I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 408 Destruction Of Karma, Slaughter

For a true Transcendent Master of Mysteries, there is the same identification point.

This affirmation point is that the extreme will be the opposite, or the extreme will come.

Such a determination comes from the real rules.

This is also a general rule.

That is, no matter what Minor World or the big world, they are all in common.

Su Wangchen's heart of darkness and Su Li's heart of light cannot evolve to the extreme. Once they reach the extreme, there will definitely be a metamorphosis of the extreme way.

Extreme things turn against each other, or the extreme will come.

The greatest light is darkness.

And the greatest darkness can also be light.

Therefore, after Su Wangchen is in the extreme darkness, there will definitely be a transformation in the bright direction.

In the same way, after Su Li is extremely bright, there will definitely be a transformation in the dark direction.

If you don't understand this point, any layout will definitely have huge loopholes and huge flaws.

There are no real fools in this world.

But why didn't practitioners care about such an obvious flaw?

Just because this most basic rule from the prehistoric royal family was completely underestimated and despised.

It is also because others want not only the Karma of the Huanghuang royal family, but to devour everything that corresponds to it.

At this moment, Su Li looked at Meier, and the promise he gave was loud.

Meier was very moved, but also very sad.

Because she is as smart as she is, she has actually thought of what might happen at this moment, and even, until this moment, her self has been completely silent!

Under such a huge Karma, with her current ability, the benefits of the ontology will be innumerable, but the ontology still does not have half of the information transmitted, is this possible?

This is obviously not possible.

Then it is self-evident what causes it naturally.

What is the reason for the disappointment of husband Su Li?

I'm afraid it's here too.

"Husband, Meier has always been Meier, but the rest... husband, don't worry too much, it's not Meier after all."

Meier didn't know the truth, but she still said this sentence with great determination.

After speaking, she seemed to be afraid of losing Su Li, so she took the initiative to hug Su Li tightly, not wanting to let go at all.


Suddenly, Mei'er's lower abdomen trembled slightly, as if there was some kind of resistance against his actions.

Meier was stunned, and subconsciously retracted the hand that hugged Su Li, and gently placed it on her lower abdomen.

Su Li's brows trembled slightly, and then he glanced at Meier's lower abdomen thoughtfully, but did not speak.

His eyes turned from cold to gentle.

At the same time, he tried to sense the breath of that little life, but was isolated by an indescribable Dao mark.

It was as if there was a strong repelling force that was repelling him.

"Husband, it seems that it is not very stable at the moment, and I don't know what the situation is, but it will definitely be much better in a few days."

Meier said softly.

It seems that the child in her womb is everything to her.

Su Li nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, such a prison of sin will definitely not be the birthplace of me and your child."

At this moment, Su Li even thought about sending Meier into the special Chaos Realm that he had isolated.

That's also a memory-forbidden zone, but it's part of it that's been stripped out.

That part, not even the system knows.

But before such thoughts could arise, Su Li immediately extinguished them.

That was the last line of leeway he left, and once that was gone, there might be no hope.

He is not afraid to speculate about everything with the worst malice.

He didn't want to do it, but once he lost, he had nothing left.

He is not reluctant to give up this world, nor to give up everything in his hands.

After going through the world of forgetting the dust, after going through The Underworld for three thousand years to save all beings, what else could he not let go of?

He can let go of everything, but the only thing he can't let go is Su Wangchen's constant efforts.

Su Wangchen was miserable.

Well deserved.

But it was born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fry each other.

In other words, it is also a fake that Su Wangchen can't be let go. The one who really can't let go is the Mu Yuxi of "Yu Xi Yu Xi Nai Ruo He".

No matter whether there is a problem with the system, no matter whether there is a problem with the light blue, but Mu Yuxi is innocent.

This is an existence who has followed her wholeheartedly from beginning to end and has been paying without any major care.

Even, including the emotional aspect, Meier occupies more, and Mu Yuxi occupies less.

However, she has always placed herself in the position of a maid, without any arrogance.

However, the more this happened, the less Su Li could show that he cared about Mu Yuxi.

Because every care is a handle and a fatal weakness.

At the moment when he was about to liquidate the prison of this sin, he didn't want to expose more things.

Therefore, Su Li's eyes still fell on the tenth Qianlong Pill after all.

Taking the tenth Qianlong Pill might be beyond the calculation of the system.

Because Su Li knew very well that the nine hidden dragon pills were already the limit he could control at the moment, but the system didn't know about this.

