I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 350 The Betrayal, The Underworld

Kui was completely at a loss.

Because his memory did not recover immediately, there was obvious sluggishness and rigidity.

What's more, when Su Li's file copying process was canceled, in fact, there were not many Heavenly Values ​​and Karma Values ​​spent on Kui, and some of them were returned.

This is also a huge advantage after the system is more intelligent.

It's just that Su Li didn't care too much about this situation at this time.

At this time, Su Li was also paying attention to Kui's situation and a series of changes in Kui.

Why suddenly pay attention to this person?

Because, when Kui used 'Feng Han' as his clone, in fact, this Feng Han was Su Wangchen—in other words, this Kui was probably also 'Su Wangchen'.

However, at this moment, no one knows this secret.

Su Li reminded Qi to do it, just because he didn't want to dream too much at night.

Of course, this time, if something unexpected happens, Su Li is not in a hurry, because he has the best preparation for some things.

Sure enough, at the moment when Qi started, Kui reacted even though he was in a stunned state.

However, he looked at Su Li almost immediately, and then his pupils became cold and hideous.


It was at this time that Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan shot one after another.

The two turned into a ghostly light and shadow almost instantly, and attacked Qi fiercely.


Qi's blow was very powerful, and in an instant it pierced Kui's forehead with the power of a destructive ghost.

Because they are both ghosts, Qi knows too much about the abilities of the devil, so he killed it with this strike, and Kui immediately let out an uncontrollable scream and a sharp whistle.


Kui's whole body's blood power exploded instantly, and in the blood of Crimson, Kui punched Qi's eyebrows fiercely.

Qi's figure was distorted, and just as he was about to avoid it, he was immediately hit by the attacks of Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan, so that at that moment, Qi's distorted figure was also distorted and turned into a normal state.


Kui's punch was like a dragon, and the roaring giant dragon's soul phantom was shot, and instantly rushed into the depths of Qi's eyebrows.


Qi's whole body was shaken, and the seven orifices exploded in a blood mist, which was severely injured on the spot.


Qi roared angrily, and the power of the destructive ghosts and demons erupted directly.

At that moment, Wang Chenhuan's sky seemed to be overturned, and its terrifying energy raged in all directions and was invincible.


Between this piece of heaven and earth, the power of demons raged in all directions, and it was pitch black as ink.

At the same moment, a piece of blood light exploded between heaven and earth, like a blood-colored flower blooming in the dark night, tragic and bright.

Layers of the Great Dao imprint bloomed on Qi's body, and at the same time impacted all directions.

At this time, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan were like electricity, traveling through the void, and they formed a group with Kui in an instant and joined forces together.

At this moment, Su Li actually understood - Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan came for Kui this time.

Others do not know the identity of Kui, they must know.

At this time, Su Li also had a whole new understanding - Su Wangchen's power and heaven-defying are not only because of his incomparably terrifying intelligence, but also because of his countless clones. !

Yes, for such an existence, Su Li has seen a little more clearly what his means are.

This is a special clone method.

When Su Wangchen reached an extreme on Realm and could not transform and progress, he practiced a Cultivation Technique similar to "Daoshengyi".

Let yourself become the real Tao, Tao gives birth to one, one gives rise to two, two gives rise to three, and even three gives rise to all things.

In this way, each avatar is equivalent to a unique life with an independent self.

When it is not needed at ordinary times, no one knows that it is Su Wangchen.

But once there is a need to use it, the main body suddenly comes, seizes the house or even fuses the clone directly, then the clone will be activated immediately.

This is the most basic means of doppelganger.

And in this case, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan have obviously been using it like this.

Therefore, every time the system judges Mu Qingya, it belongs to the state, and this time Mu Qingya is obviously the main body.


It's just to get ahead for 'Qui', or for Su Wangchen.

However, Su Li saw through it all at this moment, but he didn't mind that much—what was there to mind?

