I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 871 Yunyan's Life And Death, Mysterious Identity

Su Li did not explicitly say such a result.

The results of all these come from the judgment of the Book of Chaos Destiny, and it is almost impossible to go wrong.

Maybe this series of abilities is good, but it should be taught by Feng Ziqing - the character is too direct.

This kind of character is generally not pleasing - it can be seen from the attitude of those clansmen in the wind clan god land towards Feng Ziqing.

Feng Ziqing lacked the means of iron and blood, so that this group of people dared to jump in front of her repeatedly.

But Fengyunyan is different, Fengyunyan will directly attack, so few Tianjiao dare to confront her directly.

Especially in the case of killing another batch before, this fierceness spread even more.

But in this way, it also means another thing-a very direct person is easy to be treated with conspiracy.

Then this ability is directly handled by Fengyunyan, and it will naturally be excellent.

Therefore, the ability of this real imaginary forbidden, the wind and clouds will be.

Not only did she know it, but she also showed it directly.

That's all about attracting firepower - either blow up a deeper Karma with Fengyunyan's self-destruction, or let Fengyunyan die in lieu of some of his Su Li's Karma's exposure to sacrifice.

This thing is very 'upper level'.

Has this happened?

Actually it happened.

It's like Hua Taichu's death - Hua Taichu's death was actually sent by his own upper class to die in his place.

Now people like Fengyunyan have been sent out again.

And it's the kind of surrogate.

It seems noble and great.

But Su Li was very, very disgusted with this.

He, Su Li, now has the winning ticket in his hands, and his ability has risen. All kinds of Karma should be destroyed and sorted out.

In such a good situation, he Su Li still needs someone else to help him die and replace Karma?

This is too ironic!

"It's fine if I don't know!"

"I know, this thing is still happening in front of me, so what's the difference between me and that Chao, Li Juan and others?!"

"I will never agree to this!"

Su Li's mood fluctuated for a moment.

Afterwards, Su Li immediately regained his composure, and at the same time he called out in his heart, "Light blue elf."

"Master, the baby is here."

The light blue elf is still very well behaved. Su Li called and she directly manifested and floated on the system panel.

Su Li pondered and said in his heart, "What's going on here? Do you still need someone else to sacrifice instead of dying?"

The light blue elf immediately responded, "Master, this matter is not within the scope of our handling, but the master can handle it with his heart. Don't be angry, master."

Hearing this, Su Li was slightly stunned, and said through a voice transmission, "Well, I'm not angry, I also know that this must not be a means on our side, but it is definitely something that some of the upper-level people who are also very powerful can do."

The light blue elf said, "Well, yes, the master's current judgment is right, so if the master wants to save her, he has to recruit her. But if he recruits... the master will have motives and will be arrested. Her true virtual forbidden ability detects that the master has intentions, but it will backfire.

As a matter of fact, since she has the ability to ban the real world, most of them will not easily appear dangerous, so the master should not underestimate her.

Furthermore, her name is 'Yunyan', just like a dreamy cloud of smoke, everything will pass by, and her body will fade first. No, it's 'Lovesickness is self-suffering, it's cloudy and smokey, and the whole eye is empty', uh, it's actually 'Looking up at the empty cloudy smoke, nine pats of affection, who will be passed down'. "

The light blue elf tried to show that he was very talented, but the poems listed were very 'appropriate'.

Therefore, her pretty face was flushed, and she was a little annoyed.

Su Li reluctantly said, "Or is it 'the dream of swallowing birds in the end, fluttering on the clouds'?"

The light blue elf immediately cheered and said, "Yes, it's Shang Yunyan... uh... Master, how good or bad are you?"

Su Li gave the light blue elf a look and let her experience it for herself.

Is that bad?

Could it be that you want to say - do you like it?

Su Li's voice transmission said, "Okay, it seems that some of the upper-level people on our side have a lot of problems. In the future, stay away from such people. If you can, find a way to cut them, and don't."

The light blue elf said aggrieved, "This light blue baby doesn't count, and for now, it is not suitable for splitting."

Su Li also knew that what Light Smurf said was also true.

It's just that this thing is really a bit embarrassing.

It's not how great he is Su Li, but letting his own people die in his place - that's a bit too much.

