I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 417: Mysterious Heart Spring, Wanton Assassination

Blazing wasteland, the edge of the sea.

Su Li crossed a small hill and came to another blood-stained plain.

In the distance, Sword Ray was soaring into the sky, and the sound of fighting shook the world.

Su Li stared at it, and then there was a half-smile expression on his face.

This fight is between two people, a man and a woman. The man has the upper hand, the woman is covered in blood, the spring is leaking, and the full peaks and mountains have already shown part of the scenery, which makes her in a miserable state. There are also some wild things. Wild charm.

Su Li stared at this scene, but didn't show anything, and flew over indifferently, looking at the two from a distance.

The fight between the two was very fierce, and it had reached the level of white-hot on the edge of life and death, but when they sensed Su Li's breath flying over, they were slightly startled, and then they subconsciously became wary of Su Li.

"This brother, this woman has the top treasure 'Qinxinquan' on her body. How about we kill her together? After killing her, we will discuss the distribution plan of the treasure."

The man in red armor, with his long crimson hair flying, proposed while resisting the woman's desperate attack.

"Dage, you join hands with me to kill this man, the heart in my hands, I am willing to give up with cupped hands! Even if I die, I won't let this Yun Qishan feel better!"

The woman's tone was full of hideousness and hatred, and Ruyan and Li Yuan, who were talking about Su Li's energy swallowing space, were a little shocked.

"Brother, don't believe this woman, this woman has a special trump card, I'm afraid that once you join forces with her, she will kill you directly after you succeed!"

The man hurriedly said, his face was also a little gloomy.

Su Li didn't move, just smiled and looked at the man with a playful expression.

"Okay, I promise you, and I will kill him with you!"

Su Li said with a smile.

Afterwards, his whole body was shocked with blood and he rushed towards the man.

When the woman heard the words, she immediately showed a hint of hope, but her expression was somewhat gloomy. She nodded, and directly urged the blood sword in her hand to kill the man in the blood-colored armor.

But at this moment, Su Li's figure, who had entered the man's side, was suddenly killed by the blood sword, and an explosion of blood 'bang' escaped. Su Li's figure seemed to be killed instantly. generally.

But at the same moment, Su Li's figure suddenly appeared beside the woman, and the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in his hand directly transformed into a slaughter phantom and stabbed directly into the woman's forehead.

The woman's delicate body trembled, her brows split instantly, and her soul suffered a terrifying huge wound, but at the same time, Su Li gathered fist shadows and slammed into the woman's body.


This time, earth-shattering, earth-shattering, the woman's body was directly smashed into flesh and blood, becoming a puddle of shredded flesh, and even her soul did not have any strength to struggle, and she instantly killed it!

This is a powerhouse with a perfect Ninth Stage, but was killed by Su Li with one punch!

This scene instantly shocked the man who rushed over.


The man Yazi is splitting, his face is hideous, some are unbelievable, and some are hysterical crazy. Obviously, the battle between the two is basically a game, a game against other people, in order to kill people and win treasures!

And Su Li, who saw through the game at first glance, took the plan and killed one of the two in an instant!

Unexpectedly, the man lost his companion and fell into absolute madness.

But what was Su Li afraid of?

He directly swept the woman's essence and soul with the "Heavenly Secret Galaxy Cluster Blood Evil Soul Refining Technique" Cultivation Technique, and introduced "Huangji Jingshishu" for tempering.

This allows Su Li to get a more powerful supplement almost instantaneously. This kind of Blood Essence of the Ninth Stage who is a perfect practitioner is actually a genius-level powerhouse. The Blood Essence of such a powerhouse , is a real tonic!

After some absorption, Su Li's own Realm immediately became a bit of a complete success, and the Realm almost immediately showed signs of loosening.

The man rushed over, and when the barren tower in his hand came to kill Su Li, he suddenly saw Su Li's cold and cruel eyes, and his mind was suddenly shaken, his face was pale, and he almost even held the barren tower in his hand. Can't drop it!

This surprise is really no trivial matter, and this time, the man's face became extremely ugly in an instant!

