I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 104 The Strength Surges! The Skill Book You Want

Chapter 104: A Surge in Strength! The Skill Books You Want

"What happened?"

"Sister Yunxiao is seriously injured?"

"Damn it! Who did it? How dare they hurt Captain Yunxiao?"

The faces of everyone present changed. Yao Zhixue, Zheng Cheng, and even Bai Jingqi, Li Jiao, and others stood up.

Wang Ning shook his head and said, "It was someone from Breaking Dawn."

"Captain Yunxiao and several colleagues from Jincheng went to investigate the final stronghold of the Black Sun Church and encountered a battle with Breaking Dawn."

"After a fierce fight, they almost suffered a complete defeat. Fortunately, Captain Xu Qingfeng, Captain Jia Peidong, Captain Zhu Lianghao, and others arrived in time and repelled the people from Breaking Dawn. Otherwise..."

"Where is Yunxiao now?"

Zheng Cheng asked in a deep voice, his tone extremely serious.

"Captain Yunxiao is fine. The bureau has high-ranking Priests," Wang Ning explained. "She also instructed that you don't need to rush to see her after coming out of the Secret Realm."

"Go back and rest first, and wait for the bureau's notification."

"Especially you, Zheng Cheng, as well as Song Chaoyu and Cai Shen. Captain Yunxiao will personally lead you to report to the bureau."

"As long as she's okay..."

Zheng Cheng casually asked, "Who are the people from Breaking Dawn?"

Wang Ning said, "It was Ghost Day, one of the Nine Days of Breaking Dawn. He personally took action."

"Ghost Day..."

Zheng Cheng continued, "Ning Ge, is the Xu Qingfeng you mentioned the older brother of Captain Xu Chicheng?"

Wang Ning nodded and said, "Yes, it's him."

"Xu Qingfeng!"

Bai Jingqi exclaimed, "He's back from the foreign battlefield? So soon!"

"Yes, he's about to break through to the Epic level. He came back this time to complete the breakthrough task 'Heaven's Sacrifice'."

"I see. Xu Qingfeng will soon break through to the Epic level?"

"That's great! If he succeeds in the breakthrough, our Blue Star will have another pillar of support!"

"Unfortunately... Captain Xu Chicheng died. I wonder if this will affect Xu Qingfeng."

Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng discussed, while Zheng Cheng was completely confused.

He knew about the Epic level. Professionals above level 80 were called "Epic level".

These powerful individuals at this level were capable of burning mountains and boiling seas, shattering mountains with a single punch, and slaying demons with a single sword. They were the firm foundation of a race.

Only by reaching the Epic level could one have the capital to roam freely on the foreign battlefield and escape the fate of being cannon fodder.

It was only one step away from reaching the Epic level, which meant that Xu Chicheng and the previous Lord of the Black Sun were both at level 79.

Of course, the Lord of the Black Sun had a long lifespan and terrifying strength even when heavily injured and on the verge of death.

On the other hand, Xu Qingfeng was a peak level 79 powerhouse.

The difference between the two was like the bright moon and a firefly.

Level 79?

Zheng Cheng remembered that Xu Qingfeng was level 69 when he went to the foreign battlefield.

He had broken through to level 79 so quickly. He wondered what he had experienced on the foreign battlefield.


What was "Heaven's Sacrifice"? What kind of task was it?

Looking at the excited discussions of the others, Zheng Cheng knew that Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng, and others, as members of prestigious families, must know what "Heaven's Sacrifice" was.

From the literal meaning, was it a sacrificial ceremony?


"Alright, stop arguing."

Wang Ning clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention and said, "The Secret Realm has ended, and you have all recovered. As for the two who died..."

At this point, Wang Ning sighed and continued, "The bureau will provide compensation. Your current task is to return to Eternal Peace City and rest!"

"The Joint Professional Examination is about to begin."

"You must be prepared!"


The group dispersed outside the base, while Zheng Cheng, Song Chaoyu, Cai Shen, and others took the Nightcrawler's car back to Eternal Peace City.

And Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi, and others came by car themselves.

"Farewell, Zheng Cheng. See you at the Professional Union Entrance Exam!"

Qin Zheng and Zheng Cheng bid farewell, sighing, "I hope next time we can join forces again."

Zheng Cheng smiled and said, "Why so serious? We're not enemies, after all."

"Besides, this year's Professional Union Entrance Exam is about invading other planets. We can still join forces then."

"You really know." Qin Zheng smiled, "Who told you? Jingqi? Or Li Zhen?"

"It was Li Jiao."

"Jiao Jiao?" Qin Zheng's expression became strange, "How did she tell you... Could it be that she has feelings for you?"

"Are you two talking bad about me?"

Li Jiao suddenly appeared, glaring at Qin Zheng, and held Zheng Cheng's arm, saying, "Qin Zheng! I warn you! Don't speak ill of me in front of Brother Zheng Cheng, or I won't spare you."

"Alright, alright."

