I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 403 Kill Junshang And Fight Taishang

The Pangu axe in Su Li's hand did not split out, and even the breath it presented was not too turbulent.

He just watched Hua Ziyan's performance indifferently, his expression calm and indifferent.

Compared with Su Li's blandness, Hua Ziyan's series of bells and whistles look rather ridiculous.

Next to Hua Ziyan is Xi Junshang.

Xi Junshang is from the Wan Dao Star Wan Dao Soul Clan, and he is a true Soul Clan.

The strength of the soul clan lies in its powerful soul domain and soul battle ability.

Hua Ziyan disappeared, so Xi Junshang was the only one who appeared with Hua Ziyan and intercepted Su Li.

"There should be a big Karma between us."

Xi Junshang came out, staring at Su Li with stern eyes.

He looks red lips and white teeth, but his appearance is very high.

"A big Karma? If you still discuss such a Karma, it will be a doomed ending for you."

Su Li spoke calmly.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that Xi Junshang didn't take Su Li's words into one's eyes very much, let alone listen to them.

"Heh, Su Li, it's not your time as a prince anymore, so many Karma have nothing to do with you, and you can't get involved in many things."

Xi Junshang's tone was contemptuous and joking, and there was an obvious sense of sarcasm in his words.

Su Li glanced at Xi Junshang lightly, and said, "It looks like, are you going to do it? Well, I am quite interested in the strength of your God King-level gods."

When Xi Junshang heard the words, a strange smile appeared on Junyi Transcendent's face.

The next moment, he didn't say hello at all, and shot Su Li directly.

As soon as the shot is released, it is a sonic boom-like terrifying punch.

With one punch, his essence, energy and soul seemed to be completely integrated into one point, and all poured out with his punch.

That punch directly hit Su Li's chest in an instant.



Suddenly, Xi Junshang discovered that his lore punch had actually hit the side of the axe of Su Li's chest!

And the loud noise of 'clang' before was exactly the axe, and it was a bit deafening, making people dizzy, and their ears seemed to burst open.

At this time, Xi Junshang discovered that he hit with all his strength, although the place he hit was Su Li's chest, but at the critical moment, the opening axe in Su Li's hand actually straddled between the two, and actively blocked it. A deadly murder this time.

"Huh? You—"

Chi Chi!

Suddenly a flash of blood flashed.

Xi Junshang's figure appeared behind Su Li as soon as he moved, his hand turned into blood, instantly stretched, and slammed into Su Li's neck.

The distance between the two was immediately pulled very close.

"There is still such a top treasure, I think how can you escape? Want to escape?"

A confident and cruel sneer appeared on Xi Junshang's face.


Xi Junshang pinched Su Li's neck, and he was about to use his strength to crush it.

It's just that when he pinched, his body suddenly freezes for a moment, and then his face suddenly changes.

The action that was about to be pinched also stopped abruptly.

"Looks like you've noticed—"

Su Li's tone was calm, because Xi Junshang suddenly realized at this moment that he wanted to pinch and strangle Su Li, but he couldn't break the defense at all.

At this moment, Xi Junshang was completely panicked.

But Su Li didn't panic at all.

Bang! ! !

A loud sound exploded in all directions.

Then, it was Su Li's lightning-fast afterimage that punched.

It was the same punch, but Su Li's punch brought the Cultivation Technique to the extreme, and he also tried his own Realm of 'Earth Immortals' to see what level it was at.


With one punch, Xi Junshang's reaction ability is obviously not strong, or in other words, Su Li's speed is still too fast after all.

Therefore, before Xi Junshang could react, he was already punched in the forehead by Su Li.

With Su Li's punch, Xi Junshang's head exploded like a rotten watermelon.

Then, because this strike was extremely powerful, Xi Junshang was instantly killed by Su Li.

This scene directly shocked all the nearly 1,000 practitioners on the cliffs of Cangshan.

Su Li didn't expect that he just broke out the power of Pangu's bloodline combined with the ability of Tianmai battle spirit, and he killed this Junshang directly with one punch!

This is beyond imagination.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Li called up the system panel and took a look. Immediately, his mood fell into a calm state.


At this time, beyond the cliffs of Cangshan, there is a potential land.

An old man in gray and white robes, leaning on crutches, manifested from a light and shadow, standing in the void.

