I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 437: Listen To Karma And Set Up Twelve Ancestral Witches

Ou Zaixuan's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time.

He was a little unbelievable, and at the same time his mood became very bad for a while.

Because he didn't get the answer he wanted, or in other words, the information he wanted to present and the corresponding results were by no means the information presented in front of him.

"What's the situation? Why not show it fully?"

At this time, behind Ou Zaixuan, there was an ancient and mysterious low voice.

This sound seemed to come from the throat of the ancient giant beast, and the breath it carried was enough to make people feel cold.

At this time, Ou Zaixuan's body was icy cold, and he only felt that a cold air rushed over all of a sudden, and immediately hit the top of his head.

At this time, he realized that he suddenly became extraordinarily nervous, and his whole body was already soaked with inexplicable sweat.

Ou Zaixuan's body was sluggish for a moment, and then he carefully scanned the information presented on the destiny plate, but he was still unable to answer for a while.

"Huh? What, what's the problem?"

At this time, the mysterious low voice appeared with a hint of majesty and anger.

This kind of breath made Ou Zaixuan's whole body jolted, and he immediately regained his composure.

Then, Ou Zaixuan gritted his teeth, bowed towards the void, and then said extremely piously, "Sir, this, the information about this destiny plate seems to be somewhat wrong."

As soon as Ou Zaixuan's voice came out, the scene immediately fell silent.

Originally, there seemed to be no life at all around, but Ou Zaixuan still felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of cold and cruel eyes staring at him.

Ou Zaixuan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Afterwards, Ou Zaixuan looked up at the sky plate of destiny, and immediately gathered the information on the astrolabe into substantive information, and then presented it completely.

Name Su Li

Age 19.

Talent Jiuyao Liuli Sacred Body.

Cultivation Technique, Heavenly Secret Technique, Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Technique, Heavenly Secret Galaxy Cluster Blood Evil Soul Refining Technique.

Bloodline Pangu bloodline, Kunpeng bloodline.

Originated from Zu Longyuan.

Obsessed with dying.


When such information was presented normally, there seemed to be patches of dark fog energy turbulently fluctuating at the scene.

Among them, there seems to be a reflection of mountains, rivers and rivers constantly passing through it.

However, Ou Zaixuan knew nothing about the specific situation.

"This is the situation you deduced? Is there any difficulty in the process? Even, is there any abnormal situation?"

At this time, the mysterious voice continued to ask.

After thinking about it over and over again, Ou Zaixuan shook his head and said, "No, absolutely not. This time, everything went very smoothly."

Hearing the words, the mysterious voice pondered for a moment and said, "Well, you go down first and leave the destiny disk behind."

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing this, Ou Zaixuan was relieved, and immediately bowed and saluted, and then released the destiny plate with a very pious gesture, and put it aside with great respect.

Then, he stepped back cautiously, and gradually moved away from here.

After Ou Zaixuan left, a burly man in flame armor and a beast face mask appeared in the Nether Hall.

The man was covered with ferocious bone spurs, which looked like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus.

And beside the man, there is an enchanting woman in a white gauze skirt. The woman also wears a mask, but the mask is a grimace mask.

The smile on the ghost's face was like that of a clown, and the smile was a little terrifying.

After these two people appeared, their eyes almost immediately fell on the information.

"This person has completely escaped our control."

The woman suddenly spoke up.

"It doesn't matter, after all, he has already taken this step, which is so good."

The man in the mask with the beast face spoke lightly, and then he walked towards the Heavenly Disc of Destiny.

Next, the woman also came over.

The two held a part of the destiny plate in one hand, and they made gong at the same time.


The next moment, the entire void seemed to be darkened all of a sudden.

Then, an incomparably bright colorful mysterious light suddenly bloomed between heaven and earth.


At that moment, the void seemed to have shattered.

At the same time, the void where the entire Nether Hall was located seemed to disappear from this world and appeared on a cliff of ten thousand feet.

Above the cliff, there is an extremely terrifying gate of life and death like the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

One after another terrifying vortex seems to be able to devour everything in the heavens and the world.

Soon, the terrifying Six Paths of Reincarnation door of life and death began to spin rapidly.

