I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 401 Nuwa Karma, Heavenly Secret Transcendent

This time, the level of the system has been increased by 1, and the star rating of the fate has also been increased from 3 stars to 4 stars.

In the rest of the lottery, there is a special 'Soul Soul Mirror' treasure, the re-emerged Kunlun mirror, and a special treasure "Mountains, Rivers, Society and Jitu" in the system space.

Su Li was not too surprised when a map of mountains and rivers appeared in the system space.

After all, his cognition in some aspects has reached a whole new level.

But at this time, he didn't think too much, but set his eyes on the map of the mountains and rivers and the realization of the real and the virtual.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the map of the mountains and rivers, but the Kunlun mirror and the real soul realm in Su Li's hands will soon reach the limit of activation.

That is to say, this time the Kunlun mirror and Karma corresponding to the Shanhe Sheji map are almost over.

Is this a real painting, is it a fake painting, is it real, or is it real?

Perhaps, this time, only Nuwa and the Emperor and Su Li know.

Or, only Su Li knows.

Su Li closed the system panel, and then, without concealing his own figure, he appeared directly in front of many geniuses.

At this time, Yun Qingxuan and Zhuge Qingchen, who were not far away, immediately saw Su Li, Mu Yuxi, Meier, Fang Yuening and Su Youwei.

A look of astonishment appeared in Yun Qingxuan's beautiful eyes, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face.

But when she moved, Zhuge Qingchen suddenly gently pulled the corner of her sleeve.

"Fairy Qingxuan, wait a minute."

Zhuge Qingchen gestured with his eyes.

"Huh? What?"

Yun Qingxuan responded with puzzled eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, Zhuge Qingchen gestured, "Look at him carefully."

Yun Qingxuan frowned slightly when she heard the words, and gestured, "You don't need to look carefully, I know that he is him."

Zhuge Qingchen said, "But he seems to have lost his original intention. Is he still him who has lost his original intention? I am afraid that his current situation is not right. If you approach, it will only lead to endless troubles."

Yun Qingxuan shook her head lightly and said, "Whether he has lost his true heart or not, he is still him, but you, because he no longer has the aura of the source of hope, so are you going to stay away?"

Zhuge Qingchen immediately said, "How come? I just want to take a closer look at the situation."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Someone still wants to make trouble now, I'll go help Su Li."

Zhuge Qingchen said, "With his current strength, I am afraid that all the arrogances on the scene can't help him."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Well, even so, it's my heart to help me in the past. You can't be indifferent because others are in trouble because they don't necessarily need it."

Zhuge Qingchen said, "I vaguely feel that a huge Karma is covering all of this, and it has not really dissipated."

Yun Qingxuan said, "Let's take a look."

As Yun Qingxuan said, she walked directly to Su Li.

Seeing Yun Qingxuan approaching, Su Li's eyes gradually softened a lot.

At this time, in front of him, two figures blocked him in advance.

"Master Su, we meet again."

Hua Ziyan's beautiful eyes were smiling, and she smiled with a somewhat rebellious look on her pretty face.

Her smile was as sweet as ever, and that kind of rebelliousness was not high above, but accustomed to the victorious state of strategizing.

Xi Taishang also smiled, stepped out and stood beside Hua Ziyan.

The two stood together at this time, and their expressions were quite close, but they seemed to be a very good match.

Su Li took a deep look at Hua Ziyan and said, "Do you know that Su Wangchen is now the emperor of the sky, and he is also the master of the universe? Are you worthy of him like this?"

Hua Ziyan sneered and said, "He? He's already obsolete, a waste with less than enough success and more than enough to fail. How can he be qualified to be Hua Ziyan's dao company? Not to mention, I have never liked him. He is just me. Just one of the many ready dao companies.

Originally, I planned to also regard you as one of the pre-selections, but unfortunately you did not seize the opportunity, so I also cancelled you. "

Hua Ziyan's words were suddenly said so directly.

It's bizarre and weird.

But Su Li judged through his own powerful wisdom that Hua Ziyan's words were true!

Su Li was silent for a while, but did not speak.

Hua Ziyan chuckled and said, "Su Ye should have been imprisoned by the truth now, because he will almost pass through the ancient pagoda Karma in the edge of the Tianhe River, peep some truth, and then be obliterated.

As soon as Su Ye dies, Karma, which belongs to Su Wangchen, will collapse.

At that time...

Hahahaha, Soho's fate will change.

