I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 335: The Memory Of Zero, The Prehistoric World

Su Wangchen's words are very deceiving.

It's just that Su Li can't even refer to his words.

Obviously, Su Wangchen has gone to the other extreme after being deprived of system authority and suppressed by Karma, who replaced Ksitigarbha.

And anything an extreme person says is obviously not enough to listen to.

However, Su Li came this time just to see Su Wangchen's state, that's all.

As for clearing The Underworld to leave The Underworld?

This is really naive.

Because The Underworld can't be emptied, and even if it does, it's not really empty.

No one knows better than Su Li what the oath Su Li made as Su Wangchen when he made the big wish.

Therefore, Su Wangchen could not escape.

Playing word-like games in a place like this is of no use.

Even if Heavenly Dao in this side of the world really recognizes Su Wangchen's "unscrupulous" existence, and he doesn't like that kind of "justice and law enforcement" superiors, it doesn't matter.

Su Li looked at Su Wangchen calmly.

After Su Wangchen said "unfortunately", he stopped talking.

His whole person looks darker and more demonized.

This is a kind of mental transformation, but it is more extreme.

This is also a process he has to go through.

Extremes must be reversed.

When a person is black to the extreme, often in the darkest time, light is born from the darkness.

Su Wangchen will truly see the light, see his own sins, see his past, and walk towards the road of repentance and redemption.

This road will not be far away.

Su Li's main body has corresponding enlightenment, and Taiqing clone also has it.

Because of Su Li at this moment, the main body and Taiqing clone are completely connected.

In this case, Su Li's body is in the state of the heart of the world, while maintaining the state of Meditation, then he is not afraid of Su Wangchen at all.

Not to mention, after several assassinations before, Su Li already understands that he already has the ability to kill gods.

Refining the void Indistinguishable Dao's strength of the Great Perfection level, the way of harmony is the way of the prehistoric world.

When this Dao has been condensed by Su Li and manifested the Realm of Indistinguishable Dao Dzogchen, Su Li has actually escaped the constraints and suppression of the Realm in this world, as well as the corresponding fetters in combat power.

Therefore, after Su Li has a clearer judgment, he can be more certain that his ability at this time is not much weaker than that of Su Ye.

If you count the ability of Magic Treasures, Su Ye may not be enough to see.

Is Su Ye strong?

Su Ye has reached the guardian level, and the guardian is already a god-level powerhouse, that is, the God Transformation Realm.

Under such circumstances, in the face of the completely demonized Su Wangchen, no matter how powerful Su Wangchen is, no matter whether Su Wangchen uses the laws of the prehistoric world or the laws of this world, he cannot help Su Li.

Because, Honghuang's Daoist in this world is, in short, Su Li.

Su Wangchen has been unable to suppress Su Li by using the means of the prehistoric world.

And if Su Wangchen used the means of this world, he would also be unable to do anything to Su Li, because Su Li broke away from a series of shackles of the laws of this world.

These analysis and judgments are based on the intelligence of the system today and the conclusions drawn by his intelligence analysis, not the self-confidence of the fans under the expansion.

Su Li glanced at Su Wangchen lightly, and said calmly, "You continue to be paranoid, this is exactly the path I arranged for you, do you think The Underworld is really empty when it's empty?

Could it be that you can't understand this with your intelligence?

I came to see you, just to see where you have come, but your consciousness is higher than I imagined. "

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li, but did not speak.

His bloody hair was fluttering in the wind at this time, and his black robe was screeching.

Square, dark Devilish Qi rises and falls from time to time.

Su Li asked, "When was the first time you saw Zero?"

When Su Wangchen heard the words, he was slightly stunned at first, and then suddenly burst out laughing.

That laughter seemed very happy and ironic.

Su Li quietly listened to Su Wangchen's laughter - or, at this time, Su Li was just a part of Su Li, not the real Su Li.

Su Wangchen can obviously see this, but he doesn't care either.

Because this is The Underworld, there is no need to worry about being spotted here.

Peeping into the existence of The Underworld will eventually be peeped by The Underworld.

The information of Su Li's main body and avatar is synchronized. At this time, he is like a second vision in Taiqing's avatar. At the same time, because he has light in his heart, he does not have any sense of oppression and pain from being tortured here.

"I knew, you wanted to ask this, have you discovered ancient ruins? Have you begun to doubt zero?"

Su Wangchen spoke calmly.

