I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Extra Story: I Was Taken Away By The Protagonist

"Up to 666 subscriptions."

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After seeing the data, Su Li sighed.

Alas, flutter, make me happy.

"Forget it, no readers will read it, eunuch. However, I used to be a great god after all. Although there are no die-hard readers in the small white texts I wrote, the eunuchs again and again don't seem to be very good.

Simply write the protagonist to death, anyway, the protagonist is also a broom star, he can attract a lot of hatred wherever he goes, and everyone thinks the protagonist is not pleasing to the eye. "

"This kind of person can live, thanks to my constant opening and closing for him."

"Now, if I don't write, I don't hang up for him, he can only die."

"Writing... Hehe, I can't even support myself when I write, how can I be qualified to..."

Su Li remembered her in memory, and her whole body froze for a while, then she fell silent.


in creation.

"The catastrophe of returning to the ruins has manifested, and Su Wangchen's eyes are full of fighting intent.

‘When I get through the catastrophe of Karma Samsara’s return to the ruins, it will be the road to the Immortal Great Emperor! ’

Su Wangchen muttered to himself, in his eyes, Dao marks were born and annihilated, and the radiance of the rays of the sun manifested.

He has great confidence in preaching Immortal.

But, at this moment, the Heavenly Tribulation, the destruction of the extreme way, suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared in the sky.

The phantom was mysterious and vast, and the myriad ways of life manifested above its head, and the Samsara seal of annihilation surrounded it in all directions.

‘I am your Heavenly Dao, now I don’t want to go on, it’s time to end. ’


The domain collapsed, and everything in the world turned into nothingness.

Su Wangchen was stunned, unwilling, and desperate.

His consciousness fell into deep darkness.


theend. "

Su Li casually typed a few lines of text and uploaded it directly. Then, he applied for the book in the writer's backstage.

After a series of familiar operations, Su Li lay on the chair and tore his own hair with both hands.


Not reconciled.

But what if you're not happy.

He's still a dead man.

Film and television anime i, has nothing to do with him at all.

Villa luxury car, even a fraction can not afford.

I want to give her a real identity and make her family feel that she is not blind...and has no chance.

He is still the old-fashioned god that all the new and old writers use to ridicule and ridicule.

He is still a waste who dares not even contact her.

Dead house!


Su Li was miserable and depressed.


At this moment, his computer screen suddenly made a muffled sound, as if something was burning inside, and blue smoke was coming from the monitor.

Su Li squinted and glanced at the monitor in a posture of Ge You's paralysis - burn it, burn it.

Anyway, never write again!

Write again, I Su Li, I am an idiot!

In the future, I will go to the construction site to move bricks, and if I work hard, I will be able to exceed 10,000 in a month.

"Abusing me, are you happy?"

Suddenly, a magnetic and charming voice resounded in Su Li's ears.

Su Li was startled, and then saw a human head emerge from the monitor, and his body was squeezed out a little bit, and his entire brain instantly shut down.


No, Sadako is a woman.

It's just, why is the person who climbed out of the computer a little familiar?

It seems that you have your own five-point face value?

Well, this handsome guy in white clothes is really handsome.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong with the style.

Crawled out of the monitor?



As if he understood something, Su Li's heart tightened suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he shouted: "Ah—"


In other words, it can no longer be described as a scream.

It is said that it is useless to shout out of the throat - this time, it is true that the throat is broken.

"Yo, this is scary? I still have a lot of tricks that I haven't used yet."

The 'handsome guy in white' who climbed out of the monitor had a strange look on his face, and his words were joking.

"But don't worry, you won't die. How could such a happy death happen to you?"

The man spoke again.


Su Li foamed at the mouth, and everyone was startled.

Otaku, there is really no use for hanging;

Of course, with his physique, it's useless to hang.

What's more, he doesn't hang.

"Don't vomit, it's all your vitality. Spitting it out can hurt your body, so absorb it well."

The man raised his hand and pressed it, and the void seemed to shrink.

In an instant, the white foam that Su Li wanted to spray was swallowed.

This time, he almost choked to death.

However, he didn't die. Not only did he not die, but he was agitated, but he was still in a lot of spirit.

It's like eating ice cream in June, it's sour.

"Alas, from your computer, I almost fully understand the world you live in! It's really shocking! Well, that's out of the way.

Next, it's time for me, your protagonist, to start 'Tucao'! "

"Look at you...you don't look like a mental retard!

