyeballs? Pick them up, throw them into the flames and burn them, and at that time, two glazed beads will be burned.

After the two glazed beads come out, you drip all of them with blood, and then place them between your eyebrows by Meditation.

In this way, you can open the eyes of Tianshu.

Of course, if you don't want to do it, then it doesn't matter, because if you don't do it, you will still be harvested and beaten.

I originally planned to go back to the past to see what happened to you this time, but I used some permissions of the life file system, and I found out that I can actually view your file!

And what does that mean you know?

It means we are not the same person at all - so, we were actually twins in the previous life, but one died, right?

But our souls are intertwined.

Only in this way can it be proven that in that test, why so many people failed and only you succeeded, because you didn't succeed either, and it was me who succeeded.

However, you certainly won't believe it.

It doesn't matter, I don't need you to believe it, I just need to tell you, I know all this.

As for why Xiao Lanlan brought you here, this is indeed the Tianji Mall, the treasure house of Heavenly Emperor, and a special place after the system is killed.

But it's not really the 'Heavenly Emperor's Vault'. "

"Su Wangchen, next, if you can believe in the light, then you really have hope.

But if you fall into the darkness as always, then you can only go back to your old way!

Besides, even if you believe in the light, you can't replace me - at most, you can replace my Deva soul.

But some Karma that Deva's Soul takes on, you can't even imagine!

This world has never been a game, never has been!

Su Wangchen, do it yourself. "

When he saw this yellowed ancient book page, Su Li was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, he was about to throw the ancient book page into the flames, or into the pool of water, but The next moment, he still gave up.

After thinking about it, he still rubbed the pages of the ancient book and put them on his own face.

Since this is a human skin mask, try wearing it.

Anyway, just try it, it doesn't matter if you die or not.

He Su Li wasn't frightened either!

As for what brothers, twins, etc., it's just nonsense!

Like he had a big brother or a little brother, if there was such a thing, wouldn't his parents have told him long ago?

Although, he does show some dual personalities sometimes, but that is only caused by the pressure of modern life, and it is impossible to judge in this way.

"Conspiracy, it's really an inexplicable conspiracy."

"However, I don't care."

Su Li didn't care, and directly stuck the yellowed ancient book page to his face.

The moment it was posted, Su Li suddenly felt as if his face was on fire. It was a tingling pain originating from his body, mind and soul.

This stinging pain made his whole body tremble, and at the same time he couldn't help tearing at his face violently.


He growled, tore the pages off his face, and wanted to throw them away!

But this time, he couldn't tear it down no matter what.

The page turned into a mask again, a blood-colored grimace mask that looked like a burning flame!

And under the flames, Su Li felt that his chin was completely burned through, and even the bones penetrated.

Su Li immediately ran to the edge of the pool and looked into the pool.

Then, he saw a blood-stained grimace mask on his face.

And through the gap in the mask, he saw that his own face seemed to have been cut off, all rotten, and the whole person looked extremely hideous.


Su Li roared like crazy, shaking his body.

At this time, Su Li thought of something, and immediately ran to pick up the two eyeballs and threw them into the fire in front of them.


This time, after the flames were raging, two glass beads soon rolled out.

Su Li picked up the two beads, but did not press the two glass beads into the eyebrows through Meditation.

However, he originally wanted to throw the two beads out, but he didn't.

Su Li first searched for a thigh bone and threw it into the flames and burned it into a black soul monument, but this time he did not release blood.

After thinking for a while, Su Li got up to Meditation and pressed the two glass beads between his eyebrows.

When this scene started, Su Li felt that he must have caught countless traps.

However, at this point, he has no choice.

Su Wangchen and Su Li mentioned in this ancient book page, at least seem to be brothers.

If you can't believe this, then you can't believe the rest of the information and mindless judgments.

However, at this time, all this can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After Meditation, Su Li seemed to have opened up his intelligence in an instant. At that moment, he was suddenly blessed and fell into a state of daze for a moment.

At this moment, Su Li suddenly opened his third eye.

When this eye was opened, a spiritual radiance like colorful glaze bloomed in it.

"It's finally out. It's not easy. I don't know what's going on in this game. Let's take a look at it first."

Su Li muttered to herself, her eyes calm.

Immediately, after looking around, he walked to the small pool.

When he came to the small water pool, Su Li opened his third eye and looked into the water pool.

At this time, he was wearing a grimace mask and looked a little grim, but Su Li didn't care at all.

Su Li recalled the system panel and took a look. The time was already in a state of disorder, and the level of the system became blurred and looming.

At the same time, the star rating of the system is also somewhat unstable.

However, Su Li immediately shut down the system.

At this time, his eyes condensed a divine flower, showing an incomparably terrifying power.


In the pool, a huge wave suddenly exploded, and among them, a void crack manifested.

Deep in the crack, a white light appeared.

In the white light, the figure of Dongfang Ke'er is visible.

After seeing Dongfang Ke'er, Su Li said directly, "Dongfang Ke'er."

Dongfang Ke'er was a little surprised when she heard this, and said, "Huh? You're here? Hey, why are you... why are you so ugly?"

