I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 324 Forcing Karma, Yanhuang Inheritance

At this time, Su Youru only had a faint breath of vitality.

And this ray of vitality is the vitality derived from the power of Su Li's blood, otherwise, Su Youru would not even have the chance to manifest.

At this time, her words were not aggressive, but with a deep pleading meaning.

Su Li stared at Su Youru, with more complicated meaning in his eyes, "Su Youru, since you have forgotten it, since you are a very hateful person, why do you need to know?"

Su Youru shook her head in a very serious tone, "Prince Emperor, our Su family is the kind of person who believes that if one thing is done, I will definitely do it. Of course I hate that person very much, but I also care very much about that person.

Hatred is hatred, which is not contradictory to caring. "

Su Li looked at Su Youru, and saw that she still maintained a beautiful and rational appearance, and her mood became more complicated for a while.

It seems that this is a very common thing, just a Karma who replaces the female scorpion.

actually not.

Because the Karma involved in this is already very big.

This time Karma is not derived from the flood, but from the "Shan Hai Jing".

So either Karma is not established, or Karma is established, that is, a large area of ​​Karma must be covered.

But once it is covered, the turbulence generated by it will become extremely terrifying.

Su Li has already understood the situation of Su Youru. In this scene, Su Wangchen played too much and too fiercely!

Now, all kinds of characters have come out. Is this Karma supplement or not?

This is a very prudent choice.

If this Karma is not supplemented, then Heavenly Dao of this universe cannot touch the corresponding Karma, and he will not be able to let it go without gaining any benefits of the "prehistoric royal family".

But if it is added, then it will be a large piece of Karma, which is really involved.

Su Li thought for a while, and then said solemnly, "Do you have to know? Or do you have a bigger wish?"

Su Youru sighed softly and said, "Prince Emperor, I don't have to know, but if I don't know, I'm afraid no one will know this secret for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Su Li frowned slightly and said, "What's the secret you're talking about?"

Su Youru glanced at Su Li, then looked at the cold and dark void around her, and said, "Emperor, open a Realm, I'll have a good talk with you."

Su Li did not hesitate, raised his hand to evolve a realm, and at the same time opened the method of "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Art" to block it.

With such means, the shielding effect should be pretty good.

As for whether it will be spied on, Su Li actually is not particularly worried.

After Su Youru sensed for a moment, she raised her hand to condense a faint blue light.

Qingguang once again covered the dark void around her, and then she showed a slightly relieved expression.

It was as if she could really relax a bit at this moment.

This behavior seems very strange.

"Emperor, my identity has been stolen."

Su Youru's words made Su Li's breathing start to tremble, and a creepy feeling suddenly emerged, and even at that moment, Su Li felt extremely numb in her scalp.

Su Youru's words were like a bolt from the blue!

If Su Youru's words are true, then whether it is Su Youru or Zhuge Ranting who appeared before, are all false?

No, if Su Youru is fake, how can the system not judge it?

Su Li had some doubts in her heart, but she immediately thought of the answer.

There is no problem with the system's judgment - but what if that person is indeed called 'Su Youru' or 'Zhuge Ranting'?

A replica of the same name and surname!

Is there a problem with this system?

It's no problem!

Su Li looked a little solemn and said, "How can I trust you?"

"My father, Su Xingzhao, is a brother to your father. So I should be your cousin! In addition, my father has said that he will perform a Karma in place of 'Yellow Emperor'.

Ancestor Su Pangu, Su Taiqing, Su Musheng, Su Jade Emperor and others all knew about this matter. "

Su Youru said solemnly.

After saying this, Su Li couldn't help but "squeak" in his heart.

Su Xingzhao wants to replace Karma of 'Yellow Emperor' and choose a name of 'Zhao', which means 'the sun and the moon are in the sky'. the difference.

Su Li said, "This matter has something to do with the Ji family?"

Hearing this, Su Youru suddenly looked up at Su Li, with a look of shock in her beautiful eyes.

Su Li did not speak.

Su Youru said, "That's true, of course Ji Wudao and Ji Wuxu of the Ji family will not be willing! Moreover, the Ji family attaches great importance to this matter, so the Ji family and the Jiang family have joined forces for a long time.

