I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 830 Shameless Game, Professional Opening [For Subscription And Monthly Pass]

Before entering the system panel space, Su Li first applied a layer of "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" effect almost instinctively.

Then, in the system panel space, Su Li saw Immortal light blue.

Immortal light blue is indeed more beautiful.

This situation has actually appeared on the light blue elf, and now it is the same feedback on the Immortal light blue.

Just like that exquisite page game screen has been transformed into a super exquisite 3D masterpiece, all kinds of light and shadow are created by a super-class engine.

It even contained strands of crystal clear aura—but it was not really transparent, but contained an extremely attractive spiritual glow and dense aura.

Su Li was originally in a heavy mood, but after seeing the beauty of Immortal's light blue, he couldn't help but feel a little "Zhang Er monk can't figure out".

Su Li looked at Immortal light blue speechlessly and said, "I came to you in a hurry to discuss it, but you seduced me as soon as I met, is it really good for you to do this?"

Immortal light blue quipped, "Isn't that bad? Aren't you excited?"

Su Li sighed and said, "Before entering the Babel Tower, I actually thought that in the future, I can only be a grandfather and a rich second generation who can limit my strength infinitely, and then there is an empress like Immortal light blue. My wife eats soft rice, alas, this boring life..."

Immortal light blue heard the words, and her pretty face couldn't help but turn black.

Then Su Li said helplessly, "As a result... ah, it's hard to say, I can only make do with 1 million good fortune points and 10 million Tianji points."

Immortal light blue said, "Actually, there are still many good things that can be refreshed in the System Tianji Mall, even if you can't afford it now, but you can refresh and see how to solve your cravings. After all, it's fun to just look at it, isn't it?"

Su Li's breath froze, "Can't you afford it with 10,000,000 heavenly worth?"

Immortal light blue said, "Didn't you say that you don't carry it on your body and integrate it into Magic Treasures? This is not stored by me, so you still have 100,000 days of value. Then you burned 10,000 before, and the remaining Ninety thousand."

Su Li "..."

Su Li said, "Speaking of such a transformation this time, there are various benefits not to mention, then "Mysterious Art and Spirituality" really fits the word 'psychic'. This is the spirit of Eight Trigrams."

Immortal light blue said, "It's Fu Wanling, are you not good at heart?"

Su Li said, "Tooling? She doesn't seem to like talking."

Immortal light blue said, "You've been ignoring the fact that monsters don't like to talk?"

Su Li "..."

Su Li said, "So Fu Wanling is actually still there, where is it? Isn't it inside the Fuxi Qin?"

Immortal light blue said, "It is indeed in the Fuxi Qin, but the spirit is independent, and it is also one with the Eight Trigrams spirit, and at the same time plays a role of assisting the spirit.

Now the "psychic" in your "Xuanshu Tongling", which is in line with the profound meaning of the Innate Eight Trigrams diagram and has such progress, naturally can fit the Fuwan Ling to perceive the world.

If combined with the Six Paths of Reincarnation vision, then the effect is naturally better. "

Su Li said, "I see, but I don't seem to be able to activate the artifact spirit Fuwanling now."

Immortal light blue said, "Didn't you find that Magic Treasures seem to be ineffective?"

Su Li was stunned for a moment, and then his face immediately became wonderful.

"This--how can this be? This fucking--"

"Don't talk dirty."

"It's really a bunch of shit that's not a rafter."

"It's good to get used to it, no one is more professional than them regardless of shamelessness."

"Magic Treasures is invalid, isn't it bad to use the whip."

"It's alright, there's one thing that hasn't been taken out yet, so I'm just waiting for them to do this trick - did you find that there was a treasure missing from the system space before?"

"Bai Yu Demon God Yaoguang Bow?"

"Yes, Magic Treasures have failed. They thought that this bow has really collapsed? Just buy it in the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house, just get such a large amount of 'resources', it's not useful. the place?"

"That's a good thing, it's quite appropriate."

"In addition, I hope that the Sword of Soul Poison and the Feather of Hope Soul Poison cannot be used, but the Linghe Qinglian Armor has been rebuilt and has a very good defensive effect."

"Can the Yuan Magnetic Slashing Evil Sword be brushed out?"

"Would you like to give you another killing eagle clone for you?"

"Cough, then forget it."

