I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 456 Abandoning The Flood, China Hopes

"Moonlight Treasure Box? Maybe—maybe. Actually, I don't know exactly what that treasure is, and I can't possibly know."

Zhuge Qingchen pondered for a moment before responding.

Su Li nodded and said, "It's this, it can't be wrong."

Zhuge Qingchen said softly, "Then, it seems that you are very familiar with such treasures. This may also be an opportunity, have you thought about it?"

Su Li glanced at Zhuge Qingchen and said, "So, what do you mean, you still want to strip away the Karma of Wangchenhuan, and don't want to let the Karma of the Honghuang Royal Family get involved, right?"

Zhuge Qingchen said, "Sometimes, when there is no hope for one thing, then it will be more concerted.

And if there is hope, it will become like this.

So, if you don't experience enough evil, you probably won't understand the real good either.

Therefore, the Karma of returning to the ruins, or finally going to the ruins, is the real end, and it is also the real new one. "

Su Li said, "This is what you mean, and it also represents the meaning of the will of heaven and earth. That is to say, no matter what the outside world is, it will not be in harmony and will never compromise - even if this so-called 'outside' is only you. I begged."

Zhuge Qingchen said, "This is really just wishful thinking, everything is like this, it's easy to get in and hard to get out.

Especially in the current situation, it is extremely difficult and hopeless. "

Su Li shook his head and said, "But you still have a silver lining, don't you?"

Zhuge Qingchen said, "Is this ray of hope still hope? Then look, is there any chance in this world?"

Su Li did not respond to Zhuge Qingchen.

At this time, he called up the system panel and took a look.

Now, not much time has passed.


In this world, if there really is a Moonlight Treasure Box, and if Samsara can be restarted, then how do you do it to be the real Karma?

She, are you willing?

For Su Li, whether it is crossing, respawning, or reversing.

In fact, after going through the world of archives, he has actually been able to deal with it very naturally.

Especially—when everything is actually not as good as he imagined, this so-called paying all becomes a very ridiculous joke.

Su Li didn't decide immediately, he turned around and looked at Meier.

With Meier's cleverness, she has actually understood the current Karma.

But this time, she didn't speak for a long time.

She glanced at Zhuge Qingchen.

Then, he looked at the sky again.

The part that had left existed, and now it has returned.

Not many people came back, and the leaders were Su He and Zhuge Qianlan.

Of course, there are also Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qiyan.

Life and death, for the law of one world, sometimes it is so bizarre.

When practitioners use their own understanding to define laws, practitioners themselves will also be defined by laws.

This is quite helpless, but also quite embarrassing.

What's even more embarrassing is that this time, maybe we really have to face a choice.

Su Li did not speak.

After a while, he took a deep breath and said calmly, "This choice, this time, I'll leave it to Meier."

Su Li said, and looked at Meier again.

Meier took the initiative to lean over, and then she lightly stroked her lower abdomen, her eyes filled with a hint of reluctance, and a ray of maternal radiance.

When such emotions were conveyed, Su Li already knew Meier's choice.

He actually understands Meier's choice very well.

"Husband, if there are children in such a world, I am afraid that it will either be an experimental body, or it will be studied and targeted.

At best, it's just an extra soul slave medicine slave, or a tool to be enslaved.

This cannot be changed.

However, this is still not the real reason why Meier gave up.

The real reason is - they don't deserve it, and Meier doesn't deserve it either. "

Su Li nodded lightly and said, "In other words, between home and country, you choose the country."

Mei'er nodded lightly, and said, "After this effort, Mei'er will completely cut off all Karma's fetters, and then Mei'er can follow her husband wholeheartedly.

Moreover, Meier at that time was a real alien to this side of the world.

For the husband, it is the real same clan, the same kind.

However, no matter what choice Husband makes this time, Meier has no regrets.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he said solemnly, "That is to say, is there no child after all?"