Although his tone was calm, Su Li could hear his sarcasm.

Su Li didn't care either, Su Wangchen was such a Su Wangchen.

"Su Li, you don't see a lot of things in this world, so I won't tell you any answers, everything is up to you to see carefully.

After watching it, you will come back again.

In addition, if you don't want to involve more, then you can go back to the past years you have experienced, and you will find more. "

Su Wangchen said, and actually stood up directly from the state of sitting cross-legged.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly.

Su Wangchen glanced at Su Li, smiled, and stretched out his hand. All the chains on his body turned into dark ghost particles, which gradually disintegrated.

At this time, Su Li still wanted to speak, Su Wangchen said, "You don't have to worry, most of the results of this are actually in my mind.

It is not so much that you suppressed me, it is better to say that I am tired of all this and the days of being used.

Sheng Mien, Dou Mi Chou, this is such a world.

Not only in this world, but also in...

You can disbelieve all of my words, but you will surely encounter them gradually.

Then you will understand who is doing the right thing.

Ruthlessness is not good, selfishness is not good, but just like the original Yun Qingxuan, she is selfish and selfish. Isn't she living well now?

When you show some of your own weaknesses, these weaknesses will always be studied and targeted, and a series of effects and changes similar to the laws will be formed to target you.

As for the world becoming deformed, it doesn't really matter, the important thing is that it has an effect - it's like shouting slogans and things like an idiot in your previous life, but in fact others understand it very well, the effect of this is the best.

To exist is to be reasonable.

I don't believe you understand even that.

So, as I have already said, this is clearly attacking you, because whether it is you or me, or the Heavenly Dao in this Fang Yu Zhou world, all understand that this is the applicable method.

They think they can do it, and I, Su Wangchen, a tool person, can be completely abolished, just like I paid so much for that family and they didn't know it.

I gave them the glory and the rich life they wanted, but I believe that after a few years, those things will be squandered and gone.

Even if I even bought a stable financial management...

When they thought I was useless and kicked me out, it was actually doomed.


Because virtue does not match. "

Su Li said, "Don't look for so many reasons for own failure, this may indeed be a level you think about, but you are too decisive, and you like to gamble too much.

So you used to gamble. If you win, you will go to the pinnacle of your life. If you lose, you will lose everything. At the same time, someone will take over your Karma, and you—for someone who is hunted and can hide in the space-time fault point As far as people are concerned, it is now a rare peace. "

Su Wangchen said, "Yes, it is true. But I also released water, although I am actually very unwilling, but I am not too resistant to this ending.

Otherwise, whether it's the Bronze Coffin or the Heavenly Emperor Vault, or even the frescoes, skins, and backgrounds, I can save myself.

But it's not necessary anymore.

I've been silent here for 20,000 years - for you, it may be a day, but you've crossed the river of time, so for me, I've been suppressed for 20,000 years.

So, in the past 20,000 years, I have thought very clearly - I don't want to be a tool person, I don't want to be a backup tire.

You continue to be, when you continue to use your own resources to start saving them, you will walk on the road I used to. "

Su Li said, "You are right, and the means of attacking the heart are also very good."

Su Wangchen said, "Well, I think so too."

Su Li said, "Even if The Underworld is empty, you can't get out, your xinxing hasn't reached it."

Su Wangchen said, "I know more about the big truth than you, so I can always meet the requirements of my mind and be compassionate to others. In fact, as long as I act like I am, for the prehistoric inheritance that has not yet been fully established, I will You can get out of here at any time.”

Su Li said, "Oh? If so, congratulations."

Su Wangchen said, "But I won't go out. I will let those people kneel down and beg me in the future and beg me to be born."

Su Li smiled and said nothing more.

Su Wangchen said, "What are you laughing at? Do you think it's impossible?"

Su Li said, "Actually, I just smiled. In this dark world, there must be a place for light, right? If there is no such thing, I have to let a little light in my heart to illuminate the darkness for myself.

In addition, Su Wangchen, what I want to tell you is that when there is a relationship, just give it well, don't think too much about everything.

Delivering the sincerity with sincerity, it doesn't matter whether they care or not - as long as you really want her to be happy, then it's okay to lick the dog's spare tire.

If you want something in return, and you want them to treat you like you treat them, don't hold out too much hope, because it's true that not all efforts will pay off.