Beside him, a woman in a purple dress and gauze skirt with a similar appearance to Hua Ziyan, looked around, and finally locked on where Su Li was.

"Tai Shang senior, this is the place."

The woman in the purple dress was none other than Xi Weiyu, a follower of Xi Junshang's command.

And this old man is Xi Junshang's master, Xi Taishang.

"Well, I see. It's really a life-or-death thing. My direct disciple of Taishang Xi dares to slaughter!"

When Taishang Xi spoke, his aura was particularly terrifying.

Su Li showed his combat power and calmly responded to Taishang Xi.

Facing Taishang Xi, Su Li also felt a lot of pressure.

The strength of this old man is very extraordinary!

In the past, in the system's judgment, its strength was no longer weaker than Qin Zuyuan and the like, and even stronger in some aspects!

Therefore, when Su Li saw him at this time, he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

When Taishang Xi heard this, he sneered and said, "Boy, you are really ignorant, ridiculous! With a weak Realm like you, how can you know the power of the gods who have reached the peak of the primordial spirit level?"

Although Taishang Xi seemed to be a little stooped and his blood was a little depleted, his eyes were cold and bright, like a poisonous snake.

Su Li stared at the Taishang, thinking about the corresponding means in his heart.

After all, in addition to this Tai Shang, there is another Xi Weiyu, who needs to be dealt with.

Therefore, during the battle, he must be very careful not to be taken advantage of by others.

Practitioners in this world are omnipotent, and there is no bottom line to speak of.

"Very good, I don't know the sky and the earth, since I want to die, the old man will fulfill you!"

Xi Taishang's face sank, and suddenly an emerald-green weapon like a crutch appeared in his hand.

The moment this weapon appeared, it contained an aura of Indistinguishable Dao, which inspired some Dao rhythm auras in the void, revealing a terrifying vitality.

Yes, vitality, not killing power.


The crutches in her hand slammed toward the void, and the void seemed to be illuminated by a dark shadow.

At the same time, wisps of divine brilliance contained within him, carrying a peerless majesty, and savagely assassinated Su Li.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly, and all the qi and blood of the ancient Xian Yuan burst out.

This time, he tried to burst out the power of Pangu blood, combined with Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, ready to test his own combat power.

Holding the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, Su Li stabbed straight out, facing the blow of the Taishang.


That blow directly hit Xi Taishang's crutch, and immediately made a very strong collision sound.

The sound set off a huge wave, leading to a chaotic energy ripple.

The sound that accompanies it also shakes people's hearts, as if it can wear gold and crack a stone, it has a powerful impact.

Su Li was shocked, his arms were numb, under a single strike, his tiger's mouth had already split open, and blood flowed from his hands.


As soon as Xi Taishang retracted his crutch, he stabbed it with another blow.

This strike, the crutch is like a long spear, and a single blow is like stabbing a black hole.

The black hole rushed like a poisonous snake, and the speed was as fast as lightning.


The Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in Su Li's hand shot out again.

In an instant, the Cultivation Technique of "Spirit of the Sky" has been run to the extreme by Su Li.

That sword immediately manifested the invincible profound meaning. The sword, which was launched later and arrived first, directly stabbed the poisonous snake that was like a dark light and shadow.


The poisonous snake shook, turned into a crutch and flew out, and fell back into Xi Taishang's hands.

And Su Li, also retreated four or five steps again.

At the same time, in the area where the two were fighting, a black energy ripple split open in an instant, and the bursting power shattered some of the Dao Marks in this area, such as a very small-scale 'energy collapse'. The effect is average, swallowing a lot of Spiritual Qi.

This situation made Su Li's heart awe-inspiring, at the same time, not far away, Xi Weiyu was also pale and solemn.

That Taishang Xi frowned even more, forming an upside-down character!

"You really have some small skills, and you do have some reckless capital."

Xi Taishang sneered, his whole body bubbling with qi and blood, and a very terrifying power of qi and blood escaped from his seemingly depleted body.

This power of blood is enough to form a blood storm.

The wind was blowing, flying sand and rocks.

Under Su Li's feet, the ground exploded, and sand and stones flew into the air.

This kind of battle is amazing.

Behind Su Li, Fang Yuening, Meier and the others could not bear it anymore, their faces were pale, and their expressions were a little embarrassed.