Is the means of avatar not working well? Or what is the origin of the good fortune cage is not easy to set up?

Is it a means of surrogate paper figurines and the like?

Or what Karma like a clone is exposed to?

None of these.

Su Li has also deduced this situation, the real body, and it is the kind of real one, killing all together, all gg.

Such people……


At least this kind of person, Su Li, thinks it should be more suitable to live in the perfect world of Shushan, but that is normal.

But in this world, to use it as a substitute for death is really a completely impersonal practice.

Su Li took the system panel and looked at Fengyunyan with a complicated look.

"This is indeed the ability of the real world. Since you have learned it, then you really don't know who I am?"

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he spoke calmly.

Su Li's words made him stunned for a moment.

Fengyunyanmei's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyebrows furrowed unconsciously.

She looks like this, but it shows a kind of cold and special temperament.

Su Li stared at such a situation, but quietly waited for her answer.

The sky above her head began to permeate a very thin and mysterious gray fog, which was a chain similar to the order of fate, which was drawn by herself.

But these, apart from Su Li, it is impossible to see any existence.

Because this is the breath of destiny, and it is also the change of destiny.

"You are—who are you?"

Fengyunyan hesitated and asked almost instinctively.

But The next moment, she still didn't wait for Su Li to answer, and then murmured again, "Are you not Su Li?"

Su Li said, "It's amazing."

Su Li said, "Are you worried that I have ulterior motives? If you are worried or not, I will take you to a place."

Feng Yunyan said almost instinctively, "What do you want? Do you want me to be like Li and Xi Little Sister?"

Su Li said, "Could it be that you are afraid?"

Fengyun Yan said, "How can I be afraid? You are only a guardian. According to what they said, you are still injured. No matter what powerful Magic Treasures you have, you cannot be my opponent."

Su Li said, "Then come with me."

Fengyun Yandao "Did you not realize that there is no one around?"

Su Li said, "Is it true? You have reproduced reality? But aren't you afraid?"

Fengyun Yandao "What is there to be afraid of? I just want to touch you head-on to see if you really have the ability or the fake ability. Since you know that this is the real ban, then you know what the real ban is. What is the ability?"

Su Li said, "Do whatever you want in reality, but in reality the image collapses."

Fengyun Yandao "Aside from reality, it is true that I can do whatever I want, but this time it is me who can do whatever I want!"

Su Li said, "So how do you want to do whatever you want?"

Fengyun Yandao "I want to know who you are? The words you said before obviously have strong mood fluctuations, so it shows that you have a great understanding of the totem, but you don't say, is this a personal gain, or ulterior motives?"

Su Li said, "Do you listen to me when I tell the truth? Do you believe it?"

Fengyun Yandao "How do you guarantee that what you say is the truth? Although I don't tell lies, it doesn't mean that I won't tell them. Moreover, I never trust anyone - even to Master Feng Zishuang, I It's only half of the letter, because she has a lot of questions, do you know?!"

Su Li said, "Of course I know, and I can't guarantee that what I said is the truth, but at least I won't lie to you."

Feng Yunyan said in a cold voice, "Why, did you fall in love with me? Or do you have a yellow heart? They all say that you have a yellow heart and are called the 'big brother of human yellow'. It seems that it is not a false name."

Su Li laughed, "I'm just saving you."

Feng Yunyan snorted lightly and said, "Do I need your rescue? Do I need it? Although I am only a peak-level gray robe, I can slaughter the golden robe."

Su Li asked, "Have you seen the scene where I slaughtered the prospective Immortal?"

Feng Yunyan almost laughed when he heard the words, "You don't have to show yourself like this, right? Do you know what you are actually doing now."

Su Li said, "What am I doing in reality? I'm also curious, why don't we take a look together."

Fengyun Flue "It's embarrassing, and it's particularly indecent, and I may have done something very embarrassing - in order to prevent you from having the opportunity to sense reality through the secret means, I also closed the perception of reality. But you are such a person ... I always believe that there must be a reason for the existence of rumors.

More or less, you must have such characteristics.

And as long as there are such characteristics, you can't hide such a purpose. "

Su Li said, "You were really taken advantage of. The point is... it's a pity."

