Chapter 1: Awakening of Professions? Nine-Star Professions!

"In the year 2356 AD, the first spatial rift appeared in the Arctic ice sheet, with ice giants controlling the falling snow and ice, freezing everything for thousands of miles."

"Within three months, seven countries in the northern region were frozen into ice domains, and countless humans were killed..."

"In the latter half of 2356 AD, the second spatial rift appeared in the Australian waters, with countless ferocious fishmen carrying thousands of sea creatures, causing massive waves."

"In just one month, over a million humans died under the tsunami..."

"In the year 2357 AD, the first interdimensional fragment collided with Blue Star and merged with it."

"The inferior Monster Race from within the interdimensional fragment invaded Blue Star, massacring humans and using their flesh and blood for sacrificial rituals, emitting world coordinates in the starry sea to guide their subsequent race into Blue Star!"

"In the same year, the country of Xiongying launched thirteen nuclear missiles in succession, annihilating most of the inferior Monster Race..."

"In the year 2358 AD, seventeen spatial rifts and seven interdimensional fragments merged with Blue Star. After global scientific research, it was discovered that nuclear explosions would accelerate the spread of spatial rifts and facilitate the fusion of interdimensional fragments with Blue Star."

"Since then, several major countries have jointly issued a declaration: nuclear weapons shall not be used unless absolutely necessary."

"In the same year, countless Monsters and interdimensional beings attacked the human world, and the human doomsday arrived!"

"Foreign scientists discovered that due to the fusion of spatial rifts and interdimensional fragments with Blue Star, the volume of Blue Star has increased by 2.5 times."

"In the year 2360 AD, the first Awakening Crystal was discovered by humans, and the first Nine-Star Awakener, 'Beast Spirit Master,' was born, leading humans in resistance against the interdimensional beings..."

Closing the book, Zheng Cheng closed his eyes, lost in thought.

A year ago, he transmigrated from Earth to this parallel world.

Originally, he thought it was just an ordinary parallel world, but he soon discovered that this world was far from simple through subsequent learning.

The revival of spiritual energy, the invasion of countless races.

In the wilderness, there were countless Monsters and creatures vying with humans for survival areas and resources.

And in the distance, there were also interdimensional battlefields where the interdimensional beings constantly plotted the destruction of the human race.

Countless human warriors, soldiers, and powerful professionals were stationed in the interdimensional battlefields, resisting the invasion of the interdimensional beings.

"Hey! Cheng Ge, we're about to undergo profession awakening. What profession do you want to awaken?" Chen Xiao, his best friend, approached with a gossipy look on his face.

"Me?" Zheng Cheng pondered for a moment and said, "Of course, I want to be a Mage!"

"High attack power, cool skills, and during big battles, I'll be protected by warriors and knights from behind, so it's safer~!"

"Damn! Cheng Ge, you're thinking the same as me. I also want to awaken as a Mage. By then, hehehe..."

He laughed cunningly but also with some worry, "I heard that only ten percent of profession awakenings are successful. What if it fails?"

"What's there to be afraid of? Even if we're not professionals, can't we find good jobs after attending a regular university?"

Zheng Cheng was almost thirty in his previous life, where he had achieved nothing and didn't even have a girlfriend.

In addition, he often burned the midnight oil studying with overseas teachers, leaving him physically weak.

After transmigrating, not only did his body recover its health and youthfulness, but he also had the opportunity to become a Transcendent.

Even if the awakening failed, he would still be a winner with this young and healthy body.

Not to mention, this world was vastly different from his previous life, and he could fully utilize his past experiences to live a comfortable life in this world.

At the very least, he could marry a few wives.


In this world, polygamy was allowed.

The reason was simple.

Whether it was in the wilderness, dungeons, Secret Realms, or in places where humans and interdimensional beings fought, such as the Two Realms Mountain, underground caves, Demon Realm, and other interdimensional battlefields.

In addition to professionals, a large number of ordinary people were needed for logistical work.

