I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 498 Seed Activation, Darkness Descends

"Whoa whoa-"

Suddenly, the loud noise appeared again.

This time, it's still the same sound

But this time, Feng Yao could see clearly - that was the sound of some cultivators after their heads were cut off, and the powerful energy aura surged out from their bodies, pushing the blood to spray out and hitting the wall.

That was the sound made after blood stained the wall!

Cultivating practitioner's qi and blood, has great power

When the power emerges and the strength explodes, once the head is cut off, the power of the blood spurting is equally astonishing.

When such blood hits the wall, the ordinary wall will of course be smashed down instantly, and it will naturally make a violent noise.

But, how can a practitioner with such strength of energy and blood be so weak?

Then, at the very least, you have to step into the Spirit Pivot Realm.

At that moment, Feng Yao suddenly shivered.

"Huh? That person is... Feng Qianwei? Is that person Zhuge Qingchen?

That person, is Feng Chaoge?

Is that Zhuge Qianyun? "

Feng Yao was stunned, and immediately, his mind was shocked, and his eyes and face showed a look of horror.

"That's not Feng Qianwei. Feng Qianwei has a better figure. This woman is too thin, like she is skinny."

"That's not Zhuge Qingchen. Zhuge Qingchen is slender and perfect, but this person is abnormally withered and his body is very rickety."

"That's not Feng Chaoge, there's a big difference in temperament, and it's also skinny."

"Zhuge Qianyun, the special existence of Tianji Sacred Land, is now unfathomable, far stronger than me, and she can't be here."

After Feng Yao passed the state of shock, he immediately analyzed it.

He knows that things are beyond imagination!

At this time, if he didn't know this, he wouldn't be able to survive in this world.

Therefore, he originally wanted to bypass that area.

But then he discovered that that area was the special area he needed to investigate, and it would not work to go around it.

"Since I can't avoid it, let's go and see what's going on! With my current ability, the problem here should still be able to be handled."

Feng Yao pondered, then walked over there.

However, as they got closer, Feng Yao discovered that everything was weirder.

He originally thought that it was Feng Qianwei, Zhuge Qingchen and the others, but at this time, he discovered that those people were indeed those people.

However, at this time, their bodies were already rotten, and they even emitted a strong smell of carrion.

This kind of breath made him feel bored and vomit immediately after he breathed it, and his head was dizzy.

"not good."

Feng Yao immediately forced out those breaths, and then released his divine power to protect him, maintaining his utmost vigilance.

At this time, he is no longer ready to continue to investigate - this place has completely lost control, and a huge mutation has occurred!

But at this time, he could no longer control himself. He thought about retreating, but his body walked towards that area uncontrollably.

"You, finally came, and now, just a few seeds from you to plant!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came out.

Then, Feng Yao only felt a bloody light explode in front of him.


"Feng Yao!"

"Are you there, Prince?"

"The Emperor???"

"In this case, it's better not to joke! We have already sensed your breath and breathing, as well as your unique breath of the emperor, so why bother?"

"Prince Emperor! Even if you have some dissatisfaction with me, at such a critical moment, we should focus on the overall situation!"

"Yeah, Prince of Heaven, could it be that you want to disappoint Master Su again?"

"Master Su will definitely be back!"

Feng Qianwei and Zhuge Qingchen continued to call out loudly, and at the same time used some of the power of heaven to carry out penetrating sound transmission.

However, they never got a response from Feng Yao.

Feng Qianwei looked at Zhuge Qingchen helplessly, and said helplessly, "Brother Qingchen, Feng Yao - Prince Tian, ​​he looks like he doesn't want to pay attention to us for the time being."

Zhuge Qingchen pondered for a moment before hesitantly said, "Perhaps this is not the case, he may have encountered great trouble just like us before.

As for that similar aura, maybe it wasn't him. "

Feng Qianwei was a little unconvinced and said, "How is that possible."

Zhuge Qingchen said indifferently, "Nothing is impossible. You know where this place is, so you should also know that it is not surprising that anything happens in this place."