Fengyun Yan said, "You are still stubborn, Su Renhuang, you really disappointed me. I thought Li Little Sister would not be wrong, but you still deceived them."

Feng Yunyan said, sighed and said, "In reality, no matter what kind of ugliness you have, Li and Xi Little Sister can't see it, only my master can see it.

But she's not like Bafeng, she never talks nonsense everywhere, so I can help you hide this matter.

But just treat it as an exchange, let go of Li and Xi Little Sister, they are really not something you can touch. "

Su Li said, "So, they are not something I can touch, who can touch them?"

Fengyun Flue "Of course it's my real Master."

Su Li said, "You Master? Isn't that Fengshen's main wind, Zishuang?"

Fengyun Yandao "Don't you know the difference between Shizun and Master?"

Su Li said, "Then I do know, so your Master shouldn't be Su Yan, right?"

Fengyun Yandao said, "Please don't say such a name in such a light attitude, Human Sovereign Su, this is a great existence, not something you can compare to Human Sovereign Su!"

Su Li said, "Nothing tells you that after Su Yan Karma ends, will the next life be named Su Li?"

Feng Yunyan heard the words, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she said, "Damn, you dare to blaspheme my Master?"

Su Li said, "Bitter words, bitter wine, bitter people."

Feng Yunyan heard the words, her delicate body trembled, and her beautiful eyes showed an extremely horrified look.

But then her face changed unpredictably, and she said, "You are—are you manifested by means of deduction from heaven? Or..."

Su Li calmly glanced at Fengyunyan, and said, "The road of red dust and bones is closed, and the emperor's blood dragon soul grows in spring and autumn; the common people are good fortune, how miserable, how many times Supreme and how sad."

Su Li said, and said again, "Can you understand the lyrics of this song? Or have you come into contact with it?

If not, do you want me to show you the Ancient Forbidden Soul? Or is it——Kendo such as Yulei Shenyan Kendo? "

Su Li said, and stretched out his hand slightly.

In the palm of the hand, Yulei manifested, and divine flames circulated.

Among Yulei and Shenyan, Su Yan's figure appeared.

The figure was silent in the sea of ​​blood.

A Flying Sword descended from the void, penetrated down from the top of his head, and killed him directly.

The projection of that scene manifested in an instant, and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, the scene was still dead silent.

At this time, her beautiful eyes were already full of tears, and her eyes looking at Su Li were terrified, suspicious, excited, and shocked.

It was an extremely complicated look, but it also contained some special feelings.

I don't know, I don't know.

But Su Li knew that her heart was messed up.

"No—I...I...I let Master Losing face..."

Feng Yunyan's pretty face blushed, and she immediately recalled the reality scene and watched it quietly.

Just looking at it, she stayed where she was.

In reality, she was bleeding all over and was held in Su Li's arms.

And in front of her, the huge gear of destiny in the void is already spinning.

But she herself didn't know when she was dead, and there was no vitality in her body.

Behind her, her master Feng Ziqing had a sad look on her face, while Li and Xi Little Sister had sad eyes and a lonely expression.

That picture was not what she imagined Su Li to be attacked by the truth, so that her lust exploded, and she played with herself in reality, so that others could see his embarrassing scene.

Su Li approached and said, "Did you see it? You are almost dead, so you just used the method of real and imaginary prohibition. This method is too intense.

And you do things without thinking about the consequences at all. If it weren't for me, I would be banned. If it weren't for "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Art", I could suppress a void. If it wasn't for the big space technique I mastered, I could lock the void.

Not only will I not be able to save you this time, but you will also expose the inheritance of the True Void and Heavenly Forbidden, and be harvested and taken away by others.

And once others have harvested the ability of the true imaginary forbidden, are you worthy of Su Yan?

In addition - I don't know where you got the confidence to say that you are Su Yan's disciple, but according to some of Su Yan's memories, he has one and only one disciple of Hua Taichu.

But you are obviously not Hua Taichu.

So, who exactly are you? How on earth do you dare to claim to be his disciple? "

Feng Yunyan stared blankly at her in reality, as if she hadn't figured out the truth until now.

"Impossible... How can the True Void Heaven Ban be cracked, Master... Master can't even intercept the True Void Heaven Ban."

Fengyunyan still does not believe the facts.

