I'm Pretending To Be A Mystery In The Fantasy World

Chapter 876 There Was A Way In The Beginning, All Living Beings

Thirty-three layers deep in the void.

The endless gray fog filled the air, and the black clouds swirled in the void in all directions, like the formation of a ferocious starry sky behemoth, guarding the square ladder.

At the end of the deep space, the Tongtian Realm Lord opened the Tongtian Tower repeatedly, and checked the Karma changes in the world of Qian Nu, but found that the world of Qian Nu was still dark.

He closed the Tongtian Tower silently, and then looked at Chao and the Ghost of Sanqing with a gloomy expression.

Chao's face was a little complicated, but he didn't mean to be nervous.

On the contrary, the three phantoms on the side of the Ghost of Sanqing were all silent.

"Three days have passed, and the world of Qian Nu has not yet opened? It is not a long-term solution to trap all practitioners in the Tower of Babel. If this continues, chaos will inevitably occur. Derivatives can also have major problems.”

The Master of the Tongtian Realm opened his mouth in a deep voice.

The King of Life, Yamina, disagreed and said, "It's not that I don't use the rules, but the world can't be opened. I think it's powerless to have the will to evolve the law."

The Master of Tongtian Realm said, "I didn't say you—Wang Chao, wouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Super indifferently said, "Explain? What explanation? The reason why the world of Qian Nu could not be opened is not because the specific assessment has not been completed.

And what is this test?

The assessment process that everyone set together has now undergone some changes - then it can only be done after the changes are completed. "

Chao's tone was very casual, but also with a touch of coldness.

As for what has changed and why it has changed, most of the beings present are actually very clear in their hearts.

It's just that no one said anything about it.

The Master of Tongtian pondered, "So, what are you going to do?"

Chaodao "At present, we can only temporarily suppress the rules of the Tower of Babel, avoid unnecessary battles, and wait for the opening of the internal trials of the Tower of Babel.

In addition, Qian Nv World can also take advantage of this period of time to repeatedly precipitate and make comprehensive preparations for the opening. "

The Master of Tongtian pondered for a moment, and then looked at the many other beings.

At this time, a group of upper classes all showed a contemplative color.

Afterwards, the group of people did not raise any objections, and successively approved such a decision.

After such a decision was completed, Chao also showed a bit of satisfaction.

Afterwards, a group of people began to discuss the various layouts that followed, and had some discussions based on this.


Yunhuang Tomb Mountain, Qingxu Sword Tomb.


Zhou Cangyu suddenly raised his hand, his big hand swept across the sky, and slapped Zhou Cangzhou's face with a fierce slap across the void.


"How dare you disrespect Su Yan's ancestor!"

Zhou Cangyu yelled and yelled.

The giant hand he evolved, slapped Zhou Cangzhou upside down with a slap, and his face was smashed to pieces by such a slap.

Zhou Cangzhou's face was bloody, red and swollen, looking very miserable.

"What if I'm just disrespectful?! You dare to humiliate me like this?! From now on, you Zhou Cangyu will no longer be my Zhou Cangzhou's Dage!"

Zhou Cangzhou scolded furiously, coughing up blood, his whole being like a beast about to run away.

Zhou Cangyu said lightly, "Okay, it's not your Dage, it's not your Dage - from now on, we will completely part ways! I don't have a Little Brother like you who forgets our ancestors! You don't even recognize our ancestors, so you continue to act nonsense! You wait for the terrifying cage of being suppressed and waiting to end!"

Zhou Cangzhou said angrily, "Haha, what a good Dage, you speak so mean and vicious, are you revealing your true nature now? You just want to take the Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower, or you just want to live another thousand years?! Okay, just be this The thing and that little bastard are the reward for taking care of me all these years! In this way, our brother Karma will be cut off, and we will never have anything to do again!"

Zhou Cangyu snorted coldly, holding the long sword, suddenly folded.


Only the spiritual long sword in his hand was directly broken, and there was a crisp and harsh explosion from it.

This is an extremely powerful Magic Treasures-class weapon ancient sword, but it was directly broken by its bare hands, and its strength is also evident.

The long sword was broken, and Zhou Cangyu said coldly, "It's like a sword like this, it's like a stranger from now on, and it's broken with one sword! You - how far you go now, let me go, this time, forget it this time, if I meet you again, I will definitely I will personally suppress you and completely remove you from the family tree!"

Zhou Cangzhou laughed, his tone was particularly ironic, "It's like I'm very rare. If you want to be removed, you should get rid of it! As for who will suppress whom when you say goodbye next time - let's see!"

Zhou Cangzhou said, suddenly an incomparably dazzling glow burst out from his whole body, like the collapse of the Yuan magnetism, and it turned into a light source and disappeared in an instant.