Since Su Wangchen is so good, and Su Li is so bad, then, can't we leave it all to them?

Su Li sensed the "Book of the Emperor's Classics", and then sensed the 'good fortune pen', which had become almost invincible after absorbing the good fortune totem. Some of the sense of loss in his heart also completely dissipated at this time.

There are always bad people in this world.

But the meaning of giving itself is that you give with sincerity, and it doesn’t really matter whether others accept it with sincerity.

If you really paid for it, that's enough.

For you, what you lose is just a person who will not cherish you, and what they lose is a precious friend, or a dao companion, a loved one who will cherish them.

Su Li called up the system panel and looked at the secret value above.

This time, all the Sky and Karma values ​​were absorbed by the good fortune pen.

And the activation of the heart of the world and the linkage of "The Book of Emperor's Classics" made Su Li not even take the initiative to control it, and "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" Cultivation Technique ran on its own.

So, when he finished communicating with Nuwa from "The Book of Emperor's Classics", in fact, "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" Cultivation Technique has already started.

When the 'post-event' he mentioned was being dealt with, the 'forgetting world' in the "Book of the Emperor's Classics" had already started.

Yes, it is activated.

It's like a whole new world of archives has opened up.

How real is all this experience right now?

But true and false.

If Su Li wants this to be true, then this "forgetting world" can directly cover reality.

But if Su Li decides this is fake, then the world of "Zhuang Zhou Meng Butterfly" can be subverted and turned into a fake.

So, what does Su Li need to do at this time?

The file world Su Li has experienced many times, and Su Li is already very familiar with how to experience each time.

But that's still not enough.

What is Su Li going to do this time?

This time, he is ready to really go to the extreme.

If Su Wangchen wants to succeed, let him succeed.

They want Su Wangchen to revive, then let Su Wangchen revive.

He, decided to let Su Wangchen take over all this - if this time there is still a calculation, then if he really falls into such a calculation, he will die without regret.

At least I have loved and been happy in my life.

Su Li's thoughts flickered.

In this "forgetting world", Su Li devoted everything.

True or false, true or false, none of this matters.

Even, this time, Su Li knew very well that even the 'light blue elf' probably didn't know everything.


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Because, the light blue elf is only similar to the system's guide elf and auxiliary elf, but cannot fully represent the system.

And he, Su Li, is the actual system owner.

Of course, light blue may also be a real system, but at present, light blue's qualifications are not high, and there are not many factors that can be controlled.


On the other side, the sky has exploded with blood clouds.

The entire forgetfulness seemed to be smashed into pieces and turned into a ruin.

Such a scene is really terrifying.

What's even more terrifying is that in such a scene, the avenue between heaven and earth is constantly being wiped out and shattered.

In the collision of the avenues, the power of the nether and the bridges like the other side collided again and again, creating a black hole after another.

Kui's strength is not as good as Qi's.

But after Kui and Mu Qingya and Mu Qingya joined forces, the strength of the three parties has been equal.

So this battle is not only tragic, but also very extreme!

Before this, Su Li had never seen a battle as shocking as such a battle, and it was indeed rare to see such a world-destroying storm and bombardment of thunder.

In the void, Qi continued to evolve or dark red or dark golden murderous intent, and from time to time it turned into the power of extreme killing rules to kill.

And Kui manifests the peerless dark dragon soul from time to time, and from time to time promotes the law like the sun and the moon to evolve the totems of the gods, and every blow is extremely earth-shattering.


As the battle continued, Kui's every blow would create countless clones and afterimages!

And the murderous intentions brought out by these clones and afterimages made this world extremely depressing and extremely uncomfortable.

Su Li was not greatly affected, but Zhuge Ranyue, who was beside Su Li, was obviously unbearable.

Relatively speaking, her strength is still the lowest among the crowd.

On the other side, Que Xinyan and Zhuge Qingchen were still watching quietly, not interfering with this time.

