I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 467: Heart To Heart, Hidden Secrets

"Su Li, long time no see."

Qingyue's voice passed over with a joyful sweetness.

Su Li put down the cappuccino in his hand, looked up at Mu Yusu, then smiled slightly, and said, "Susu, sit down."

Su Li said, and glanced at the woman named 'Xu Qin' beside Mu Yusu.

With just one glance, Su Li seemed to see through her next series of fates.

Among them, there is a scene where she struggles and is pulled into an area of ​​fire.

In this scene, there are a group of people watching with cold eyes.

This scene, like pulling a living person to burn alive, is very cruel.

Su Li calmly retracted his gaze.

The ability to suddenly appear similar to 'precognition' is obviously not weak, but at this time, Su Li's body as a whole tends to be weak, so he did not deliberately use these abilities.

Not to mention, Su Li didn't think it was worth it—Xu Qin's Karma had nothing to do with him.

If it wasn't for Mu Yusu, Su Li probably wouldn't have given her a second look.

"Well, you've been here for a long time. I'm ten minutes late at the moment. I'll keep you waiting."

Mu Yusu said apologetically.

Saying that, she still pulled Xu Qin and sat down.

"Wow, this is the great writer 'Wangchen'. I also like what you wrote. I think it is very beautiful. When the book is published, remember to give me an autograph."

Xu Qin greeted with a familiar smile.

Su Li nodded slightly and said, "Let's talk about it when there is a chance to publish it. Right now, I can barely make ends meet."

Su Li said, "Sit down, do you want something to drink? Is it espresso, or American mellow? Or cappuccino?"

Mu Yusu smiled and said, "It's the same as yours, cappuccino."

Xu Qin said, "I can also cappuccino."

Su Li nodded, then called the waiter and ordered again.

Next, Su Li didn't speak directly, and the scene seemed a little quiet.

"Su Li, it feels like you've changed a lot in the past two years. Before - you didn't seem to be like this before."

Mu Yusu said softly.

Her face is very high, and when she purses her lips, she is really as beautiful and moving as a lily, fresh and pleasant.

Moreover, the faint fragrance on her body was not the unpleasant smell that Su Li had smelled in the square before.

Even Xu Qin, who was beside Mu Yusu, didn't have any messy breath, but also had a slightly fresh breath.

Of course, it is definitely not comparable to Mu Yusu.

Su Li sighed lightly and said with a smile, "I used to be stupid, I couldn't understand many things, and I always looked at it with a self-righteous attitude, so there would always be a lot of misunderstandings and prejudices.

But now, when I am older, I suddenly realize that in fact, I should not be too young and aggressive in many things, and should not be too preoccupied and aggressive.

Moreover, some things, when they really understand their preciousness, are often too late to cherish. Because it's too late. "

Su Li's tone made Mu Yusu slightly startled.

Immediately, there was a touch of emotion in Mu Yusu's beautiful eyes.

However, in the depths of her eyes, she also had a worried look.

"Su Li, you—are you okay now?"

Mu Yusu hesitated and asked.

Su Li was not stunned, because the moment Mu Yusu hesitated, he had already heard the voice of Mu Yusu.

What is Mu Yusu worried about?

Mu Yusu is worried about his body.

What's wrong with his body?

His body seems to have broken out of schizophrenia.

And this, he didn't know.

But Mu Yusu's father was engaged in the medical industry. The reason why Su Li's father was familiar with Mu Yusu's father was also for this reason.

Of course, there was something wrong with Su Li, which was also seen by Mu Yusu's father.

It's just that Su Li didn't know about it.

But now, Su Li knows.

Because of his special 'listening'-like ability, he sensed Mu Yusu's simple and pure thoughts almost instantly.

It was when Mu Yusu asked about the size euphemistically that Su Li was a little touched.

Also, a little bit moved.

After all, no one in this world is easy to treat others well.

The people who can worry about you will always be the people you cherish.

Su Li smiled softly and said softly, "I'm doing fine now, but I've experienced a little more in the past two years, and then I suddenly grew up.

