Su Li stared at the Goddess Guidie for a long time, and then suddenly said, "Have you ever thought about why this happened so smoothly?"

Goddess Guidie suddenly smiled and said, "Could it be that you want to say that you did all this on purpose?"

Su Li nodded and said, "Yes, I did it on purpose!"

Goddess Guidie sneered and said, "Oh, is that right? But in the process, how could your performance deceive my heart? Not only did you have real feelings for me, but you also really moved your mind, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Su Li suddenly laughed, sighed lightly, and said, "Yes, it seems that you really know everything about me, you really know and even can peep into my heart. "

Guidie Goddess said, "So, is your husband still testing me?"

Su Li pondered for a moment and said, "Actually, I just want to make sure of something."

At this time, the bloodthirsty beast beside Su Li, that is, Su Youwei, once again showed a dazed look.

What is Su Li doing?

Su Youwei's expression was a little suspicious.

However, the Goddess Guidie showed a rebellious look, as if she was determined to win that Su Youwei.

Su Li did not continue to speak.

And Guidie Goddess said, "I do know your identity, and I really want to be with you. You know what I have paid for this.

But as a goddess of Guidie's lineage, it is impossible for me to have you together with Nangong Wan'er and other existences - for me, she is not worthy!

As for her despicable bloodline and the evil species in her bloodline, it is absolutely impossible for me to accept it.

In this world, with your ability and my status, I guarantee you will rise without any problem.

Also, with your physique and mine, didn't you find that after we practiced Cultivation Techniques such as the Great Yin & Yang Hundong Sutra, the effect was extremely exaggerated?

This is the true Heavenly Dao complement.

So, you, belong to me, Guidie alone.

This is my attitude.

This is also my attitude to you. "

Goddess Guidie's tone was a bit cold, from a charming and gentle person, she suddenly transformed into a real cold-blooded and ruthless person.

But at the same time, she also showed her extreme love for Su Li and her fiery possessive desire.

Having such a possessive obsession can at least show that she cares.

But is this really the case?

Obviously, this is really not the case.

Su Li sees all this clearly, but instead of continuing to defend, he is ready to continue to probe the bottom.

Because, Su Li felt, now is still not the time.

Moreover, this restricted area of ​​memory is also somewhat mysterious.

Su Li thought for a while, then brought up the system panel and took a look.

At the same time, Su Li secretly activated the function of divine calculation, glanced at the Goddess Guidie in front of him, and checked her life files for the next ten days.

Seeing this, Su Li felt a little relieved, and at the same time, the judgment he already had, immediately became more confident.

At this time, Su Li withdrew the system panel - outside, he really needed to be a little more cautious, and he would be very afraid of using the system.

However, in this restricted memory area, the use of system abilities next to the blood river in Tianchi, on the whole, the safety has been reduced to a certain extent.

However, it is not a complete reduction, and there are still some risks.

These risks come from Su Wangchen.

Is Su Wangchen worth believing?

not worth it.

Even if it was worth it, Su Li wouldn't really believe it.

Therefore, even if the system saw Karma, who returned to the Butterfly Goddess in the next ten days, Su Li would not completely believe it.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the system, but the killing that Su Wangchen is involved in is not over yet.

With his existence and his identity, could he really get out of the prison of sin with such ease?

is it possible?

Even if it is really possible, it really comes out, then, can it come out of Huayuegu so easily?

Is the place that came out of Huayuegu really the edge of the Netherworld Sea?

For some things, it is enough to suffer a loss and be fooled once.

Now, Su Li's ability to deal with all this is enough - at least, no one can judge his true wisdom.

As for his intelligence, everything at present has been clearly presented in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't touch or startle the snake.

Su Li smiled, and then walked towards the Goddess Guidie with a 'pleasant' gesture.

"Well, since it's been open and honest, let's talk about those things later. Now, let's revisit our relationship. Well, let's continue flirting, okay?"

