I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 395 Xueyuan Died, Adventures In Mountains And Seas

In the depths of the vast world of ice and snow, a woman in a white dress and a gauze skirt stood quietly on the top of the mountain, looking down at the snowy wasteland below.

In the wasteland, snowflakes fluttered and the north wind howled.

At this moment, a rainbow bridge suddenly appeared in the wasteland, and a mysterious light spot appeared on the rainbow bridge.

The light spot is like a group of extremely blazing light, it suddenly burst out, and in a very short time, it expands, spreads in all directions, and forms a gate of Tai Chi in the shape of Yin & Yang Pisces.

This Tai Chi Gate is not very big, only about two meters in diameter.

But after it appeared, the Yin & Yang Pisces curve suddenly opened to both sides, and a white circle appeared in it.

In the aperture, two figures were projected directly.

These two people are Su Wangchen and Su Galaxy Cluster who were swept by Jinshu cards before.

However, when the two were swept over, the woman in the white gauze skirt seemed to be locked in immediately.

Then, the woman in white did not hesitate, and immediately started.

There were two divine powers in her eyes.


These two divine powers erupted violently, and stabbed Su Wangchen and Su Galaxy Cluster in extremely fast time.

Su Wangchen noticed it for the first time, but instead of fighting back immediately, he looked at Su Galaxy Cluster.

Su Galaxy Cluster also discovered this scene at this time, but he just raised his hand and grabbed it at will, and grabbed these two extremely terrifying Shenhua murderous intentions in his hands.

From start to finish, his movements were incomparably indifferent and casual.

It seems that it is not difficult for him to do this at all.

But at this time, Su Wangchen's eyes were rather solemn.

Su Wangchen looked at Su Galaxy Cluster and said solemnly, "Old man, do you know where this place is?"

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "An independent memory forbidden area, or an independent God's Domain Minor World."

Su Wangchen said, "I can't stop such an attack. Once I get hit, I will definitely die."

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "What does it matter? At least for a short time, you don't have any problems now. As for the future - things in the future, you will definitely have a solution in the future, right?"

Su Galaxy Cluster said, and carefully sensed the dissipated Shenhua power in the palm of his hand, and then his eyes were fixed on the woman in the white dress on the top of the snow-capped mountain in the distance.

The woman in the white gauze skirt frowned obviously at this time, and at the same time, her eyes also looked at Su Galaxy Cluster as if crossing the void.

The eyes of the two met for a moment in the void. At that moment, Su Galaxy Cluster was shocked, and his soul seemed to freeze for a moment.

At this time, Su Wangchen suddenly shot and swept towards Su Galaxy Cluster, directly involving Su Galaxy Cluster into its restricted memory area.

At this moment, the place where Su Galaxy Cluster was, suddenly the void collapsed, the law collapsed, and the void where it was located directly became the law powder.

At this time, Su Wangchen's figure had turned into an afterimage and appeared tens of thousands of meters away.

But even if it is tens of thousands of meters, the snowy wasteland where it is located, as before, does not seem to be far from the top of the snowy peak.

The figure of the woman in the white dress and the gauze skirt is still standing on the top of the snow mountain, and her eyes are still fixed on the place where Su Wangchen is.

A trace of cold sweat broke out on Su Wangchen's forehead, and then his figure moved, immediately activating Wang Chenhuan's space summoning ability.


After the void shook, a singularity appeared.

At the moment when the singularity appeared, a powerful Nether force seemed to distort the void and suck Su Wangchen into it.

However, the woman in the white dress just watched calmly.

Seeing that Su Wangchen would soon escape into the singularity and disappear, suddenly, the eyes of the woman in the white dress and gauze skirt suddenly condensed.


In the void, there appeared again a divine power that contained an extremely terrifying aura.

Not to mention that the power of this Shenhua is countless times stronger than before, the will to kill it carries is even more tyrannical and astonishing.

Under the gathering of this terrifying divine power, Su Wangchen's figure suddenly freezes at the moment of escaping into the singularity.