It is because he has reached a limit of intelligence that he has passed many Karmas.

Now, once the tenth Qianlong Pill is taken, what will be the result?

Su Li didn't know.

This time, there are real and virtual perceptions that can be tested.

But to no avail.

This time Su Li can clearly judge that even if the system reproduces a Minor World to test the tenth Qianlong Pill, the foundation is different from that of Su Li.


Because the system no longer has the 'real' data of his Su Li.

Therefore, the system copying his Su Li's information must be wrong.

The results brought by wrong information have no reference.

Because, his memory forbidden area has a special chaotic world.

It was a space that he had left for himself.

When the system loses such a margin, all the calculated information will be wrong.

Su Li reached out and stroked Mei'er's black hair, then gently hugged her again.

Her body is still slender and perfect, and the arrogant peaks are more round and unruly, and more full and elastic.

This may be a transition that begins gradually during pregnancy.

After Su Li hugged gently, she let go.

Afterwards, he turned to look at the shattered Destiny Disk area.

There, it was already a dark abyss of destruction. The abyss was riddled with holes, like moldy black flowers that had rotted to the extreme, ferocious and terrifying.

Among them, countless turbulent voids exploded from time to time, forming dark electric sparks.

The void is even darker and darker.

And such an aura of destruction continued to ripple in all directions and began to spread.

These terrifying auras attract a piece of catastrophe aura similar to destruction, and the catastrophe aura contains the power of the ancient law of returning to the ruins.

At this moment, Su Li also knew in his heart that the catastrophe of returning to the ruins was about to appear - the catastrophe of returning to the ruins in the cage of the sin domain was about to appear.

However, how to bring Meier and Mu Yuxi out of such a world is still a big problem.

In the distance, the void began to crack.

"Boom boom-"

Suddenly, the purple light exploded in the distance, and then, a huge blood monument appeared in the sky!

After the blood monument appeared, the blood light on it disappeared quickly. Among them, Su Li vaguely seemed to see the figures of Mu Junyi and others manifesting for a moment, and then quickly disappeared.

On the other side, Su Li opened the eye of the secret, and when his eyes condensed in the past, he could clearly see that it was the ninety-ninth soul-suppressing tablet!

After the Destiny Plate was destroyed, the ninety-ninth Soul Requiem tablet arrived ahead of schedule.

Su Li looked at the time on the system panel.

The time has come to around December 3, 3030 of the Yunhuang Calendar.

Time goes by quickly.

It's like the law of time is being wound by a huge clockwork and is constantly being smashed.

The next moment, when Su Li looked at the system panel again.

The time has come to around December 5, 3030 of the Yunhuang Calendar.

The time gradually accelerated, but the descent speed of the Soul Requiem Tablet did not increase.

The speed does not increase but decrease.

"Light blue, what's the situation, do you know?"

Su Li didn't take the tenth Qianlong Pill immediately, because there were some things he needed to explain in advance.

It's not that he is not confident, but that after taking the tenth Qianlong Pill, Su Li must prepare for the worst.

In such a case, it is even more necessary to consider the changes in reality.

He Su Li replaces the soul of the sky, what exists is reality, and living in the moment is reality.

But to others, it's just a small deduced world of destiny, a laboratory-like cage, a drama on stage, a TV series or maybe even just one.

Therefore, when time suddenly accelerates, for Su Li, this is a fatal murder.

This is to be eradicated in time!

Fortunately, there are also different laws in this world, such as talent inside and outside, such as Tianmai·Huaiguang Talent.

With such a talent, it is possible to resist the powerful passing speed of the law of time.

At this time, Su Li also vaguely understood why Su Wangchen wanted to hide in Minor World as well.

Because the Minor World in the cage world is not affected by the law of time.

However, it is impossible for Su Li to hide in the Minor World at the moment. After all, the cage world is about to collapse, and there is no chance to hide in the Minor World again.

Just like Su Wangchen, no matter how strong he is, can he escape the suppression and corrosion of the law of time?

"It's no wonder that he created the Law of Three Ages to synchronize with the outside world, and it's no wonder that the system's time used to be able to appear in several different times of past, present, and future time."

"This is speeding up and slowing down the cage time."

"And the time defined by the system should always be synchronized with the time of the outside world? Or - the time of the outside world is in the time of Huayue Valley? Or, my life and death in the Flaming Wasteland Statue Falling into a coma in the midst of murderous intent, how long has the coma lasted?"