Qin Zheng laughed happily, "Zheng Cheng, Jiao Jiao is a good girl. You must cherish her!"

After speaking, he ran away without looking back, his speed extremely fast, and faint laughter could still be heard.

Zheng Cheng's head immediately felt heavy.

If Qin Zheng was so afraid, what was it about Li Jiao that made him fearful?

Li Jiao spoke softly, "Brother Zheng Cheng, stay away from that guy Qin Zheng!"

"By the way, I will translate that sacrificial notebook for you as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay."

"Jiao Jiao!"

Li Zhen and Bai Jingqi walked over, looking at Li Jiao, who was hugging Zheng Cheng's arm, Li Zhen frowned and patiently said, "You're still a girl, what's with the hugging and cuddling!"

Li Jiao pouted, "I'll hug if I want to. It's none of your business, hmph!"

Li Zhen took a deep breath and said, "We have to go back. Mother has been waiting for a long time."


Li Jiao's expression changed, "Mother, she... she woke up?"


Li Zhen nodded, "I received news from home as soon as I left the Secret Realm. We need to hurry back."

"I understand."

Li Jiao let go of Zheng Cheng's arm and said, "Brother Zheng Cheng, I'm leaving first. Come to my house to play in the future!"

"Okay, okay."

Watching Li Jiao leave, Li Zhen thought for a moment and said, "Zheng Cheng, we have fought side by side as comrades. If you want to marry Jiao Jiao, I naturally support it, but..."

Zheng Cheng quickly said, "No! If Jiao Jiao has any engagement or something, she should fulfill it. I dare not marry her..."

Li Zhen twitched his mouth, enduring the urge to comment, "Not marrying her is fine..."

"Zheng Cheng." Bai Jingqi also walked over and said, "Thank you for what happened with Jing Sheng."

"Also, our agreement in the Secret Realm still stands."

"The Black Slime Fish Pearl of the Li family has not been taken. I have already told Li Zhen, he doesn't need to pay."

"Qin Zheng and I will give you a satisfactory price. Within three days, someone will come to find you."

"Alright, I'll be waiting."

Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "Then goodbye at the Professional Union Entrance Exam."

"Good! Goodbye!"


After the four of them left, Cai Shen and the others also approached and said, "Brother Cheng, let's go."

"Yes, let's go."

Song Chaoyu suddenly leaned against Zheng Cheng again, exhaling like an orchid, "Zheng Cheng, I don't have money to give you for those Black Slime Fish Pearls. Can I pay you back when I get my salary in the future?"

"If it's really not possible, can I offer myself instead?"



Yao Zhixue also walked over, frowning at Song Chaoyu, "Get down! This is the Night Watchman's base, not your home."


Song Chaoyu also coldly snorted, "You're talking as if it's your home."

"I'm discussing with Zheng Cheng about repaying him, what are you doing here? I owe Zheng Cheng money, not you!"

"It's just that they owe me money!"

"You're acting like you're Zheng Cheng's girlfriend, meddling in other people's business!"

"Do you believe that I'll tear your mouth apart?"

"Come on, who's afraid of who~"

The two women glared at each other, their eyes almost spewing fire.

Cai Shen nervously looked at the two of them and whispered, "Brother Cheng, are women really this scary?"

"What's there to be afraid of? Believe me, with just a word from me, they'll obediently come over."

"I don't believe it."

"Forget it if you don't believe it."

"Hey, Brother Cheng, could it be that both of them like you?"


"More than pearls!"

"Then I'll give it a try, maybe I can have some fun with both of them."

"Damn it! Brother Cheng, you have such a lascivious smile..."

"Get lost!"

As the two got into the car, Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu also glared at each other and got into the car.

"Chicken, when we get back, find Chen Xiao and tell him to come to my house, I have something to discuss with him."

Cai Shen asked curiously, "What is it, Brother Cheng?"

"It's about the professional union entrance exam!"

Zheng Cheng whispered again, "And also about the special food, Secret Realm not only has Black Slime Mermaid Pearls, but also other good things, I specifically saved them for you!"


The private car passed by the Wei River Bridge, and Zheng Cheng looked outside.

The bridge had already been repaired, but there were still traces of the battle on both sides of the river.

Many fishmen corpses were piled together, and many professionals were busy moving them.

A few days ago.

When they came to Wei River Town to participate in the instance trial, the people from the Black Sun Church had temporarily cut off the traffic between Eternal Peace City and Wei River Town in order to seize Yao Zhixue, who had attracted a group of fishmen.

Through the siege of the night watchmen, the fishmen in Wei River Town had been completely cleared out.

"Ashen fish scales, shriveled limbs, triangular yam, these are Kou Tao fishmen, a completely different race from the Black Slime fishmen."

Zheng Cheng thought as he looked at the busy workers under the bridge.

After the private car passed the Wei River Bridge, it entered the suburbs of Eternal Peace City. They agreed to visit Zhao Yunxiao together tomorrow and then went home separately.