Then, Su Wangchen was instantly killed.

Yes, spike.

The moment when the power of Shenhua came out, it hit Su Wangchen across time and space, so that Su Wangchen's last escape technique all failed.

With just one look, Su Wangchen was instantly killed, turned into a particle of light, and quickly dissipated in the singularity.

And the singularity that contained the powerful Nether power also began to collapse rapidly, and soon disappeared.

Snowfields are still snowfields.

Xuefeng is still Xuefeng.

The woman in the white dress and gauze skirt on the snow peak also maintained her previous posture.

After a while, there seemed to be a hint of regret in her eyes, and then she became extraordinarily cold and flat again.


Forget the world.

After Su Wangchen's figure re-condensed, he released Su Wangchen in the restricted memory zone at the same time.

"Actually you shouldn't have saved me."

Su Galaxy Cluster said casually.

Su Wangchen frowned and said, "If you don't take action, I will be gone immediately, and there is no possibility of even sacrificing your clone to escape. So when you expose your abilities, if I just leave, what does that look like? like?"

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "You should have seen that this time the problem is very big."

Su Wangchen said; "Not bad, but there is still great hope."

Su Galaxy Cluster shook his head and said, "It's difficult, you should understand what the current situation is like. In addition, you shouldn't open such a channel, so you will only reveal more means and details."

Su Wangchen said, "But at the moment, it seems that I have almost no big loss, but I just filled in a clone."

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "What do you want to do now?"

Su Wangchen said, "What I want to do now is to go to the depths of Wangchen and look back at some of Su Li's Karma, because I really have a lot of things about him that I haven't been able to really understand."

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "I'm afraid it's not the best time now. You have to understand that Su Li's situation is very special, so your actions are likely to outweigh the gains. Although I have lost some of my abilities, I can clearly judge you. The best course of action right now is to take no action at all."

Su Wangchen said, "I know, but I still want to try it. I'm already mentally prepared for the worst, so it doesn't matter."

Su Galaxy Cluster thought for a while and said, "Good luck then."

Su Wangchen said, "With the blessing of the old man, my luck will not be too bad."

After Su Wangchen finished speaking, he said, "This is Wangchenhuan. If you still want to go back to the Su family, you can go back. I know you have some things you can't let go of. Don't worry, this time when you go back, the Su family will not be embarrassed anymore. is you."

Su Galaxy Cluster said, "I really thought I couldn't put it down before, but now I understand that it's not that I can't put it down, but I just want to go back and take a look. After reading it, I found that the things that I couldn't put down had already been put down."

When Su Wangchen heard the words, he immediately thought of the corresponding Karma, and couldn't help but smile and said, "If they change, you will do your best or even do your best. Unfortunately, instead of changing, they have Is it even worse? So I am even more disappointed, so I let it go even more."

Su Galaxy Cluster glanced at Su Wangchen lightly, but did not answer.

Su Wangchen smiled again, but did not say much, but entered the depths of Wangchen alone.

In the depths of Wangchenhuan, there is an ability similar to Wangxiangtai, which can be used to review Karma or some truths in the past.

Therefore, this time Su Wangchen intends to learn about a real Karma of Su Li at a certain point in the past.

With this thought, Su Wangchen quickly locked part of Su Li's Karma.

After this kind of Karma was locked, Su Wangchen did not try to unlock it immediately, but made some calculations with blood. Among the results of many calculations, Su Wangchen chose the most favorable Karma, and then unlocked it. .


After this Karma locked and released the shackles, the mysterious power of the rules corresponding to this Karma enveloped Su Wangchen almost on the spot.

Su Wangchen was stunned—even though he had already reacted, when he was swept away by the mysterious power of rules, he was still completely unable to resist.

Therefore, Su Wangchen was directly enveloped by this mysterious power of rules and swept into a very strange and bizarre world.

"This is - the world of mountains and seas?"

"what's the situation?"

"What the hell—I'm actually in Su Li's cage?"

"Damn, when was this cage planted? How did he know I was going to spy on some part of his Karma?"