There are still many things Su Li can't figure out.

But he had no time.

So, something, he started asking Smurfs.

The light blue elf has grown a lot and is now nearly a meter tall.

Because Su Li has paid little attention recently, or the time law here is accelerating frantically, Su Li has not noticed such a big change in the light blue elf.

Light blue has grown a lot, like a porcelain doll.

However, although she is only one meter tall, she is bulging forward and backward, and her figure is extremely perfect.

Such a figure is simply more pleasing to the eyes than the most beautiful goddess in the world.

This light blue is really beautiful.

Such beauty seems to bloom only for Su Li alone.


Light blue with a smile, like the most beautiful fireworks blooming at this moment.

Beautiful and dazzling.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, but his impetuous heart immediately calmed down.

"Light blue."

Su Li's voice trembled slightly.

"Master, this time, light blue will bloom and provide for the master to grow. In this lifetime, following the master to this step has been - totally worth it."

Light Lan suddenly spoke, which made Su Li a little moved, and at the same time a little embarrassed.

Because, Su Li is very clear, when the system's Tianji Mall shows that the price of the Qianlong Pill is a question mark, it means that he can't actually afford it.

If the data does not show, the key reason may not be that there is a data explosion, there is a lot of data, but that the data is very different.

However, light blue has grown up after all, and she still has to take the initiative to cover the bottom.

In other words, I have never sold blood, but I still have to sell my life in the end.

Su Li is reluctant to do this, but at this time, what choice is there?


Or involuntarily?

Su Li didn't know it herself.

If Qianlong Pill does not eat, he cannot see through everything in the end.

Everything will fall into passive, light blue will always be coveted by others.

The secrets of the system will always be invaded, deduced, and researched all the time.

So - what to do?

Su Li already had a choice in mind.

Light Blue also seems to have known such a choice.

"Master, don't be sad, Little Princess has been living for a long time, and light blue is already very happy. With such a master, light blue is already very happy."

Light blue said softly, and then said sternly, "However, when light blue grows up, it is time to accompany the master to endure hardship. If you don't endure hardship now, you will only suffer more in the future, and maybe you will not even be qualified to endure hardship in the future. .

So, this time, Light Blue and the master work together, fight together, let them know that Immortal Light Blue's dignity cannot be touched!

The glory of Immortal is not to be desecrated. "

Su Li was stunned for a while, then nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

Light blue said softly, "Master, taking Medicine Pill may cause unknown changes, so the master left two special taboo memories, which are recorded on the system panel, so that when something goes wrong, light blue can give some help."

Su Li nodded and said, "Okay."

After agreeing, after some deliberation, Su Li added the first information - check the taboo record of the system panel.

This is the first memory obsession.

And the second, Su Li left a special message - no matter what the reason, the first point is to trust the system.

However, when leaving such a message, Light Blue directly modified it - for whatever reason, No. 1 Drugstore believes in Light Blue, not the system.

The change of the light blue elf made Su Li slightly moved.

But the light blue elf did not hide such a move from Su Li.

"Master, the second level of system authority corresponds to the second level of the master's restricted memory area, which has been penetrated. The system authority itself is actually very-very dissatisfied."

For the first time, light blue raised the system aspect to face the 'opinion'.

Su Li was silent for a while, without answering.

The light blue elf said, "Does the master have any taboo information left?"

Su Li thought for a while and said, "There is a third message."

The light blue elf immediately called up the system panel tab.

After being silent for a while, Su Li branded the third message.

The third message is that there are two tragedies in life, one is despair, and the other is complacency. If you are unfortunate enough to step into it, cut yourself completely and get rid of all Karma.

Su Li left such a message, which seemed to be beyond the expectations of the system light blue elf.

The pale blue elf was a little puzzled.

Su Li sighed softly, "If I do have an abnormal change, it is obviously a failure.

If it fails, it is unimaginable to end the Champions League.

In this case, if there is still a sense of reason to view the system panel paging, then directly guide the system authority to self-destruct, destroying yourself and destroying the system.

I die myself, and I won't let them get another half Karma of Immortal light blue. "

Su Li's tone was casual, but firm.

It seems that as long as there is no real hope in sight, or as long as there are signs of failure, he will definitely kill himself.

Rather Stick to your guns.

If it really goes that far, then completely give up, completely destroy everything in the system, and prevent everyone from getting the slightest benefit.