Ji Wuxu married Jiang Concubine of the Jiang family and gave birth to a daughter named 'Ji Ji'. "

Hearing this, Su Li almost spit out a mouthful of old blood—this name...

Su Youru did not notice the change in Su Li's mood, and continued, "Jiang's Jiang Concubine was originally extremely beautiful and moving, but in this Karma, she must be extremely ugly, so she practiced against the path, so that her forehead was wrinkled. Jaws, thick and black in shape, short rickets, prominent cheekbones, sunken eyes, collapsed bridge of the nose, hypertrophic lips, gigantic teeth eversion..."

Su Li couldn't help complaining, "So this is really a 'Ji Ji' appearance?"

Su Youru sighed, "Although she doesn't look good, she stole my identity and survived with everything I have - the little green monkey you saw earlier was originally her appearance, it's just her specific experience, It's hard to say.

Now, I am 'Su Youru', but the identity of this 'Ji Yan' was originally mine.


The identity of this 'Ji Ji' is not mine, but an important figure in the Karma of the prehistoric royal family.

Now Guixu has to re-establish the path of the Great Desolation. We have worked hard all our lives, and we have already established our own identity in the blood, so no matter what, I can't stop here. "

Su Youru said a series of words, which made Su Li speechless.

The point is, don't say that the Ji family can't stand up to this Karma, she can't stand up to this Su Youru!

But this obviously cannot be said.

At this moment, Su Youru has fallen into an obvious state of 'hysteria'. Even though she is very calm now, she will go mad once stimulated.

In this environment, with the Bridge of Helplessness at his feet, Su Li didn't want to make things uncontrollable.

"So, what do you want me to do? What do you need me to do?"

Su Li asked.

Su Youru said, "Tell me first who the person I forgot before and what experience he has in his life."

Su Li thought about it and knew that this time, he couldn't get rid of it, and there was no "Su Wangchen", but "Zhuge Chunqiu" had become independent.

Su Li pondered, "That person is from the 'Tianji Pavilion', named 'Zhuge Chunqiu', and is the master of Zhuge Qingchen. His specific experience..."

Su Li briefly described some of Zhuge Chunqiu's experiences, as well as his relationship with 'Zhuge Ranting' and his escape from Karma in Yun Qingxuan's restricted memory zone.

Su Youru sighed softly, "The woman is not me but 'Ji Ji', but she will never use the name 'Ji Ji', because it's not time.

But now, I implore you, the Emperor, to help me. "

Su Youru said and bowed deeply. In terms of attitude, there is really nothing to fault.

Su Li asked, "How can I help you?"

Su Youru said, "My identity has been stolen, but I want me to become a 'Chishui Woman Xian', so now I need you to help me find Su Taiqing and Zhuge Jiufeng and his party, help me cleanse the eighteenth floor of my soul, and put my identity Wash it back."

Su Li said, "I can indeed find them, but it's hard to find them in a short period of time, and this place is not... not a normal place - how to say it specifically, you can think that I am just a special existence now. "

Su Youru said, "The Emperor, of course I know! Since I know that you are the Emperor, I know that this place is still in the past, and now my situation is the same as yours, the Emperor, we are all a kind of existence.

Even, in this area, it seems that it was 20,000 years ago, but it is actually 'now', because this part of the time node is actually 'connected'.

So whether the future covers the past or the past remains unchanged, and the future continues to move forward, depends on the next experience. "

Su Li was also a little surprised when he heard the words, but he was relieved quickly.

Only in this way can Su Youru calm down, otherwise there will be no communication between the two parties.

Su Li said solemnly, "I don't understand the eighteenth floor of the soul wash, and, how can I bring you? There is no way I can take you in my restricted area of ​​memory, and I can't open the restricted area of ​​memory in this kind of place.

It's not realistic for you to use the heavenly sacred jade outfit? "

Su Youru said, "The eighteenth level of soul cleansing is to paint eighteen paintings, go through eighteen corresponding life experiences in the paintings, and finally merge into a life memory in reality, that's all.

And what I want is the incomparably loving life experience in the eighteen paintings of Zhuge Chunqiu and Zhuge Ranyue.

