I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 439 Ancestral Wudi Jiang, Body And Spirit Are One!

Su Li's mood is still as calm as the ancient well.

At this time, Xiang and Jing at the scene were actually very uneasy.

However, the devastating blow that should have occurred did not seem to have occurred.

The scene seemed to be in a very strange state.

At this time, Su Li looked at the Goddess Guidie in a leisurely manner, and said lightly, "At this time, what else do you want to say?"

When the goddess Guidie heard the words, her mouth moved, but she didn't say anything.

Su Li said, "If you don't tell me, then, let me tell you."

Goddess Guidie's face paled slightly, but she still didn't speak.

Su Li then looked at Zhuge Qingchen's wisp of demon avatar again, and said solemnly, "So, what about you? What else do you want to say?"

Zhuge Qingchen's demon clone shook his head and said, "Brother Li..."

Su Li said, "This time, I'm going a little further than you think."

Su Li said, thinking of the incomparably perfect evaluation that he had obtained - after all, it is everything that has been experienced in the world of archives, and this time it happened in reality.

Because, the true identity of the so-called Goddess of the Butterfly is the demon avatar after Yun Qingxuan's demonization.

And in the same way, Zhuge Qingchen's demon clone is Kui.

So Zhuge Qingchen can play Su Wangchen's demon avatar, because the former Kui has the opportunity to become Su Wangchen.

At this time, Su Li directly presented all of this and told everyone present - what Su Li knew was far more than the other party imagined.

Su Li called up the system panel to sense it, and said softly in her heart, "Light blue, thank you."

"Master, this is what Light Blue should do."

Su Li said, "In fact, I always wanted to let go of many things before, but I didn't do it because I was worried that I would overestimate my own ability. Otherwise, I would have been able to Meditation Twelve Ancestral Witches and start the bloodline inheritance to fight back. ."

Light blue said softly, "So the master is the best and the best master."

Su Li said, "Then, now, I'll just show off my invincibility by using the flood method?"

Qian Lan affirmed, "Yes, Master, once Master does this this time, he will almost be able to break through the real limitations, and at the same time teach their group of people a hard lesson. At the same time, the system will also have corresponding measures. What a great reward."

Su Li said, "What reward."

Light blue tilted his head and said, "Light blue doesn't know either, but according to judgment, it will be very, very good - once... Well, it seems that light blue can vaguely remember that the owner of the previous generation did not work so hard. I can get it."

Su Li moved in his heart and said, "Okay, then I'll try."

Su Li said, closing the system panel at the same time.

Then, he looked up calmly and looked at Kui (Zhuge Qingchen's avatar), Jing and Xiang.

The three, with Kui at the head, Jingjing is an assistant, and Xiang is actually a servant.

However, even as a servant, Su Li vaguely felt that this 'elephant' was actually very powerful, and its ability was probably not inferior to that of Qin Zuyuan's God King.

And these 'kui' and 'mirror' are obviously stronger than Lie Yongsheng.

This kind of hidden monster appeared at this time, obviously they also realized that if they didn't restrict Su Li and target Su Li this time, they would really have no chance.

Because Su Li's growth is really too powerful and terrible.

"This is a 'Tianluodiwang' specially aimed at the royal family. For such a method, I have to thank your father, Su Galaxy Cluster. Unexpectedly, he was abolished back then, and he was not regarded as the emperor's son, but you actually rose eighteen years later. And the speed of the rise is so fast? Even, you can actually jump out of the cage this time, it is really amazing!"

Kui stared at Su Li condescendingly, and said lightly.

As he said that, he raised his hand and grabbed it, and a woman appeared in the palm of his hand.

That woman was Xia Xinyan.

Or it could be not only Xia Xinyan, but also Que Xinyan.

However, at this time, Que Xinyan had been refined into a mummified corpse, which looked very miserable.

If it weren't for the familiar aura, I'm afraid Su Li wouldn't be able to recognize it, this is Que Xinyan.

"Su Li...I'm sorry, I didn't...die in your arms, but in my self-enchanted...magic barrier..."

Seeing Su Li, Que Xinyan, who had turned into a mummified corpse, had a very, very low tone.

Kui glanced at Su Li and said, "Want to save her? Do you think it's fake?"

Kui said, and squeezed his hand fiercely.