You have to know that there are only two people who can stand up to Nuwa Empress Karma, one is Meier, but you fell asleep and you ruined it.

The other one is Soho.

Now, Su Wangchen should have also been involved in the Karma of Soho.

Do you know the real truth? "

Hua Ziyan suddenly said a lot of information.

This information is indeed scary.

Su Li said, "I don't need to know, as long as you know it, you know it, I know it."

Su Li said, and without hesitation, he opened the system panel, and at the same time, he opened the magical calculation.

"Light Blue, use the system function 'Heaven's Secret Calculation' to view the Karma information of Hua Ziyan's life file, and lock part of the Karma of Su Wangchen and Su He, and present it to me as the main information!"

Su Li almost didn't hesitate to use the system ability 'The Mysterious Calculations'.


The Mysterious Calculation function is activated, The next moment, what Su Li obtains is not an information panel or text, but a direct view of God.

This part is also, directly fit the huge Karma, and bring Su Ye's vision into a mysterious wild world.

This great wasteland is obviously a huge wasteland somewhere in the world of mountains and seas.

In such a wasteland area, Spiritual Qi is overflowing, and the freshness of the air is beyond imagination.

In such a world, even if he takes a breath, Su Li feels a refreshing feeling, such as the sweat pores all over his body have opened, and he can breathe the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth.

"The Spiritual Qi in this world is really invincible! How can it be so complete?!"

Su Li couldn't help being a little shocked and emotional.

The next moment, Su Li's vision is constantly changing, zooming in and out.

Then, after the constant change of vision, at the end of the great wasteland, a barren mountain village appeared in Su Li's vision.

In the barren mountain village, the dilapidated wooden houses are scattered, looking extremely shabby.

There are some ancient formations and dao marks in the mountain village. The power is permeated, and it escapes in all directions, forming a faint majesty, but it can expel ordinary beasts.

Therefore, in such a place, this small mountain village with hundreds of households could barely survive.

Su Li's vision continued to fly forward, and soon came to the entrance of the village.

In the wasteland at the entrance of the village, more than a dozen children were chasing and playing happily.

In the distance, a little girl in a green gauze skirt with mud marks on her face was bowing her head, her big eyes filled with tears, and her face showed a deep cowardly look.

And a boy of about seven or eight years old pointed at the little girl and said something fiercely.

Su Li silently activated his powerful sensing ability, The next moment, and the communication information of the other party was presented along with the emotional changes.

It turned out that the seven or eight-year-old boy was scolding the little girl.

The little girl looked about five or six years old. After being scolded, she was obviously frightened, but she wiped away her tears and lowered her head.

The boy was relentless and kept accusing him. He wanted to do it several times, but he seemed to have some concerns, but he didn't do it after all.

In the distance, a middle-aged man glanced at it and scolded a few words.

The boy became more arrogant, while the little girl's eyes turned red and tears were streaming down her face.

Tears were dripping on her little pale green shoes with holes in their toes.

After Su Li got closer, he immediately heard the little girl's terrified, small voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I was wrong..."

The little girl is very thin, and her figure is very thin. There are patches everywhere on her light green skirt, and the sewing lines are ugly.

But wearing such clothes on her body made her look extremely cute and pitiful.

"Hmph, I know I'm wrong? Do you think your big brother can really become the supreme master of heaven? Impossible, my mother said, your big brother has already died! You are also a bad luck, it is ominous You bitch, you deserve your parents to die early, so you have no education! Just like you, you will be a bitch no one wants in the future..."

The seven- or eight-year-old boy was very arrogant, and his words already showed some malicious intent.

The little girl heard the words, tears flowed out, a little angry, but also a little scared, scared.

In her beautiful eyes, there were various expressions of anxiety and fear.

"No, no, big brother will definitely become Transcendent's Master of Heaven's Secret, become the most powerful Master of Heaven's Secret, he won't die, won't..."

As she spoke, she cried with a 'wow'.


The little boy laughed.

A group of little boys and girls who were chasing and playing next to them also laughed.

Su Li was thoughtful, and his vision was just about to get closer.

At this time, he saw a light and shadow appearing in the void.

It was a black-robed figure.

The figure in the black robe quickly gathered into a whole, and immediately turned into the appearance of Taiqing - wearing a black skeleton grimace mask, holding a The Underworld ghost sickle.

"What did you say? What do you say?!"

The black-robed figure said every word, raised his hand while speaking, and grabbed the eight-year-old boy in the blue coarse cloth long coat.

