I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 808 The Ultimate Temptation, Self-Inflicted

Jiang Yuning's eyes are very beautiful, such a pair of beautiful and clear eyes, but also with a beautiful rhythm, which does not show any plum blossom eye color, but it is more beautiful.

It seems that it has transformed from the plum blossom eye pupil, and the blue is better than the blue.

Su Li looked into Jiang Yuning's eyes and lost her mind again for a moment.

Such a pair of eyes, he seems to have really seen it somewhere.

But all the Karma good fortunes, such as the Great Karma and the Great Destiny, which have always been extremely useful, have become invalid at this time - he can't remember where and where he saw such a pair of eyes.

"What are you looking at?"

Jiang Yuning came back to her senses, and seemed to have caught a familiar touch in the depths of Su Li's eyes, but she felt panic for a moment.

It was very obvious at that moment, but she immediately hid it and said it immediately.

When she said the word 'you', her voice trembled slightly, but after saying the word 'me', she was already extremely calm, but with a bit of humor and cunning.

It seems that all of this still carries a bit of ridicule and inexplicable nostalgia.

In short, this is a person who absolutely makes it impossible for anyone to grasp her mind.

Su Li didn't use the system, and didn't even try to deduce anything by using methods such as mysticism.

Because the gap between the two sides is already somewhat obvious.

Su Li's ability is still much worse than hers - even if this time Su Li himself has been greatly improved because he has realized the Realm of the Immortal-level Tao, but it is still far behind.

Because the heritage he accumulated in a short period of time cannot be compared to the heritage accumulated by these countless thousands of years of existence.

Not to mention, this is an existence that has lived through many generations, and the memories of past and present lives are all integrated into one existence.

"I'm looking at you."

Su Li's tone was direct, and he said it almost without hesitation.

After saying it, Su Li suddenly felt that such a statement was very abrupt and might even cause misunderstandings by others.

But Jiang Yuning seemed to understand what Su Li meant, but didn't mind, and said, "I have nothing to look at, although I do have some natural beauty, but it's just a pair of skins.

A good-looking skin is, after all, just the same. "

Su Li said, "Are you covering up? Then you were not looking at me before?"

Jiang Yuning said, "I'm looking at Su Yan, not you. But if you think I'm looking at you, that's okay, but I'm afraid you won't recognize it."

Jiang Yuning said, and smiled again, "Do you dare to admit it? You dare not, of course I dare not agree if you admit it."

Su Li said, "Yes, I really don't dare to admit it, or it's not that I don't dare, but I can't admit it. Yes it is, no it is not. It may have been, but it must not be now."

Jiang Yuning said, "Yes, it must have been in the past, but it must not be now. Sometimes yes and no, after all, Yin & Yang are separated."

Su Li pondered for a moment and said, "Yeah, now not only Yin & Yang are separated, but Deva is separated forever. Su Yan has become history completely. When one day his memory is forgotten in the last person's heart, he will be completely disappeared.

And this moment will come soon.

Perhaps after Karma this time, there will be no more Su Yan in this world. "

Jiang Yuning sighed, "You are too naive."

Su Li said, "Could it not be?"

Jiang Yuning said, "Su Yan is still there. When Su Yan is completely dead, Ji Xie, the evil king, is another Su Yan. It's like Mu Qingyan can have an extra one - have you seen it?"

Su Li remained silent.

Jiang Yuning said, "Some evil thoughts are different, Mu Qingyan's evil thoughts are easy to deal with, that's because her evil thoughts are not evil as a whole, because her good thoughts are not so special.

But some are very extreme.

This is actually very similar to you.

Now - as long as Ji Xie captures Hu Chen, he will be able to kill you directly.

This sentence - can you understand it? "

Su Li pondered and said, "So, Su Yan's evil thought is the evil king Ji Xie -- after Su Yan died, the evil king Ji Xie existed instead of the main body, just like the evil thought Mu Qingyan replaced Immortal Mu Qingyan?

So if I die, wouldn't it—"

Jiang Yuning suddenly interrupted Su Li and said, "No, you won't die, at least one group of people will never let you die."