Su Li said with a smile.

Having said that, he has already walked to the side of Goddess Guidie, and stretched out his arms to the waist of Goddess Guidie.

The Goddess Guidie failed to achieve her goal. Seeing that Su Li seemed to be influenced by the "charming" aura she secretly released, she was moved, and her self-confidence became even more intense.

And because of the release of the charm, she herself was greatly disturbed, and she was almost unable to control herself.

So, suddenly Su Li hugged, kneaded and pinched, and his body suddenly became weak.

She glared at Su Li angrily and resentfully, and said, "Don't make trouble, if you have the ability, you will fuck me in front of Su Youwei, and if you have the ability, stop! What do you mean by touching like this? Or, do you think I Is it that you fell asleep when you wanted to touch it, and then scolded and humiliated when you wanted to?"

Su Li smiled and said, "Of course not, but well, if we want to practice the Great Yin & Yang Hundong Sutra, we must first give you a buffer to let you think a little bit. After all, if a woman wants to do it, she Figured out."

The pretty face of the Goddess Guidie suddenly darkened a bit, and she sneered, "Really? If that's the case, then I'll give it up, then you will play with me in front of Su Youwei! I believe that she must also feel very stimulated. And once she feels irritated, then the blood-thirsty beast's soul bloodline Talent will definitely expand and become more effective."

Hearing this, Su Li suddenly felt a little speechless - this Goddess Guidie seems to really think that he has settled for him? So confident?

However, given Su Li's character, it is of no particular importance.

Goddess Guidie said so, if he didn't do it, would he still be human?

Of course, it's hard to say whether Su Li is a human being, but he can also be a beast, and it's not the first time anyway.

So, Su Li walked over, hugged the Goddess Guidie directly in his arms, and then did something more 'excessive'. In front of Su Youwei, he severely 'teached' the Goddess Guidie.

Then, the Goddess Guidie is really honest, I really don't dare to talk nonsense any more!




There are all kinds of moods.

"Come on, let's hug first, then, hehehe-"

Su Li laughed.

When he was holding the Goddess Guidie, his nature was already very powerful, so the Goddess Guidie couldn't hold it anymore.

In particular, the fiery Pangu blood aura emanating from Su Li's body was as fiery as flames, giving her a very crazy idea.

This Pan Huang bloodline flame, burn her, and then completely release yourself in the flame!

As for Su Li's extreme actions, it was more like the deadliest poison at this time, making it impossible for her to control herself.

Goddess Guidie's breathing became a little thicker.

And Su Li's hand, also from the back, began to press under the back of the Goddess Guidie.

"Do not……"

The Butterfly Goddess is still sensible.

At this time, it is no longer possible!


Because, it's time to close the net!

Therefore, at this time, Goddess Guidie's body trembled and her voice trembled.

At this moment, Su Li suddenly hugged the Goddess Guidie tightly, and her figure teleported out instantly.


The place where the two were, instantly burst into a void black hole.

A dark fog phantom condensed little by little.

At this moment, after the murderous intention of destruction broke out, the Goddess Guidie seemed to be completely sluggish, and her whole body was almost cold.

At the same time, part of the blush on her face had disappeared.

"Let go, it seems that you are really acting!"

The Goddess Guidie's tone became a little colder.

Su Li's waist stiffened, and then when Guidie Goddess was filled with murderous aura, she instantly let go.

"Come out? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Su Li let go of the Goddess Guidie and stared at a shadow of black mist in the distance, her eyes sparkling.


The black mist phantom, condensed in strands, quickly reached a height of about three meters, and the whole body began to grow scale-like things covering the whole body.

This phantom is neither male nor female, and two dark horns grow on the top of its head.

The horns are like ears, but also like real horns, which is a bit weird.

The body of the black mist phantom has solidified, and the Heavenly Devil aura lingers all over his body, and the horns on the top of his head have also turned from black to dark green.

"It's green, brother."