Su Li said, "Have you heard the story of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie?"

Feng Yunyan's eyes widened, as if he thought of something in an instant.

Su Li said, "The moment you talked about the real emptiness, I sensed the terrifying Karma, and on the spot developed the Cultivation Technique of "Tianshu Ancient Town Heavenly Secret Technique" and "Zhuangzhou Dream Butterfly", and then used the big time technique. The two three thousand avenues and the big space technique, but also derived the ability of the ancient forbidden soul and the ability of the "Chaos Destiny Sutra".

These abilities, I am not afraid to tell you directly.

Because you have a real imaginary forbidden, I can basically use this ability to hide from you.

But I hope you will protect this secret well after you really know it.

It's just that secrecy doesn't have to be a dead person to keep secrets. If this is the case, I don't even need to save you, wouldn't it be better to let you go to pieces?

What I need you to understand is - you need to know why you died!

You are an abandoned pawn, and you die for so-called glory and hope, but I don't think it's worth it..."

Su Li didn't hide it either, and talked about the current series of Karma in general.

Such a Karma is a bit scary, but this time, Fengyunyan really understood.

And——the questioning of Su Li's words also made Fengyunyan gradually calm down.

"I am indeed Master Su Yan's disciple, I was taken in by him when I was very young, and I just kept me by my side.

Later, because I was disobedient, the Master fell into a crisis, and then my Master rescued me and scolded me, and I ran away by myself in a fit of anger..."

Feng Yunyan said, sighed, and said, "At that time, I was going to Tianxing Cave. After I went, when I came back, the Master was gone.

I want to take revenge in the past, but... the ending is actually very tragic.

After that, with some Karma traction, I had to choose to live out the next life.

In the next life, I didn't change my own name, or basically all related existences didn't change their names.


I followed my master Feng Ziqing to practice—because the Master once said that Feng Ziqing, the lord of the Wind Clan, should be a role model for women, so I chose her as my master.

And because of my character, I kept learning her character, but... it didn't get better.

Because of some reasons, I had a conflict with Master, and I was very disappointed in this world, so I went to Tianxing Cave.

Tianxing Cave is a place with a large gap, which is very dangerous, but it can sharpen its various abilities and forget many things at the same time. "

After hesitating, Feng Yunyan still said the relevant Karma without any concealment.

"Master, this disciple is unfilial, please—"

"Hold on."

Su Li blocked Feng Yunyan's move to kneel, and then directly said, "No need to kneel, because kneeling is not allowed in my department, you should know. If you forget this, the more unqualified you are.

Also, I am not Su Yan anymore.

The specific situation is that I do not recognize and cannot recognize this identity.

Now I am Su Li, and Su Yan's Karma has come to an end.

He left with a smile, you may understand this later.

If you can't figure it out, I can show you some projections. "

Feng Yunyan took a deep breath, and after thinking about it for a long time, he bowed and said, "Please ask the emperor to give Yunyan projection."

Su Li pondered for a moment, then manifested Karma about the life and death of Mu Qingyan, Yanyan and Su Yan, turned it into a projection, and let Fengyunyan understand it directly through the exquisite method.

Although these things are indeed taboos, Feng Yunyan, who has the ability to ban the real world, wants to know, and he can't hide it at all.

Moreover, Su Li wants to know the situation in reverse and understand why this woman was used to die.

Now, as long as there is a deep understanding of the past, Karma will appear naturally.

After a long time, Feng Yunyan let out a long sigh, tears streaming down his eyes.

Afterwards, Fengyunyan's mood was very low, it was a kind of depression that was as sad as death.

Su Li said, "Su Yan treats you like an adopted daughter, right? But you don't feel that way, right?"

Feng Yunyan was slightly unnatural, but nodded silently.

Su Li sighed, "Sure enough, I still secretly get a Karma who 'daughter died in front of me' to disgust me, or to stimulate my daughter to be like a cloud of smoke after all?"

The situation is somewhat incomprehensible.

Su Li said, "It has nothing to do with you - but while you are not dead now, I suggest you go to Samsara. Join the Prehistoric Royal Family, then go directly to Samsara, and cut off the ability of the real world. Would you like to? ?"

Fengyunyan heard the words, and did not agree immediately.

Instead, there are many... regretful expressions in his eyes.