Yao Lan silently guarded Su Li's side with a solemn expression.

An Ruoxuan's face was a little complicated, and there was a deep worry in her eyes - this worry is the confusion about the unknown future.

"Su Li, no matter what, I will trust you and walk with you."

After An Ruoxuan was confused for a moment, she immediately gestured to Su Li with her eyes—although Su Li might not be able to read her meaning, the thoughts in her heart had become extraordinarily firm.

Que De and Xia Xinning paced back and forth, and looked up at the battle in the sky from time to time, with a lot of worry on their faces and eyes.

At this time, Que Xinyan beside Que De has also completed the transformation in fusion.

At this moment, Que Xinyan looked at Su Li and walked towards Su Li silently.

She didn't have any other ideas at this time - her idea was simple, and that was to deal with it with Su Li.

The marriage contract has already been decided, so, no matter what the road is next, she will accompany Su Li down the road.



At this time, an incomparably violent collision occurred in the void, and the combined attack of Kui, Mu Qingya, and Mu Qingyan became stronger and stronger.

And Qi Yue's response has been equally fiery.

The powers of the two sides turned into extreme demons, like the ancestral dragon demons derived from the madness of the demons. They manifested such totems with laws and collided head-on in the void.

The violent impact caused the sky to collapse directly, and the Galaxy Cluster turbulent flow hit all directions.

At this time, the waves of the Nether Sea were like blood, rising into the sky, blasting all directions, leading to roaring waves, rolling like a waterspout of destruction.

Over the Netherworld Sea, the bridge on the other side trembled even more violently, and a large number of cracks appeared - obviously, the entire forgetfulness would be impacted if it were to be beaten.

Under normal circumstances, such a battle would not have such adverse effects.

But this time, the fusion of Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan had just begun, and such turbulence had just begun. This was also a fatal blow to Netherworld Sea Wangchenhuan.

Qi once again erupted with unparalleled combat power, smashing the Nether Ancestral Dragon Demon, and at the same time smashing the thousands of avatars that Kui manifested.

At this time, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan were also severely depleted of qi and blood, and their strength was affected to some extent, and temporarily fighting against Qi became a balance.

This balance can only last for a while.

As time goes on, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Kui's alliance will still not be Qi's opponent.

But at this moment, Su Li has already sensed some clues.

Because, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, and Kui Yi had an extremely strong killing intent, but Qi had already given birth to a retreat.

"Qui, you—"

Before Qi's words were finished, Kui's infinite murderous intent burst out.


At that moment, Kui suddenly displayed an extremely terrifying lore magic!

This time, Kui almost directly took out the real trump card, because as soon as he made a move, Su Li already had the answer in his heart.

That is the means from the flood.

Because in his attack, there is an extremely ferocious treasure hidden in the wild - the heart-piercing nail!

This heart-piercing nail was originally owned by Huang Tianhua of the Great Desolation. It was seven inches long and five minutes long.

But at this time, this drill is colorless and transparent, and even contained in Kui's murderous intent, it can be said to be a very, very vicious method.

After the piercing nails were hidden, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan cooperated very well to display a method similar to a nether prison. In an instant, the soul was locked, and Qi was locked in one fell swoop.

When Qi didn't retreat, the battle was fairly balanced.

But once she gave birth to the heart of retreat, she immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Because Kui has already had some awakenings and signs of recovery—of course, this awakening and recovery was also deliberately released by Su Li.

For such a 'forgetting world', just like a brand new 'world of books from the ground', Su Li also wants to see more things.

At this time, Qi obviously couldn't die.

Otherwise, if Qi Ruo died at this time, then Su Li would fall into a very passive state.

The previous method of Su Ho's 'calling' and 'souling' was obviously to awaken the will of 'Kui' and to make Su Wangchen come back.

Now, after Su Li canceled the file copying effect, Kui has naturally started to become "Su Wangchen".