Furthermore, people gather people by similarities and divide them into groups. What kind of person you are, you are likely to be what kind of people you will be friends with.

Su Wangchen, if we meet next time, I hope you can become a little more thorough. When you are dark enough, it is also the time when light is born in the darkness.

Until then, I will show you a clear path. "

Su Wangchen said, "Okay, at that time, you should also be bright enough. When you are bright enough, darkness will be born in the light. At that time, I will give you back a dark abyss to exile."

Su Li didn't speak anymore, and then glanced around, the Taiqing clone collapsed on its own.

At this time, Su Li, who was in the Heavenly Emperor's treasury, silently took back the Taiqing clone and reunited it.

However, this experience made Su Li feel a little depressed.

This time, the words he heard came from the judgment of the system were all true.

That is to say, Su Wangchen did not lie in the judgment of the system's little light blue.

At the same time, the information that his Earthly Heart heard and the information that he judged were also consistent, and the 'fit degree' was almost 99% or more.

In other words, this time, what Su Wangchen said was the truth.

Su Li pondered for a long time, and then he began to try to recall the memory of his past life - the so-called past life is the memory before he passed through.

That memory is very vague, and it is in a forbidden state similar to a seal.

In this state, Su Li tried to recall the memory of the first contact with Zero through Meditation.

Su Wangchen didn't want to say it, and hoped that he would see it.

But Su Li went to see it anyway.

No matter how Su Wangchen is not a human being, there is one thing that his and Su Wangchen's views and mentality are always the same, that is - the same to the outside world.

It's like many of Su Wangchen's enemies are actually Su Li's enemies.

In this regard, Su Wangchen can be trusted.

Coupled with Xiao Lan's ability, Su Li decided to make a preliminary understanding first.

With this mentality, Su Li got a vague scene in Meditation.

It was in a pavilion on a misty hill.

A beautiful girl is sitting quietly on the stone bench beside the Eight Immortals stone table in the pavilion. On the stone table, there is a silver-gray laptop.

Next to the laptop, there was a pitch-black mobile phone about seven inches in size.

The phone is closed at this time.

When Su Li's vision landed here, he noticed that the vision itself was gradually approaching.

And next to this field of vision, there is also a white light, which is a lit mobile phone screen - it seems to be taking a candid photo?

Maybe at first, the phone was shooting the scenery, but after seeing the girl, all the scenes on the phone were the girl and her corresponding scenes.

The girl is wearing a sky blue jk suit and looks very pure and lovely.

She typed the keyboard intently, looking very engaged.

The figure's steps were light.

When he walked over, he obviously paused for a moment, and then took a breath. He actually ran the Qigong silently to restrain all the breath?

However, when the figure's breath subsided, the girl noticed it instead, and the movement of tapping the keyboard froze for a moment.

Then, after the girl tapped another line of text, she silently closed the super-blogging cover of the silver-gray notebook, and then she looked up at the approaching figure.

At this time, the screen that was lit in the figure's hand suddenly went out.

"Hello, Miss, I was shooting the scenery along the Chishui River just now, and I came here by accident. I'm really sorry for the trouble."

The figure's voice was very gentle and refined, and it was Su Li's voice.

It's just that Su Li still felt a little strange when he saw such a deep memory scene from "The Book of the Emperor".

It was as if the experience was not actually his own.

Because his vision is not on the figure, but on the 'mobile phone'?

That day, the girl in the blue jk suit subconsciously glanced at the figure's mobile phone, then smiled slightly, and said, "It's nothing, it's just writing a book."

The figure smiled and said, "Internet? I like watching it too."

The girl nodded lightly and said, "Well, but it hasn't been uploaded yet, and it's just some ideas. It made this Dage laugh."

The figure smiled and said, "No, no, how can it be? In fact, I have to say, now, there are fewer and fewer good-looking ones. I am an old bookworm, if you have any ideas, I can give some opinions, maybe I can help you."

The girl smiled and said, "Well, will this bother Dage?"

The figure said loudly, "No, no, I'm just interested in this. By the way, my name is Su Li, I don't know what the name of this young lady is?"

The girl said, "My name is 'Zero', the 'Zero' that returns to zero, you can call me 'Zero', my friends call me that."

The figure said, "Well, then you can just call me 'Su Li', and you don't need to be so outspoken."

The figure said, and sighed, "When I came here, I thought it would be difficult for a young lady like you to have an excellent temperament and a little fairy in a mural, but I didn't expect that we would be able to chat. , is indeed a little flattered."