Yes, the light source.

In front of Su Li and Zhou Cangyu, Zhou Cangzhou derived the Taoism of the Primordial Magnetic Divine Light, and it was the pure Immortal ability, as if he wanted to show off and prove to Su Li that he was the purest light. .

After the light source gradually dissipated, Zhou Cangzhou's figure completely disappeared.

Not even a breath was left.

This kind of existence is very powerful, and at the same time, it also contains such a method that is almost transformed into light source particles. It is indeed elusive and difficult to deal with.

Especially after Zhou Cangzhou and Zhou Cangyu 'fallen out', they seem to be alone.

After Zhou Cangzhou left, Zhou Cangyu let out a long sigh, his voice full of endless melancholy.

"It's all my fault. I spoiled him completely. If it wasn't for a lot of things that followed him and spoiled him, I wouldn't have ended up in such a field now."

At this time, Zhou Cangyu blamed himself very much.

After condemning for a while, he sighed again and said, "Su Renhuang, I'm really sorry."

Hearing this, Su Li shook his head slightly.

It was also because such an action seemed to affect the injury that he coughed and vomited two mouthfuls of blood.

"It's nothing, it's nothing serious. Anyway, a series of previous experiences have affected the injury. Now... in fact, it was already very bad, and it has nothing to do with you."

Su Li hesitated for a moment, then responded lightly.

At this time, his attitude still seemed a little indifferent, and he did not show any gratitude.

Even Zhou Cangyu showed sincerity.

Zhou Cangyu didn't care about this either, but his face was a little complicated, and he said, "Su Renhuang, you don't care, but as the patriarch of the Great Zhou family, how can Cangyu pretend that it never happened?

Zhou Cangzhou's actions really embarrassed the Da Zhou family, and it really embarrassed the ancestors of Su Yan. "

Hearing this, Su Li responded indifferently, "Since he has been expelled, it is not shameful to see him. Besides, every major force will inevitably produce a few despicable and stinky people, so get used to it. "

Zhou Cangyu's mouth moved, but he didn't know what to say.

He has shown great sincerity, but Su Li doesn't seem to be moved, not even interested in communicating with him.

This made Zhou Cangyu feel a little frustrated.

But he remained sincere and enthusiastic, with a touch of humility to please.

"Su Renhuang, since this Kunpeng Mingyuan flower is very effective, Su Renhuang can refine and absorb it as soon as possible to restore the Dao injury, so as to prevent the situation from getting worse again. In addition, you can rest assured, when you recover, I will Do your best to protect you."

Zhou Cangyu thought about it for a while, and then shifted the topic to the real thing.

Su Li glanced at Zhou Cangyu, then took out the jade bottle and said, "This Kunpeng Mingyuan flower has its own will, it doesn't seem to want to be swallowed up, and there are some hidden dangers, I currently have no ability to refine this kind of thing. of.

And in terms of my Dao injury, it doesn't actually have much effect if I want this.

Since you drove away Zhou Cangzhou, take this thing. "

Su Li raised his hand and handed the jade bottle containing the Kunpeng Mingyuan flower to Zhou Cangyu, which made Zhou Cangyu also stunned.

Good guy, this Su Li doesn't play cards according to the routine.

How is this done?

Zhou Cangyu hesitated for a while, and then said somewhat ashamedly, "Isn't Su Renhuang still angry because of what happened before? This is indeed Zhou Cangzhou's fault, but—"

Su Li waved his hand and said, "I'm not angry, if I'm angry because of something like this, I don't have to live anymore, I just feel that there is no hope for this injury, but my own mysteries and mysteries are still capable. Take a little restraint, and you don't need to blame yourself too much."

Su Li said, his eyes fell on the Qingxu sword mound in front of him.

"It's a good environment here, what's the origin?"

Su Li changed the subject and asked.

Zhou Cangyu heard the words and followed Su Li's gaze, and then he was a little lost when he saw the endless tomb hill.

After a while, he nodded slightly and said, "This is the Yunhuang Tomb Mountain, and in front is the Qingxu Sword Tomb. Yun Huang... is actually the emperor of the ancient Yun clan, and the Qingxu Sword Tomb is not actually the 'Qingxu Sword Tomb'. 'The Sword Tomb is just a special sword tomb of the true and false way to the virtual.

This is a place to bury the true and false, and it is also a place to bury swords. "

Su Li thoughtfully said, "What Tao is buried? What sword is buried?"

Hearing the words, Zhou Cangyu hesitated again, and then, as if to show his sincerity, Zhou Cangyu still said decisively, "What is buried is the forbidden way, and what is buried is the sword of sin."

Su Li was surprised, and said, "Sword of Sin? Sword of Sin Moon? Or what?"