Su Li stared at the black mist phantom and smiled.


Black Mist needs to speak again.

It stretched out its hand slightly, and in the palm of its hand, there was an extra pair of dark double sickles.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really scary! By the way, can you guys from the Netherworld Palace appear so boring?"

Su Li's tone was full of obvious jokes, and when he was speaking, he suddenly slammed out a palm and slayed the Goddess Guidie.


The void shook violently, and then a ripple of destruction exploded.

However, at this time, the figure of the Goddess Guidie flashed and turned into a stream of light. It appeared in the arms of the black mist man in an instant, and disappeared in a very short time.

And Su Youwei, who was beside Su Li, was completely stunned at this time.

Because she didn't even know what was going on.

However, seeing this scene at this time, even if Su Youwei is stupid, he has already fully reacted.

At this time, she was also a little stunned, actually, to make it so... so complicated?

What's going on with the Butterfly Goddess?

Didn't she have some dual culture with Su Li?

Isn't she still infatuated with Su Li?

It was as good as glue just now, and now they are calculating and killing each other?

The corner of Su Youwei's mouth twitched, although she knew the reality was cruel, but this time she saw this scene happen, she still felt that she had been taught a lesson.

When Su Youwei's mind was complicated, Su Li looked extremely calm.

It seems that he is not at all surprised that the Goddess Guidie suddenly escaped.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I thought you've been acting until now, and you really have some tricks, but in the end, that's all?"

The black-robed man jokingly opened his mouth, his eyes were icy cold, and there was an incomparably cold light flashing in his huge eyes like copper bells.

Su Li sneered and said indifferently, "It seems that you are not just an ordinary person in the Netherworld Palace, so—you are Su Wangchen's demon avatar? That special one who turned into a demon in love?"

Su Li suddenly said the identity of the black fog man directly, so that the black fog man was sluggish for a moment.

This is so unreasonable!

You must know that his identity is very, very secret, even the Goddess Guidie doesn't know it.

But Su Li, Su Li actually knew? And also directly pointed out?

The black mist man was extremely shocked.

After a while, he regained his composure, and at the same time the black mist and Magical Beasts-like horns gradually disappeared.

He returned to his normal height and his normal black robe, and then his face gradually condensed and turned into the appearance of Su Wangchen.

Then, he looked at Su Li calmly, and said, "You know too much, so the more I can't keep you."

Su Li quipped, "Oh? What else can't be said?"

The demon body Su Wangchen said solemnly, "I can't say anything."

Su Li said, "I'm sorry, I have the key, do you?"

Demon body Su Wangchen said, "Of course I deserve it!"

Su Li said, "How many do you have?"

Demon body Su Wangchen "..."

Demon body Su Wangchen "Are you so interesting?"

Su Li said, "It's boring, I just want to try how much information and things you know. It seems that you know more than I thought."

The demon body Su Wangchen said, "All of this is caused by Mo Taiqing. You can find Karma from him and cut the chance."

Su Li said, "I'll just kill you."

The demon body Su Wangchen said solemnly, "If that's the case, you're probably going to be disappointed. Since you accepted this restricted area of ​​memory, you've already—"

Su Li said, "I've already failed, right? That's exactly what I'm looking for."

The demon body Su Wangchen didn't seem to think that Su Li would say this, and was stunned.

Su Li said, "I am indeed seeking failure, because this world is not worth my efforts, so I can either continue to live in such an ordinary life, or I will directly lead Meier and Mu Yuxi to annihilation.

I have been in The Underworld for three thousand years in the prison of sin, what do you think I can't let go of?

As for your quest?

Hehe, your world is going to the ruins, and it has a fart relationship with me. It would be better if they were all dead. Then, what are you planning to do? What can be calculated? Oh, once I die, all the Karma of the Prehistoric Royal Family will be recovered! "

(I'm very sorry, the copy manuscript is copied wrong ~ has been revised ~)

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