As for whether this caused the whole world to be riddled with holes—sorry, now the whole world is dead, and it has nothing to do with me, Su Li.

After all, in your opinion, the world is no different without Su Li.

After all, everything is also caused by your persecution.

That's what Su Li was thinking at this time, very single and didn't care.

Since he can afford it, what is there to care about?

From the current situation, the system does have some problems.

When you didn't know, you didn't know, but now that you've noticed it, how can you still pretend to be completely ignorant?

Su Li reached out and took the Qianlong Pill, holding it in the palm of his hand.

The beating Qianlong Pill was like a Medicine Pill with incomparably powerful vitality, vibrating in Su Li's hands.

Su Li's hands trembled uncontrollably with it.

Su Li retracted his hand, and then glanced at Meier and Mu Yuxi again—this one might be the last one.

His expression was very calm, then he turned around, raised his hand and swallowed the hidden dragon pill directly into his mouth.

The Qianlong Pill is very large, but in the process of swallowing it, Su Li directly increased from 1.9 meters to about 19 meters.

Therefore, the Medicine Pill, which was originally the size of a fist, is now in the hands of Su Li, but not even the size of a mung bean.

Medicine Pill still melts in your mouth.

However, when this Medicine Pill melted and traveled through Su Li's body like pieces of thunder and flames, Su Li's whole person's transformation had become completely different.

This time, it was completely different from any previous experience.

Because this time the change started from the third field of vision.

Yes, third vision.

It was that special vision.

And this time, it is this vision that has transformed.

This vision has already appeared in Su Li's heart with eyes, outlines, noses, ears, and a real person.

That person, still Su Li, but a little different.

Dumbly stupid, ignorant, and looks very stupid.

When such a figure appeared in Su Li's heart, his vision changed again.

With this person as the main point, it began to spread out in all directions.

Then, Su Li saw everything around him.

He saw the waterspout not far away, the Black Water River farther away, and the Nether Sea.

I saw the beautiful and dangerous mountains and rivers on the coast, like the Huaguoshan Mountains, and the solitary peaks, and I saw the Huayue Valley in the distance.

After constantly spreading out from such a vision, Su Li saw the entire Huayue Valley and the world beyond Huayue Valley.

That is the world he once peeped into - the world of mountains and seas.

The so-called mountain and sea world is the real world.

Flower Moon Valley is part of the real world.

Of course, Huayue Valley is not Huayue Valley, but a secret realm of Huayue.

There are many secret realms in the world of mountains and seas, and the secret realm of Huayue is only a part of them.

As for the world of sin, the world of destiny is derived from the secret realm of the soul-suppressing monument.

Such means are naturally also the Cultivation Techniques such as the world of murals and the world of big dreams.

And these Cultivation Techniques originally came from peeping at Su Wangchen's "archive world".

The means of avatars are from Su Wangchen's eighty-nine mysterious arts and other means.

Su Wangchen has leaked a lot, but more is the information leaked by his Su Li being invaded in Huayue Valley.

Su Li saw himself.

What is he himself?

He himself is still lying in Huayue Valley.

The one who takes care of him by his side is still Lu Yi.

Lu Yi is the maid next to Su Ho.

I usually do various things in place of Soho.

It can be said that everything seems to be going back in time.

But it's not.

Because at the beginning, he Su Li was the awakening of the heavenly soul, or the heavenly soul was replaced by the transmigrator.

Among them, Karma, Su Li still can't figure it out.

But in the process of the ten Qianlong Dan's medicinal effects, he saw more things clearly.

At the same time, his Immortal Consciousness and Immortal Soul even transcended due to consummation, peeping into Karma in the real world.

Gradually, Su Li's consciousness became clearer and his cognition became clearer and clearer. He seemed to be able to hear Lu Yi whispering something in his ear while he was in a state of 'sleeping'. .

Not far away, he heard Que Xinyan's voice.

In other words, the voices of Que Xinyan and her Little Sister Que Xinyan.

"How long?"

"He should be waking up soon, right?"

"But I don't know if he wakes up or not."

"Does reality need to be covered like this? Starting with Wanli Sacred Land?"

"No need, he was in a coma in Huayue Valley. He had been in a coma since the first day he met Mu Yuxi, and he has been in a coma for four months now."

"Yunhuang's new year is coming."

"How do you face him?"

"That's the Karma of Sinworld after all, isn't it?"