In this way, you can perform a Karma in the painting.

The Chishui River already exists. No one knows the specifics of the war, nor can it evolve. However, I believe that Su Taiqing and Zhuge Jiufeng can completely solve this. "

Su Youru's words made Su Li's heart skip a beat.

Good guy, how can this war be casually evolved, even if Su Taiqing, Zhuge Jiufeng and others have the ability, they can't casually evolve such a battle.

This is the battle of Zhuolu!

Not to mention, who's Karma Su Youru wants to evolve is not good, and she has to evolve the Karma of the 'girl'? Have to replace this person?

You know, the fate of this girl is very tragic!

The Battle of Zhuolu itself was not a simple battle.

According to legend, when the Yellow Emperor ascended the throne, Chi You had eighty-one brothers, who were known as the descendants of the "God Belt".

These eighty-one people are all beast-shaped and human-faced, with copper heads and iron foreheads. They do not contain five qi and only eat soul food.

They disobeyed the Yellow Emperor's orders, murdered Li Shu, executed innocent people, and became enemies of the Yellow Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor followed the public opinion and summoned various lords to attack Chiyou. After fifteen days, he could not defeat Chiyou and had to retreat.

For this reason, the Yellow Emperor was worried about Zhongzhong, and hoped day and night that a sage would assist him in order to destroy Chiyou. One night, he dreamed that a strong wind blew away the dust and dirt in the world, and then he dreamed of a man holding a crossbow of ten thousand to drive away tens of thousands of sheep.

After waking up, Huang Di felt strange. I thought to myself, the wind is the master of the command; the dirt is the solution of the earth and the clear, is there anyone in the world who is named after the wind and the name? The crossbow of a thousand quintals is to drive tens of thousands of sheep in the hope of reaching far, and it is the kindness of shepherds. Is there a person with a surname and a name of shepherd?

So he sent his subordinates to search for these two people all over the world. In the end, after finding Feng in Haiyu, Limu was found in Zebian. The Yellow Emperor took the Queen Feng as his prime minister and Li Mu as his general, and began to attack Chiyou on a large scale.

In the countryside of Zhuolu, the two armies fought a battle. Chiyoubu descended a hundred miles of heavy fog, which did not disperse for three days and three nights, so that the soldiers could not distinguish their direction. The Yellow Emperor ordered Fenghou to build a guide car. At the same time, the Queen Mother of the West also sent Xuannv to come to teach him the secrets of the three palaces and the fundamentals of the five sounds. After the wind, the method of Dunjia evolved again, and the war started again in Jizhou.

Chiyou led the spooky spear and spooky spear, and invited Feng Bo, Yu Shi to make the wind and rain fall, and ordered Yinglong to store water to attack the Yellow Emperor.

In a critical moment, the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, Nyu, descended from heaven and used her own drought power to force the wind and rain back. So, the Yellow Emperor joined the ghosts and gods on Mount Tai, drove the elephant chariot and the six dragons, the Bifang Crane joined the scorpion, Chiyou was in the front, Feng Bo entered the sweep, the rain teacher sprinkled the road, the tigers and wolves were in front, the ghosts and gods were in the back, and the snakes fell to the ground. Fenghuang covered him, and he joined the ghosts and gods as a clear horn. ’

'Qing Jiao' is a sad and agitated piece of music.

In other words, the Yellow Emperor was victorious, and the original enemies, Chiyou, Feng Bo, Yu Shi, and the gods of the East all surrendered.

But the female scorpion was seriously injured in the battle, her divine power was greatly reduced, and she could no longer return to the heavenly realm. At the same time, the war has robbed almost everyone of their magical powers. There was no rain god to rain any more, and the maiden could not recover the drought that she had brought down. The earth began to suffer from severe drought for many years.

Because of the emergence of the key of the female scorpion, the entire Yanhuang tribe was saved, and the price of being seriously injured and permanently staying in the world was exchanged for the victory of her father, the Yellow Emperor.

As a father, Huang Di should reward his own daughter well, but it turned out not to be the case.

Because she could not control her own divine power of drought, wherever she went, plants and trees were barren, no water fell, the Spiritual Qi collapsed, and the ground cracked.