Su Li was silent for a while, then said, "Are you included in this group of people?"

Jiang Yuning thought for a while before seriously responding, "Of course it includes me."

Su Li said, "Jiang's family is very good at attacking the heart. I was tricked by Jiang Tianyi before, you say - can I trust you?"

Jiang Yuning said, "The Jiang family has the Jiang family from the world of Tongtian Pagoda, the Jiang family in the world of the prehistoric mythology, and the Jiang family from China.

There is a fairy gourd king named Jiang Junshang in China Eight Immortals. Could it be that he is also a Jiang family member? "

Su Li said, "Then are you the Jiang family?"

Jiang Yuning said, "I am, I am indeed a member of the Jiang family of the same clan as Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tianling, Jiang Donghuang, or Jiang Taiyi, but not exactly."

Su Li asked, "What kind of Karma?"

Jiang Yuning said, "I have been arranged to practice in the Ice Palace since I was a child, and at the same time there is a maid who depends on each other for life - because in the fate of the Jiang family, I am the only variable.

It is the type of 'things that attack the heart of the extreme way', which is equivalent to an upgraded variety.

No one knew what the consequences would be, so I was expelled alone and left unattended, so I didn't know anything about the Jiang family's attack.

What I know is what I comprehend.

But I did do something indebted to Su Yan and Mu Qingyan, which I regret. "

Su Li said, "Okay, these past thoughts will gradually show the corresponding Karma. Even if they don't show up, it doesn't matter, time will be the best proof.

The clear is self-cleaning, and the turbid is self-turbid.

It is really innocent, then it will not be deceived.

And it is really filthy, even if it is hidden, it is only for a while.

Just like Xiaoqian, there will always be times when the picture is poor. "

Jiang Yuning said, "Don't compare me with her, because it's too humiliating. If you scold me a few times, it's probably better than this."

Hearing this, Su Li couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, it looks like you dislike her too."

Jiang Yuning did not respond, but sighed, "What do you want to ask, ask, you are right, since you have seen about the Potian Altar, I can't say anything, so I will choose the second one, for you Some answers - at this point, you are actually the same as him, the aggressive methods are very specific, and most of us are helpless."

Su Li said, "Don't pull on him like that, it's not necessary.

And if you don't want to say it, the result won't be any different. It's all up to you, and I'm not forcing you.

Because if you talk about it or not, I already know how to get to the Potian Altar, and I will go too. "

Jiang Yuning was silent for a moment, but did not respond.

Su Li mused, "Xiaoqian said something to me before, specifically—"

Su Li said, looked at Jiang Yuning again and said, "Did you already know?"

Jiang Yuning said, "I don't know, this kind of shackle blockade containing the Six Paths of Reincarnation authority, I can't know - it was you who summoned me, and I discovered everything."

Su Li said, "She said a lot before, I'll tell you all about it..."

Su Li said almost everything Xiaoqian mentioned before.

Then Su Li looked at Jiang Yuning and said, "Now, please analyze it all for me. Do you think I should believe it or not? How can I extract useful information from it?"

Jiang Yuning said, "In fact, most of what she said is true, but some are false.

The real part is that she and Li Juan do have some gaps, but she knows this gap, and Li Juan also knows it, and doesn't even care.

But she said this to make you more trustworthy.

And then eliciting hatred or something, naturally, is to explore your background through the truth.

What she's looking for, I don't know.

But it must be very close to Li Juan's series of plots.

Among them, you may be hiding some huge secrets.

I'm guessing it's also related to the practice of virtual reality.

In fact, Li Juan may have been guessing whether you also used a method similar to refining the virtual and returning to the real.

This is not only Li Juan, but also the guardians of the timeline area are also concerned about this time.

Because all the real and virtual that strongly interfere with the change of reality will definitely distort the timeline and cause powerful destruction.

This is a means of touching the root and core of the world, which is even more hateful and ruthless than brushing Karma at a time fault point. And since you are Su Yan's reincarnation, you have the ability to invoke some abilities of the Timeline.

You had the ability of the time axis before, but it was cut off by the goddess of time, so it was condensed on the body by means of a big time technique.