Zhou Cangyu was silent for a while, before he said with a sense of loss, "The Sword of Sin is actually the Sword of Heavenly Evil, which contains the sword that destroys Heaven's Evil and Destroys Heaven. sword'."

Su Li said, "That's quite a variety of swords."

Zhou Cangyu nodded and said, "There are a lot of swords, because this is a place like the ten thousand ghost swords tomb, and buried are very powerful swords, not just one sword."

Su Li said, "So, is there a sword called 'Qingxu' here?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "No, but there is a sword called 'Qingshuang', but this sword has been resurrected, and it has an owner."

Su Li said in surprise, "Resurrection, and a master? Can swords be resurrected too?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "Yeah, all the supreme Tao exists in the present moment and in the process of change, so naturally there can also exist spirituality. In the beginning, there was the Tao, and all living beings."

Su Li pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes, this is really an extremely terrifying and powerful Dao, but it is somewhat in line with my Dao itself. My Dao..."

Su Li said this, but was silent for a while, and did not continue to say what his Tao was.

Zhou Cangyu didn't take it seriously, and said, "Su Renhuang's Dao is indeed living in the present, but the Dao here has changed a little bit, and it has more spirituality.

In the beginning, there was a Tao, all living beings, this is really a great Tao, and here, it is not actually buried.

The so-called extreme yin gives birth to yang, and extreme yang gives birth to yin. This kind of supreme path seems to be buried, but in fact it is also pregnant.

This point is that when things are extreme, they will be reversed, and it is also the meaning of "no extreme Tailai" in Su Renhuang's profound arts. "

Su Li took it seriously and said, "Yes, it is indeed very thought-provoking and extremely admirable. It turns out that this is the Qingxu Sword Tomb, a good Qingxu Sword Tomb. And this Qing should also contain the three clear purple qi and the one qi three. Clear rhythm, right? I seem to have sensed such a breath too."

Zhou Cangyu heard the words, but instead showed a bit of pride, and there was a bit of pride in his eyes, "It's not necessary to have such a heritage, but because everything is living, Su Renhuang has such a heritage, and he has such a feeling in his heart. , then naturally such a heritage was born here.”

Su Li said, "That's really a good place. Wouldn't a place like this make all the arrogances come here, and the Dao here will be fully accumulated?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "That's true, and countless geniuses have come here and have already perished here. These geniuses are all sword cultivators, so this is also the place where swords and souls are buried.

All of this actually happened in the Yunhuang era.

Today, 3030 years of the Yunhuang era is almost over, but 3,000 years ago, the Yunhuang era had only just begun. "

Speaking of this matter, Zhou Cangyu seemed a little shocked and a little fascinated.

His mood changes are not huge, so many thoughts are hard to figure out.

Su Li didn't see anything by using the power of divine calculation.

The place where he is now is reality, and since he has determined that the system may be phished, he naturally will not activate the relevant abilities.

Su Li was silent for a while, before he sighed inexplicably and said, "This world... I don't know what to say anymore. If this place can nurture the essence of 'all living beings', I want to come to Tianjiao who died here. It must not be a minority."

Zhou Cangyu said, "Perhaps death is not necessarily a good thing, isn't it? Without their deaths here, the countless emperors of the Yunhuang era would not have come.

The death here is not death, but a new life in another sense.

However, that is already the Karma of the past, Su Renhuang must not have any accident here, otherwise it will be difficult to have any good fortune.

As for Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower, if Su Renhuang couldn't solve it, Zhou would actually be willing to do it for him. "

Su Li said, "You seem to want my Dao injury to recover? This is a bit strange."

Hearing this, Zhou Cangyu said very seriously, "Yes, no matter what Renhuang Su thinks in his heart, or he thinks Zhou is pretending to be hypocritical, but in fact Zhou really hopes that Renhuang Su will recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

Times have changed, and the external environment is very turbulent. This upper class actually knows it.

But in the turbulent environment, there is no Karma of the once invincible King Lei Yan.

Su Renhuang's origin and origin, others can not admit it, could it be that the Da Zhou family can really deny it?

This is the foundation, if you don't admit it, you can't have a future.

But Su Renhuang couldn't take over all the Karma of King Lei Yan, so he could only go out of his own way.

Even so, it cannot change the fact that it is the same root problem.

That being the case, it's really a matter of course for Zhou to do filial piety. "

Zhou Cangyu said it very sincerely, but Su Li was no longer the original Su Li.

Su Li was a little moved and said, "Oh, actually, I also want to be Su Yan, so I will be directly invincible, but unfortunately I still can't get to this point. Not to mention becoming him, or acquiring some of his inheritance to the Tao, are all almost impossible.

