I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 365 The Death Of Forgetting The Dust, The World Returns To The Ruins


After a while, the moonlight treasure box in Su Wangchen's hand began to emit purple flames.

Among the flames, strands of twisted mysterious energy shattered from time to time and made a '呲呲' sound.

Accompanied by the sound of the Moonlight Treasure Box itself being burned, this made The Underworld, which was extremely silent, even more gloomy and eerie.

The Moonlight Treasure Box was consumed like this, but Su Wangchen not only did not show any regret, but there was a bit of eagerness in his eyes.

After a while, Su Wangchen's dark, evil and slightly cold eyes gradually became silent again.

Then, he seemed to have thought of something, and raised his hand to gather a ray of light.

In the light seal, there is a Yin & Yang Pisces-like totem.

Among the totems, the figures of Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su He appeared.

At this time, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su He had just met Su Li.

After this scene appeared, Su Wangchen raised his hand and swiped towards the light and shadow totem.

Suddenly, the void distorted, and the figures of Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su He suddenly disappeared!

Not only that, but the void on that side actually changed at this time like the time backflow after "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time".

Time continues to pull back.

It wasn't until the scene where Su Galaxy Cluster's mummified corpse appeared that it stopped completely.

The scene where Su Galaxy Cluster's mummified corpse appeared was at the time when Su Li asked Qi to burn Su Galaxy Cluster's mummified corpse.

In the light seal condensed by Su Wangchen, the scene has been traced back to this moment.

At this time, Su Li, who was hesitant in Qi, said, "Emperor Emperor... you can do it yourself, after all, he..."

At this time, Su Li responded after pondering for a while, "Alright."

Afterwards, Su Li gathered "Mysterious Secrets of Mysterious Heart" and burned the mummified corpse that Su Galaxy Cluster turned into.

At this moment, a terrifying ghostly force appeared in the void.

The nether particles containing the power of destruction of the extreme way, after gathering together, ascended endlessly, and soon turned into a beautiful overpass on the other side, continuing across the void.

On the overpass, Su Li saw Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, and Su He who had not seen each other for a long time.

The three of them were like dark ghosts and ghosts, motionless, and drifted towards this place.

The scene in the light seal was frozen in this scene.

Su Wangchen stared back and forth at Su Li, Mu Qingya, and the others for a long time, and then blew out a breath. The Su Galaxy Cluster, which had turned into a mummified corpse in the distance, suddenly burst into flames in "Mysterious Secret Art of Mysterious Heart".

Soon, the Su Galaxy Cluster turned into a cloud of blood.

And the Nether Sky Bridge suddenly collapsed at this moment, turning into a dark particle, and soon disappeared.

Then, the scene in the light seal continued to retrospect and flow back.

This time, there is not much time for reflow.

When Su Li performed "Mysterious Heart Secret Art", the time was already frozen.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen raised his hand to engrave in the light seal, but for a moment, the flames in "Mysterious Secret Art of Mysterious Heart" swept over the dry corpse of Su Galaxy Cluster.

After a while, the mummified corpse was on fire, and soon it turned into a cloud of blood.

Everything is completely consistent with Su Wangchen's previous modification.

Seeing this scene, Su Wangchen exhaled lightly, then raised his hand to continue watching Guangyin.

This time, the scene in the light seal continued to move forward.

Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, and Su He did not appear. After the mummy of Su Galaxy Cluster was destroyed, Qi began to complete the corresponding five conditions.

The fifth condition is to kill Kui.

During this process, Qi Duo was somewhat reluctant, but Su Li took out the axe.

At this time, the light print was frozen again.

At this time, the 'opening axe' in the light seal repeatedly appeared in front of Su Wangchen's eyes.

Su Wangchen's eyes fell on the axe, and his face was a little strange.

"It turned out to be the opening axe?"

"Try it."

While Su Wangchen muttered to himself, he then said solemnly, "End the world of archives and cover all the experiences of the Great Emperor's tomb. After death, before the ancient ruins of Lieyang appeared!"

This coverage is invalid - an unknown error has occurred in the system, please select again.

The permission is abnormal, please select again.

This coverage requires 75 trillion celestial value... Karma value 9999, 9999, 9999 - exceeding the limit, please redefine.