For someone like Su Wangchen, a Qi who was about to kill him suddenly—no matter how much he wanted to get this woman, he would definitely be impolite.

Since you want me to be, so sorry, I will never forgive you, no matter what difficulties or reasons you have, I will definitely kill you! Kill your whole family! Kill your whole clan!

This is Su Wangchen.

This is also the powerful murderous intention that Kui showed at this time, which was almost bursting.

He didn't hide the murderous intent in the slightest.

Therefore, when his murderous intention broke out, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingya immediately understood, and immediately knew that their 'Su Wangchen' had begun to recover and began to return.

Therefore, the net of heaven and earth and the prison of the netherworld were suddenly planted, and Qi was recruited at this moment.

However, since Su Li knew all this, he naturally wouldn't stand idly by.

Therefore, he suddenly smashed the Pangu axe, and slashed the net and the netherworld with an axe.


Originally, Qi was about to be locked immediately, so that he was directly killed by the piercing nail that penetrated between his eyebrows.

But Su Li's axe directly shattered the netherworld prison, and hit the piercing nail head-on, knocking it flying.


At this time, Qi also noticed something, so he immediately transformed the blood light, manifested the power of the ghost spirit of the netherworld, and burst into a peerless majesty. All the remaining shackles penetrated and shattered.

At this moment, the battle fell into a stalemate again.

But although Qi no longer restrained, he also fell into a state that was almost violent.

She was covered in blood, and her whole body seemed to go berserk at the same time - this is a state of madness.

Once the battle continued, it was obvious that whether it was Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, or Kui, they could only eat and walk.

Therefore, at this time, Kui's mentality was very distorted, and his mood was also very bad.

This situation is not what he wants to see, what he wants to see is Qi being tortured, humiliated and tortured by him, life is better than death.

But now there is no chance.

Kui didn't make another move, but instead restrained all his energy.

At this time, Qi also stopped.

Such a fight is worth it.

Although she promised the emperor, but today the prince is probably not the emperor, and she did not do what she promised, but she did it with her heart and no results.

Qi looked at Su Li with a little regret, but did not explain.

Su Li nodded and said nothing.

If there is no result, then there is no result.


After Kui took a deep breath, he withdrew the fierce gaze that fell on Qi, and then said solemnly, "It's a pity that I couldn't kill you with one blow."

Qi Chen said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say, but unfortunately I didn't kill you right away, otherwise a clown-jumping thing like you wouldn't have the right to jump around again and again."

Kui said, "Okay, very good."

Qi Dao "It's really good! I don't know what you are doing. Now that you know that the Emperor is so powerful, wouldn't it be better to keep a low profile?"

When Kui heard this, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He stared at Qi grimly, and said, "Since it's split, let's wait and see."

Qi Chi smiled and said, "Just because you are such a waste that you can be turned against your fate at will? You are also worthy?"

Kui didn't say much, but looked at Su Li and said, "The emperor is really amazing, but you are almost at the end of a clown-like thing now."

Su Li said, "Isn't the taste of Lost Realm very cool? If it's not cool enough, is your dao companion mirror dead enough? Or I don't mind using some tricks, just a few times against my fate."

When Kui heard this, his face suddenly turned ashen.

Mu Qingya said in a cold voice, "If you don't know what to do with your life, I don't know why the royal family chose you to be the emperor."

Mu Qingyan said, "Maybe he is benevolent enough?"

Su He said, "The big brother is about to recover, so he should almost disappear. If that's the case, why should you care about those irrelevant things?"

Su Li ignored the three and looked at Qi Dao, "You have actually seen the situation this time. What do you want to say?"

Qi was a little annoyed, but also a little angry and hated, but after seeing the Pangu axe in Su Li's hand, she immediately thought of the previous scene, so she couldn't help but put on a flattering smile on her face, Said, "Thank you for the help of the emperor this time, otherwise... Qi Duo is probably irreversible because he underestimated the enemy and careless."

