I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 445 The Death Of Listening To The Truth, Settle Accounts After The Autumn

Mu Yuxi listened to these words quietly, and her pretty face showed deep disappointment.

In the raging flames, she seemed to bloom with all the beauty of the rest of her life, so that that beauty even seemed a bit aggressive.

Mu Yuxi usually never disappoints anyone, because in her heart, except for Su Li, only her relatives and a few close people around her have a certain amount of weight.

But even so, this time, she was still completely disappointed with Mu Junyi and Concubine Mu Qing.

Mu Yuxi sighed lightly and said in a lonely tone, "I thought that at this moment, you can truly realize the seriousness of the problem, but I don't think so.

As Mu Yuxi spoke, Mei'er's figure came together and was about to drift towards Mu Yuxi.

However, at this time, Mu Yuxi suddenly took a breath.

This breath is like a breath of Immortal Dao rhythm, and a breath of fairy spirit.

This breath was blown out, and suddenly, Mei'er's manifested figure was blown upside down and flew out, and then quickly disappeared into the void.

"Mei'er, you don't have to worry. We talked to you about the past and the future. At that time, we also had some consensus on the future, didn't we?"

Mu Yuxi chuckled lightly, and that smile was very light and peaceful.

Meier nodded slightly, but did not speak.

She is just a shadow, and it is Karma, which is also related to some of Su Li's methods.

Mu Yuxi retracted her gaze, and then her gaze fell on Su Li's face.

"Young Master."

Mu Yuxi spoke softly.

Su Li nodded and said, "If you are tired and tired, then you can put everything down and leave it all to me."

When Mu Yuxi heard this, she smiled and said softly, "Master Young, Yuxi can do it."

Su Li said softly, "Since you don't like a lot of things, you don't need to like them. Then, just feel at ease and be yourself."

Su Li said, "You understand, in my heart, all these problems are not problems. On the contrary, if you are wronged, that is the biggest problem."

Mu Yuxi shook her head lightly and said, "No, Yuxi will handle this matter personally. Actually, there is something that Yuxi has been thinking about for a long time, and now, she has an answer.

That's actually pretty good.

After all, being kept in the dark, acting like a fool, always causing huge trouble to Young Master, this is by no means the happiness Yuxi hoped for. "

Hearing this, Su Li didn't speak, but his eyes became a little softer.

At this time, the flames of Mu Yuxi's body were even more fiery and even more crazy.

Among the flames, the rain is like a blooming flame, extremely bright and beautiful.

This side of the world was ignited by such a purple flame, and it reflected gorgeously and beautifully.


Suddenly, in the flames, the power of thunder of destruction was produced.

The voice of the mysterious thunder made a mysterious blend from the unreal and the real.

It seems that the mysterious thunder originally existed in the illusory, but because of Mu Yuxi's self-cutting transformation, it transformed into reality.

And when the thunder exploded, the aura of law between the heavens and the earth also had an obvious drastic change.

Heaven and earth have become much darker, and a cold wind blows between heaven and earth.

Soon, the sky and the earth became violent, as if the storm before the end was coming.

The gust of wind was raging, but it couldn't quench the purple flames that burned Mu Yuxi.

Su Li still didn't intervene.

And when Mu Yuxi turned into a raging flame and burned to the head, a sea of ​​fire suddenly swept out, and suddenly rushed towards Mu Junyi.

Mu Junyi's eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with deep incomprehension and horror.

"Quick, stop her!"

Mu Junyi roared, and Concubine Mu Qing rushed towards Mu Yuxi almost instinctively, looking at his situation, it seemed that she wanted to stop him.

Mu Junyi showed a slight slack.

And at the moment when Concubine Mu Qing rushed towards Mu Yuxi's fire, as if she was about to burn with that fire, Mu Junyi's figure turned into nothingness.

It seems that he wants to cross the void and perform an escape between time and space.

The void distorted for a moment, and a mural suddenly appeared, which seemed to cover Mu Junyi.

But at this moment, Concubine Mu Qing suddenly appeared beside Mu Junyi.

At the same time, Concubine Mu Qing's body also exploded with a purple flame, and it rose into the sky, sweeping the mural in an instant.


The fresco encountered the flame derived from Concubine Mu Qing, and immediately burned wildly.


The thunderbolt of destruction exploded and ripped through the void, as if to destroy all Karma in this world.


Mu Junyi screamed, and it seemed that he never thought that at a critical moment, Concubine Mu Qing, a puppet, would actually betray him!

He screamed, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards the mural that was burning and blasting a lot of lightning.

Unfortunately, when he rushed over, the flames that Mu Yuxi had transformed into had completely swept him away.


Mu Junyi screamed and roared from time to time, but no matter what, he could not escape the burning and twisting of the light blue vortex and purple flame.

"Boom boom-"

In the flames, Mu Junyi turned into a ghostly shadow from time to time, from time to time a terrifying truth-listening beast, and from time to time into the fierce face of the fierce and incomparably fierce Lie Yongsheng, such as the fierce face of the Lieyang star and the flame king.

His face was hideous and twisted, but in such a cage, he was constantly struggling and twisting.

The thunder in the void still burst from time to time, and the storm of destruction still raged in all directions.

However, at this time, when Mu Junyi began to struggle, in the void of the four directions, the light of countless laws enveloped the four directions, constantly destroying and destroying.

Dao marks were annihilated around Mu Junyi, who was swept by purple flames.

Such a change even caused the entire light blue star to shake.

And this process lasted for three days and three nights!

Yes, three days and three nights!

It took three full days and three nights for such a flame to finally burn and dry up.

And Mu Junyi in the flames, that is, the listening beast, finally, at this time, completely went to perish.

After the Truth Listening Beast was completely annihilated, Mu Yuxi and Concubine Mu Qing also completely disappeared.

At this time, Zhuge Qianlan, Zhuge Qianyun, and even Human Emperor Nuwa all showed a relaxed expression.

Obviously, the real killing game is actually aimed at the listening beast.

And he Su Li and Meier are even Meier's children, at best, in such a killing game, they are just a bait.

Yes, bait.

The reality is so cruel and so ironic.

Even Mu Yuxi has become a tool for this killing.

And if Mu Yuxi didn't pay so much, then the tool that killed Mu Junyi would be the fetus in Mei'er's womb.

All of this, Su Li has actually deduced it.

However, the information he controls is not that much.

And Mu Yuxi, from the very beginning, has actually been in the long river of time, and has never really appeared.

So the current transformation is actually just a continuation of the previous one.

And Mu Yuxi participated in the soul-washing and came to Su Li's side, which was just a kind of 'slavery' carried out by the system.

However, that Mu Yuxi in the long river of time must also know everything that happened here.

For Mu Yuxi in the long river of time, she is actually in the future of time.

Listening Beast, that is, Mu Junyi, who mastered the core rules of Wang Chenhuan and even regarded it as his own ability, the biggest factor of instability, this time, he was successfully eliminated like this.

This time, it was a win-win situation for Light Blue Star and its counterpart Heavenly Dao and the Prehistoric Royal Family.

It's really a big thing to congratulate.

It was a great success.

As for Su Li, who made sacrifices and even nearly broke down, who would care?

Of course, now, no one dare not care.


Because Su Li is no longer an ant.

Because, when the beast of truth dies, the Ancestral Wu Dijiang that Su Li is stepping on still exists, still fighting like madness, still cold as frost.

"Congratulations on your great success. So now, is it time to give me an explanation?"

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Qianlan, Zhuge Qianyun, and—Human Emperor and Nuwa.

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