These Karma, he broke very thoroughly. "

Zhou Cangyu is obviously very clear about this matter, so he also agrees very much.

Zhou Cangyu said, "So, Zhou's intentions are real, and he also hopes that this world can continue to have an incomparably powerful guardian.

Zhou is completely out of his control, but he will definitely work hard to be himself, and strive to make the Dazhou family rise, so that the Dazhou family will not disgrace the inheritance of 'King Lei Yan'. "

Su Li nodded and said, "I feel your sincerity, but I really don't have the ability to refine and absorb this Kunpeng Mingyuan flower. If I really do it, I'm afraid it will immediately absorb it in reverse. So, I It's probably impossible to meet your expectations."

What Su Li said was not a complete lie - because it was all based on his Dao injury.

In addition to the Dao injury, Su Li's words are all true.

But Dao injury itself is not true, so these words are all lies - but based on Dao injury, this statement can't be true any more.

Zhou Cangyu was startled, and said, "Is it... so serious?"

Su Li sighed, "In fact, some things happened in the Kunpeng ancestral land before, causing some conflicts, and in the area of ​​the will of the ancestors, it was directly made quite serious.

It's just that God Master Feng Ziqing, Li and Fairy Xi were all there at the time, and I really wanted a face to fill my head... so I pretended to be nothing.

Actually...it wasn't very good at the time. "

Su Li said, then showed a self-deprecating wry smile, and said, "Now, because of me, Fairy Fengyunyan died, and God Lord Feng Ziqing died... I actually don't know how to face it. To the two fairies Li and Xi."

Zhou Cangyu sighed, "The stigma on their bodies has not been removed, even if they join the Prehistoric Royal Family, they will only be treated as traitors, and in this way, most of the results will not be very good.

Especially this time, the death of Feng Yunyan and Feng Ziqing will definitely make them responsible. "

Su Li didn't answer.

Zhou Cangyu said again, "But if Renhuang Su's Dao injury can be recovered, in fact, the Karma of the Kunpeng Divine Land and the Karma of the Wind Clan Divine Land will not be a problem."

Zhou Cangyu said, pacing back and forth for a while, and then said, "If Su Renhuang can trust Zhou, Zhou has a sure way to refine this Kunpeng Mingyuan flower, but it needs a fairy to help. some time."

Su Li said, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "Well, there are indeed. Has Renhuang Su heard of Zhou Wudao from Yuanci Sacred Land?"

Su Li nodded and said, "I've heard of it."

Zhou Cangyu said, "So what does Renhuang Su think of this person?"

Hearing this, Su Li kicked the pit back with a smile, and said, "Before answering this question, I would like to hear your opinion from Patriarch Zhou."

Zhou Cangyu said, "Zhou Wudao, Yuanci Sacred Land, has a very pure heart, and contains the hope of extreme Taoism. Not bad."

Su Li smiled and said, "I heard that this is a combination of black smoke and three miasmas?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "That's actually all the bad ideas of the Dragon Soul Thunder Cloud Beast. In fact, the Wudao child is very good."

Su Li said, "I've only heard about it, but I haven't seen it in person, let alone contacted it, so I can't give any opinions. As a Tianjiao, I think such an existence should definitely not be a vain person. As a human emperor, then it is difficult for me to comment on unknown things and characters."

Hearing this, Zhou Cangyu couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said, "Su Renhuang really is... In fact, there are no traps in these words."

Su Li said, "I know, but I'm just a little more cautious. After all, habits are actually easy to form."

Zhou Cangyu was speechless.

Up to now, the bullshit has not been caught, and instead, many secrets have to be mentioned.

Zhou Cangyu thought for a while, and said, "Human Huang Su, in this Qingxu Sword Tomb area, there is a special arrogant woman. If you can get her help, you can refine the Kunpeng Mingyuan flower."

Su Li said, "Then is she willing to help again? If the price of her action is relatively high, then I don't think it is necessary - of course, I will not be bound by such an opportunity, and I will fall into a huge debt. Karma's point."

Zhou Cangyu felt a little helpless and said, "She actually has a lot to do with Feng Ziqing."

Su Li asked, "Could it be that they are twin sisters, like Li and Xi?"

Zhou Cangyu twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, and said, "Why does Renhuang Su think so..."

Su Li said, "I've seen Karma like this a lot, isn't it this time?"

Zhou Cangyu sighed, "It's really not this time - this person's name is Feng Qingxue, and it's not even a relative of Feng Ziqing, but just the ethnic relationship of the clan sister, and the relationship between them is not good."

Su Li said, "If that's the case, what does it have to do with Feng Ziqing?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "Feng Ziqing is her appointed God Lord, and she also gave up the position of God Lord of the Wind Clan Divine Land, and she is quite close to the Feng Clan's mother emperor, and she is treated like an adopted daughter."