The girl smiled and said, "Su Li, you are joking, come and sit."

The figure sat opposite the girl at this time.

The girl said, "When I was thinking about creating, I did have some doubts. Su Li Dage, please give me some advice."

The figure said, "I don't dare to give advice. If you have any doubts, I can give some opinions, but it may be very unprofessional and very personal, so don't make fun of you."

The girl said, "Of course not, Su Li Dage, you are too polite."

The figure greeted each other again.

Then the girl asked, "I plan to write a book about "The World of Prehistoric Desolation", but the mythology system is quite complicated. Moreover, what I want to write is that the bloodline people in the prehistoric world can return to their ancestors and live in this world again. recovery."

The figure said, "Is it the Spiritual Qi revival genre?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No, to be specific, it should be the doomsday genre. Su Li Dage, you said, if it is the doomsday genre, what kind of people's hearts should be? Can a bag of instant noodles be exchanged for a woman?"

Hearing the words, the figure was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he hesitated, "God awakens the blood, this is Fantasy, right? Fantasy's doomsday flow must be cannibalism, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the strong are respected. "

The girl said, "But would this be the case in today's world? Or, if everyone awakens the blood of the gods, they will become true egoists? Heroes use martial arts to violate the ban?"

The figure hesitated for a moment, and said, "Why do you want to write about such a network? Isn't it delicious to write about the invincibility of the system? Or the return of a child of ten treasures, God of War, just a sum of money is actually very delicious. ."

When the girl heard the words, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said, "Su Li Dage is indeed experienced, why didn't Dage write and make a sum of money?"

The figure smiled bitterly and said, "I'm the emperor of theory, the kind with high eyes and low hands. I'm invincible with my mouth and guns. If I really get used to it, I don't think I can pass the test with words and sentences."

The girl smiled and said, "Have Su Li Dage thought about it, if you really pass through, and you still have the system, will you become the real protagonist?"

The figure thought for a while and said, "It's probably difficult."

The girl said in surprise, "Oh? I asked a few college students who passed by here before, and they all regarded me as a lunatic, or said that it was affirmative, but your answer was different."

The figure smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I thought I was handsome enough that you would treat me differently, but I didn't expect that you were going deep into Life to investigate."

When the girl heard the words, she covered her mouth and chuckled, "Actually, Su Li Dage is also very sunny and handsome. Let's talk about Su Li Dage, why is it so difficult?"

The figure pondered for a long time before seriously saying, "After all, but reality is reality, not to mention what kind of world you traveled through, just life habits, environment integration, etc. will be a big problem.

Furthermore, if it is a world like Gao Wu, what if the gravity is strong when passing through? It is very likely that it is not suitable and it crushes itself to death.

If you can't understand the language of that world, you will never be able to understand what the world is all about, and if it is a crueler world, it is full of unimaginable dangers. "

The girl zero nodded, then turned on the computer again, and recorded some of the words that the figure said.

Then, she asked again, "If these basic necessities are solved, what about the system?"

The figure said, "What world are you traveling through?"

The girl said, "It's the earth in the next million years, but the earth at that time has already been suppressed."

The figure said, "Are you fantasy or science fiction? Why was it suppressed?"

The girl said, "Brigade Practitioner No. 1 released a signal, which attracted foreign invasions. During the process of foreign invasions, ancient civilizations of gods and spirits were discovered. They were afraid that things would be exposed, so they suppressed everything related."

The figure said, "Good guy, I call it good guy, this background is grand enough."

The girl said, "Yes, but in the midst of the suppression, the gods began to revive their blood through a special channel, and then they attracted attention.

But unfortunately, after the ancient war and the catastrophe broke out, the gods died and the demons were destroyed.

Therefore, even if the power of the bloodline recovers, the once prehistoric times no longer exist.

In order to continue the inheritance, it is necessary to establish the flood and the corresponding Karma.

However, the human beings at that time are no longer good, and their bones, blood and genes have been infiltrated.

They are no longer pure bloodline people.

Therefore, pure-blooded practitioners are invaluable.

In today's era, every practitioner has a good bloodline.

With China's current population size and some clones, there are actually a total of 1.7 billion pure-blood practitioners who are suitable for the recovery of the bloodline of the Great Desolate and carry the legacy of Karma. "

The figure said, "Your idea is too big, and your brain is not small, it will definitely be popular when you write it, but... this cross-genre is too serious.