A giant wheel of Shrouding the Heavens obscures the sun, appearing at the location of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The roulette wheel spun and began to activate the mysterious breath of heaven and the law of Dao mark.

In the roulette wheel, it seems that there are countless worlds participating in life and death and Samsara.

The man in the beast-face mask watched silently and thoughtfully at the same time, and then he and the woman in the grimace mask looked at each other.

The two nodded at the same time, and then, they grabbed directly towards the void, actually tearing open the sky, and grabbed all the three-layer memory forbidden area that had been independent.

Yes, the three-layer memory forbidden area that was once cut out by Su Li was completely captured at this time, as if it had crossed time and space and void.

Su Wangchen had obtained the three-level memory forbidden area, and he had traded with Wangchenhuan.

Today, these three layers of restricted memory area seem to have been completely stripped away.

Among them, Su Li, and even Su Wangchen's demon body, had already belonged to Goddess Butterfly and the others, all of them were suppressed by the world in that restricted memory zone and could not move.


At this time, the first, second and third layers of the memory forbidden area were directly crushed in such a sky-reaching Samsara passage, and some kind of fusion was carried out at the same time.

At the same time, a brand new passage leads directly to the fourth floor of the memory forbidden area.

Everything happened very suddenly and very quickly. It seems that the parties involved have not reacted at all. All this has already begun to happen, and it has begun to end.

The three layers of the memory forbidden area were rolled and fused to form a special Six Paths of Reincarnation.

A vast gate of hell stood out.

At the same time, the Hall of Netherworld suddenly descended inexplicably at this time, and suddenly formed a vast world like the real Samsara Hall.

At this time, the entire underside of the mysterious cliff turned into a rolling black river, also known as the Yellow Springs.

On the other side, over the river, the bridge of Helplessness, the huge Samsara breath, and the phantom of the huge mysterious beast all reappeared.

Then, a special passage directly formed a chain of chains, spreading to the front, instantly penetrating countless Karmas and voids, directly piercing the void on the fourth floor of Su Li's memory forbidden area, and piercing Meier in one fell swoop. 's lower abdomen.

Afterwards, the chain of laws directly locked the baby in it.





After a full twelve chains were locked, the aura of the law and order chain Dao Mark was suddenly interrupted.

At this time, the man in the beast face mask and the woman in the grimace mask also seemed a little stunned.

At the same time, Su Li suddenly came out step by step, stepped into the air, stood above the dark river, and watched all this happen with a condescending attitude.

"Let go of my children and give you a way out, a way to live!"

Su Li suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Hehe, at this point, do you still want to negotiate? You are no longer qualified."

Beside the man in the animal face mask, the woman in the grimace mask spoke coldly.

She deliberately changed her voice and breath, so Su Li couldn't tell who she was.

However, for Su Li, it doesn't really matter.

Because she doesn't need to care who this person is - it doesn't matter who this person is.

"Really? This time, I have actually planted a cage on Mei'er, so you may not be able to succeed, why not give yourself a chance?"

Su Li's tone restrained a bit.

"Your so-called cage, we have long known about it through Wan'er, who has a good heart with Meier.

Moreover, at this moment, here is the real change of forgetting the world, Karma of forgetting world can go further, perfect and complete because you have drawn out the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Therefore, this scene must be known to the world. "

The woman in the grimace mask suddenly said.

Su Li said, "So, at this moment, everything that happens here will be projected by countless soul-suppressing tablets because of the destiny disk, and the world will know it? So at this time, I have become the object of others' observation?"

Su Li spoke lightly, not in a hurry.

This time, this group of people set up nine layers and made the cage plan to the extreme.

And what about Su Li? He set at least thirteen floors, and made a guarantee.

That is to say, when his intelligence reaches a certain height, he only needs to plan for the worst of all the results, and then leave himself a deadly retreat.

For the rest, see Tricks and Tricks.

So he really didn't panic.

His words are true, but they are also false.

These are just the plans for the first few floors.

Even so, at this time, Su Li still showed a hint of melancholy.

"I know that this Meier locked this time, and even Mu Yuxi beside Meier is fake, it's actually hidden in other restricted memory areas, not even in your special Magic Treasures independent small space. middle.