"Actually the light blue star is the light blue star, not the realm of sin."

"From the deduction, Lieyang Star is really unfriendly."

"That's just a big battle, the strong are always strong."

"Where is Tianyuxing?"

"No big impact."


Messy words are communicated in the distance.

After Su Li listened to a few words, he withdrew his sense of immortality.

Later, after he returned to his self, that very strange feeling still persisted.

This kind of feeling is like a mortal who suddenly has the super power of the six senses.

It was as if a mortal suddenly lifted up Xia Fei Xian.

This is an advanced level of life.

Even, in Su Li's eyes, if you focus on a person, you can even see some changes in the past and future appearing above his head.

Such an ability, some Karma who can almost see through a person's past and future, is really terrifyingly powerful.

This is the ability of ten hidden dragon pills.

After Su Li returned to his identity, such abilities began to pile up.

Gradually, Su Li only felt manic all over her body, and her body felt an indescribable hunger.

It is a hunger that devours the writing together, penetrates deep into the soul and bone marrow, and cannot be eliminated no matter what.

Su Li took a deep breath, turned on Meditation, and kept her mind empty.

At the same time, he called out the System Tianji Mall.


The Heavenly Secret Mall was opened, and the Heavenly Secret Value, Karma Value, etc., were all depleted as he had expected.

It's just that the things in the Tianji Mall, the things that belong to him are still there.

Su Li first took out the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword, and then devoured the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword in one bite while Meier, Mu Yuxi and Fang Yuening were stunned.

Between heaven and earth, the law changes more terrifyingly, and time passes faster.

However, it still passed by - at least it didn't have much impact on Su Li.

As for the passage of time on the system panel, Su Li doesn't matter.

After swallowing the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, the hunger just subsided a small part.

Then, Su Li took out the soul-suppressing mirror again and devoured it in one bite.

Next is the opening axe and the sky-shattering bow.

When these two weapons were swallowed by Su Li, time seemed to pass a lot.

Su Li's immortal soul and immortal consciousness finally transformed into perfection at this time.

However, Su Li next took out a map of the mountains and rivers.

There is also a mirror - Kunlun mirror.

Su Li began to devour the mountains and rivers, the map of the society, and the Kunlun mirror.

Although this process has some twists and turns, there is no suspense.

Soon, these two treasures were also swallowed by Su Li.

When the Mountains and Rivers and the Kunlun Mirror in it were swallowed up, many Karma and real and virtual realizations in the Kunlun Mirror also ended directly at this time.


The void suddenly exploded.

The unknown Karma interruption, everything that exists in the Kunlun mirror, is directly activated.

At this time, Su Li did not choose to go back to the file through the real and virtual realization in Kunlun's mirror, but directly chose reality coverage.

This time, a lot of Karma was covered, and many Karmas in Kunlun's mirror were directly broken and ended.

At the same time, the ninety-ninth soul-suppressing tablet also broke free of all shackles, and flew down with a bang, smashing toward the distant world.

This time, Su Li saw with his own eyes that many practitioners were like locusts, all rushing towards the 99th Soul Relief Stele.

Such a looting scene is rarely seen in ten thousand years.

Moreover, each of the contenders has at least a Realm at the divine level.

Su Li condensed the "Huangji Jingshishu". At this time, the "Huangji Jingshishu" actually gathered the entity directly, forming a golden book, which appeared in Su Li's hands.

Su Li opened the scroll, and the first page of "The Book of Emperors of the Emperor" was the map of mountains and rivers.

After pondering for a moment, Su Li took a photo of Meier and Mu Yuxi with the map of Shanhe Sheji, and directly included them in the map of Shanhe Sheji.

At this time, Su Li turned around and was about to leave, but Fang Yuening suddenly said, "Take me with you too."

Su Li glanced at Fang Yuening, Fang Yuening said seriously, "Don't worry, I'm different from all of them, and I won't hurt you."

Su Li has now taken ten Qianlong Pills, and his cognition in all aspects has become completely different, and his way of thinking is no longer limited to the mode of authority.

Therefore, he just glanced at Fang Yuening and slapped it with a palm.


The void shook, and Fang Yuening fell directly into the dark abyss.

Then, Su Li's figure moved and stepped into the air.

In the dark abyss, Fang Yuening was directly swallowed by the turbulent void, but the moment it was swallowed, it turned into an ancient pagoda surrounded by colorful streamers.