But the time axis is actually a combination of the Great Time Technique and the rest of the Supreme Dao.

Just like leeks, sometimes they will grow back after being cut off, and they will be thicker and larger. "

Jiang Yuning said, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Li Juan may feel that something is wrong, so she is alert, let Xiaoqian expose the truth and falsehood, and explode to explore your background.

Therefore, Xiaoqian's words are all temptations, and even give you a kind of - if you use such means, you may also leave a reminder of flaws.

This is the active fight against the grass to startle the snake.

As long as you are jealous, then you repair or try to make up for it, then the other party will be attracted.

This point should be the same as that Yang Peak's experience of stealing Xia Xinning's treasure.

What is this hand called?

This is throwing stones to ask for directions and then following the vines. "

Jiang Yuning said, glanced at Su Li inexplicably, and said, "In the past, Su Yan liked to do this kind of method very much. Because the methods such as True Void Heaven Forbidden were all developed by him.

In the beginning, this is a very invincible way, trapping the enemy in the real and the virtual, in which he wants to use all his power and emotions, and then in reality, the enemy has become like a beggar, and his status is extremely low.

After the enemy wakes up, he will not be able to accept such a world-class status, so he will sink completely.

This is a more terrifying way than killing.

Almost no one can break free.

Later, the Cultivation Technique has been transformed into a different version.

And according to this method, a new way of playing was set up by a strange existence.

Anyway, very bizarre, very strange. "

Su Li said, "Hu Chen?"

Jiang Yuning said, "Who else is there besides him? This should be the most peculiar existence in this world."

Su Li was silent.

Jiang Yuning added, "Probably what Li Juan didn't expect at all was that I was involved this time, but my participation was indeed unintentional. But from the current situation, it can only be said that it was intentionally drawn.

And can lead such a situation, there is no doubt that it is the high-level in the world of prehistoric mythology.

Those who exist and what are the arrangements will start very early, and there will be almost no deviations.

Now when you look back, I owe you Karma and gave you weapons.

And you used a weapon to end Su Yan Mu Qingyan's Karma, thus leading to the revival of Mu Qingyan's evil thoughts.

The evil thoughts Mu Qingyan brought out the human emperor Nuwa, and the human emperor Nuwa was forced to respond to Karma and introduce Qianluoshui to you.

Qianluoshui first sharpens the knife and lifts you up—testing how strong Nirvana's characteristics are and how strong your heritage is.

After finding it very scary, he surrendered and blew himself up.

In this way, and then lead by Samsara, secretly pass through the sky-breaking altar to lock you.

In this way, as long as you change something, you will definitely respond to such a terrifying Karma.

Have you ever thought about it, if you really want to practice falsehood and return to truth, you will be like Xia Xinning, feeling that the baby can't hide and take a look - if you look at this one, you will be finished.

This time, Li Juan is enough to have the means to seize all the authority of your emperor, and hammer you to death.

But not only are we protecting you, the World of Prehistoric Mythology is still protecting you.

At least the world of prehistoric mythology actually has infighting, not completely single-minded.

For example, the existence of the human emperor Nuwa feels that he wants to establish an orthodox human emperor, so it is biased towards you.

But some don't think so, thinking that the myth system is the real orthodoxy, and the so-called ancestral land of China is just an ordinary mortal in the mortal world.

But this time, because I was drawn in and my own responsibilities, once I found out that Li Juan's real and imaginary means were eroding the timeline, that was to directly seize the current situation.

This was indeed caught, but it could only suppress Xiaoqian, because it was Xiaoqian who got the stolen goods and Li Juan did not lead any Karma on this Xiaoqian or Qian Luoshui.

Because she has taught everything that should be taught.

We caught Xiaoqian and took the initiative, but we didn't do anything.

The higher the level, the more attention must be paid to Karma logic, which is the so-called evidence.

In addition, Li Juan also exists behind him, so he will naturally take action.

So this is all it can do.

Now Li Juan's problem is stuck here, and the Samsara permission here will definitely be locked. You have obtained it here, and you must not touch it in reality.