However, if the soul is locked by such a chain of order, even if it is an independent clone, as long as it contains a trace of blood or origin, it can be traced back to its origin.

So, when you choose to play the game, you have already lost.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Wangchen has failed many times.

It's just that Su Wangchen didn't know it once, but you now know it completely.

Because, we no longer need to do anything, we just need to play games with you clearly.

If you exist under the dome, then, after all, you are the ants of this world. "

The man with the animal face mask spoke lightly, his tone indescribably noble.

That is a kind of majesty and nobility that comes from the depths of the blood.

Su Li said indifferently, "So, you want to truly establish the underworld and become a true listener? What a pity!"

Su Li said, and then said, "So now, since so many people are watching, I want to know, is there anyone else who is willing to have a little sympathy or pity for me? Or, is there anyone else - willing to stand up for me?"

Su Li's tone was calm and indifferent.

That being said, Su Li can't say for sure whether there is or not.

Most likely, probably not.

But he still contained some hope.

"They will stand up for you, they have already been imprisoned, and they will eventually be washed away from their memories and become a brand new self.

And your Karma will be erased because of this, so your inquiry is meaningless. "

The man with the animal face mask spoke in a deep voice, but his words were very convincing.

Hearing this, Su Li was slightly relieved, and said, "So, after all, I have nothing to worry about."

Su Li said and smiled.

Then, pulled by the twelve chains of order, a shocking upheaval suddenly occurred!

Originally, there were colorful mysterious lights flickering in the chain of order.

At this moment, the colorful profound light suddenly exploded and opened a door of destruction that seemed to connect the heavens and the myriad ways.

This gate is like the gate of life and death Samsara above the endless terrifying dark cliff, in which there is the evolution of life and death of all worlds!

As soon as such a scene appeared, the faces of the man in the animal mask and the woman in the grimace mask became extremely ugly.

Su Li's expression was calm, and the door to life and death opened, and among them, the twelve ancestors walked out one after another.

Each of them is a peerless Immortal, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, tyrannical and invincible.

Dijiang is like a yellow sac, red like a red fire, six feet and four wings, and has no face. He is the ancestor of space speed.

Jumang is as green as green bamboo, with the body of a bird and the face of a man, riding on two dragons on its feet, the ancestor of the oriental wood.

Zhu Rong has a beast-headed body, red scales, a fire snake in his ears, and a fire dragon on his feet. He is the ancestor of fire in the south.

Ding Shou has a face and a tiger body, with golden scales, two wings, a snake in his left ear, and two dragons on his feet. He is the ancestor of gold in the West.

Gonggong is a man with the head of a python, wearing black scales, a black dragon on his feet, and a blue python wrapped around his hands. He is the ancestor of the northern water.

Xuan Ming is a ferocious giant beast with bone spurs all over his body, the ancestor of rain and ice.

The back native has a snake tail, seven hands behind the back, two hands in front of the chest, and both hands hold the snake, the ancestor of the central soil.

Qiangliang holds a snake in his mouth, a snake in his hand, a tiger-headed human body, four hoofed feet, and long elbows, the ancestor of thunder.

Zhu Jiuyin has a human head and a dragon body, and his whole body is red. He is the ancestor of time.

Tianwu has eight human faces, a tiger body and ten tails, and is the ancestor of the wind.

Heizi has a human face and a bird body, with a green snake hanging around his ears and a red snake in his hand. He is the ancestor of electricity.

The extravagant body has the face of a corpse and a beast, with ears like a dog, with a green snake hanging from the ear, the ancestor of poison.


When the twelve ancestor witches gathered, each of them stood respectfully behind Su Li.

Su Li's figure was only about one meter nine in the void.

However, each of these ancestor witches is as huge as a mountain, ferocious as a peerless beast, with a mighty breath, crushing the void, making the heaven and earth tremble, and the color of the sun and moon changes.

After the appearance of the Twelve Ancestors, everyone's gazes were calm and cold, staring at the beast-masked man and the grimace-masked woman in the sky.

At this moment, the two of them were breathing rapidly, and their whole bodies were shaking uncontrollably!

You must know that the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches together can manifest Pangu's true body!

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