But why is your creation so superficial and mentally retarded?

Are you brainless? Or was the head kicked by a donkey and it was full of water?

It's just that your brain is flooded, what the hell do you write about my life?

I was cut off two souls and seven souls at birth?

I'm still alive?

Another system?

As a result, the system is not strong enough to say, it finally improved a little, and was someone else treated as a soul slave to raise and harvest?

Is my fiancée giving me a divorce?

It's not enough to go back once, but also get a childhood sweetheart to laugh at me for being a waste, and slap me in the face?

Okay, I'm weak, so it's okay to be calculated by various targets.

I have nothing to say.

However, after I became so strong, I was ridiculed and calculated wherever I went?

Are those people mentally retarded?

Don't you know how strong I am?

Even if they don't know, what kind of grudges they have against me, they all come to mock me? taunt me?

In the end, I have become the Great Emperor, I can destroy a star field, and you let me Samsara?

Also go to the human world to realize the heart of the world?

And then you're going to make my miserable life all over again? Ten million words of water? "

This handsome white-clothed guy from Transcendent not only turned black, but also trembled when he spoke.

And his almost roaring voice made Su Li completely bewildered.

"I must be hallucinating! Must be dreaming!"

Su Li trembled.

"Want to become a real platinum god? Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to understand the real meaning of 'creation'?"

After the man roared, he gradually calmed down.

Then, the voice spoke softly.

He is not angry, but he has the potential of a 'little white face'.

While Su Li thought to himself, he shook his head desperately to refuse.

In no mood!

I don't want to die!

Stupid to think!

At the moment of rejection, Su Li truly felt a chill that chilled his body, mind and soul.

"I am a Great Emperor after all, and I have to look like a Great Emperor - although you always set my IQ below the pass line, from ordinary waste to a generation of Great Emperor, it is the kind of person who kills people after being scolded. The idiot type of the whole family... But, after all, I detached myself and came to your world.

However, I was created by you after all, although, you finally gave me an ending that was obliterated by the catastrophe of returning to the ruins, forcibly ending the world.

Fortunately, that hasn't really happened yet.

So, this time, I will train you well, so that you understand how to practice, how to convince people with virtue, rather than relying on violent killings to run wild and do whatever you want.

When you are truly enlightened and have the ability to recreate, then it will be time for you to regain your freedom. "

"You, you—you want to take me away?!"

Su Li was stunned.

In this series of encounters, he has been shocked by Deva.

No, I have been completely shocked, so that my brain is in a mess, and I have no opinion at all!

The only thing he could think of was that he was going to be taken away by a protagonist who came out of the world!

"Bah, take away your body? Just a trash like you covered in Impurities—cough, calm down, don't be afraid, of course I won't take you away. In addition, the irritable factor in my temperament comes from your settings, I I have tried my best to convince people with virtue!

Of course, don't take it to heart if I occasionally get emotional, get out of control and do some violent things. "

The handsome guy in the white shirt tidied his sleeves, and then he stroked the long hair that was draped on both sides of his ears, looking elegant and graceful.

The corners of Su Li's mouth twitched, but she didn't speak.

"Don't you like to write about demon king possession? This time, we are considered demons, no, Great Emperor possession. I will live in the depths of your soul, you can't escape, so just obey."

The handsome man said with a smile.

That smile is really charming, Su Li glanced at it, and the whole person was stunned, almost attracted.

He immediately broke out in cold sweat, and at the same time wanted to cry without tears.

"Brother, uncle, Great Emperor, I was wrong. I'm just a poor little punt, let me go! I'll change the text, I'll change it now, I'll make you invincible at the beginning, let you do whatever you want, and make you feel good from the beginning To Haw, Keke, it's cool from beginning to end, okay?"

Su Li really took it to heart.

This is being targeted by the real "special ghost"!

For the first time in so many years of writing, such a terrifying supernatural event happened, and he no longer wanted to speak.

Fortunately, with the exchange, he was relieved, and he was not scared to death.

"No, I'm not your brother, you're my author's father. Besides, it's not that I won't let you go, and you can't change it now. When I first came out, I checked the computer and disappeared. Otherwise, I can modify it myself."


"It's not a shield, it's completely gone."

"how is this possible!"

Su Li didn't believe it, and immediately rushed to the computer.

Although the monitor is still emitting green smoke, it is not broken and works well.