20% of the authority was lost here, but in reality she didn't lose it.

If you get it in reality, then you are also implicated in the true and false, and you must be taken away for investigation.

But you have to understand one thing -

Once you've been taken to the area where the timeline is, you can't get out again.

That is the real place of sin, the place of the cage. No matter if it is true or false, enough existences will directly kill you, leaving you no chance to struggle.

So there cannot be any reason and excuse to take you away. "

Jiang Yuning said, and said again, "So, this time's response, is the information comprehensive enough?"

Su Li said, "Well, this time the answer is comprehensive and detailed enough to answer many of my doubts. It's really not easy."

Jiang Yuning said, "Are you actually willing to believe it? Or make a comparison and reference, which is equivalent to collecting some information?"

Su Li said, "Believe, what do you not believe? I think I can indeed believe you."

Jiang Yuning said, "Aren't you afraid of being attacked? The Jiang family is very dangerous."

Su Li said, "Do you remember the Yuanci Slashing Evil Sword?"

Jiang Yuning hesitated for a moment, then fell silent.

Su Li said, "Wanhun Daoguo actually has very little hope, but you are using it to save your maid, this is almost certain to be true.

And it's more true - Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword and Yuan Magnetic Killing Realm are both true.

I don't think a person who can possess the Yuan Magnetic Slaying Evil Sword and the Yuan Magnetic Killing Realm will still do something offensive.

Because Yuan Ci Zhan Evil Sword itself cannot coexist with those ulterior motives.

And when you took out this sword, I noticed that it was very dependent on you—or rather, it was not dependent, but could coexist.

There are ten Second Stage Zulei Divine Light in the Yuan Magnetic Sword of Slaying Evil.

It also contains the Great Array of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons, as well as the Totem of the Twelve Ancestors.

I found these when I was using them, and they were all fully activated.

Sometimes I don't need to trust you--but I can trust the artifact.

So you don't have a big problem.

At least not right now.

This is my judgment.

Do you have anything to add? "

Jiang Yuning thought thoughtfully and said, "Besides that, isn't it because of anything else?"

Su Li said, "There should be nothing else."

Jiang Yuning said, "Then I'm also very honored. I'm honored that you will consider this aspect - but the Yuan Ci Zhan Evil Sword is actually not mine. After all, your consideration is too one-sided."

Su Li said, "After Xiaoqian was nailed to death, only 10% of her background was cut, right? What if she still has 90% of her background? Is it still that Xiaoqian? Does Qianluoshui still exist?

If Qian Luoshui died in the secret realm of Luoshui, how would I explain to the emperor Nuwa? "

Jiang Yuning said, "Xiaoqian is cut off by the corresponding Spirit of Heavenly Dao, and will be completely suppressed directly, there will be no chance of detachment, and the end will be extremely miserable.

The remaining Heavenly Dao in the world of Qian Nu will return to normal, that is, a new Heavenly Dao spirit will take over - the name is still Xiaoqian, but all the previous Karma will be gone.

In other words, it's a brand new 'Xiao Qian', just with the same name.

This...you should already have a lot of experience. "

Su Li nodded and said, "Unfortunately, I can't suppress her personally and put her in The Underworld on the eighteenth floor."

Jiang Yuning said, "If this is the case, there will definitely be a chance - but The Underworld on the eighteenth floor may not be as miserable as she is now."

Hearing this, Su Li narrowed his eyes slightly—is the suppression in the timeline area very ruthless?

Even Samsara's eighteenth floor, The Underworld, can't compare to the ferocity of the other party?

What kind of brutal repression was that?

Jiang Yuning said, thought for a while, and said, "As for Qianluoshui, Qianluoshui will not die, there will be a Qianluoshui back again, and it's just called 'Qianluoshui', and Xiaoqian is no longer there. any relationship.

This Qianluoshui may also be Karma, the righteous daughter of Nuwa, the continuation of the human emperor.

But Fairy Splendid is indeed dead, which can only be said to be a great regret. "

The fifth update~ There will be updates in the follow-up~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Bowing~ I am grateful~

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