He was very flustered in his heart. For the first time, facing this character who seemed to be only the third stage of Infant Transformation, he felt fear!

At this moment, Su Li held the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in one hand and stabbed it out at once, and the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword transformed into a stern light and stabbed directly at the man!

The man was startled, the barren tower's momentum was blocked by the suppression, and he blocked Su Li's move at once.

He was shocked, and a surge of qi and blood rose to the sky, and then his blood-colored hair fluttered in the wind, the blood-colored armor gleamed, and he almost roared, destroying the Blood Essence!

This fighting spirit was fierce and powerful, soaring into the sky, and he danced wildly.

In the face of Su Li's attack, he chose to completely destroy his blood and kill Su Li at the price of madness!

"But so!"

In the face of the opponent's attack, Su Li just sneered, his figure kept flashing, and at the same time, the means of kendo psychic was displayed again!

"call out--"

That one, a Sword Ray phantom gathered like a peerless sword, like a divine law of kendo, and in an instant, it slammed into the eyebrows of the blood-colored armored man.

But it is very strange that this time the attack was bounced back all of a sudden!

Su Li's face became slightly surprised, and his expression became much more serious.

Obviously, this person has special defensive Magic Treasures, and these Magic Treasures actually resisted the power of Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword's divine murderous intent!

Su Li's face sank, he withdrew the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, gathered his fist intent, and shot out a fist intent purple light!

The purple light soared into the sky, and the heaven and the earth shook. This was the extreme boxing meaning that contained the spirit of kendo.

The fist is like a sword, and the Sword intent is like a fist!

At this moment, the blood-colored man was stunned physically and mentally, and then he directly smashed out the barren tower to resist. The moment the barren tower was hit by the purple light, it suddenly showed a shattered crack, which was obviously a bit invincible.

But just when Su Li thought that he could take advantage of the momentum to chase and kill, a finger suddenly stretched out from the barren tower. It was a huge finger, as huge as a huge pavilion.

This finger, with the breath of the desolate tower, stretched out all at once, and then stabbed Su Li's body. This time, it seemed to evolve time and space, making Su Li completely irresistible.

Almost subconsciously, Su Li did not resist, but directly condensed a special clone to replace his own body.

At the same time, the main body displayed the "Kunpeng Free Travel" Movement Technique in an instant, and escaped like a twisted void!


The power of this finger shocked the world. Su Li's clone, which was a hundred times stronger than his main body, was stabbed in the chest.

Then, the entire chest of the clone was directly pierced by a finger!

Not only that, but a dazzling white light erupted from the avatar's chest, as if the avatar was going to involve many Karma laws to bring murderous intentions to the main body!

Fortunately, this scene did not hold.

Because, seeing the situation is not good, Su Li has directly interrupted any relationship between him and the avatar Karma, and directly abandoned the condensed avatar!

This time, Su Li couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, he did not expect such a situation at all.

Therefore, Su Li almost didn't think about it, directly mobilized his own celestial fighting spirit attribute, and released a special clone again, which enhanced his combat power by at least a thousand times, and even directly killed a special lore. The ultimate move - Heaven's Evil Breaks the Heavens and Destroys the Way!

This time, Su Li directly used Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword to kill such a lore sword!

On the other side, the blood-colored armored man who thought Su Li would definitely die, showed a sinister smile at this time.

Obviously, even if he died, he would avenge that woman by beheading Su Li.

However, Su Li's sudden resistance and the abnormal appearance of his body made him a little horrified!

It seems that, for the first time, someone has endured an attack like his, and no body exploded to death at all.

His eyes were wide open. Under the killing intent of the evil sword that broke the sky that day, he didn't even have time to resist, and was directly pierced between his eyebrows by a sword, and a raging flame was burning all over his body in an instant.

Soon, after the mysterious man's body twitched a few times, it finally collapsed weakly and disappeared into the raging flames.

At this time, Su Li's expression suddenly became solemn.

He restrained his inner emotions, tried his best to repair his body, walked a few steps silently, and stood silently at the place where the mysterious man disappeared.