Su Li said, "Then this is indeed an absolutely strange woman."

Zhou Cangyu said, "Yes, this is a lofty and righteous existence, so she will not reject Renhuang Su from the point of view of righteousness."

Su Li said, "Then, are we going to find her now?"

Zhou Cangyu said, "Actually, there is no need to look for her, because when we came, she actually already knew it, but she just didn't show up. She is such a character, if she really needs help and is willing to believe in her, she will appear; Yes, she won't show up either."

Su Li smiled and said, "Then it seems that my heart is not real enough."

Zhou Cangyu said, "Maybe it has something to do with the fall of the Divine Master Feng Ziqing. Let's wait, maybe she will appear. If she doesn't appear, I can only use a special opportunity. This is also a share that originated from Lei Yan. The king's Karma, after this Karma is used, she will definitely help Su Renhuang."

Hearing this, Su Li shook his head and said, "If that's the case, then I won't accept it either. I won't respond to such a Karma."

Zhou Cangyu was a little helpless when he heard the words, and said, "Su Renhuang, no matter what you do, you must first ensure that you can survive, otherwise everything will be empty talk."

Su Li asked, "Do you think Su Yan is stubborn?"

Gu Zhou Cangyu was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "The ancestor of King Lei Yan is indeed very stubborn."

Su Li said, "Yes, very stubborn - and this character, even in me, is the same."

Zhou Cangyu "..."

Su Li looked around in the place of the Qingxu Sword Tomb, and then a faint purple icy aura gradually condensed.

Above the Qingxu Sword Tomb, a mighty purple energy like 3,000 purple energy gradually condensed.

In the purple air, a woman in a purple dress and gauze skirt gradually condensed.

The breath of the Dao Marks it draws is very indifferent, and the whole person seems to have no desires or desires, full of a Sacred noble and elegant atmosphere.

After such a woman appeared, the first thing Su Li thought of was not Feng Qingxue, but Feng Shuangxue, the king of the underworld.

What's amazing is that the combination of Feng Qingxue's name and Feng Shuangxue's name is 'Qingshuang'.

What these two words correspond to is 'Qingshuang'.

And who is Qingshuang?

It is the owner of Qingshuang Sword Tomb.

Su Li suddenly thought of the Nether King Fengshuangxue at this time, and it was not his whim, but a traction for Karma after containing the super ability of the three thousand avenues.

At this time, such an idea appears, which often means that this is the most likely Karma traction.

As for Zhou Cangyu and Zhou Cangzhou, singing black and white in front of him...

Su Li didn't even bother to debunk.

Do you really think that there are no villains in the inheritance of the Da Zhou family and King Lei Yan?

Apparently not.

And even if he didn't have the system turned on, he didn't have the ability to run the heavenly secrets and divine calculations, Su Li couldn't be easily deceived.

As for Dao injury - Su Li is not in a hurry now.

It's fine to die if it's okay.

Anyway, if you pretend to be trash, the more trash the better—this is a super-killing existence in the fantasy world of the past.

Su Li remembered that when he was in it, the first time the method of self-cutting was derived, it was indeed a sensation.

And it works surprisingly well.

Although that scene has happened a few times in today's world, and the effect is not bad, but because he exposed too little background, the Karma drawn by such means is not very violent.

But this time, the Dao injury definitely stuck the opponent's lifeline.

So by taking advantage of this, Su Li can achieve perfect restraint - but this restraint must also grasp a certain rhythm and level, not too much, but not too shallow.

At this time, Su Li is such an indifferent gesture.

Is this posture normal?

Of course it was normal - because Feng Yunyan and Feng Ziqing were completely dead in front of him.

As an old-fashioned critic, no, as a great emperor, seeing such a beautiful face perish in front of him, and still cherishing the existence of 'hope', this is definitely a great stimulation for Su Li .

Watching the beautiful girl with hope tragically die in front of her eyes, under normal circumstances, Su Li would be extremely lonely.

And because he is extremely lonely, he will be even more disappointed in this world.

Coupled with the inheritance family of Su Yan of the Great Zhou family, the result was to suppress Su Li to refine Su Li to death - wasn't that what Zhou Cangzhou did before?

This caused his Dao injury to aggravate, so his attitude of 'it doesn't matter' at this time is very reasonable.

This is also the reason why Su Li treats Zhou Cangyu with such a 'casual' attitude.

That's the only way to be normal.

If you are grateful for Zhou Cangyu's efforts and therefore polite, then it can only be said that Su Li is too fake, or too stupid, and it is impossible to be so stupid and so easy to trust people.

It will still be suspicious.