Feng Qianwei thought for a while, and said, "Then, since the Emperor has also encountered a crisis, how about we retreat first in this place? Indeed, I also feel that this place is not appropriate for the strange things I have experienced before."

Zhuge Qingchen pondered a little, sighed, and said, "I still have a painting of Brother Li in my hand, but I don't really want to use it.

However, if there is any abnormal situation, it is inevitable to take it out and use it, but I don't want to waste the special energy above. "

Feng Qianwei understood what Zhuge Qingchen meant.

She nodded and said, "Retreat."

Zhuge Qingchen acquiesced.

Feng Qianwei pondered for a while, and said, "Actually, I think things may not be simple - don't you, brother Qingchen, didn't you realize that since Master Su left, the whole world seems to have broken out of some rules and order? "

"Well, of course I found it, but these things, it is possible that we are in the game and feel the world is difficult. In fact, it should be like this every time when the catastrophe of returning to the ruins is about to come."

Zhuge Qingchen said, and Feng Qianwei turned back at the same time, ready to leave this place.

However, after turning back and walking for a distance, they were surprised to find that not far ahead was the area of ​​Lihe Village.

Lihe Village, in the dark environment, looks very desolate and desolate, it looks like a mass grave.


Zhuge Qingchen is a Transcendent Heavenly Secret Master who specializes in Heavenly Secrets, and now he is even more capable.

With just one look, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

On the other hand, Feng Qianwei was also pale and her pretty face was pale.

By this moment, they have understood that they cannot leave.

"This place, for the most part... is a trap to hunt us down!"

There was a bit of a wry smile on Zhuge Qingchen's face.

It's not that he hasn't experienced danger, or even a more dangerous environment than before, he has also encountered it, but this time, the feeling is completely different.

"We still haven't looked at the huge Karma in Lihe Village, so that such a bad thing happened."

Feng Qianwei felt a little regretful.

Before, when she saw some of the cultivators of the same generation in Lihe Village who were watching from a distance but did not enter, she actually thought it was a little funny - what's so taboo in such a place?

However, at this time, Feng Qianwei felt that the other party was obviously more thoughtful than they thought.

On the contrary, it is they who are truly ridiculous.

"At this time, we can't hold back. I will try my best to open the realm to see if we can get out of the shackles of this area. If we can, let's leave immediately without any delay!"

Zhuge Qingchen said in a deep voice.

At this time, his expression was extremely serious and cold.

Feng Qianwei nodded deeply, this was also her inner thought.

However, when such a situation occurs, in fact, she already knows it, and the hope is not too great.

"This time, if I'm still alive, I will definitely, definitely cultivate my soul-related abilities, and try to open the Nine Orifices Exquisite Heart..."

"It seems that I'm still too stupid after all, and I'll be hit every time!"

"It's so stupid, I think at the beginning, I must have been disgusted to death."

Feng Qianwei even thought so in her heart.

And whenever she thinks of some stupid things, she can't help blushing now.

"Two seeds again."

"very good."

Suddenly, an extremely hoarse, mysterious and frightening voice resounded in the hearts of Feng Qianwei and Zhuge Qingchen.


"This is Lihe Village."

"Look here, it has become like this."

"It looks like it really looks like a starry beast after dying and turning into a ferocious soul. It's extremely sad."

"The source of resentment is very strong. Anyone who enters here will be refined into top blood food."

Su Li muttered to herself.

At the same time, he stared at Lihe Village in the distance, and his eyes were particularly deep.

"Husband, the little guy has been quiet before, but this time she came here, she seemed to be very excited and kept kicking me."

Meier gently stroked | touched her bulging belly and said softly.

As she said that, she couldn't help but look at Lihe Village in the distance.

This is where Su Li once lived and where her husband lived when he was a child.

But now it has been covered by a dark cloud, it looks like a purgatory on earth, gloomy and terrifying.

Su Li glanced at Mei'erren, and there was not much emotional fluctuation in his eyes.