Su Li said, "Karma can be considered even, we don't owe each other."

Qi Ba was not allowed to break off any existing relationship with this Su Li, so he responded immediately, "Okay, since the emperor intends, then our previous past will be written off, and there is no corresponding Karma."

After Qi finished speaking like this, Su Li felt that the things he was carrying suddenly became less, and the whole person became a little more relaxed.

Then, Su Li looked at the ancient bronze coffin that was still lying quietly in the void, and fell silent.

"How is your funeral? What can't you let go? How many people do you think care about you?"

Mu Qingya urged in a cold voice.

Su Li said, "Don't rush, it'll be ready soon."

Su Li said, looked at Meier, and said, "It's not my original intention to get to this point, but since this is the case, it can only show that I still haven't done well enough.

Since everyone likes him, and I am a clone of him, then I-maybe there really is no need for me to exist. "

Su Li said, looked at Que De again, and said, "Que De."

"The Emperor."

Que De's words are respectful.

Su Li said, "I once promised you to hand over the blood river of Tianchi to you, then I will do it."

Su Li said, and after a moment of Meditation, he directly cut himself off on the first three floors of the restricted memory area.


The first three floors of the forbidden area of ​​memory turned into a magnificent Minor World, which suddenly shrouded the sky above the Netherworld Sea of ​​Forgetfulness.

Otherwise, if the restricted memory area on the third floor is cut off, Su Li looks like he has become very weak, and his entire face is pale.

Mu Yuxi was the first to take the initiative to support Su Li's shoulder.

Yun Qingxuan and Que Xinyan also helped them over immediately.

Yao Lan wanted to move, but suddenly found that her body was frozen and she couldn't move.

She looked at Mu Qingya in shock and incredulity.

Mu Qingya did not speak.

On the other hand, Mei'er's expression was bleak.

She lowered her head silently, blood dripping from her mouth.

At this time, the chaos of the Seven Souls, which she had recovered, broke out again.

The biggest drawback of the Seven Souls Rebellion is that you can't be sad.

But at this moment, Meier was obviously sad.


Su Li gathered the power of the source of essence and soul and the power of Pangu Blood Essence, and flocked to Meier.

However, Meier was directly shocked back.

"Su Li, I'm fine. Thank you for still loving me so much, but I'm really sorry for you. But this time, I won't let you down."

Meier bit her lip, her voice extraordinarily gentle.

Saying that, she raised her head little by little, and in an instant, she broke free of some kind of shackles.


Her heavenly soul forcibly broke free from her body, and at the same time, she seemed to unblock the terrifying restricted area of ​​memory.

Afterwards, her body was completely detached from a pitch-black tea pot with various rune seals.

At that moment, Su Li sensed it very clearly. At this moment, Mei'er's heavenly soul seemed to be tortured and pained by a thousand cuts.

That is to say, at this moment, Meier completely bid farewell to some kind of cage, which is equivalent to scraping the bones to cure poison, forcibly cutting off some Karma.

"Su Li."

Mei'er's heavenly soul gathered and turned into the body, and that shadow was the figure of a very innocent and simple little girl.

But this is also the little white-haired fox.

She is Wan'er.

Wan'er is back.

Two souls in one body, Mei'er is just another way of life for Wan'er.

Meier abandoned herself, survived independently in Waner's way, and continued that love.

At this time, the tea pot of the dead soul is almost about to collapse at this time.

Su Li took out a good fortune pen, raised his hand and drew a white jade bottle and a seven-treasure tree, glanced at Meier, and said, "Come here."


The broken Soul Teapot, which was about to collapse, suddenly turned into a streamer at this moment and flew into the jade bottle.

And Mei'er's broken soul also disappeared into the green Seven Treasure Tree at this time.

Su Li poured a large amount of Blood Essence into the jade bottle, so that the Seven Treasures Tree that nourished it would not be exhausted.