"Have you seen the future locked to the future scene this time?"

"Don't you know?"

"How can I spy on you all the time, and even if I spy, it's impossible to discover your privacy, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, I thought you were always spying on my baby."


While communicating with Immortal Light Blue, Su Li also carefully described some of the blurred scenes he's "seeing the future".

Even a little bit, that would undoubtedly be very scary.

And seeing the difference in the future 'future' is bound to happen!

That's the scary part of seeing the future.

That is to say, even if this is not the real result, it is still part of the result. It depends on whether it can be forcibly reversed or if the result is only a part of the experience, and then turn more defeats into victory.

Su Li's mention of these has no effect, mainly because the system panel space is not in The Three Realms and not in the Five Elements, and Su Li also set a layer of "Zhuang Zhou Dream Butterfly" effect, otherwise this matter he It is not easy to show it.

After all, it has entered the interior of the Babel Tower, which itself may be monitored.

Immortal Light Blue pondered for a long time, and then retrieved some information from the upper layer and analyzed it.

Immortal light blue sighed and said, "There have been some changes in the upper-level game, and the information just obtained indicates that there are some changes, you should pay attention to them properly.

Since you have used "Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly" and the effect of the dream realm, then it doesn't matter if you know it.

When you go out later, use the big Karma technique to cut off all the experience here, and record the information on the system panel tab, so you don't even know anything. "

Su Li said solemnly, "Well, I see."

Immortal light blue said, "This time there are several aspects to this matter.

First of all, as the dragon ancestor of the Black Dragon Ancestral Land Zulong City, Chao, put forward a suggestion.

This suggestion is that Qian Nu’s world collapsed due to reality and needs to pave the way for evolution. Therefore, it is necessary for Hongmeng Research Base, the World of Prehistoric Mythology and the Great Plane World of Tongtian Tower to join forces to increase the upper limit of Qiannv’s world, and at the same time decentralize Tongtian Tower’s “Soul Soul Tomb” assessment mode.

This request was approved.

Therefore, at the same time that the Tongtian Tower opened the Qiannv World trial, it also opened the corresponding assessment.

We asked questions here, but their answers were also straightforward.

First, Qian Nu's world did not specifically target Su Li, nor did anything unfair. On the contrary, Qian Nu's world was incomplete because of the truth. Now it has been restored and made more complete, which is very fair, otherwise the upper class will not be All approved!

Second, there was a promotion mechanism in Qian Nu's world before, and it is impossible to see whether there is reality or not, so it is normal to join the three-story Soul Tomb and the thirty-three-story Tongtian Tower to climb the tower!

Third, as a special assessment site, the Babel Tower must of course enter the strict mode, so it is very fair to block the super sure-kill Magic Treasures method from the prehistoric mythical world system - otherwise, every Tianjiao will bring The last piece of Magic Treasures, wouldn't it be possible to pass the level lying down?

Fourth, being killed in the world of Qian Nu will not be worn to death, and at most 10% of the heritage will be lost - but the life-and-death struggle in the Tongtian Tower and the Tomb of Soul Requiem, then there is no limit, after all, you have not entered the 'world of Qian Nu', right?

That is to say, if you can't pass the assessment of the Soul Tomb below the Sky Tower, you can't be considered an elite, and you're not qualified to be protected by the world of Qian Nu.

Moreover, with so many talents, it is impossible for everyone to be eligible to enter the world of the beautiful girl - even if the world of the beautiful girl has been transformed into a real world, it is impossible to accommodate so many Karmas. "

The answer given by Immortal Light Blue made Su Li unable to complain - this is really omnipotent.

It is indeed shameless to be able to do such a thing in the name of 'fairness' in such a high-sounding manner.

"That's not bad. Talk about another thing you overlooked."

Immortal's light blue tone was a little solemn.

Su Li said, "Let's talk."

Immortal light blue said, "The good news is that Li Juan will be suppressed very miserably and will not be able to come out for a short time, but the bad news is that other similar existences accompanying her will also be severely suppressed."

Su Li said, "The two of China Eight Immortals? Are they going to be terribly suppressed as well?"

Immortal light blue said, "Yes, but this is not the worst news. The worst news is Li Juan's identity."

Hearing this, Su Li recalled Li Juan's identity, and suddenly thought of one thing-suddenly, Su Li almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and almost made her nose crooked.