Su Li said, "I probably know your regret, but I can give you a chance. As for whether this opportunity can become an opportunity, it can only depend on you."

Feng Yunyan said softly, "The Master is gone, I actually have no meaning to live, I also know that this is not in line with etiquette, and I don't have any extravagant opportunities such as dao companion-since I follow the Master, I am willing to give anything. of.

But... after joining the royal family, the etiquette is even more inappropriate.

But I am not reconciled.

Perhaps, if you can live the next life, even a maid can.

But I still want to be a disciple...

Su Renhuang, you say, is Yunyan very greedy? "

Su Li said, "It's not greedy, it's human nature, but I think it's not bad to be a teacher and a friend. Besides, rules are dead after all, and people are alive after all. Living people will not be killed. The rules are restrained. Go, you can definitely have the next life.

And in the next life, if the opportunity comes, I will personally accept you as a disciple. "

Feng Yunyan thought about it for a while, but still shook his head and said, "No, if I could choose, I don't want to be a disciple anymore, I have no face to be a disciple anymore."

Su Li "..."

Su Li said, "It's the first time I've seen someone who is so stubborn and thoughtful. You too... No wonder you give Su Yandu a headache."

Hearing this, Feng Yunyan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It seems that this is a kind of compliment.

But when she saw herself in the outside world, she couldn't help but sigh, and said, "Yeah, Yunyan has such a personality, but it can make Master a headache, Yunyan is still very happy."

Saying that, Feng Yunyan's beautiful eyes dimmed a bit, and she said, "Su Renhuang, thank you very much, please send Yunyan into Samsara while Yunyan is still alive. As for the real ban... this ability is really powerful. Too strong, it really shouldn't exist."

Su Li said, "It's not that it shouldn't exist, it's just that the time is not available, just like your appearance - you are still very important, you see, you can even learn the inheritance of the true and false, which just shows that you The weight in Su Yan's heart is still very heavy."

Hearing this, Feng Yunyan smiled, and that smile was very beautiful, "That's natural, after all—Yunyan was raised by him as his daughter."

Seeing Feng Yunyan's smile, Su Li inexplicably gave birth to a faint sense of familiarity.

He always felt that this smile was very similar.

"Come on, I'll take you to a place."

As soon as Su Li spoke, his environment changed immediately.

And Fengyunyan is actually very embarrassed - for the first time, her true imaginary ban was reversed by others, which is an unheard of miracle.

If this happened before, she would never have believed it.

But now, she would never doubt it.

Because of Su Li's identity.

In fact, the fear of Su Li or the instinctive rejection is not because of anything else, but because of Su Li's appearance and certain temperament, just like her Master.

And her Master is the inverse scale in her heart, even if she has lived out the next life and her memory is much weaker, she is still disgusted - disgusted with any existence that is similar to her Master.

Because she felt that others were unworthy, because she felt that this was a blasphemy to her Master.

And now...a series of her actions, it is really disrespectful to put it on the Master.

It's been a fake for a lifetime, but it turned out to be true...

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyan's mood is actually very complicated and ashamed - I thought that I could find the Master, which made the Master happy, but turned out to be a disappointment for the Master.

The wind and the smoke, the wind and the smoke...

You are really capable.

Do you still want Master to comfort himself and make a fool of himself in public?

This is……

The scene of the scene has no longer dared to think about it.

When Feng Yunyan was thinking about it, her figure had already appeared in Yama Hall.

Hua Ziyan appeared almost as soon as Su Li and Fengyunyan appeared.

However, Hua Ziyan's expression became extremely exciting when she saw Fengyunyan for the first time.

It looked like a very familiar and very surprised look.

It seems that the expression is also full of disbelief.

Of course, no matter what Hua Ziyan's expression is, for Su Li, this expression means that he has done a big thing.

"I...I don't know what to say anymore."

Hua Ziyan suddenly said.

Fengyunyan was stunned for a while, and after a while, he said in surprise, "Are you Hua Zili? You are... you, you... I seem to understand, Li and Xi, Hua Zili and Mu Yuxi... I... I'm so stupid..."

Fengyunyan said, but it seemed that his emotions suddenly rose.

Immediately, all her regrets were gone.