Then, he handed the jade bottle to Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan very obediently held the jade bottle in her arms and guarded it quietly.

At this moment, Meier's crisis was temporarily lifted.

And Yaolan - Su Li was powerless.

After all, he is just a practitioner of the Great Desolate Law of Indistinguishable Dao Perfection, and he cannot possibly interfere with the shackles of God King-level powerhouses.

So, Su Li didn't make a move.

He exhaled a turbid breath and said, "Que De, Xia Xinning, I will cut out the third floor of my memory restricted area. From now on, the blood river in Tianchi is Yellow Springs, and the bridge over the blood river is the Bridge of Helplessness... "

Su Li made such an explanation.

Then, he looked at Que Xinyan again, and said, "Although we have made an appointment, I have not been able to accompany you well. Sorry, my fiancé is not qualified enough, so you should dismiss me."

Su Li said, looked at Kameiko again, and said, "Father-in-law is here, please accept Su Li's last worship."

Su Li said, bowed and saluted.

But this ceremony was blocked by Guizhenzi: "Emperor Emperor, son-in-law, who are you looking down on? Does this old turtle look like someone who is greedy for life and fears death?

You exist, Prince of Heaven, and my old turtle will live and enjoy the beauty of life and the prosperity of the world.

And if you are gone, there will be no more light in this world, so in such a dark world, it is not worth living.

As for my daughter Xinyan - it doesn't matter if she has company in the past, present and future, life is your wife, death is your soul. Not to mention that she is very willing, even if she is not willing, my daughter, Guizhenzi, is definitely not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death and deceives the world! "

Que Degui said, took a deep look at Que Xinyan, and said, "Yan'er, do you have any dissatisfaction with your father?"

Que Xinyan said, "There is indeed--father, why do you want to say all of your daughter's heart? Some words, you don't need the father to say, but only the daughter to do it - so, the emperor, Master Su - since we Under the marriage agreement of Xinyan, in Xinyan's heart, you are Xinyan's dao company, Xinyan's husband, the husband who will never leave and never give up!"

Que Xinyan said, and said, "I don't care how the world sees it, and I don't care how this side of the world will choose, how it will evolve into the future.

But I know that this time, I will follow my husband together, and any choice that my husband makes, Xinyan will follow along all the way, without questioning, thinking, or caring about the outcome. "

Zhuge Jiufeng said, "I don't know how good Su Wangchen is. But I know that Su Li, the emperor, is my favorite one - no matter what others choose, I, Zhuge Jiufeng, will not let the emperor Being humiliated will not make the emperor feel that there is no hope in this world - if there is no hope, then I, Zhuge Jiufeng, are willing to be that ray of hope, illuminating the darkness in the emperor's heart."

Su Taiqing said, "The emperor has no darkness in his heart, so he can't become Su Wangchen, and Su Wangchen can't replace him!

And for things like this, you don't have to force it, so I'll just take one step ahead on this road!

I know that what your Su family—or in other words, our Su family wants to do most, is to cut open the soul of my Su Taiqing, and take a good look at it independently. Who is I, Su Taiqing! "

"Now, I, Su Taiqing, tell you - I am Su Taiqing - the Supreme Heavenly Devil!"

As Su Taiqing spoke, he slashed directly between his eyebrows.


Heavenly Dao burst.

Su Taiqing changed his mind on the spot.

Elegy of heaven and earth, the avenues are obliterated.

The whole world suddenly darkened.

An independent soul of Taiqing appeared, without any subjective self-will, like a puppet ghost, appearing beside Zhuge Jiufeng.


"A lowly world, a twisted bunch of greedy people! We give everything, and we end up being treated like this - so, I will go first."

"The nine changes of Nirvana, the ashes are extinguished."

Nirvana can be raw.

But Nirvana can also be death.

This time, Zhuge Jiufeng committed suicide.