Of course, for the client Zhou Cangyu, he certainly hoped that Su Li would be better at fooling around, but obviously that was an extravagant hope, so Zhou Cangyu's experience was actually very bad.

"Zhou Cangyu, I have seen Fairy Qingxue."

After Zhou Cangyu saw Feng Qingxue, he immediately bowed and saluted, and his attitude was quite pious, as if he was meeting his ancestors.

He bowed deeply to show his respect.

Feng Qingxue, the woman condensed in the void, looked at Zhou Cangyu calmly and said, "After so many years, you still stick to such a pure Dao heart, but it's hard for you."

Zhou Cangyu smiled bitterly and sighed, but did not respond.

After Feng Qingxue finished speaking, she looked at Su Li and said softly, "Feng Qingxue, I have seen Su Renhuang."

While speaking, she also bowed and performed a basic etiquette. The etiquette was quite thoughtful, the kind of standard salute to the emperor.

Su Li nodded and said, "Clan Master Zhou Cangyu said you already knew it. If that's the case, why didn't you show up earlier and make a salute?"

Feng Qingxue said softly, "Is it possible that the Emperor Su is thinking about this? This is indeed Qingxue's disrespect, because before, Qingxue was having an epiphany in the swordsmanship of ten thousand ghosts, and at a critical moment, he really ignored the time and ignored it for a while. Su Renhuang."

Su Li said, "I see, that's why I'm narrow-minded."

Feng Qingxue said, "There is no need for Su Renhuang. This time Su Renhuang came here, and Karma is generally known to Qingxue. If Su Renhuang does not dislike it, Qingxue will help Su Renhuang to refine Kunpeng. Mingyuan Flower."

Su Li said, "This seems like a pie falling from the sky, which makes Su quite hard to believe."

Feng Qingxue said, "If that's the case, why don't Su Renhuang give Qingxue a promise?"

Su Li said, "Sorry, I can't make any promises, and I won't promise anything because of my own life and death. For me, I can live if I can, or die if I can't."

Feng Qingxue was silent for a while, before she said, "Is Su Renhuang still grieving over the death of God Master Feng Ziqing and Fairy Fengyunyan?"

Su Li said, "I'm used to it. The dead are gone. And I don't think about the past or the future. I just live in the present and live in the reality."

Feng Qingxue said, "This sounds very ruthless, but it is the greatest sentient being."

Su Li said, "This has nothing to do with whether there is love or not, it's just my mood."

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, and then she didn't know what to say.

She glanced at Zhou Cangyu.

Zhou Cangyu pondered and said, "Well, Fairy Qingxue has always been a little confused, which has something to do with Karma in the Void Soul Valley in Jiuyuan Cave, but this matter will not be difficult for Su Renhuang. .

If she can help Fairy Qingxue solve her confusion, then she will help refine the Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower, and naturally it will not be difficult, so that everyone can not owe each other... What do you think of Su Renhuang? "

Su Li said, "That depends on Fairy Qingxue's confusion."

Feng Qingxue pondered and said, "This kind of confusion will not make Su Renhuang any embarrassment, nor will there be any inhumane and injustice, Su Renhuang can rest assured. This is just one thing Qingxue is concerned about. It's just a knot in my heart - and whether or not this confusion is successfully resolved, as long as Su Renhuang contributes, the result is not important."

Su Li said, "Since Fairy Qingxue has spoken to this point, then Su will naturally not refuse any more."

Su Li said, and said, "In this way, I will help you solve the problem of the knot, and then you will help me refine Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower."

Feng Qingxue heard the words, frowned slightly and said, "Why... Su Renhuang thinks so? Wouldn't it be better for Su Renhuang to recover first?"

Su Li smiled and said, "This is called 'If you want to give first, if you want to advance first, you will retreat'. I have a problem.

But if you let others pay first, others will often be more or less suspicious and jealous, so the pay may not necessarily be sincere. "

Su Li's words are very direct, which means - I'm afraid that you are going to make a fortune in the refined Kunpeng Mingyuan flower, so I'm not being controlled by you?

Of course, Su Li wouldn't really think so - if the other party really refined it, he would just refine and absorb it without saying a word, that would be no problem.

Because it is impossible for the other party to feed in the Kunpeng Mingyuan flower.

As for such a performance, of course, it is a kind of performance by Su Li, which is in line with his "suspicious" and somewhat "narrow" character when he is lonely at this time.

Feng Qingxue heard the words, but didn't mind, but sighed with emotion, "Su Renhuang really has a pure heart, and even a trace of worry and suspicion in his heart is presented without concealment, so... Qingxue will not let Emperor Su is disappointed."

Feng Qingxue's tone was also very firm.