After pondering for a long time, Su Wangchen said, "End the world of archives, and use a combination of Heavenly Books, Earthly Books, and Human Books to cover the time gaps, re-evolve the changes of heaven and earth, re-refine Earth Fire Feng Shui, and cover it until Su Li obtains the Heaven-opening Axe. ten days before."

This coverage is invalid - an unknown error has occurred in the system, please select again.


After Su Wangchen deduced it for a long time, he pondered for a moment and then said, "End the world of archives, and combine the Book of Heaven, Book of Earth, and Book of People to cover reality until the beginning of the appearance of Qingdi Palace..."

This coverage is invalid...


After hundreds of tests, Su Wangchen finally identified some of the Karmas.

Therefore, his eyes shone brightly and said, "End the world of archives, and combine it with the Book of Heaven, Book of the Earth, and Book of People, starting from Hangu Pass, covering the ancient ruins of the Lieyang Desolate Region with Hangu Pass, and covering it to the netherworld. The time when the bridge appeared.

This coverage requires 75 trillion celestial value... Karma value is 9999, 9999, 9999, reaching the limit, please redefine.

"Take off all the rewards this time, add them to the deduction scope of the system, and make a bottom line! Only the file copy function is retained."

After the deduction is completed, the limit will be temporarily increased.

Will it end this real-world realization?




The thunder of destruction exploded in all directions.

The entire void seems to have undergone an indescribable catastrophe.

In the midst of this catastrophe, all the pages of the "Huangji Jingshishu" in the past seemed to be flipping quickly between the heavens and the earth.

At the same time, seemingly invisible hands were constantly modifying everything, until Su Li and Qi exchanged the series of conditions, and finally stopped.

The next moment, Su Wangchen directly chose to 'copy' Su Li.

Afterwards, Su Li, who was standing in front of Qi, was inexplicably shocked, and then the expression on his face immediately became gloomy and weird.

Qi was still in a hesitant state at this time, and seemed to be considering the conditions that Su Li had mentioned before.

At the side of Su Li, there were Su Taiqing and others.

At the same time, Feng Han also appeared at this time.

Su Li—or rather, Su Wangchen looked at Feng Han with a smile in his eyes.

And Feng Han seemed to be feeling it at this time, and he also showed a relieved smile.

It was as if the two had a connection in a certain situation.

"Sanqing Return to Self."

Su Li or Su Wangchen suddenly said.


At this time, far away, the soul of Deva, who didn't know where to go, was pulled back by a black chain, and turned into a dark ghost light and shadow, and suddenly escaped to Su Li's eyebrows.

In addition, on the other side, Kui and Feng Han also turned into light and shadow at the same moment, infiltrating towards Su Wangchen's eyebrows.

This scene made Qi completely stunned in place.


Suddenly, Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed, and an extremely ferocious sword of killing stabbed Qi's eyebrows.


Qi's eyes widened, and his body suddenly shook, turning into a dark fog.

The dark fog quickly dissipated, and then, a strange change like the "Nine Changes of Nirvana" occurred.

In such a change, Qi's essence and soul all collapsed, but light green light and shadow gradually condensed.

In the light and shadow, Gongcheng Qingdie's figure condensed little by little.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen didn't go to see Su Taiqing, Zhuge Jiufeng, Mu Yuxi and others, but suddenly sacrificed the opening axe.

"Open Heaven Axe."

"Pan Huangsheng kills the road."


Su Wangchen murmured, then looked at Su Taiqing and the others, raised the battle axe and beheaded them.

Facing Su Wangchen, Su Taiqing and the others were powerless to fight back.

With just an axe, Su Taiqing and Zhuge Jiufeng were directly killed.

Mu Yuxi, Mei'er, Yun Qingxuan and others were completely unimaginable, and looked at 'Su Li' with some doubts.

At this time, they had already discovered that Su Li was wrong, and then they seemed to have thought of something, and their faces changed drastically.

It's just that Su Wangchen didn't have any feelings, so he raised the opening axe again and shot directly at Mu Yuxi and others.

This time, there is still no suspense to kill through.

Because, copying Su Li with Su Wangchen's strength, and using the Heavenly Axe to evolve Pan Huangsheng to kill Dao, no one at the scene could withstand such an attack.