It was as if the child had nothing to do with him by half a dime.

However, Meier didn't care at all, instead she continued to say softly, "Husband, don't worry, no matter what, Meier will definitely be waiting for you to come back."

Yun Qingxuan was a little confused, but she rationally didn't ask.

And Su Li just whispered, "Well, don't worry, I'll definitely be back."

Hearing Su Li's words, Yun Qingxuan finally couldn't hold back, "Master Su, you—are you not here now?"

Hearing this, Su Li shook his head gently and said, "He left, but a long time ago, he left a clone that went out independently and sent it to a long time ago.

Therefore, if his body does not come back, I will always be equivalent to a painting.

But if he comes back, then I am a complete life.

So, you can now regard me as one of his obsessions, and then be manifested by Meier with a painting.

I say that, do you understand?

I was just a sustenance created by the body of Su Li created by Meier with memory and combined with a painting.

There is no great ability or ability. "

Su Li said so, but the shadow twin scythes he was carrying still carried an incomparably terrifying and powerful killing aura.

Such a breath also reflects from one side, the strength of this Su Li is by no means weak!

Not only is it not weak, but it is even extremely tyrannical, and its combat power is extremely heaven-defying.

Meier glanced at Su Li and said softly, "Husband, no matter what difficult situation will be in the future, Meier has already left this perfect spiritual sustenance.

In the future, if you come back, you will also be able to induce induction in the first place.

At that time, we can get in touch. "

Mei'er's voice was very soft, but there was an incomparably deep feeling in it.

Yun Qingxuan began to open up and didn't understand.

But now, after some listening, she has completely understood.

That's why she suddenly admired Mei'er immensely.

Admiring Meier's persistence, she has extended a feeling that is completely impossible to persist to such a point.

Yun Qingxuan was waiting to speak.

Suddenly, Su Li freezes for a moment, and then, there seems to be a momentary dullness and dullness in his eyes.

After a while, Su Li suddenly looked at Mei'er's lower abdomen and said softly, "Mei'er, I will be back, it should be soon."

Su Li suddenly said such a sentence, causing Meier and Yun Qingxuan to tremble!

In the beautiful eyes of the two, there was an indescribable shock.

Because, they suddenly heard such a voice, and at the same time sensed that mysterious aura that was very familiar.

At the same time, that breath has already been integrated into their bones and souls.

So much so that when the breath appeared, the two of them burst into tears for the first time.

Unfortunately, when the two of them tried to capture that mysterious and familiar atmosphere, they couldn't capture anything.

Everything, like a mirage, has completely dissipated in an instant.

Mei'er thought she had auditory hallucinations.

However, when he saw that Yun Qingxuan was also almost like this, when Yun Qingxuan also looked at her with a complicated look.

She suddenly saw hope in the other's eyes.

At that moment, Meier couldn't help but burst into tears.

"We have to go and get out of this place, otherwise, it's too dangerous here!"

"Since he will come back, we shouldn't take any more risks for the time being. Especially the little guy has made new movements now. It's been three years now, and it looks like he is about to be born."

"If he comes back, he will be very happy and have a sense of belonging when he sees that the child has grown up."

Meier said, and then retreated almost instinctively.

Saying that, she glanced at Su Li again.

But at this time, Su Li, as if he was suddenly hit by a thunderbolt, was frozen in place.

Dazzling white lightning continued to escape from his body.

At the same time, his whole person looked like a carrion that was about to turn into a skinny corpse, and he looked extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Mei'er's beautiful eyes suddenly froze.

Yun Qingxuan was stunned, and then seemed to have thought of something, and her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Go! Let's go, don't worry about it!"

Yun Qingxuan screamed.

Knowing that this Master Su was just a sustenance and not even a replica, Yun Qingxuan couldn't take care of that much anymore.

"It's already - we can't go away, the darkness is already shrouded, and Lihe Village is swimming behind us."

Like the Su Li locked by lightning, the voice changed again.

It became extremely cold and extremely gloomy.

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