In such an environment, Su Li's combat power was fully released.

However, he still had the feeling of being pinned down, very uncomfortable, as if his hands and feet were tied.


Xi Taishang's qi and blood motivated the heaven and earth to the Tao, communicated with the breath of the Dao marks of the law, and formed a real 'potential'.

With the help of this 'potential', the crutches in Xi Taishang's hand suddenly became larger, as if it could sweep the universe, it exploded with unparalleled power, and slammed towards Su Li.

At this moment, along with the momentum, Su Li felt that the power of the whole world was oppressing at the same time, which was very terrifying.


Su Li snorted coldly, and directly used the superb "Mysterious Art" method, which triggered the power of the earth's veins on the cliffs of Cangshan.

The spiritual veins of heaven and earth on the cliffs of Cangshan connect to the depths of the earth, which are deep and broad, as vast as abyss.

Su Li drew out the pulsating power of heaven and earth, and instantly superimposed the power of Pangu blood and his own combat power, and even used the power of Kunpeng blood.

At this moment, Su Li is like God of War, invincible and invincible.

Gathering the power of nine heaven and earth spiritual veins, Su Li's combat power exploded to the limit!

So much so that Su Li's Sword Intent and Sword Array Murder, with every move and style, are earth-shattering and majestic!


Suddenly, Su Li made a fierce shot.

Then, the void exploded as fast as lightning.

Obviously, the battle has intensified.

Almost at this moment, Su Li quickly retreated, and at the same time deployed Movement Technique to dodge.

The moment his body retreated, that piece of heaven and earth really collapsed.

In the void, cracks appeared on the huge crutches, and they were torn apart in an instant. All the small crutches appeared, and the number reached thousands.

Between the sky and the earth, it was pitch black, and the turbulent flow of destruction covered the sky and the earth, swallowing the energy of the Quartet, which was terrifying.

Not far away, Xi Weiyu, who was watching the battle, was caught off guard. He didn't expect such a change in the originally crushed situation. He was hit by a devastating force and was knocked out. While flying backwards in the air, he couldn't control himself. He sprayed three mouthfuls of blood.

While her face was pale, her eyes showed almost twisted resentment!


Xi Taishang spat out a mouthful of blood, and thousands of crutches turned into thousands of attacks with Dao marks, and they smashed Su Li again.

Su Li snorted coldly, the power of blood burst out, and the technique of "One Qi and Three Cleansing" manifested. Derived the Heavenly Meridian Battle Spirit to the extreme!


This time, Xi Taishang took precautions and released the strongest combat power.

So, this is a violent limit collision.

The fierce collision of Xuanyuan Tian's evil sword and crutches once again caused the void to shine brightly, and an aura of destruction like the raging sea of ​​rage erupted.

In the impact of this destructive energy, coupled with the blessing of the jidao combat power of the three cleans, Su Li was worthy of a draw with this Taishang.

But, this battle, he fought very hard.

"This person seems to contain the Fourth Stage self and Dao self? Or does the four main bodies exist at the same time? Or is the clone body unified? So tyrannical and invincible? What is this Tao? What is this Realm?"

Xi Taishang was shocked! He originally wanted to take the opportunity to give Su Li a fatal blow, but after seeing this, he hesitated for a moment and let go of the 'perfect' attack opportunity.

"No, this little beast is obviously not a good kind. If he deliberately reveals flaws, I may suffer."

Xi Taishang's expression was solemn. Before, he also released the combat power of the extreme way, but he failed to suppress Su Li as he wished. Now, Xi Taishang is also ready to come up with a deadly ultimate move and show his lore.

However, at this moment, Su Li suddenly raised his head and looked at him with a very strange look.

"Your name is 'Tai Shang'? Is it just you? Are you worthy of Karma, who is the top emperor?"

Su Li looked up and down the chair.

Although Xi Taishang is old, he also has a dignified and elegant temperament.

It's just that the name 'Tai Shang' has always made Su Li somewhat disgusted.

When Xi Taishang heard the words, the wrinkles on his face that were not deep had increased significantly, and his face became very ugly!

"Little evil beast, you are courting death!"

Xi Taishang's tone became fierce.

"Tai Shang? Haha, my mind is not small! It's a pity that my heart is higher than the sky, and I am a lowly person!"

Su Li sneered.

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