Su Li said, "I've never been handsome."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "It turns out that this is the real you, the blood and aura are right, what happened to you before? Have you really forgotten the dust and completely transformed?"

Su Li said, "I don't have much time, so I will tell you to do one thing."

Dongfang Keer said, "There is no Karma between us, and Mora is now an adult."

Su Li said, "I don't want to see you now, you cast "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time", I want to see the one who just talked to me."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" for me?"

Su Li said, "Yes."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "Okay, I'll try - this time, I'll trust you once."

Su Li said, "When the time comes, I will save you out of here. This is a promise."

Dongfang Ke'er said, "It's okay, since it has been decided, let's do it."

Dongfang Ke'er said, and began to display "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time".

Then, just between breaths, the void was completely twisted, and the white lights and purple thunders twisted from time to time, as if a time-space storm was erupting.

However, in Su Li's eyes, all this is very stable.

After a while, Dongfang Ke'er's figure reappeared.

This time, not only after the exchange, but before the exchange.

Su Li didn't say a word, he used his celestial tricks to project the next scene to him.

"The power of blood?"

"I will give you the power of blood, and I still recognize it. I will teach him well in the future, you can rest assured."

"Okay, then I'll tell him like this next? Why do I do this?"

"This theory is the theory of raising pigs. As for the specific theory of raising pigs, if you replace Agumon with pigs, it is theoretically valid. He will cooperate if you say so."

"But what good is it for me to do this?"

"What you want can be achieved."

"The real Immortal?!"

"The real Immortal!"

"can you?!"

"Do you think I can't do it?"

"No, I think you are over the top, you are amazing!"

"Well, I think so too."


Su Li and Dongfang Keer communicated very smoothly.

After Dongfang Keer remembered the next move, Su Li said, "Later, help me do one thing, if you find that in the long river of time, a person named 'Mu Yuxi' and a person named 'Nangong Wan'. If your girls are suppressed, suppressed, or searched for souls by unknown time and space wanderers, we must save them!"

Dongfang Ke'er pondered, "I... I may not be strong enough. After all, if I can walk in such a place, I may not be an opponent."

Su Li said, "No, you think highly of others and underestimate yourself! You are very strong, far stronger than you think! In addition, I will pass you a Cultivation Technique - the book of seven arrows with nails! Learned, to At that time, those existences, with your ability, kill them at will!

As long as you kill those existences in seconds, no one will know how strong you are! "

Su Li said, directly condensing the book of seven arrows with nails and turning it into a source of hope and teaching it to Dongfang Ke'er.

As for why he did this, it was because Su Wangchen's 'seven days in the future' was very scary!

If not, he will definitely manifest as 'Su Li' at the first time when he comes back this time, instead of being in a 'hidden' state.

It's just that the 'Era of Absolute Beginning' was really a bit evil, and it also concealed a very huge crisis.

As for the "zero" in Su Li's memory, Su Li did not believe it.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not.

If it's true, then there must be a bigger Karma in it that he can't handle right now.

But if it is false, and if he writes the letter, Su Wangchen will really overwhelm him, so that he will fall into an endless passive state.

Even this time, Su Wangchen was very poisonous, because the body itself was Su Wangchen's body and not his Su Li's body.

Didn't Su Wangchen want to replace him Su Li or was it the "Soul of Deva"?

It's true, it's false, it's true.

Su Li condensed the source of hope with the eyes of Tianshu, and taught Dongfang Ke'er the "Book of Seven Arrows with Nails".

This kind of teaching is not a direct teaching, but a means of "Plum Blossom Seven Yin Killing" after the revision of "The Emperor's Book of the World".

This method is most suitable for practitioners in this world, and it is equivalent to tailoring it.

Dongfang Keer realized this Cultivation Technique that contained hope, and was immediately shocked and shocked.

After a while, she instead bowed deeply to Su Li in thanks.

Su Li silently accepted the source of hope, and glanced at this piece of heaven and earth lightly, and then there was a trace of regret and sadness in his eyes.

After another moment, Su Li exhaled a turbid breath, and with a thought, the source of hope in the eyebrows, Tianshu Shen's eyes, turned into seven-colored bubbles in an instant, and submerged into the depths of the eyebrows again.

At the same time, Su Li, Su Wangchen's Tianshu eyes reopened.

In his eyes, at this moment, this world became full of colorful rays of light and rhythm.

The world seemed to be filled with a mysterious divine aura, and an Immortal-like aura of good fortune permeated the four directions, which moved his heart.

"It seems that what the ancient book page said, if not true, is almost correct!"

"Then I... I'm actually Su Wangchen instead of Su Li? No, I can't think that way, it must be that Su Li who wants to replace me!"

"No, this must be some kind of plan from Light Blue. They feel that I am out of control and want to make a clone to replace me!"

"Yes, it must be like this! Damn it, Dongfang Ke'er got my blood before, so he must have copied it!"

"Then what Mora is not my son, it is probably a copy of myself!"

"damn it!"

"I must have been hit again!"

Su Wangchen's face became extremely ugly at this moment.

(s: The first update of 110,000 words is here~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Thank you, dear friends~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friends 'A Hei Xian Su' and 'Book Friends 20201226002824161' for each 100 yuan reward for support ~)

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