Like today, if it were a normal day, I might not be here.

After all, relative to your existence, the gap between us is indeed a bit large.

Although your parents won't care, I may feel ashamed myself. "

Su Li's voice is direct and atmospheric.

Mu Yusu blushed slightly when she heard the words.

Of course she knew what she was here for.

And she wouldn't come if she didn't know why she came here.

For this matter, not only did she not object, she still had a little excitement and joy in her heart.

Because, as she and Xu Qin said, she actually imprinted Su Li's figure in her heart a long time ago.

Mu Yusu's pretty face blushed slightly, then she made a soft 'um', and then explained carefully, "Actually, I'm not as good as you said. Besides, didn't you come this time?"

Su Li nodded and said, "It is indeed here, because, I don't want to disappoint you again, and I don't want to—"

Su Li said, paused for a moment, and then said, "I don't want to disappoint my father and my mother."

Mu Yusu said, "Well, Uncle Aunt will definitely be proud of you."

When Mu Yusu spoke, Xu Qin pouted a little bored.

At this time, the waiter brought up the cappuccino.

Xu Qin didn't speak either, but started drinking coffee instead.

At the same time, she took out her latest fruit mobile phone from time to time and inquired about something from time to time.

Su Li ignored Xu Qin—even though Xu Qin was completely unable to escape from Su Li's induction no matter what he was doing.

Although, Su Li did not take the initiative to understand what Xu Qin was doing.

"It should be."

Su Li's tone was a little more confident.

Mu Yusu was stunned when she heard the words.

That cute and cute look made Su Li want to pinch her pretty and cute little face.

However, Su Li also knew that doing so was abrupt.

"Su Li, I found that you've become a lot more mature. I thought you wouldn't come today. Or, you came, but we didn't have anything to talk about.

But now, I'm finding it as if we're really close friends. "

When Mu Yusu said this, her face became even more red.

In this case, she usually can't say it.

But for some reason, beside Su Li, in front of Su Li, she couldn't help but say it.

Moreover, there is one more sentence she endured for a long time before finally holding back and didn't say it, that is - Su Li, being with you, it seems that there is no spiritual distance, just like a real support, really Very comfortable.

Mu Yusu definitely couldn't say these words.

Because this is already equivalent to a confession.

However, the two have not seen each other for almost three years.

Three years ago, the relationship between the two was actually not harmonious, and even Su Li at that time often cried at Mu Yuxi and felt very aggrieved.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it looks like you don't need to eat lunch today, this dog food is simply enough."

Xu Qin said something out of place and exaggerated.

When Mu Yusu heard this, her pretty face turned even redder. At the same time, she glared at Xu Qin, blaming Xu Qin for not talking nonsense, which made her feel very embarrassed and embarrassed.

Su Li didn't care about this, instead he cared about Mu Yusu's feelings and said softly, "If you have dog food, what else do you care about?

Besides, Susu and I actually grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Even if we don't have feelings for each other, we still have affection for each other, just like relatives.

Before, Susu and I separated, on the one hand because of family reasons, and on the other hand because I had no ability to protect the beautiful woman.

Now, it is different.

Today, since I'm here, and Susu knows it's me, I'm here, so there are actually some things, so I don't need to worry too much. "

Su Li's tone is flat, sincere, and full of weight.

Xu Qin had to admit that although she had never had a good impression of men.

Moreover, this Su Li is neither tall nor handsome, and there is no nameplate to wear, but in terms of temperament, it is indeed outstanding, and it does have an unspeakable elegance and easy-going temperament.

This kind of temperament, with that kind of literati atmosphere, gives people a very strong feeling of 'besides with poetry and literature'.

This kind of feeling, let alone a little cutie like Mu Yusu, is Xu Qin, of course, I won't like it very much, but I definitely can't hate it.

It's like a person may not necessarily like flowers and plants, but when he sees an environment with beautiful scenery and ancient style, although he is poor and dilapidated, he can't help but like and even admire from the heart.

Su Li is like such a landscape painting at this time, it may not be so arrogant and luxurious, but after all, the temperament has arrived, no matter how restrained it is, it is still as dazzling as a lighthouse in the dark night.