Su Wangchen was flustered for a moment, but soon he calmed down.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen looked at the Quartet with a very peaceful mind.

However, this usual mentality suddenly changed when he saw Su Li standing quietly not far away, staring at him with cold eyes.

"Su Li?"

Su Wangchen was taken aback, then frowned, his eyes locked on Su Li, as if he was afraid that Su Li would do something out of the ordinary.

"it's me."

Su Li's figure came out from the hazy clouds in the distance, and at the same time stood in front of Su Wangchen, his eyes were particularly cold and calm.

"You—what's your situation now? Why are you here?"

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Su Wangchen instinctively retreated a step.

For some reason, he was suddenly very afraid of Su Li who suddenly appeared in the clouds and mist of this vast world of mountains and seas.

Su Li lightly swept Su Wangchen's Fang Yiyan and said, "Are you worried? Or are you afraid?"

Su Wangchen took a deep breath and said, "Su Li, you—what do you mean?"

Su Li said calmly, "That's what I mean, I'm angering you now, and I'm also provoking you."

Su Wangchen heard the words, his heart sank, and his scalp felt numb at the same time.

His senses have always been keen - this world of mountains and seas has little restriction on his abilities, so his combat power has no influence.

However, it was precisely because his combat power was not affected in any way that he realized that the current Su Li was not only very strange, but also very terrifying.

"Su Li—you—you are the return of the demon heart?"

After pondering for a while, Su Wangchen suddenly spoke.

Su Li said lightly, "You can call this a world of archives."

Su Wangchen frowned and said, "What file world? What do you mean?"

Su Li said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, anyway, sooner or later you will understand - but right now I have something I want to try."

Su Wangchen froze slightly and said, "What do you want to do?"

Su Li said, "I want to kill you."

Su Wangchen? ? ?

When Su Wangchen was puzzled, he still maintained sufficient precautions.

Su Li said, "One move."

Su Wangchen was even more strange.

But at this moment, Su Li suddenly struck out a sword directly.

This sword was obviously a very ordinary sword shot by Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

But this sword contains the real power of extreme luck and sword intent rules.

Even, the power of the rules of extreme luck and sword intent is not the power of rules in this world, but the power of rules in China.

So when this move came out, Su Wangchen's expression changed drastically.

No matter how powerful his strength is, he is still extremely passive in the face of the power of the secret rules in China.

Now, when Su Li comes up with such a killer move, Su Wangchen is completely at a loss.


With a single sword, Su Li pierced through Su Wangchen's eyebrows, causing Su Wangchen's eyes to widen as if he was dying.

However, after this sword, Su Li retracted the sword and looked at Su Wangchen at the same time.

Su Wangchen suddenly came back to his senses, only to find that there was no sword between his eyebrows, and Su Li did not kill him.

Su Wangchen stroked the center of his eyebrows, and the doubt in his eyes became more intense.

Su Li said in a calm and indifferent tone, "The scene just now is true, but I didn't kill you with a single blow, completely killing you. That sword was a little off, and the subsequent Karma was not blamed on you. ."

Su Wangchen was silent and did not speak, as if he was greatly stimulated.

Su Wangchen said, "Let's fight again. If you win, tell me your goal, and I will try my best to help you do it. If you lose—"

Su Li said lightly, "I won't lose."

Su Wangchen killed Su Li without saying a word.

At this time, Su Li made another random move, and Su Wangchen immediately gave birth to the illusion that he was killed in seconds.

This time, Su Wangchen finally paused for a moment, and then he seemed to want to understand Karma.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Su Li and said, "I really didn't expect that on such a day, I would still meet such a you, amazing, Su Li, you are really amazing, I admit that I am indeed small. I saw you."

Su Li said, "Where is the human emperor Nuwa, take me to find them."

Su Wangchen said, "What if I don't agree?"

Su Li said, "Then I will obliterate you with China's rules of heaven and earth, and obliterate you from the root."

Su Wangchen was silent for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll take you to find Human Emperor Nuwa."

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