So, it's a fight without any suspense.

In particular, when Yun Qingxuan was hit by the opening axe, the public passenger Qingdie, who completed the 'recovery' not far away, just watched with a very indifferent look without the slightest emotional change.

This scene also fell in Yun Qingxuan's eyes.

Before Yun Qingxuan died, her eyes were extremely sad.

Next, Su Wangchen used Su Li's body, carrying the axe to open the sky, and smashed out of this side of the world, into the wasteland, and into the rest of Ziweixing's planets.

He fights to support the war, kills and refines the soul, robs the heavenly secret good fortune, and uses it to evolve the system.

In this way, after killing for a thousand years, the entire Ziwei star field was almost completely slaughtered by him.

With his own strength, combined with Su Li's Cultivation Technique and peerless artifacts, such as Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword and Kaitian Axe, wherever he went, he was exhausted.

No one can stop this kind of killing, and no practitioner can escape.

Even in this process, he practiced the "Heavenly Secret Galaxy Cluster Blood Demon Soul Refining Technique" to the extreme. Wherever he passed, the planet was exhausted, and all life was absorbed by him with all the breath of life.

In the midst of such infinite expansion, he committed a monstrous crime, killing the entire Ziwei Star Region!

Later, outside the Ziwei star field, he met Su Ye and the people of the Su family, and even Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qianlan.

But no matter how these people tried, they couldn't wake him up.

During this process, Su Ye killed himself, Zhuge Qianlan and Zhuge Qianyun also killed himself to prove the Tao, manifested the pictures that Su Li had given, and tried to wake him up, but they failed to wake him up.

kill kill kill!

Such killings continued for another thousand years.

A total of two thousand years.

Two thousand years later, Su Wangchen ran out of time to copy files and released Su Li.

For the past two thousand years, Su Li was naturally suppressed in the eternal lost domain - and this scene is precisely connected with Karma in the archive world, who can save all beings in The Underworld.

After Su Li's recovery returned to normal, Su Wangchen had already killed this side of the world and left behind the Gongcheng Qingdie.

After Su Li realized that he had emptied Fang Yuzhou's life, he chose to kill himself without any hesitation.

In this way, everything in reality seems to have come to the original scene again.

In the whole world, only Su Wangchen and Gongcheng Qingdie were left.

But this time, Mu Qingya and the others in the Netherworld Palace are still alive, but because of the passage of time, they cannot exceed the upper limit of their lives-because this time they did not take good fortune Immortal pill, so they can only live in the frescoes middle.

However, in the murals, they saw everything that happened outside.

After Su Wangchen saw that Su Li killed himself again and truly transformed himself, he regained the system authority and killed Gongcheng Qingdie.

In the end, he released the three of Mu Qingya, and still extended the killing hand to these three.

The three also did not fight back this time, or they had no ability to fight back - with their strength, facing Su Wangchen, they were powerless to fight back.

The three are still being refined.

This time, even Que De and the others were not able to escape, and were killed by him very early on.

Therefore, this Fang Yuzhou all fell into his hands.

But zero didn't appear.

In the end, Su Wangchen thought about it, and gave up all self-cutting completely, wanting to see the final result.

But when he beheaded himself, he found that he was close to the real Immortal immortality and could not die.

Therefore, he can only accompany the passage of time in this dark universe, a little bit of silence.

I don't know how long time has passed, and finally, when Su Wangchen found that his system had been completely exhausted, but the system still owed a huge amount of debt, he became at a loss.

Afterwards, he tried to refine and devour all the system products, re-turn them into the corresponding natural good fortune, the original life energy, etc., and use them to try some other Karmas.

Unfortunately, in the end he exhausted everything but could not find a way out.

In the end, when he finally dried up and died in endless years, he seemed to see a light.

That ray of light seemed to be his, and it seemed to be his end.

When this light appeared and quickly extinguished, Su Wangchen vaguely heard the sound of thunder and the inexplicable sound of flipping books.

It's just that the sound of turning the book stopped quickly, because the book seemed to be turned to the last page.

At that moment, as if time had flown back, another vision appeared in Su Wangchen's eyes. In this vision, he saw the last line of the page - the world of forgetfulness, the world of the world returning to the ruins.

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