That's why, Xu Qin, who has always had a very poisonous mouth and a very high level of punching, is rare this time without a thorn.

Even, an indescribable feeling arises spontaneously - she even has a little self-reflection because of the impact of Su Li's temperament.

"With Susu's vision and ability, those rich second-generation and tall, rich and handsome also have some outstanding temperaments, but she ignores them all.

Only this Su Li, she cared so much.

And Su Li looks so unremarkable.

It is said that people who are engaged in creation are romantic and scumbags.

But, as Su Li said before, maybe I should also reflect on it? "

Xu Qin thought to herself, and felt that she should punch a few punches to see, at least not let the good sisters be arched by pigs, right?

Thinking of this, Xu Qin suddenly smiled and said, "If you have dog food, of course you don't need to worry so much. However, you have to be cautious about whether this dog food is delicious or not. After all, some dog food is also poisonous."

Xu Qin's words were very direct.

Su Li picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee.

At this time, Mu Yusu directly touched Xu Qin with her arm, signaling Xu Qin not to mess around.

Mu Yusu is not worried about Xu Qin doing anything out of the ordinary, after all, she still knows Xu Qin very well.

What she was afraid of was that Su Li was humiliated or despised or stimulated, so that the second personality or the terrible personality suddenly activated, and then did something crazy on the spot.

If such a thing happened, then she is really a big sinner.

More importantly, others don't know what's going on, but Mu Yusu knows - the reason for such a violent state, a violent second personality, is also because that time, Su Li stood in front of him and put a Caused by the repulsion of prey wolves.

At that time, there was nothing on the surface, but in fact, Su Li was bitten.

Although the area is small, and there is only a little injury, there is still a problem.

This incident involved more taboos and some very strange things.

Therefore, the only person who knew the specific experience of this incident was Mu Yusu.

Even, every time Mu Yusu mentioned this to others, he only talked about facing wolves without mentioning the specific weird experience.

"Don't worry, don't protect him, this is his responsibility."

Xu Qin patted Mu Yusu's shoulder, but said generously.

Saying that, she glanced at Su Li again and said, "Right, you shouldn't be that small, right?"

Su Li was not provoked by her, but said calmly, "Whether it is small or not depends on who it is. People who deserve it, of course, will not be small."

Xu Qin didn't care, and smiled, "Is Susu worth it?"

Su Li said, "Then are you not worth it?"

Xu Qin said, "But I'm just helping Susu test it. After all, I have a good relationship with Susu. It's not wrong to keep a check, right? Besides, after all, there are really not many people in this world who are sincerely willing to help others. now, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Su Li gave Xu Qin a slightly surprised look.

He really did not expect that a woman like Xu Qin would be able to say such reasonable words.

However, it is precisely because of this that Su Li also understands that reality is always reality, and people in reality are always full of complexity.

"Being able to say this, it seems that even if you are extremely sinful, you will not be so sinful. In addition, I thought you would behave very badly, but I didn't want to, but it made me a little impressed."

Su Li said, smiling slightly.

Hearing this, Xu Qin smiled and said, "Even if you are a sinner, there will always be a soft place in your heart, I can only say that your temperament is really good.

The reason why men are attractive is mainly from the outside, and then from the inside.

Sometimes, it is because there is no inner that we pursue the outer more.

Women are never necessarily perspective animals, and they may not necessarily fall below their looks. "

Su Li nodded, realizing that in Xu Qin's situation, he should have a certain level of 'qualification'.

If not, this person would not have been spotted by that mysterious organization, and he would have been killed by extreme torture.

"Okay, I agree with your compliment. Come on, what do you want to test?"

Su Li laughed.

Xu Qin thought for a while, and said, "Happy life is often inseparable from material things. With Susu's temperament, he will definitely not ask for any luxury car, but he should also have some assets. Can you have this? Or , will it be possible in the future?"

Su Li smiled and said, "That's it?"

Xu Qin heard the words and said meaningfully, "That's it, I think, with your current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to solve it."

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