That mummified corpse, Que Xinyan, was pinched into blood mist powder on the spot, and was completely killed.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly.

At this time, the ugly woman wearing a mask raised her hand and grabbed the other two people from the shadow of the mirror in the void.

Those two were Meier and Yun Qingxuan.

The moment they were caught, Su Li knew that this was Meier and Yun Qingxuan.

However, Meier was stunned for a moment, and then immediately changed into a completely different aura, and even deliberately showed a dark Devilish Qi to prevent Su Li from recognizing her.

But Su Li's eyes were only staring at Meier.


Yun Qingxuan's emotions were struggling violently, as if there was a conflict between her id and her real Karma.

But at this time, she seemed to have sensed Mei'er's situation. She originally wanted to kill herself to prevent Su Li from being threatened, but suddenly stopped.

At that moment, Yun Qingxuan also forcibly changed her temperament, and deliberately pretended to be pitiful and said, "Su Li, save, save me, I'm Yun Qingxuan!"

She said this deliberately, hoping that Su Li made a mistake and decided that she was a fake Yun Qingxuan.

However, Su Li just sighed lightly.

"What do you want, tell me."

Su Li said.

The woman named 'Mirror' said lightly, "What do you want? What do you want? I just want to let 'Kui' insult them in front of you. What do you think?"

Su Li frowned slightly and said, "Aren't you afraid? Do you know that I have enough power to wipe out your entire force!"

Jing heard the words, sneered and said, "Oh? You still have such ability now? Do you know that you are shrouded in the real net, the net in the treasure house of Heavenly Emperor! And this time Karma, so forget it. It was built on the basis of the world of heaven, earth and underworld, and now it has entered the memory forbidden area, which is equivalent to disintegrating everything from the inside!

Also, what about the Twelve Immortals, it turned out to be a group of illusory light sculptures, but a group of halo projections!

Now, let you and your woman, the child's blood be withered, and the inheritance of Karma will end! "

Su Li said, "Oh? Really? Then I'll have to take a good look at it!"

Su Li said, and walked out one step, and the net of heaven and earth derived from the restricted area of ​​memory was completely ineffective.

Su Li's figure appeared outside the net.

Mirror's ugly and sallow face showed an extremely horrified color.

And the face of the man named 'Kui' changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, and said, "Is it true?"

Su Li said, "The place where I, Su Li exists, is reality, so do you think it is true or false?! How dare something like an ant offend the royal family? Do you think you can keep Su Wangchen, the former emperor, forever? When the child is shriveled, it is believed that the royal family has no real power?

Just think that the royal family dare not start the battle of the superior?

Dare to touch my woman, okay, today I will let you know what is the real royal family! "

Su Li said, with a thought, the long-lost Meditation finally reopened.

This time, Su Li did not have the Meditation Sanqing, nor the Meditation Human Emperor Nuwa, because of the restricted memory area, these were disturbed by the Qingdi Palace.

This time, Su Li is directly the twelve ancestor witches of Meditation!

Yes, the Twelve Ancestral Witch!

Also known as the Twelve Demon Gods, they were born with a tyrannical body, devoured the world, manipulated Feng Shui's lightning, reclaimed the sea and moved mountains, and changed the world.

When the Twelve Ancestral Witches gather together to use the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Demons Great Formation, they can condense the real body of Pangu, open up the world, destroy the world and destroy the world. There are few others under Saint!

The projection and light carving aura before the Twelve Ancestral Witches have all appeared. Now, what needs to be done is to present these real things vividly.

In this process, Su Li has been procrastinating.

Because, "Huangji Jingshishu" and his own background, plus a large amount of Karma stored, etc., need to pay for this action!

However, Su Li Su Li directly sent out his heart and played an extremely ferocious method!

In this way, the Meditation was started, and even after the Meditation increase in "The Book of Emperors of the Emperor", Su Li felt that the world was about to burst.

However, this piece of heaven and earth still did not collapse.


Because this piece of heaven and earth is derived from the current system, it is a forbidden memory area derived from the world of merit, and all its Karmas need the third layer of the forbidden memory area to come to the bottom!

Therefore, Karma, who came from the Netherworld Palace of Forgetfulness, either took the initiative to take the initiative to bear the anger of the twelve ancestors this time.

Or, completely collapse the void, destroy everything, and lead to infinite chaos and a fatal catastrophe crisis of returning to the ruins!