He appeared very suddenly, and at a very fast speed, instantly making the scene dead silent.

The little girl looked at it blankly, and seemed to be shocked, and even forgot to cry.

The black-robed figure scolded the seven- or eight-year-old boy in a cold voice.

Su Li's vision got a little closer.

Then he was a little surprised to find that the seven or eight-year-old boy who was lifted up by the black robe was already 1.6 meters tall and weighed at least 200 kilograms!

Obviously this is not fat, nor is the body bloated, but his bones are heavy and his blood is good!

this place...

While Su Li was thinking about it, the black-robed figure suddenly raised his hand and slapped the boy's face with three ear scrapers.


Being pumped like this, the boy was immediately beaten and stunned, and he was so scared that he cried, and all the urine flowed down the trouser legs.

The heat dissipated, and the air was soaring.

This scene happened, and the atmosphere at the scene immediately became weird.

Many children wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, but their cheeks were red.

At the same time, because of the unknown, they felt a little afraid of the sudden appearance of the 'ghost-faced geek' being angry.

"Fellow daoist, be merciful, Gan Gan is just a kid."

A middle-aged man came over, full of vigor and blood, with extraordinary aura.

"Yeah, he's just a child, so don't let him go!"

The black-robed figure said, and slapped the child back and forth ten times before stopping.

"Apologize, apologize to my Little Sister."

The black robe figure said coldly.

"You Little Sister?"

The middle-aged man was a little angry, but when he heard the words, he was also a little surprised.

"Hehe is you Little Sister? Are you Chenchen? No, you are not Chenchen."

The middle-aged man said, and carefully looked at the black-robed figure for a while, before nodding slightly, saying, "Qi and blood are very similar, that's all, if you are He He's big brother, then you should protect your Little Sister, you should. , apologize to He He."

The middle-aged man didn't care about the fact that the child was slapped more than a dozen times, his teeth were broken, and his face was swollen.

Children, it is inevitable that there will be some bumps.

As long as you don't kill it, then kill it.

"Hehe, I was wrong, I don't dare anymore. I, I bullied you, in fact, I just wanted you to know me, I'm amazing."

It's a bit of a grievance.

As he talked, he cried with a 'wow', crying very sadly.

Su Li was quite happy watching this scene.

That's weird.

"Okay, let's go."

The black-robed figure stopped immediately, with a rather cold tone.

The man in black robe raised his hand and threw the heavy 'Dan Gan' directly on the ground.

With such an embarrassed appearance, the little girl finally provokes a 'pochi' laugh.

After laughing, she immediately showed a timid look, and bowed her head again, afraid of being scolded and scolded.

And that 'Dry Gan', after seeing 'He He' smiling, immediately wiped the mud and blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed 'yo ha' and 'yo ha'.

It seems that He He is happy, and he has achieved his goal - as for being ugly or something, he probably doesn't have the concept yet.

The man in black robe looked at the dry man who was still grinning and scratching his head. His eyes gradually changed from cold and full of murderous intent to gradually calming down.

Obviously, this bear boy doesn't seem to be that Damn it.

Maybe this kind of bullying, or just a different kind of liking.

After the cold gaze of the black-robed man was withdrawn, the eyes of the middle-aged man and the several strong men walking behind him that locked on the black-robed man were also withdrawn immediately.

"This fellow daoist, are you still not satisfied with what you're doing? This little brat is indeed a bit too much. However, this girl, He He, should stop thinking about it. In fact, there has been news before— —”

"Brother Feng Qingcheng, be careful."

"Junior Brother Feng Han, this matter... will be known after all."

Several middle-aged men came over.

Gan Gan's father, the middle-aged man at the beginning, sighed softly and said, "Usually, Gan Gan actually didn't bully Li He. Chen Chen and He He are both good children, it's just..."

Just what, the middle-aged man didn't say anything, his bloodshot eyes showed a somewhat complicated expression of embarrassment.

"No, I'm not dissatisfied. However, I want to take He He away from this land of right and wrong."

The black-robed man thought for a while and spoke again.

Hearing this, the little girl in the green gauze skirt, 'He He', raised her head sharply, her big eyes full of tears, and she fixedly looked at the black robed man.

There was fear, fear and even panic in her eyes, and her thin and thin body was obviously trembling.

It seemed that words like 'take away' and 'leave' deeply made her feel uneasy and terrified.

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