If ordinary people want to live, they need water and food. If practitioners want to practice, they need heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, but the existence of female scorpions has seriously affected them.

Uncle Jun couldn't stand it any longer, so he suggested to Huang Di that the nun should be placed in the sparsely populated north of Chishui. The Yellow Emperor agreed and appointed Shujun to help the people manage the drought and plant crops. For this reason, Shujun became the ancestor of mankind.

But to say that it was resettlement was actually exile, and the girl started her lonely life in the north of Chishui. The woman understands the reason for her father's arrangement, and also understands the survival needs of ordinary people and practitioners, so she does not blame others, but just bears it silently.

But after living in an unfamiliar place for a long time, it is inevitable that a person will miss his own people and want to go back to his hometown. However, after the war, people began to live and work in peace and contentment, gradually forgetting this hero.

Wherever the girl went, she didn't get flowers and applause, but people's disgust and fear. Because the nun can't control her own dry characteristics, when people see nun, it means that the earth is bare and the world is exhausted.

Ordinary people can only pray for the grace of the woman, for the sake of the common people, and let her go back to the north and not come back again; while practitioners regard her as a demon, wanting to eat her flesh and sleep on her skin.

The girl seemed to realize that she was completely abandoned and never returned to her hometown.

Many years later, on the north bank of the Chishui River, someone saw that the girl was still in Yixi Tsingyi, beautiful and beautiful.

With the passage of time, the sacrifices of the women were completely forgotten by people, and people only knew that there was an alien race similar to a human being, and wherever they went, they would bring disasters of thousands of miles of bare earth and depletion of heaven and earth.

Because of people's resentment, they began to slander the women. After being slandered, humiliated, abused and targeted for countless times, the women were completely demonized, and the drought appeared.

The demonized scorpion is a bald ugly woman with a height of two or three feet and eyes on the top of her head. Wherever she goes, the mountains, rivers and the earth seem to be burned in a scorching furnace.

As the vitality of heaven and earth gradually dried up, when the Spiritual Qi in some places dried up, practitioners would find a female practitioner to be the clone of the drought in order to pray for spiritual rain from the sky and to derive rootless divine water. Called the 'corpse of the ugly woman', her dress is the same as that of the Celestial Immortals, she is all dressed in blue clothes, covering her own face with the corner of her right hand.

After being selected as the corpse of the ugly woman, she will give birth to a fetus in the name of a dry scorpion, and then burn to death before the fetus is about to come, destroying the soul and destroying the soul to worship Heavenly Dao.

In this way, the once beautiful and kind daughter of the Yellow Emperor, who once saved the world, gradually became a symbol of evil and suffering in the world's forgetfulness, and the life of this beautiful goddess also ended in pain.

Su Li thought about this Karma carefully, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It is unreasonable for Su Youru to choose the identity of 'woman'.

Because among them, only Yandi, Huangdi and Chiyou exist.

More importantly, neither the Ji family nor the Jiang family, nor the Feng family and the Jiang family will stand by.

If this Karma is settled, then a large number of Karma will be hammered!

More importantly, in this way, Chiyou and his from the Jiuli clan will be drawn out, and his eighty-one clan tribes will all come out!

In addition to Chi You, there is also the lineage of Emperor Yan!

Yandi's lineage, surnamed Jiang!

Except for the Karma of the Jiang family, the Yandi clan as a whole almost completely shares a great Karma with the flame star of the Wild Flame Realm—at least in this world.

This is pulling one hair and moving the whole body!

Therefore, after the flame star was covered by the light blue star, the unknown void soul poison was forced to come. According to what Su Youru means now, that is, Fang Yuzhou's Heavenly Dao needs to acquire at least the 'Yan Emperor' lineage in the 'Honghuang Royal Family'. Karma.

Either identify a 'woman', involve a series of Karma, set all the corresponding inheritances, and cover the future.

In this way, the inheritance of Yanhuang appeared in this world.

Or, the unknown soul poison covers this area, and all the existences involved in this Karma are all dead, not occupying Karma but don't even think about living.

"This is forcing the way? Su Wangchen died and broke their hopes? Force?"

Su Li's face turned cold.

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