Even though the battle was over, Su Li still felt very shocked at this time. If it wasn't for his quick response, if not for his extremely strong willpower, this time, he would have suffered a big loss.

Su Li silently glanced at the barren tower that fell to the ground, and thoughtfully put it away, and stored it in the void on the first floor of the restricted memory area.


The edge of the wasteland.

The three white-clothed women who were also trained in this world came to this bloody plain in one fell swoop because they were searching for something.

When the three people approached the distance of one kilometer, Su Li had already sensed it.

These three people are also the strength of the Ninth Stage, and their blood is much stronger than the two people who were killed before. Obviously, these three people are very talented people.

Not only that, the three people are powerful, and they act together, which naturally becomes a combination that cannot be ignored.

Su Li sensed it, but had no intention of moving. The environment was like this, and there was no need to dodge.

Another, when Su Li felt the three of them, the three of them had already shot over, and obviously they had already discovered the existence of the three of Su Li.


"This... this cultivator, he has only become the third stage of the Holy Land, and he hasn't been able to set foot in the True Holy Land. How did he come here?"

A woman in white frowned slightly, glanced at Su Li from a distance, and then glanced at Li Yuan and Ruyan who were beside Su Li, only to be slightly relieved, but the strangeness and disdain in her eyes , is somewhat obvious.

"It's very strange. It's not possible that some family's abandoned waste was thrown in to try their luck. It's rare that they didn't die."

"Well, those two female cultivators must be protecting this kid. It's a shame for such an incompetent thing to come in!"

Another woman in white jokingly smiled, her tone a little high.

"Whatever he does, we continue to look for the bloodthirsty beast."

"Well, if you find it, this time there is really hope!"

"So, we have to work hard to find it and stop worrying about the right and wrong of those little people."

"Well, big sister is right."


The three of them said and flew directly over Su Li's head, without any scruples at all.

Su Li didn't care about anything, but thought a little more in his heart.

"Bloodthirsty beast, I don't know what it is, but I have never heard of it."

Su Li muttered to herself in her heart.

But at this moment, Su Li clearly felt a slight tremor on the ground, and then Light Blue sent a message.

"Master, this bloodthirsty beast is a kind of flame elf. It grew up through the origin of blood and fire. After being swallowed and refined, it can make the soul body go a step further!"

The light blue information made Su Li's heart move violently, and then his eyes almost instinctively looked at the Qinxinquan in the Qiankun Ring. This Qinxinquan itself was like a 'beast'. Is there a connection between the two?

Also, those two people killed so many strong people, the thing 'Qinxinquan' is obviously not a mortal thing, and the two of them ambushed here again - those women also flew here to find...

Su Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and an idea quickly formed in his heart, and he came to a conclusion - the bloodthirsty beast must be around here, otherwise, the Blood Qi will not suffocate and drive people crazy!

For this kind of Blood Qi's induction, how could Su Li's ability go wrong?

Therefore, when he thought of this possibility, he had the idea of ​​exploring the surrounding in an instant.

When this idea appeared, Su Li's mind presented a special graphic projection. Su Li analyzed these projections, and was even more certain about the existence of bloodthirsty beasts.

"Light blue, can you analyze the difference between these energies and infer what the bloodthirsty beast is?"

Thinking of the environment here, Su Li couldn't help conveying the information to Qianlan. She hoped that she could analyze the situation. After all, the so-called 'bloodthirsty beast' that countless geniuses and strong men can pursue with all their might is definitely not a problem. would be something simple.

From Su Li's point of view, since this bloodthirsty beast has encountered it, let's see if it can be caught.

"According to the energy analysis, if there is such a beast, the greatest possibility is an evil, violent and crazy special energy beast. In addition to the hidden breath of this world, the most important inference factor is actually Or the name of this 'bloodthirsty beast'.

Such beasts are generally very powerful, and in a certain respect, they have even grown to an extremely terrifying level.

Based on the strength of the cultivator who went here, it may be inferred that this bloodthirsty beast is not easy to catch. If it can't completely shield its aura, it may be the result of getting on fire. "

Light Blue's analysis is very comprehensive, and Su Li can't think deeply.

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