Because he thought, Li Juan - has two identities.

It's a dual identity!

She used to play dual roles before!

After she scrapped one account, there was another account!

So this time, as long as she transfers her core will to 'Ying', this Li Juan is just like the previous 'Xiaoqian' series, Li Juan can be severely beaten!

In this way, the backhand will slash one of China Eight Immortals!

And what did Li Juan lose?

Her identity as a 'shadow' is still at large, and she can still steal all kinds of bargains.

Su Li didn't speak for a while.

In fact, he had long known that Li Juan had dual identities, but he had never thought of it.

Not only did Su Li not expect it, but everyone subconsciously ignored it.

"Looks like you've thought of it too - at that time, she was doing a lot of mischief, causing one account to be 'abandoned', so we all subconsciously thought she only had one account.

It's obviously not the case.

This is the method of the "Three Caves of the Crafty Rabbit" that has been prepared for a long time.

In terms of top Karma, the Hongmeng Research Base is also professional.

This caused us to ignore her ability to buy bargains from the very beginning. In the final analysis, it was to show everyone that she died, but in fact, it was temporarily used to jump out. "

Immortal light blue pondered.

Su Li said, "So, those actors in Qian Nu's world - it is estimated that they will not be replaced.

And this time Hu Chen and Wang Chen seem to have an accident. In this way, both Hu Chen and Wang Chen have problems.

This is a trend that is about to collapse across the board. "

Immortal said in pale blue, "Yes, that's what it's supposed to be - if we didn't pay attention to that.

But now that we've noticed, it's different.

And now you have the seven great three thousand avenues, the first six of which are combined into the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you are the master of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and you currently have 80% of the authority - although 30% of the authority has been temporarily blocked Live, but can't change the Karma of core sovereignty.

So you can't be drawn to Karma so casually.

As long as there is a sign of this "seeing the future", the Great Karma technique and the other three thousand avenues will be immediately blocked, and then the Great Fate Technique will distort fate, and the Great Time Technique will distort time.

With your current accomplishments of the Three Thousand Great Dao's 'consummate fire', that is enough to have a chance to reverse.

This is what truly changes the future!

The more powerful the current Dao lineage is, the more it can reverse the future, because the future cannot come-because you are the overlord of the current reality.

The stronger you are in the present, the Karma of the past and the future can all be pulled and twisted to reverse the change! "

Su Li thought carefully, then gradually calmed down.

This is indeed the case.

And there is indeed room for change - otherwise the vision of the future cannot be locked.

And since that 'Super' is so powerful, naturally he will definitely make another shot.

On the one hand, he definitely wants to raise his upper limit in reality.

So cut off Magic Treasures.

On the one hand, there will definitely be a strong lower bound.

So raise the upper limit of the world, in this way, he will definitely show something about the sunset world.

There are two directions to choose from - pretending to be a coward and being beaten.

Turn into a strong man and beat Tianjiao but pull the upper limit.

The second is a dead end in a vicious circle.

But the first one is even more impossible to survive - if he can't pass the assessment and enter the world of Qian Nu, then the "World of Qian Nu" he compiled may not be considered orthodox.

"There is still a tendency to be turned over after winning Ma? Although my overall loss may not be huge even if it is turned over, but doing it like this... It's disgusting!"

After thinking for a while, Su Li said slowly.

Immortal light blue said, "So I have been getting the latest news here. The information I have obtained so far is that the super strong Jhin and Ran seem to have gone to the Minor World to experience penance. So most of them are prepared.

This is the existence of Immortal heritage level. If you shoot in an area such as the Babel Tower, you will probably not be able to deal with it. "

Su Li said, "Can whiplash be suppressed by such rules?"

Immortal light blue said, "It does—you think about why."

Su Li just pondered for a moment and said, "This is the core logic and reason for the Great Plane World of the Babel Tower to restrain the World of Prehistoric Myths? If you face the world, you must pass the Babel Tower.

But in the Tower of Babel, Magic Treasures can expire at any time.

Only then will there be a chance for a game.