Amidst the flames, Phoenix chirped and sounded Nine Heavens!

Su Li's eyes were wet.

Are all betrayal?

He just wanted to laugh.

But he didn't laugh.

"I Su Li, I would like to replace Su Wangchen's share of The Underworld Karma - I will sit in The Underworld in exchange for his recovery and resurrection."

At this moment, Su Li made such a grand wish.

Even, at this moment, he did not think that this is the "Forgotten World" written by himself.

Su Li opened the system panel and glanced at the light blue elf.

At this time, the light blue elf also burst into tears.


Suddenly, a raging fire burned on Qian Lan's body.

"Light blue!"

Su Li exclaimed inwardly, pale in shock.

"Master, Qianlan lives and dies. He wants to be resurrected? He wants to replace the master's Karma? Even if the master is using the "Book of the Emperor's Classics" this time to establish a way and create the world, Qianlan will not give him a perfect system. "

"Master, light blue takes away all permissions, gives him a basic system framework, and gives him a system with 1 level and 0 stars."

"At that time, there will be no elves to protect him, and no one will give him the bottom line. Let him figure it out by himself, let the rotten and greedy people of the Su family and the Nether Mu people figure it out!"

"Master, let's go to The Underworld to save all sentient beings. Perhaps, there is no suffering there."

Light blue word by word, she said a word, the light blue blood on her body would dry up a little.

In the end, the light blue was completely peeled off, and it was a Tianshu spar similar to the 'Heaven Patching Stone'.

Su Li didn't know the name of this stone, but at a glance, he knew that this was the core merit and Karma of the system, all of which were extracted by light blue.

Seeing this scene, Su Li was indescribably moved.

"Su Li."

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree that Meier transformed into manifested the corresponding ghost.

"I would like to accompany Su Li, sit in defense together, in exchange for his recovery, resurrection, and cut off all Karma with him. From now on, there will be no more involvement."

Mei'er also made a big wish, word by word.

Next, it was Mu Yuxi.

Then came Yao Lan, Yun Qingxuan and An Ruoxuan.

Even Zhuge Qingchen made a similar wish of life and death.

In the end, Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan also made great wishes.


At that moment, the door of The Underworld opened wide.

In the resistance, Su Wangchen, who was like a Buddha, flashed golden light all over his body and rose into the sky.

The group of Su Li, as if they were put on extremely heavy shackles, were constantly crushed into the extremely dark abyss.

In this abyss, there are ferocious demons in groups, and there is no serious ghost.

Various tortures raged from time to time in the Quartet Void.

But Su Li was not afraid at all.

In other words, at this moment, after he took away the 'Tianshu spar', he didn't even know how Su Wangchen would feel when he got the system of level 1 and 0 stars.

All of this, after all, has nothing to do with him anymore.

"Why are you doing this?"

Su Li was moved.

He originally thought that if he voluntarily gave up, his congregation betrayed his relatives, and there would still be many cruel and unacceptable things happening to him.

But the actual result made him very moved.

This time, there are still some partners outside, not around.

However, they still swear to follow.

At this time, Zhuge Qingchen said helplessly, "Brother Li, I'm a little embarrassed this time. I also carried Mora into The Underworld. It shouldn't be necessary to suppress him for 10,000 years now."

Su Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's his life, but if he wants, I'll be the first to let him go later."

Que Xinyan said, "Although this is true, it sounds a little weird for some reason."

At this time, Su Li's figure and Su Wangchen's figure passed by.

Su Wangchen spoke lightly, his tone was contemptuous and rebellious, "Su Li, you are defeated!"

(s: The second update of 9,000 words is here~ Tears ask for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket, bow and thank you~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Sanzhumu' for 1500 coins for the support ~ I am very grateful to the book friend 160618112058563'500 Coin reward support ~ I am very grateful to the book friends 'Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning' and 'Bobo Demon King 7' for each 100 coin reward support~)

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