Feng Qingxue said, and took out a special emerald green jade with an ancient and mottled atmosphere, and said softly, "This is a celestial soul stone that contains a ray of primordial magnetism. This primordial magnetism source is The Dao Scar crack can be temporarily connected, and the Su Renhuang can be completely unaffected by the Dao injury for almost three days - this is Qingxue's sincerity, please accept the Su Renhuang with a smile."

Feng Qingxue took the initiative to hold the emerald green jade in her hands and looked at Su Li quietly.

Hearing this, Su Li glanced at the jade stone, then smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, then thank you very much."

With that said, Su Li raised his hand to take the jade, and then asked, "How to use this thing?"

Fengqingxue said, "Show the Dao injury, then touch the jade with Divine Sense, and pull it, you can temporarily sew the Indistinguishable Dao injury. But after this, you will be worry-free within three days, and maybe after three days. Because the Dao injury reappears, there will be some pain at that time.

But this pain is not an additional side effect, but an accumulation of the pain inherent in the Dao injury during these three days. "

Su Li said, "It's just pain, it's fine."

Saying that, Su Li directly followed what Feng Qingxue said, touching the jade with the Divine Sense of the fairy soul, then pulling it, and manifesting her debut injury.

This injury originates from the shattering breath of the emperor soul worm, which was simulated by the abilities such as Heaven's Secret Chaos and "The Book of the Emperor's Classics". Naturally, it contains the ability to 'refine the emptiness and return to the truth'. Su Li believes that it is true. it must be true.

In the final analysis - Su Li has the ability to solve Dao injury, but he will not show this ability.

And the significance of Feng Qingxue's actions at this time lies in the inspection of injuries.

Because these people don't actually believe that this injury is really so deadly.

In this case, Su Li showed it happily, and also showed that he had an open-minded state of mind, or a death-defying mentality that was not afraid of death, which was also just right.

Su Li's performance also brightened Feng Qingxue's beautiful eyes.

At this time, Zhou Cangyu also observed carefully.

As for what observation to use, there is naturally a corresponding secret.

Su Li wouldn't pay attention, nor would he use Tianmai's listening abilities to spy on anything in reality.

Sometimes there are benefits of not knowing.

Feng Qingxue paid attention to it for a moment, then she was also a little embarrassed, and her face became complicated for a moment.

As for Zhou Cangyu, he was absolutely certain—affirmed that this injury was completely real, because it was not that he had never been in contact with it.

He even had a road injury before, but he was cured by some means later.

However, the process of this has lasted for thousands of years - a long illness has become a doctor, in this regard, he is actually the most professional existence, but there are few people who know this.

Even Zhou Cangzhou didn't know it.

But Feng Qingxue knew this.

It is also known that Feng Qingxue's use of the original magnetic source to temporarily repair the Dao injury is a very direct test.

As long as the Dao injury is fake, once the source of the magnetic element comes into contact, it will definitely show some information.

And if it is fake, Su Li will definitely not dare to use it directly, but will show a look of 'dread'.

And the reason for jealousy will naturally involve 'distrust' and the like, which is naturally exposed.

It's a pity that Su Li not only had no doubts, he didn't even use the celestial ability at all, so he directly used the original magnetic source.

If there is a cage in it, Su Li will be caught this time.

Feng Qingxue's eyes are actually a little strange - this Su Renhuang is too emotional.

But this kind of mentality... Indistinctly, Feng Qingxue mobilized the technique of Yuan Magnetic Deduction, and then had some induction.

It turned out that Su Li was already disheartened and felt that there was no hope, and that since Feng Qingxue had appointed Feng Ziqing to be the God of the Wind Clan, she must be a person with bright eyes.

Moreover, Feng Qingxue is also the righteous daughter of the mother emperor, which means that her character is definitely not bad.

So he had already trusted her in his heart.

The so-called 'to take first to give' is actually just an excuse, but Su Li worried that after refining the Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower first, instead, Su Li caused a greater disaster due to the complete recovery of the Dao injury. It also attracted some targets from the upper levels, thus affecting her.

Because she is beautiful and has the shadow of Feng Ziqing, like a big sister, this makes Su Li actually like it a little bit, so she doesn't want to see the tragic ending of Hongyan's continued death.

That's why I wanted to give her a solution first, so that she could go further.

In this way, as long as her strength is further improved, it will be much easier for her to refine Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower.

Furthermore, the Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower is not simple. During this process, if he shows absolute sincerity, he will remind him more and help deal with the Kunpeng Mingyuan Flower together. Open Karma.

In this way, when Su Li is targeted, Feng Qingxue will not be implicated.


After peeking into such thoughts, Feng Qingxue's heart was also a little complicated.

this person...

How can it be so pure.


How silly.

However, why is it so cute and silly, so humble and so distressing?