So, all this Su Li really gave up!

At that moment, in Su Li Meditation, Su Li's eyebrows suddenly burst into a terrifying colorful mysterious light.

And at this time, in the colorful light, a gate of destruction of the heavens and the world was opened in a very real way.

This gate is like the gate of life and death Samsara above the endless terrifying dark cliff, in which there is the evolution of life and death of all worlds!

As soon as such a scene appeared, Kui's face became extremely ugly.

On the other hand, Mei'er and Yun Qingxuan were trembling with their delicate bodies, and their beautiful eyes were like water, and they were almost all wet.

Su Li's expression was calm, and the door to life and death opened, and among them, the twelve ancestors walked out one after another.

Each of them is a peerless Immortal, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, tyrannical and invincible.

Moreover, the shape gathered in the previous time, but this time the gathering is the god, it is the real form and spirit!

It seems that at this moment, the original light sculpture is all like the return of the soul, which makes the momentum of the twelve ancestors soar, and the whole body becomes bright and powerful.

Every Ancestral Witch is a real Ancestral Witch, as if walking out of the ancient battlefield, bathed in the blood of destruction!

After the Twelve Ancestral Witches gathered, each of them still stood respectfully behind Su Li.

Su Li's figure was only about one meter nine in the void.

However, each of these ancestor witches is as huge as a mountain, ferocious as a peerless beast, with a mighty breath, crushing the void, making the heaven and earth tremble, and the color of the sun and moon changes.

After the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, everyone's gazes were calm and cold, staring at the Kui three people.

At this moment, Kui, Jing, and Xiang suddenly took a quick breath and trembled uncontrollably.

You must know that this kind of real royal powerhouse, the oppressive power of that bloodline breath is enough to crush this so-called peerless God King.

Not to mention, the appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches together can reveal Pangu's true body!


Kui forcibly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his body trembled violently, he gestured to the mirror and let the mirror shackle the chips in his hand, so that no accident would happen.

At least there is still some strength to struggle.

However, at this time, the mirror was all weak, and standing a little unstable.

Not to mention that their body size is actually nearly nineteen meters, but even so, in front of these twelve ancestor witches, they are as weak as ants, and there is no comparison at all.

Let alone, is it a difference in body size?

This is like the difference between mortals and gods!

"Damn, we were calculated by Su Wangchen's little bastard! This emperor is the real emperor, the inheritor that is valued by the royal family, and he is a liar, a fake emperor! Even all of this is his scam. !"

"The forbidden area of ​​memory obtained from the transaction in Wangchenhuan is a cage, breaking into our internal cage!"

"We tried to transform the memory restricted area to imprison and obtain the real purpose, but we were calculated instead!"

"Make own memory restricted area into a cage - Su Li, you are really vicious!"

At this time, Kui realized something, and his face turned ugly like a dead father.

When Su Li's figure moved, it also grew a little bigger, turning into about nineteen meters, staring coldly at Kui.

Qui instinctively retreated a few steps.

The atmosphere at the scene became very, very depressing.

After Kui hesitated for a moment, suddenly the fierce light in his eyes became bright, and the incomparably fierce cold light turned into two divine flowers, which fiercely shot towards Yun Qingxuan and Meier.

The nine order chains have locked the fetal bloodline in Meier's body through Meier.

And Mu Yuxi, who was beside Meier, also disappeared at this time.

And Yun Qingxuan, the goddess of the butterfly goddess whose true identity was revealed, seems to have recovered her original Yun Qingxuan character at this time, and seems to care about Su Li and Meier very much.

Of course, Su Li doesn't really care if it's true or not!

Because, he is enough to strategize!

At this time, Kui has completely turned his face at this moment.

After realizing the huge gap in strength, he finally took the risk and started targeting Meier.

It's just that Su Li didn't even move at all at this time-because he didn't need any movement, Di Jiang had already shot.

The Emperor Jiang of the Twelve Ancestors!

At this moment, Di Jiang's whole body was burning like a dan fire, his blood was dazzling, his six legs and four wings turned into afterimages, and his headless body flashed like a wind shadow, and instantly cut the void and took Meier from the mirror's hands!

As the ancestor of space speed, Dijiang is truly invincible on Movement Technique!

Moreover, it is an existence that is close to sanctification in the flesh, and its combat power completely crushes everything.

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