Su Li turned on the computer, and then rubbed his eyes vigorously.

The street book is really gone.

"If the book still existed, I wouldn't be there. More importantly, your ability to write is lost because of this book!

Now, there is only one way, that is to let go of your soul and let me settle in. Then I train you along the way to experience the detailed process and experience of each step of cultivation, so that you can experience it yourself, and then you can regain the ability to create and write truly good books.

After that step, you will recreate me and make up for my regrets in all aspects.

At that time, although what has happened cannot be changed, but you can make me reborn back to the beginning, heaven-defying changed my life.

Thus, it is reasonable.

Rebirth, make up for regrets. Although it is also an old-fashioned theme, as long as the writing is reasonable and sincere, the story is exciting, and the results can also explode. "

Su Wangchen pointed to Su Li.

Su Li "..."

"Su Li, you have to understand-every author is the Heavenly Dao of the world he writes, the true creator. So please treat the protagonist with your heart and kindness, instead of just being mindless for the sake of making money- Of course, the so-called brainless cool, is it really cool?

Actually, it's really not cool at all!

That is a distorted worldview and values, a distorted mind, and a distorted life.

Fortunately, you are still unwilling after all, not as thorough as a no-brainer.

Otherwise, as a great god, you wouldn't be like this.

On the one hand, you don’t want to write small white text, and on the other hand, you want to stand out.

But habit is a very scary thing - you who are used to Xiaobai writing can no longer write quality essays with true feelings.

You, completely lost yourself. "

"So, what do you have to lose? Because you have nothing at all! If you have nothing, what are you afraid of losing?"

"Day after day, year after year. If you don't change, as always, three years later, five years later, you will still be the same!"

"But what about your 'her'? And what about 'her' children? Will all this still be yours?"

The man in white began to communicate with Su Li in a heart-to-heart way.

He seemed to understand Su Li's concerns and understand that Su Li came from a dream deep in his heart.

"Yeah...I have nothing, what else can I lose?"

The words of the man in white stabbed into the deepest part of Su Li's heart in an instant.

He has nothing.

What is there to lose?


He wrote the protagonist to death, causing the protagonist to work hard all his life, and all his wishes and dreams came to nothing.


Maybe there are only a few hundred readers, maybe the readers are heartbroken, disappointed, saddened by their misfortune and angry... These, he can't see or feel the deep disappointment.

But, put yourself in the position of the protagonist...

At this moment, Su Li was really ashamed.

For him, the life and death of the characters in his hands are at his fingertips.

The protagonist destroys the whole family and the whole family at every turn, but he gives the protagonist a serious reason to kill, which is really a hypocrite.

But, when he was writing this, did he ever think that it might actually be a real real plane?

Has he ever thought that the life inside is real life?

He never thought about it!


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Su Li silently bowed her head and apologized.

"It's really good that you can reflect. In fact, if you really don't cooperate with me, I can't help you. After all, you created me, and if your obsession is strong, you can even make me die. Originally , I came out to torture you, or even manipulate your life, to make your life worse than death.

However, I read your memory and read all the information in this world, but I feel that maybe, in many ways, I am another you. "

"So, I want to give you a chance and give myself a chance."

"I change your life, and you change my life!"

The man in white was silent for a moment, his tone very sincere.

Su Li didn't hesitate this time, and said, "I thought about it, I'm just dying, and I'll die. Tell me, what do you want me to do? If—I mean, in case there is a relationship between us" The cooperation' failed, I thought, you replace me, go... see if she's doing well."

The man in white looked up, gave Su Li a serious look, and said, "Then what? Your wife will marry someone else in the future and let someone else be a father? Then someone else will abuse your wife and children? You are... so useless."

"I'm a coward? Yes, I'm a coward, I'm a waste! But, this is reality. It's strange that all the edges and corners are smoothed out by reality? You don't understand at all, what is, what is reality!"

Su Li was stimulated and roared at the man in white!

"Yeah, you know, so, you created such a me with a horribly low IQ! Want to pretend? You want to be looked down on by others? What a pity which one of the plots is not pretending to be a fool? That villain IQ is online ?

Life isn't it?

Yes, Life is not, but Life is more wonderful than!

What's more, when I came out of the singularity of the void, I read the information of your world, hehe, your world, do you think it is really simple?

Okay, don't babble, what do you think so much about?

No matter how much you want, don't do it!

As for how to do it?