The first thing Zheng Cheng did when he got home was to take out the corpse of the Iron Axe Half-Orc and chop it with a knife.

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Half-Orc Warrior's Heart.]

"Half-Orc's heart? Another heart?"

Zheng Cheng frowned and looked at his palm.

A peach-sized, slightly red heart appeared in his hand, still beating slightly.

[Special ingredient: Half-Orc Warrior's Heart]

[Quality: Three stars]

[Effect: Eating it permanently increases strength by 5 points, digestion capacity +1%, limited to 20 servings.]

[Explanation: Only the members of the Half-Orc tribe who have individually killed ten Seat Wolves can be called warriors. They are the most elite soldiers among ordinary Half-Orcs.]

In addition to this Iron Axe Half-Orc, Zheng Cheng also took the opportunity to take away the corpse of the cave troll killed by Bai Jingsheng!

[Skill successfully executed!]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Cave Troll Palm.]

A black and somewhat elastic piece of meat appeared in his hand.

[Special ingredient: Cave Troll Palm]

[Quality: Three stars]

[Effect: Eating it permanently increases constitution by 5 points, digestion capacity +2%, limited to 20 servings.]

[Explanation: Omnivorous creature, loves to eat rotten meat, naturally has strong resistance to abnormalities.]

"Increasing strength and constitution by 5 points, not bad."

Zheng Cheng looked at the troll's palm and hesitated, "The palm... I wonder how it compares to a bear's paw?"

Late at night, after consuming these two ingredients, Zheng Cheng's attributes underwent another huge change!

[Name: Zheng Cheng]

[Class: Priest]

[Star Rating: Three Stars]

[Level: LV14]

[Soul Power: 1452/25000]

[Constitution: 100]

[Strength: 120]

[Agility: 85]

[Spirit: 83 (75+8)]

[Resistance: Toxin Resistance 40%, Fire Resistance 17%]

[Physical Attributes: Levitation Ability 1%, Digestive Ability +4%, Male Function +5%, Underwater Breathing +35%]

[Equipment: Bloodthirsty Staff, Gale Wolf Fang Necklace, Spatial Ring]

[Backpack: Black Sludge Heavy Hammer, Cloud Soaring Sword, Town Portal Scroll...]

[Skills: Random Dissection LV5, Central Radar Life Detection Art LV4, Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst LV3, Virtual Fire Incineration LV3, Knife of Tetanus LV2]

Level increased to LV14, a full 4 levels from the Secret Realm expedition!

All four attributes skyrocketed, especially Constitution and Strength, which have surpassed the 100-point mark.

The total attribute points have reached a staggering 388!

In addition, various resistances and physical attributes obtained through special food have made his strength more balanced.

Furthermore, Random Dissection has reached LV5, only one level away from reaching LV6 and activating the second ability!

Central Radar Life Detection Art has also reached LV4 due to continuous use in the Secret Realm.

Only Knife of Tetanus is still at LV2, but it will soon level up.

Inside the spatial ring, there are a large number of corpses of different races from the Secret Realm.

He roughly calculated that there were the most dwarf corpses among them.

After all, it was the territory of the dwarves, who had been wiped out by the half-orcs.

Among the black-bearded dwarf corpses he collected along the way, there were more than three hundred!

There were over two hundred and forty half-orc corpses.

The corpses of two elite bosses.

There were over one hundred and fifty black sludge fishman corpses.

Among them were also the corpse of the fishman boss.

There were fifteen blackwater mysterious snake corpses.

With so many corpses, Zheng Cheng contributed over a hundred special ingredients!

In addition to the black sludge fishman fish pearls he took and distributed to Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi, Yao Zhixue, and Song Chaoyu.

He also had fifty-six black-bearded dwarf heart blood and thirty-four half-orc heart blood.

These special ingredients were specially prepared for Chen Xiao and Cai Shen!

Their four attributes are mainly focused on Constitution and Strength, which is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Especially after Li Jiao told him about the upcoming changes in the Joint Entrance Examination for Professionals, he had to give them to them.

Only by enhancing their strength can they pass through more safely.

"I'll give it to them after we finish watching Captain Yunxiao tomorrow. It'll be a little surprise~!"


The next day, the four of them arrived at the Night Watchman Branch together and saw Zhao Yunxiao, who was doing recovery training.

She was wearing black hot pants and a vest, doing recovery training. Her seemingly slender thighs and arms contained explosive power.

There were fine beads of sweat on her hair ends, and her body lines were extremely graceful. Every movement was like a work of art.

Cai Shen tactfully turned his head, but Zheng Cheng was interested and stared at her.

It wasn't until the angry Yao Zhixue used her fingernail to draw a circle on his thigh that he reluctantly closed his eyes.

Soon, Zhao Yunxiao finished her training and greeted them.

"Wait here for a moment, I'll take a shower."

"Oh, Zheng Cheng, I've applied for the skill book you wanted. I guarantee you'll be satisfied~!"

(End of this chapter)

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