"I want to cut all the memories including now and before. You are Hua Zi... Are you Hua Ziyan? It's good, very good, cut it quickly, I can't wait!"

Feng Yunyan said, and suddenly looked at Su Li again, his eyes were complicated, but also with a clear smile.

Su Li "..."

Su Li was stunned the whole time, because at this time, even Sanqiandao was stunned.

This is not because the three thousand avenues are ineffective, but because Hua Ziyan and Fengyunyan have memories of tens of thousands of years.

These memories are precisely the taboos that Su Li cannot touch.

So Su Li could only have a dark face.

Su Li also knew that something must have changed, but these people would never say anything.

This situation recognized Hua Ziyan, which was outrageous.

Su Li said with a dark face, "What are you laughing at, do you want to kill me as a Master?"

Feng Yunyan immediately said, "No, Su Renhuang, you are not the Master, hehe, you will know later - oh, not in the future, you live in the present, um, it's very good."

Feng Yunyan smiled, but was very calm.

Su Li? ? ?

Su Li looked at Hua Ziyan, Hua Ziyan ignored Su Li and didn't give face directly.

Su Li "..."

Hua Ziyan glanced at Feng Yunyan and said, "The flesh body outside?"

Fengyun Yandao "I'll drink the soul-forgetting soup in a while - um, give me a water tank, I'm afraid the effect will not be good.

By the way, after you cut me into Samsara, the body will naturally evolve into flames and burn, almost like this, Karma is disconnected and ended.

Alas, after struggling all my life, I never thought that the place of liberation would be here. "

Hua Ziyan said, "You deserve it."

Fengyun Yandao said, "There's no way around that, and you must know it, why don't you say it? You don't even lend a helping hand?"

Hua Ziyan smiled and said, "Stretch out a hand to help the pig? It's not necessary, the pig's brain doesn't turn around, and if you reach out, you can only suffer from it."

Fengyunyan's pretty face turned dark, and said, "You, it's getting more and more excessive. Forget it, if I don't care about you, you will be envious and jealous!"

Hua Ziyan said, "Are you sure you want a water tank of Forgetting Soul Soup? I'm afraid you'll even forget what happened to your mother's womb. Look at Su Renhuang, this is the price of drinking a jar."

Fengyunyan was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "The effect is so good?"

Hua Ziyan said, "Although it's a waste of resources, I will give you a water tank if you don't drink it today, and I will beat you into the animal realm."

Fengyunyan "..."

Feng Yunyan sneered and said, "Then... can I be a chicken?"

Hua Ziyan said, "Then you are the bird of Su Renhuang?"

Fengyunyan "..."

Fengyun Yandao "Then... let's have a jar, the animal is the animal, the more people I am, the more I like those little cuties."

Hua Ziyan said, "Come on, I think so, I'm afraid that when someone's memory recovers and comes to find fault, I won't be able to make trouble."

Hua Ziyan said, took out a black ashes-like jar, handed it over, and said, "Drink it."

Feng Yunyan thought for a while and said, "There should be a Medicine Pill here for soup."

Hua Ziyan said, "Do you think you are drinking? Drinking with elixir?"

Su Li thought about it, and under normal circumstances there is indeed a hidden dragon pill.

So Su Li called up the system and looked at the Tianji Mall, which was closed and there was no goods.

Su Li "..."

Su Li guessed that this situation should be disliked, this is definitely something Immortal light blue can do.

No wonder let this person die...

It is estimated that there is still inferiority and Karma.

"Light blue, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back, don't give this guy the Qianlong Pill, don't look for it. This is Hua Ziyan giving her a little benefit, otherwise it would be better to give her a tank of forgetting soul soup."

Immortal's light blue response is really domineering.

And Su Li silently looked outside—good guy, this situation is so bloody that it is about to die.

The result is here...

So excluded?

This is probably something that has broken the sky?

This is similar to Sun Chengfeng Yang Peak or Hu Chen Su Wangchen and his like, and it is normal for Su Li to be treated like this by the system.


Who is this wind and smoke?

What is this scenario?

By the way, could the light blue elf not know? Why didn't she tell me before she knew?

The fourth update~ Today has updated 410,000 words~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ I hope everyone can subscribe and support, bow and thank you~ I am very grateful~

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