The mortality rate in battles was extremely high, and the gender ratio was severely imbalanced.

This was the fundamental reason for the polygamy system.

But there were restrictions on this system as well.

Professionals could marry multiple partners without limit.

As for ordinary people, they could only have two wives.

This was also why so many people were eager to become professionals!

Chen Xiao smirked and said, "Cheng Ge, no matter which one of us succeeds in awakening, let's not forget each other."

"Of course, if we gain wealth and prosperity, we must not..."

Just as they were speaking, a commotion suddenly came from outside the door.


"Awakening successful!"

"It's Class One! It's Class One!"

"What's going on? What happened?"

The spirited students of Class Four were immediately awakened by the commotion outside and all ran towards it.

Even Zheng Cheng instinctively stuck his head out.

"What's happening?"

"What's wrong with Class One?"

"Oh my god! So many people..."

"Someone in Class One has awakened as a Nine-Star professional!"


The whole classroom erupted!

Nine-Star professional!

That was the highest level of professional rank in over three hundred years!

As long as they could grow, they would become the cornerstone and pillar of the country!

In this world, professions were roughly divided into three categories.

The first category was combat professions, which had various combat abilities, such as warriors, mages, archers, assassins, and so on.

The second category was support professions, which could assist in combat, such as priests, formation mages, illusionists, pharmacists, and so on.

The third category was life professions.

As the name suggests, these were professions without any combat abilities.

Enchanters, cooks, pharmacists, alchemists, and so on.

Professional ranks were divided into nine levels.

From one star to nine stars!

One star was the weakest, while nine stars were the strongest!

The reason was simple.

After leveling up, a one-star professional could only gain 1 point of free attribute points.

But a nine-star professional, after leveling up, could gain a whopping 9 points of free attribute points!

This was also the terrifying aspect of a nine-star professional!

The awakening of a Nine-Star professional in Class One had already awakened the entire school.

The school leaders all rushed towards Class One.

At this moment, the homeroom teacher, Gao Yang, opened the classroom door, holding a crystal in his hand that looked like a star, and said somewhat enviously, "Students, sit down quickly, it will be your turn soon."

"By following the teacher's instructions, maybe you can also awaken as a Nine-Star professional!"

But at this moment, the students were no longer under his control.

They were discussing wildly in the classroom, with heads crowding around the windows.

"Oh my god! A Nine-Star professional!"

"I wonder what profession it is. Is it recorded in the 'Encyclopedia of Professions'?"

"If only I could awaken as a Nine-Star professional..."

"Nine-Star professional Dragon Knight, Undead Mage, Shushan Swordsman, Unparalleled General, I wonder which one he is?"

"The awakening crystal has reached Class Two!"

"I wonder if Class Two will awaken as a Nine-Star professional?"

"Impossible! If even one person awakens, our No. 12 Middle School will be famous..."

"We have news! Liang Feifan from Class Two has awakened as a Seven-Star professional, Magic Swordsman!"

"Magic Swordsman! A combination of magic and martial arts! So damn envious!"

"Hey hey hey! Stop making noise, the awakening crystal for our class has arrived, I also want to awaken as a professional!"

"Teacher Gao! What's the situation with the Nine-Star professional in Class One?"

Teacher Gao Yang smiled and shook his head, "The principal has sealed the information, all we know is that it's a girl."

"Wow! A girl..."

Many students were surprised, "I wonder who it is? Support profession or mage?"

"Alright, students!" Gao Yang spoke up, "The awakening crystal has arrived, next the teacher will call people according to the class roster..."

Just a brief explanation, the skill concept of this book is my original creation, the one on the foreign website is also mine.

These two books only share the same skill concept, the plot and content are completely different.

It wouldn't make sense if your protagonist can use Fireball, and mine can't, right?

Also, this account is a new one, I can't post or reply in the comment section (the system keeps reminding me to bind my phone number), so I can only reply in the chapter and paragraph comments. Please forgive me.

I'll study it further.

(End of this chapter)

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