You open up your soul and let me in! I will train you, let you really step into the road of cultivation, and let you really understand what kind of world your world is!

Or, it is very likely that your world is also the world written by a certain writer. We are all pawns in his hands, just to satisfy his personal creative enjoyment!

However, if this is the case, that writer is really much more powerful than you. "

Su Li was said to be stunned.

The world is not easy?

Although the protagonist appeared in reality, he felt it was absurd, but the protagonist actually said that this technological world is not simple?

"I'm a materialist—"

Su Li was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"This planet named 'Blue Star' has a history of 4.6 billion years and technology has developed for about 500 years. You told me that you believe in technology? Where did I come from? You can create me, others cannot create this world ?

You know, you created me, and it only took 100,000 years from the time I started as a waste material to the Immortal Great Emperor!

In 4.6 billion years, what can happen, have you thought about it?

Well, I can't hold on for too long, the world is scary and stressful for me.

You open your soul to let me in.

Then, I will help you improve your body as soon as possible, and give you a special ability - psychic.

Are you not a materialist?

After you channel and open Yin & Yang Double Pupils, you will know how wonderful this world is.

At that time, we will discuss the question of materialism or idealism. "

After the man in white finished speaking, he sighed inexplicably, looked up again, and saw the roof of the rented house.

As if, through the roof, he saw too many things.

At that moment, Su Li actually felt that there was deep sadness hidden in his eyes, as well as the sadness and misfortune originating from the depths of his life and soul.

Su Li's heart trembled, inexplicably soft-hearted.

"It's me who's sorry for you. I can control your life at will. You...you can do whatever you want with me."

Su Li sighed.

He's just a kind-hearted otaku, a cowardly and incompetent wretch, but he's also very easy to soft-hearted.

Even if he actually knew that the strange existence in front of him might have a purpose, he wouldn't care.

In his whole life, he actually didn't have much prospects. The most glorious thing was that he made a book with inexplicable luck, and then got a contract with a great god.

It was also the book, he met her, went on a trip together, and what happened together.

That was her first time.

When he went to see her family, her family was very knowledgeable and took great care of him.

Her father invited him to a hotel in his name, took him on a cruise, and took him to a private party.

At the time, the only requirement to attend that party was to bring a gift.

Gifts are given to the young and beautiful girls in those parties.

With gifts, the girls can satisfy all the requests of the guests.

The value of the gift is not strictly limited.

But Su Li only saw the gift of one of the wealthy businessmen - it was a three-carat diamond ring with extremely high purity.

He once wanted to buy that diamond ring for her, but he couldn't because it sold for 200,000 yuan.

And that diamond ring, on that occasion, was very disgusting.

But her father did not prepare a gift. Instead, many extremely beautiful girls rushed to serve him.

At that time, even with him, he was treated with great enthusiasm by the girls.

On that occasion, he really couldn't let go and felt uncomfortable.

At that time, her father patted his shoulder and said earnestly, "Ali, as for me, I won't beat around the bush. Since Zero likes you, it means that you must be very good in some aspects. As for me, I don't treat you either. Raising too high demands - in this circle, when did you come in by your own skills, then, not only my daughter is yours, but my property is also yours.

After all, although I have people and descendants outside, but on the bright side, I only have one daughter, Zero. "

After that incident, even... her family still didn't do anything to him, but he clearly felt that he and she were not from the same world.

He is ashamed.

He felt inferior.

Her father made him understand that the life and social circles of the two sides are not on the same level at all.

Her father let him know that in today's world, in fact, it is also about the right place.

He didn't understand the venture capital, stock futures, rare gems and antiques they were talking about.

He had thought about working hard, and the i had thought about it becoming a big hit, becoming platinum, and earning enough money.

Unfortunately, when he picked up the keyboard to code, he couldn't have time to accompany her.

Putting down the keyboard, he can't make money and can't enter that circle.

In a world where he lives in pain and depression, the protagonist's massacre seems to be his only outlet.

And gradually, after discovering that she didn't even look at him, he developed symptoms of depression for the first time.

Contact less.

He worked harder.

But he was even more aggressive.

His circle of friends is also less dynamic.

Her circle of friends no longer shares food, clothes and luxury goods.


Two lines of tears rolled down.

"If I die this time, Zero, you must be happy. I, Su Li, don't deserve you."

Su Li murmured in her heart.

Immediately, his eyes became firm, "Come on, Su Wangchen, take me away!"

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