Feng Qingxue had a heartbeat for a moment, but soon this heartbeat disappeared immediately.

She tried to sense Su Li's mind again, but this time, it was already a little difficult.

Because it seems to have touched some kind of chaotic destiny power of Su Li, which obviously has a certain backlash effect.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue did not continue. She paid attention to Su Li's Dao injury again, but found that the original source of Yuanci had also completely penetrated into it, and completely made up for the Dao injury.

It looked like there was no damage at all.

However, because he is proficient in the origin of the magnetic element, Feng Qingxue can see at a glance that there are gaps everywhere in the missing cracks, and it is precisely the power of the original magnetic element that is filled.

Such a scene also made Feng Qingxue more sure in her heart - if it wasn't really Dao injury, these magnetic powers would not be able to fit in so well, and could not be integrated into it so completely.

At that time, there will be a lot of rough places.

Like pieces of frosted glass, there will be flaws similar to frost marks, and they are indelible.

This is the difference between true and false.

Moreover, this place contains the true and false way of being false. If you cheat here, you will be cracked down immediately.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue is completely certain.

Therefore, Feng Qingxue silently glanced at Zhou Cangyu.

At this time, Zhou Cangyu was also completely sure, and also gave Feng Qingxue a positive look.

Su Li was in a state of temporarily repairing his injuries at this time, and naturally he didn't know anything about it.

However, Su Li has already planted all kinds of thoughts in his heart. Anyway, as long as the other party reads his mind, he will definitely be tricked.

This is what Su Li prepared for when he thought of a situation where he might be invaded by an "alien" woman.

Before, Su Li had already thought that since Meier did not present Karma in reality now, there must be someone who might replace 'Meier' to complete such a heart attack.

And the original strategy of Zhuge Qianlan to attack the heart - this is certain and inevitable, because Li Juan has always wanted to sleep with him Su Li, Su Li is very clear.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Zhuge Qianlan will be "robbed" by Li Juan or top Karma.

But all this will happen in the world of Qian Nu.

Now maybe it's because the real-time update is stuck, so that something goes wrong, so this beautiful world can't be opened.

As the core protagonist of 'passing the test', 'Ning Caichen' can't be in place, so what's going on in this beautiful world? Open the yarn?

There is no Ning Caichen in the world of beautiful women, so what is the world of beautiful women?

Let Xiaoqian and Ning Caixuan fall in love?

Is this still the world of beautiful women?

Therefore, if this core logic does not hold, the world of Qian Nu can't be opened.

If you can't open it, you will naturally have to delay time - if you delay time, you must be stuck in the outside world.

When it comes to cards, in order not to waste resources, various arrangements will be made, and some trump cards will be used to continue to explore the background and the bottom line, or even directly copy the bottom.

Because of the beautiful world, people will subconsciously think that this is Karma under the command of the Tongtian Tower, and even if she dies, it will not lose any origin.

In this state of mind, many things can be done more easily.

Right now, the reason why Su Li said that he had already passed the test is because he did pass in the real and virtual realization.

Then in the corresponding reality, as long as there is nothing wrong, he is almost the Ning Caichen of the 'default'.

In terms of the assessment process, in fact, Su Li passed the exam with hard results.

The same is true. If Su Li can't get the qualification of 'Ning Caichen' in today's assessment, then the upper levels can't justify it.

That's why Su Li can't die.

At least this game is not over yet. If this is dead, then Li Juan's "true and false" before is equivalent to a complete failure - although it has failed, isn't it true that there are also some refining false?

Didn't Su Li have lost a lot of abilities too?

But if Su Li dies early, so that these Karmas can't finish, and the game can't be completed, then the world of beautiful girls will explode directly.

The world of Qian Nuo explodes, then everything before will have to be overturned and the result will be either cutting and reopening everything that happened in the past, or the ending of the explosion of the timeline.

And no matter what kind it is, this world is definitely bleeding.

Su Li has long known that Karma is among them, so she has no fear.

And because someone wants to top Meier's part of Karma, and wants to attack him, then whether it is Zhuge Qianlan or not, Su Li has already passed through the Heavenly Secret Chaos Heavenly Secret "Huangji Jingshishu" and "Chaos Destiny Jing", and has set countless Psychology of layers of waste.

In other words, there is only one layer of these countless layers.

This layer, that is the layer of waste mentality of Su Li.

"Sure enough peeping - but this should not be offensive, she does not contain the characteristics of aliens."

"However, this 'foreign race', unsurprisingly, should be in the Void Soul Valley in Jiuyuan Cave, and it is related to some 'heart knot' of this Feng Qingxue."

Su Li thought to himself.

The first update of 120,000 words is here~ Tears for full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket~ Bow down and thank you~ I am very grateful~

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