The current explosion models either have core selling points or pure cool points.

Your way of writing, 1.7 billion protagonists, and they still bear Karma, this is not good, it will be messed up.

Unless, you write each of the 1.7 billion real and vivid.

But if you open all of the 1.7 billion... it will collapse immediately.

Not to mention, you, the 1.7 billion protagonist... you have all traveled into the future, and the future is afraid that Karma can't bear it, and it will collapse immediately. "

The girl said, "So I'm thinking, what can be more suitable, Su Li Dage, please help me imagine."

The figure said, "Get a Heavenly Dao game or something, build a prehistoric world, and let you copy some future scenes into it and try it out. Virtual reality."

The girl said, "I have thought about this idea. It is easy to expose. For something like this, it must be done secretly. With such a big fanfare, it is definitely not acceptable."

The figure said, "Then make it into scientific research, and then recruit a group of volunteers with high wages and sign a life and death certificate to do it."

The girl said, "In the current world, I'm afraid it's impossible to be approved."

The figure said, "No, do you focus so much on reality when you write? Is it realistic themes?"

The girl said, "The more real, the stronger the sense of substitution, isn't it?"

The figure said, "But if you're doing it for money—"

The girl shook her head and said, "I write for my interests and hobbies, not for money. And I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. If it's unreasonable, I'd rather not write."

The figure heard the words, didn't know whether to laugh or cry "Just your idea and brain hole, or even the transmigration system, these are very unreasonable. And the earth in a million years... Aliens have discovered that the earth can exist for millions of years?

Too many thunder points. "

The girl said, "Take these as real, and then add an ability similar to precognition, predict in advance that all this will be doomed, and then find a way to choose a protagonist to travel through and set the road first?"

The figure said, "It's probably difficult, but if you don't have a lot of money, you can play virtual games, and then perform data calculations, that is, to test the data of several players internally, then conduct simulation analysis, and try countless times to see how to avoid sudden death. , How can we establish the Dao, calculate a result similar to the answer, and add training, don't we have the hope of establishing the Dao?"

The girl said, "This is a good idea, do you have any other ideas?"

The figure's thoughts diverged, and then he smiled and said, "Well, you can also create a 'mural world' similar to 'painting walls', and go through a series of experiences in it!

Also, have you seen "Inception", dream is a very good way to create a dream world, a dream within a dream, a dream within a dream, how can there be several layers of dreams to deduce the direction of reality? Yet? "

The figure had a few whimsical brain holes.

The girl opened the notebook and recorded everything.

The figure glanced at it, only to see the four ancient oracle-like ancient characters in "Returning to the Ruins".

The figure was a little strange in his heart, but as soon as these four words appeared, they suddenly disappeared from his memory.

It was as if he didn't see those four words at all.

The girl didn't seem to notice that he was watching, and said with a smile, "By the way, the qigong popularized by the whole people is said to prolong life. How is your cultivation?"

Hearing the words, the figure was slightly embarrassed, and said, "When you reach the back, you can't get up at all, and you can't do a single universe cycle--Looking at your temperament, it's probably because of cultivation that you have a sense of a big universe cycle. ?"

The girl smiled and said, "Actually, this aspect is not difficult. The reason for the inability to get up is because the blood vessels are not active enough, and the arteries are somewhat atheromatous. Well, you have helped me a lot this time, and I will send you a message. A picture with a description of my cultivation method, which is very useful.”

The figure was a little surprised, and said, "Isn't this kind of method the best for your own? You can't use other people's methods casually. That's what the propaganda says."

The girl smiled and said, "Don't worry about Su Li Dage, it's okay to refer to it. I also refer to it in this way, it's not a big problem."

The figure said, "Then, thank you very much."

The girl raised her phone and said, "Add a friend."

The figure agreed immediately.

Later, after the two added friends, the girl sent two pictures.

The picture is the text on a yellowed ancient book, and the text is a bit old.

The figure recognized for a moment, and then whispered, "Meditation breathing? Dedicated to softening?"

The girl smiled and said, "Yes, you can try it. Meditation is to concentrate on the mind. Meditation listens to the sound of own breathing, and just let everything go. Dedicated to gentleness is derived from daddy's "Tao Te Ching", dedicated to gentleness, Can you be like a baby? In the end, it’s actually a state of mind cultivation, you can try it out, the effect is good.”

