I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 448 Capture The Good Fortune And Fight Against The Secret

As an arrogant and arrogant voice sounded, a cyan phantom walked out from the gate of Qiankun, which was azure blue with a mysterious purple aura.

Afterwards, that figure was completely condensed and turned into a handsome young man wearing a blue mysterious rune inlaid with a strange and magical atmosphere.

The appearance of this young man is very similar to that of Zhuge Qingchen.

Even, not just similar.

In many respects, it is almost the same.

However, anyone who sees this person immediately judges that this person is definitely not Zhuge Qingchen.

Because the temperament of the two is completely different.

Zhuge Qingchen, in many respects, is actually more like a person, a cultivator with certain emotions - although Zhuge Qingchen has always claimed to be 'the Dao lacks love', at least, he is still a normal cultivator .

However, the youth in azure robes and robes in front of him didn't have the slightest aura of a practitioner.

Specifically, it is this person, who has already departed from the category of human nature.

At this time, such a reckless and arrogant voice came from this young man who looked evil and uninhibited, handsome and transcendent.

And this person, there is no doubt, is naturally Zhuge Liancheng, the son of Tianji.

Zhuge Liancheng said these words, not far away, Zhuge Qianlan's face changed slightly, and then his face became a little more regretful.

Obviously, Zhuge Liancheng's performance at this time, not only did not let Zhuge Qianlan take a high look, on the contrary, he was very disappointed.

Yes, disappointed.

At this moment, Zhuge Liancheng still looks at Su Li with the eyes of the past, which itself is a very ignorant performance.

Although, as a peerless Transcendent master of the secrets, Zhuge Liancheng cannot be truly ignorant.

Zhuge Liancheng walked out step by step, and the seemingly slow movement was completed in an instant.

Then, after that sentence was finished, his figure was already standing in front of Su Li less than 100 meters away.

Less than 100 meters away, this distance is very, very close.

For true practitioners, this distance, in many cases, has far exceeded the dangerous taboo distance.

"Oh? You want to tell me what God is?"

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Liancheng with a half-smile, and then said, "This sounds really arrogant! I'm so arrogant, I'm afraid I won't be able to live out the years of a single page in my "Book of the Emperor's Classics". "

Su Li muttered to herself, her tone also somewhat playful.

"Huh? Is that so? Do you think that this time you have killed the Beast of Truth and Mu Junyi, so you really have no worries?

Could it be that before doing this, Mu Junyi didn't think that he would fail?

If you think you will fail, how do you deal with it?

As a Transcendent Master of Mystery, all these means are just basic abilities, right? "

Zhuge Liancheng pointed at Jiangshan with a look on his face.

Su Li just watched calmly and indifferently, and didn't answer immediately.

Because it is no longer necessary.

The arrogant will never let go of his arrogance - even if he personally witnessed the birth of some history or even some records, he will definitely find various excuses and reasons, and he is unwilling to break away from the beautiful and dreamy spiritual world they have built.

At this time, Zhuge Liancheng had become stubborn and conceited to a similar degree.

Therefore, he even took out the basic abilities of the Transcendent Master of Mystery.

It's ridiculous, but it's also sad.

It's ridiculous because in Su Li's view, such an approach is really naive and ignorant.

The sad thing is that a world contains destiny, but it is the son of destiny that is favored by God, and this is the result?

"Well, what you said makes sense, so have you ever thought about the outcome of your failure?"

Su Li asked rhetorically.

"I, Zhuge Liancheng, have never experienced a defeat in my life - since there is no failure, then the possibility of failure does not exist.

Then, naturally, there is no need to bear the consequences of failure.

Instead, you have to think clearly about the fate of your strong stand up this time. "

Zhuge Liancheng not only did not retreat, but took a step forward, acting very aggressive.

"My end, in your opinion, will be extremely miserable. But before that, do you think your end will be much better?"

Su Li responded.

"Hahahahaha, I'm not ashamed to say it, I don't know how high the sky is, and I don't know what to do. This time, I will let you have a good experience. What is the real secret!"

After Zhuge Liancheng finished speaking, his hands formed seals, and in an instant, a vortex door shaped like the gate of life and death was derived!

As soon as this vortex door came out, it was indeed earth-shattering, as if to destroy everything between heaven and earth, and the momentum was extremely fierce and cute.

However, there is only such a momentum.

Apart from that, in Su Li's judgment, everything else is nothing but exaggerated things like thunder and rain.

Su Li's figure didn't move, and the Ancestral Witch Emperor River under his feet seemed to see something curious, and the figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared suddenly.

Su Li's feet were empty, and his body suddenly dropped a little.

But The next moment, the phantom of Zuwu Emperor Jiang appeared at Su Li's feet again, and then Su Li's figure only fell less than an inch away.

But in such a moment, the terrifying and extremely ferocious Vortex Gate was swallowed directly by Zuwudijiang.


Di Jiang's abdomen surged, and then, a group of air bubbles with a faint gray air flow was spit out by Zu Wu Di Jiang casually.

Moreover, this mouthful of bubbles, like a mouthful of spit with mysterious phlegm, was sprayed directly on Zhuge Liancheng's face by Jiang Zuwudi.

Zhuge Liancheng's body was shocked, and he didn't have time to resist. He was sprayed by the phlegm between the eyebrows, and the eyebrows sunk a full two inches with a 'puff'.

The blood and water exploded, and the flesh and blood flowed.


At that moment, Zhuge Liancheng let out a miserable cry and looked at the Zuwu Emperor River at the foot of Su Li with an incredible look.

It seems that he hasn't understood it yet, obviously everything is very normal, but why did such a huge change suddenly break out?

Moreover, what the hell is under the feet of the humble Su Li, there is no head, only a body and a pair of strange wings, and the result is that he can't even see the afterimage at such a fast speed?

At this moment, Zhuge Liancheng, the son of Tianji, even began to doubt his life.

However, before he could react, Su Li suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it, grabbing the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword from the void.

Then, Su Li slashed out with a normal sword.

Su Li uses the hilt.

And such a sword is also extremely fast.


Before Zhuge Liancheng could react, the blade of Su Li's Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword slapped his face sideways.

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