The ancient pagoda was shocked, shattered the endless turbulent void, and flew out directly and disappeared.

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"The power of time and space? The breath of the Eight Desolate Towers?"

"Sure enough, it's also Karma from the outside world."

"But she really doesn't have any bad intentions towards me."

Su Li came to the results without regretting what he did.

Not everyone is eligible to enter the "Huangji Jingshishu".

Not to mention, only after he ate the Kunlun Mirror did he realize that the Karma corresponding to the Kunlun Mirror had not been completed.

Or, the giant Karma has just been drawn.

The destruction of the destiny disk is just, not the end.

As soon as Su Li's figure moved, he crossed the void and appeared above the Wanli Sacred Land.

The familiar Wanli Sacred Land has once again returned to its former hustle and bustle.

Only this time, it was the Tianjiao Xiu practitioner of the Hebai tribe that day.

In addition to those who were slaughtered by Su Li before, the rest of the ones Su Li had seen before also came.

Only this time, Su Li didn't see the people from Tianji Pavilion and Tianji Shendi in it.

The figures of Su Ye, Su Taiqing, Su Musheng and others did not appear.

Characters such as Feng Chaoge and Zhuge Qianlan also did not appear.

Even Hua Ziyan, Jiuyao, Zhuge Jiufeng and others, Su Li did not see either.

On the other side of the Nether Sea, Su Li did not see anyone coming.

"Sumeru Zuxing, Sumeru Mountain. Gu Tianyin God, Gu Tianyun Tianjiao, Gu Tianying Guardian."

"An ancient star of Qiankun, Cangshan soul clan. Lihenqi, Lihenwan, Li Rushan, Li Rutian, Li Ruyun, Li Ruxi, Li Ruyan."

"Splinter the ancient stars, splinter the heavens and the earth. Li Xuyao."

"Taiyuan Ancient Star, Taiyuan Royal Family. Xia Xinqian, Xia Yumo."

"The ancient star of the holy sky, the sky is extremely divine. Tianqing, Tianxi, Tianyu, Tianyi."

"Yutian Zuxing, Yutian God Clan. Yufan, Yukong, Yuweiling, Yudaoyuan, Yuyanyan, Yuyixiao."

"Yushan Zuxing, Yushan Protoss. Yu Mingqing, Yu Mingchun."


There are many practitioners who come here, and they are either gods or god-level geniuses.

Everyone is obviously determined to win the ninety-ninth piece of Soul Relief Stele.

There are many practitioners Su Li who are very impressed. Some have been killed and reappeared, and some have always existed and have been jumping repeatedly.

In addition, the existences like those who were cut to death before suddenly appeared this time.

Such as Jin Yaoxing, Dapeng Protoss, Jin Yaoshendi. Yao Xing Yi, Yao Xing Zhuan, Yao Qi Ye, Yao Jiu Shu, Yao Fan, Yao Zhe, Yao Zhen. .

If the ancient stars are not destroyed, the gods are not destroyed. Immortal Samsara Temple. Qin Xingyu God, Qin Xingzhao, Qin Xingfan, Qin Star, Qin Xingyi, Qin Xingzhou, Qin Xingchan.

Such as Heavenly Blood Ancient Star and Heavenly Blood Ancient God Race. Xiao Huang Shenling, Xiao Xing, Xiao Wan, Xiao Qin, Xiao Xin, Xiao Hu.

Such as Heavenly Blood Nova, Heavenly Blood New Protoss. Ancient Fanxiao gods, ancient Vatican gods and so on.

However, no matter how many of these people, in Su Li's eyes, they are all ants.

It's not that he's arrogant, it's that he controls the deeper rules.

Therefore, when Su Li appeared, the first one that jumped out was not the lineage of the Jin Yaoxing Dapeng Protoss who had been cut to death before, but the lineage of the Taiyuan Ancient Star Taiyuan Royal Family.

"Su Li, damn you!"

Xia Xinqian jumped out first.

Her appearance is somewhat similar to Xia Xinning.

It seems to have something to do with it.

But this time Xia Xinning did not appear.

Xia Xinqian is next to Xia Yumo, and Su Li knows that this is the new generation of emperor of the Daxia royal family.

This is also a strange woman, the statement is not obvious, but the strength is only below Xia Xinning.

Now, Xia Xinning is nowhere to be seen, and Xia Xinqian and Xia Yumo jointly control the Taiyuan Royal Family.