The figure said, "Okay, okay, if you do it like this, I feel like Su Li has got an adventure."

The girl smiled and said, "Why not, mine, how about you as the protagonist?"

The figure smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it. With your vast background setting, if I go in and live for three minutes, the ancestral grave will be smoked."

The girl smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true, isn't there a system?"

The figure said, "What system? If something like crossing really happens, whoever believes in the system is not a fool."

Hearing the words, the girl covered her mouth and laughed.

The figure also laughed.

The two of them didn't know that, in the dark, all this scene was seen by Su Li.

Su Li watched for a while.

After the figure said goodbye to the girl, the figure was very happy, so after turning on the phone, he posted such a video in his own circle of friends, accompanied by the words 'meet the little fairy'.

Shortly after the video was posted, a friend had already liked the video and left a message saying, "Miss, this temperament is so beautiful, my uncle, who has been paralyzed for ten years, suddenly flew off the eaves after seeing this video, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

The figure was about to reply a sentence when suddenly, his phone went black.

Before the black screen, the video frame happened to be in the area of ​​the pavilion shrouded in mist.

And when the entire phone screen was about to go black, Su Li saw that it was exactly the scene he saw in the painting given by Yan Ji.

As for the person who liked and replied to the message, his nickname was 'Panyao'.

Because there is no specific memory, Su Li doesn't know who this 'Panshak' really is.

But obviously, he didn't have many friends in the past. If he can comment on his Moments at the first time, the relationship between this person and him must be good.

Unfortunately, when all this disappeared, all memories of 'Zero' also disappeared.

Even after seeing this, Su Li was a little horrified-because he didn't know what the 'lost' at that moment meant.

Even, Su Li could give birth to a vague sense - once he continued to watch, he was likely to see terrifying things popping out of the phone with the black screen.

Because it seems to be trapped in a life or a ghost.

At this time, Su Li peeped into his own memory taboo through Meditation "Huangji Jingshishu".

So at this point, he immediately gave up.

Meditation, which originated from the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", has never been abnormal.

Once a bad situation occurs, Su Li will resolutely give up and interrupt at the first time and will not continue to be hard-hearted.

This is the case at this time.

After giving up Meditation, Su Li returned to normal, then opened the system panel and looked at the Heavenly Secret Value and Karma Value on the panel.

None of this has changed.

Neither increase nor decrease.

The light blue elf, at this time, was kneeling on the ground, watching the cartoon with incomparable concentration.

The cartoon is exactly the fantasy space in the bear haunt. It tells the story of Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Bald Touqiang and the guardian of the golden antlers, the deer girls, to protect the golden antlers, defeat the villain, and finally restore the forest.

In the story, for the treasures of the legendary mysterious tribe, under the control of the behind-the-scenes boss, an evil army of treasure hunters who repeatedly traveled parallel time and space to steal treasures from the animation world quietly sneaked into "Bear Infested".

In order to protect the legendary treasure, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, Bald-headed Qiang, the robot, and the mysterious girl Naya fought fiercely with the Treasure Troopers, and they all supported each other as they understood each other. The Treasure Hunter Legion has many tricks, pressing step by step, and everyone is powerless to parry, and they are retreating. Whether the catastrophe of the animation world of "Bears" can be resolved depends on the concerted efforts of everyone...

Little light blue looked very serious and focused.

Su Li wanted to ask Xiaoqianlan what she thought of this 'this memory', but after all, she didn't have the heart to disturb Xiaoqianlan's interest.

When Su Li was about to close, Xiao Lan murmured, "Wow, his cat is actually called 'Schrödinger'. But—"

Su Li's breathing froze for a moment.

At this time, Xiao Qianlan said, "I robbed Cinderella's crystal slipper, Thor's hammer, and even the golden hoop! It's too bad!"

After Xiao Qianlan finished speaking, she started talking to herself again and concluded, "If Xiao Qianlan once had some shadows, please work hard and try not to let it control your life, otherwise, Xiao Qianlan, you will be with him. In the same way, he will also become a bad person who will be hated by the master."

The light blue elf's words rang deep in Su Li's heart like a thunderous sound.

Su Li silently closed the system panel.

At this moment, a series of Karmas, such as light blue elf, zero, and Su Wangchen being controlled and sold, seem to form a complete Samsara.

The second, 9,000 words are here~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Bow, thank you~)

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