Mei'er didn't answer, but her eyes were already a little gloomy.

Su Li looked at Zhuge Qianlan.

Zhuge Qianlan sighed and said, "Life can be possessed, but soul cannot be formed. After all, different laws of heaven and earth cannot achieve true intercommunication and true fusion.

Unless, you really give up some, and she also gives up some because of this.

It works because she has given up a lot.

But on your side, there is actually a problem.

When life cannot be conceived, this incident has actually shown that there is a big problem.

So, please allow me to express my sincerest apologies to you. "

Su Li sighed softly and said, "You all knew about this result, but you never mentioned it, and even Meier kept it under wraps.

And the purpose of all this is just to transform "The Way back in Time" to the level of Immortal?

Or, "The Way of Tracing the Origin of Time" combined with the Moonlight Treasure Box, do you want to restart the return to the market? "

When Zhuge Qianlan heard this, he bowed deeply towards Su Li.

At this time, even Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Qiyan bowed deeply.

Zhuge Qingchen said in a low voice, "I know, at this time, you may be extremely disappointed in your heart. You have reached this stage, and you have even established the underworld of the prehistoric royal family, why should you give up.

Why, because Wang Chenhuan has fallen apart, so Samsara's Karma is completely incomplete.

And we don't have much time left.

But on your side, you haven't completed the conception of life, and the tasks given to Mu Junyi, Karma of Listening Beast, etc., and even Karma of Su Pangu, etc., have not been successful.

Without success, there is no progress.

If there is no advancement, it represents the Karma of the prehistoric royal family, and cannot truly fit in with Heavenly Dao and Karma of this world.

Problems come sooner or later.

Since it is not suitable, give up as soon as possible, and the loss will be minimal.

Also, for the reasons mentioned earlier.

Since their death will not change, then there is no need for salvation.

Only by letting them go through the ruins and the tragic darkness and turmoil will they truly be united with sincerity, and accepting our decision is the wisest one.

The infighting in this side of the world is too serious, but there is no righteousness at all.

The seven emotions and six desires are also completely in a distorted state.

In such a state, this world is like a puppet with a festering body, and there is no need for treatment at all. "

Su Li said, "So, you want me to find Su Wangchen and let him use that treasure to reverse the fundamental Karma?"

Zhuge Qingchen said, "That's right, but—I don't know if you want to.

If you don't want to, then according to the current Karma, continue to be in such a morbid state. "

Su Li said, "Okay, then I'll let Su Wangchen talk about his plan."

After Su Li responded, he began to call Su Wangchen in his heart.

He never thought that Su Wangchen would not be able to hear his call.

Sure enough, when Su Li condensed his obsession in his heart and called Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen's figure directly drew out the mysterious sound of thunder and the vision of lightning.

Then, Su Wangchen, dressed in black robe, walked out of the dark void with a very calm expression.

Except for Su Li's slight surprise, no matter whether it was Meier, Zhuge Qingchen, or Zhuge Qianyun, there was no doubt or surprise in his appearance.

It seems that all this is as it should be.

After Su Wangchen appeared, he didn't even look at the group of people at the scene.

Then, instead, he looked at Su Li and said, "Come here, let's talk."

Su Li said, "Okay."

Su Wangchen hesitated for a moment, and said, "Just the two of us. Meier and others, all stay."

Su Li said, "Okay."

Su Wangchen said, "Aren't you worried that Mei'er will be bullied or wronged at this time?"

Su Li said, "Don't worry, because I understand Meier, and because Meier understands me."

Su Wangchen said, "You are too confident, and you look too high on the world."

Su Li said, "No, this is their last chance to compromise."

Su Wangchen said, "Is it worth it for Meier?"

Su Li said, "Not only Meier, but also Light Blue."

Su Wangchen's pupils shrank slightly, then sighed, "I'm not as good as you."

Su Li said, "Let's go."