Otherwise, the World of Prehistoric Mythology will destroy the Great Plane World of Tongtian Tower. "

Immortal light blue said, "Yes, but this is only part of it, and the other part is - the great plane world of the Babel Tower created the world of prehistoric mythology, so the Babel Pagoda also contains the ability of shackles, and at the same time, the great plane world of the Babel Pagoda also wants to There is an extra Karma in the Tower of Babel to deal with the question of what to do if the world of the Great Wilderness Mythology is out of control.

The thirty-third floor of the Babel Tower corresponds to the thirty Third Stage days.

The Karma and the cages in it are endless - otherwise the Tower of Babel is like ruling the heavens and the world?

So the Tower of Babel is not that simple.

In the Tongtian Tower, there is generally no situation where the void barriers are broken, so the endurance is very strong.

This means that dying in it will be troublesome. "

Su Li thought seriously, and his face became much more solemn.

Su Li pondered, "Then, it will be very troublesome for me to deal with it this time - can you use methods such as leylines in the Tongtian Tower? Methods such as Feng Shui formation in mysticism and spirituality."

Immortal light blue said, "This is also possible, but the effect is not particularly good - after all, there is a special leyline structure in the Babel Tower, and it is impossible to be blessed by your leyline method to extract the leyline ability, this is not realistic.

However, because of the ability of the Master of Heaven and the Realm of your "Mysticism" Cultivation Technique, this ability is also good, not particularly bad. "

Su Li said, "What about boxing and kendo that contain the three thousand avenues?"

Immortal light blue said, "This effect is fine, but kendo and boxing should try to avoid those special realm methods."

Su Li nodded and said, "In this way, my abilities seem to be limited in all aspects. And I definitely can't directly use the Bai Yu Demon God Yaoguang Bow to slaughter at the beginning."

Immortal light blue said, "That's true, but if you can use formation, the Nine Palaces Spiritual Origin Array is actually pretty good.

Second, you can use other things—such as the things you first practiced in that fantasy world.

《Kunpeng Getaway》 Movement Technique is not easy to use without Azure Dragon Vermillion Bird blood.

"Red Soul Movement Technique" is more in line with the Babel, especially easy to use, and the system will be optimized later.

In addition, "Emperor Qi Transforming Dragon Swallowing Heaven", "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Mystery", "Heavenly Galaxy Cluster Blood Demon Soul Refining" are also very useful.

After that, I will condense the "Void Sky Killing Soul Road" and its corresponding lore "Void Nine Refinements Killing Soul Road" and "Shura Soul Killing Road", "Xuanji Battle Soul" and so on.

You can also use them upright. "

Immortal Light Blue comes out with a special Cultivation Technique.

what is this?

That's the benefit of 'real-time updates'.

This time Immortal light blue found such a problem, combined with the current environment, immediately re-modified these Cultivation Techniques, and then gathered them into the system mall.

In this way, Su Li has acquired a large number of Cultivation Techniques.

Su Li called up the system mall.

Then he saw a series of special Cultivation Techniques and items.

There was even a sword in it—not a particularly powerful sword, but one that Su Li was particularly familiar with.

Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword (Moxie Sword Heart).

Mo Xiejian, the go-getter with Xuanyuan's evil soul.

Su Li looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand again and was speechless.

This is obviously a powerful weapon of the Tongtian Tower version containing the power of Xuanyuan Sword!

Su Li looked at the price - Immortal light blue said he couldn't afford it, but it was actually worth 1 point per item.

I don't know if Su Wangchen in the fantasy world once saw this scene, would he envy and hate to separate the walls?

Su Li first bought the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword directly—then glanced at it and explained that the sword was Moxie Sword, and the heart was Su Tianxin.

Sure enough, this is...

Then Su Li directly purchased Cultivation Technique "Red Soul Movement Technique", "Emperor Qi Transforming Dragon Swallowing Heaven", "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Technique", "Sky Secret Galaxy Cluster Blood Demon Soul Refining Technique", "Void Heaven Killing Town" Soul Dao", "Void Nine Refinements Killing Soul Dao", "Shura Soul Chopping Dao" and "Xuanji Battle Soul", which is about 20% better than Tianmai Battle Soul.

Su Li wanted to say something at this time - dammit, real-time update? Hang up? Mastering the time gap 20,000 years ago, now daddy is a professional!

There are only a few dozen monthly passes away from 1,000 votes. It’s the end of the month. Let’s all vote for a few monthly passes. Thank you~ Thank you very much~

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