Su Li has always had a good sense of the Taiyuan royal family, the so-called Daxia royal family.

But at this time, since she jumped out first, there is no need to say anything.

Everything that needs to be said has already become the past and the history.

As he had judged before, since the cost of death or pain is low, so-called sincerity is very insignificant.

Break the cage and see the light.

Smash all the cages and go out to see the truth.

Because when the water falls, the stone will come out.

"Taiyuan Royal Family, the two emperors stood up to stop me at the first time? I, Su Li, are very honored."

Su Li stood up, and then said, "Are you going to say something cruel again or underline it?"

Su Li's voice was calm.

Xia Xin said coldly, "You are stubborn, you return my complete royal family Karma, you ruined my royal family goddess, you deserve to die!"

Su Li said, "I'm sorry, I don't like other people watching the play, and I don't like acting for some humble beings who are as humble as ants in my eyes, so - I will end it with my own hands."

Su Li said, "Don't worry, soon."

With these words, Su Li suddenly evolved Tianmai·Huaiguang Talent, operating the laws of the inside and outside, and using the power of peerless blood to evolve the Tianmai battle soul. After the "Tianmai Sanqing" Cultivation Technique ran, nine Su Su suddenly appeared in the void. Li's avatar.

Each clone suddenly turned into more Su Li by running the technique of "One Qi and Three Cleansing".

Then, there is "Incarnation Outside the Body", a paper avatar.

Countless Su Li appeared in this space.

And every Su Li shot at the same time.

There is no special Cultivation Technique, some just use the power of immortal energy to deliver a lore punch, and a punch that contains essence and soul.

A punch in the air.

"Boom boom-"

At the scene, although there are countless gods and arrogances, every god or god-level arrogance will face a Su Li.

And then, there's the one-punch ending, no exceptions.

This is a kind of crushing of strength, and it is also a crushing of laws.

When Xi Taishang in this world could no longer withstand Su Li's combat power, the upper limit of this world's combat power was completely shattered by Su Li.

"Puff puff--"

The blood burst into all directions.

There is no suspense in this battle, and even the speed is beyond imagination.

Su Li withdrew his fist intent, and all the clones came together to form a pure him.

Afterwards, Su Li looked at the giant monument standing in the heavens and the earth - the ninety-ninth Soul Soul Stele.


The next moment, Su Li gathered the invincible fists, derived the way of killing Pan Huangsheng and the way of annihilation of heaven and evil. With one punch, a million times bloodline combat power broke out.

This punch was Su Li's strongest punch.

With one punch, he unleashed his invincible immortal soul power and invincible immortal essence power.


The huge Soul Requiem tablet was shattered by Su Li's punch, exploded into a storm of destruction, and formed a terrifying polar mushroom cloud.

And at this moment, an incomparably clear and huge blood tablet mark appeared in the broken Soul Soul Stele.

The mark is real, and it exploded directly when the blood tablet was smashed.

At this moment, the imprint of the blood monument erupted directly like a destroying virus!

Pieces of blood-colored rays of light impacted the heavens and the earth, spreading in all directions!

The catastrophe of Rugui Ruins broke out.

Ruguixu's Dark Soul Poison Soul Qi all converged with the imprint of the blood monument. Pieces of blood light virus were like the blood-colored flame eyes of a Specter, flickering constantly between this piece of heaven and earth.

Blood-colored lights and shadows, like blood-colored lanterns, rose in the sky in this world, looking very terrifying.

Such a scene is extremely shocking and extremely tragic.

With the outbreak of such a poisonous blood tablet, Su Li saw with his own eyes all things in the world and began to dry up rapidly.

In the place covered by such rays of light, all life forms are completely exhausted, and they are infected in an instant, turning into a mummy form like a walking corpse.


At this time, the law between heaven and earth was directly broken.

A terrifying aura permeated all over the place.

Su Li used a mysterious technique to channel his soul into his eyes, and the power of the ten Qianlong Pills exploded immediately.

Then, in Su Li's eyes, he saw that the huge starry sky tomb was opened, and the starry sky giant beast seemed to be covered with rotten poisonous sores, densely packed and shaped like dense poisonous flowers.

"Now, want to close the Soul Requiem secret realm? It's too late!"

Su Li muttered to himself, and immediately, his eyes locked on the starry sky behemoth, and he directly injected the virus into the real world, destroying everything!

(s: The first 400 characters are here~ Tears for full subscription and monthly pass, bow and thank you~)

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