Between the two of them talking, the ripples in the void reappeared, and then the two disappeared.

After the two left, Zhuge Qingchen looked towards the void in the distance.

In the sky, a light blue halo appeared.

In the halo, there is a vaguely huge human face.

The face is beautiful.

But no one knew who this person was.

"As a compromise, Meier will go with his Karma, and at the same time, the corresponding Karma will gradually exist as the corresponding Karma.

Except for the removal of Karma from the prehistoric royal family, everything will become much normal.

Similarly, over there, the Emperor and Nuwa have also agreed to repair Heavenly Dao, return Karma, and leave this world. "

"And all the Karma we have contaminated will be returned, and this will be regarded as a taboo, completely blocked, and buried in the ruins."

Zhuge Qingchen said softly.

Meier did not speak.

Zhuge Qianlan said softly, "In this case, as the existence of the huge Karma, Su Galaxy Cluster, Su He, Mu Qingyan, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingfei and others will all strip off the corresponding Karma, and sacrifice the Deva. Soul, turned into Immortal soul bone, and returned to the ruins to seal the town.

With their souls, make up for the Karma established by the ruins, and make everything back to normal. "

"Of course, I'm also included in it."

"Besides me, there are many others who are involved in corresponding Karma."

After Zhuge Qingchen finished speaking, not far away, in the light blue sky, the Emperor appeared.

And Nuwa, also holding a mysterious five-color divine stone, the Heaven-Mending Stone, appeared here.

"Fairy Light Blue, when we were invited, it was indeed a sincerity.

It's just that I never thought there would be such a huge change.

However, since there is no beginning, there should also be no end.

Therefore, in this case, as long as Su Li is willing, then we are also willing to go to the ruins and give up the salvation of your world. "

"However, we will respect Su Li's choice.

In other words, what we need to do next is his choice. "

"If he chooses to accept and activate the treasure with Su Wangchen, then we will mend the sky again and wash away all Karma.

And if he chooses to reject Su Wangchen, then everything will still respect the meaning of loving him. "

The emperor's tone was also very calm and calm.

Nuwa didn't speak, but it was clear that the emperor's meaning was hers.

Zhuge Qianlan's expression became extraordinarily detached, mysterious, and profound.

She nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

She said, and said, "This time, it is indeed our return to the ruins world that is sorry for your prehistoric world."

The Emperor shook his head, and said, "The world, Karma, cannot be judged arbitrarily."

Human Sovereign said, his deep and clear eyes turned to the other side again.

There, in fact, there is nothing.

Because the place where Su Li and Su Wangchen are, is no longer in this side of the world.

Rather, it is in a special Minor World, an independent small space.

At this time, in front of Su Wangchen and Su Li, there was a moonlight treasure box.

However, the shape of this Moonlight Treasure Box looks like a special mobile phone.

Or rather, like a super smart phone.

Su Li narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The special Minor World you asked me to create is just to study something in depth?"

Su Wangchen nodded and said, "This world has long been unwilling for other civilizations to intervene, because they deeply understand the power of the prehistoric royal family and their own insignificance.

But what's even more pity and horror is that they have no idea - they are the future of our world.

Or rather, a completely deviated future.

The more terrifying point is that it is possible that we are still living in deduction after all.

In other words, live in the data.

However, after investigating for a long time, this possibility is very low.

However, there is also a possibility.

But none of this matters.

With this thing, we can truly reverse everything.

Now, I have a chance - using this thing to intervene in Karma, I can send you back to a long, long time ago, even to China. "

Su Wangchen said something very startling.

How heaven-defying, how terrifying, is this.

If he can go back to China, then many Karma, with his current ability, will be able to see very clearly.

But - is it really possible?

Even if it were possible, what then?

What about Su Wangchen?

Meier, what should they do?

The Karma of the Prehistoric Royal Family has penetrated into the bones of the laws of this world. Once it is stripped out, what will happen to this world?

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