I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 113 One Billion Pieces Of Jade! Crazy Villain!

Chapter 113: One Billion Jade Shattered! The Mad Villain!

Radiation Island.

The main island, Mount Huang.

Mount Huang is the highest peak on the planet of Radiation Island, reaching over four thousand meters in height.

At this moment, the summit of Mount Huang is densely populated with countless villains.

They have expressions of panic and extreme fear. Some have given up on themselves, shouting to the sky or crying loudly.

Six months ago, news of the complete annihilation of their clan's stationed professional forces on the Fallen Islands had reached their planet.

Doomsday has arrived.

All the villains on Radiation Island have fallen into an unprecedented disaster.

And today, they have received the call of one of the strong survivors who escaped from the Fallen Islands, the LV69 Martial Warrior, the only general of Abao. They have gathered beneath Mount Huang!



On top of Mount Huang, the imposing figure of the only Abao stands tall.

The strong wind blows, causing the tentacles behind him to sway in the wind.

He is nearly three meters tall, with bulging muscles and purple-black lumps covering his arms, exuding tremendous explosive power.

Ribs protrude from his waist, forming a strange organ resembling wings.

On his chest, there are two heads.

One is the size of a basketball, irregularly shaped.

The other is slightly smaller, with an eye, sharp teeth, and a bloody hole for a nose.

This one-eyed head still emits a fierce and brutal light.

"Our clan is on the verge of extinction, but we will never give up!"

"A thousand years ago! In order to survive, our clan transformed the entire planet into one suitable for our race!"

"Those damn foreigners didn't know how to bide their time and resist the alien race."

"But our clan adapted and preserved our planet and race!"

"But now..."

The only Abao shouted, "Our country, our nation, our planet, are about to be invaded by the foreign race!"

"A thousand years ago, we could destroy them!"

"Today, we can still destroy them!"



With his roar, there are also hundreds of villains of different professions standing behind him.

They are the last strong warriors of the Radiation Island planet and the elite.

"We will never surrender! We will never give up!"

The only Abao roared, "From the summit of Mount Huang to the Thousand Islands Archipelago!"

"From the Forest of Ghost Sakura to the Water Moon Mountains! The flame of our race will never be extinguished!"

"Never be extinguished!"

"Never be extinguished!"

In the roar of the only Abao, strange ripples emanate from the several Daoist shadows behind him, gradually spreading to the entire area beneath Mount Huang.

And beneath Mount Huang, tens of thousands, even millions, or even tens of millions of villains have already gathered.

Professionals, ordinary people, the elderly, children...

Some have two heads, some lie on the ground with armor-like carapaces, and some have degenerated limbs that grow seven or eight sticky tentacles.

Some are bare-chested, revealing three milky-white breasts, and some have insect-like limbs growing from their waists.

Some people's bodies can even split open from the middle, growing densely packed and wriggling tentacles.

Underneath the entire Huangshan, it's like a tide of monsters!

Under the shroud of this eerie spirit and battle intent, they all roar madly.

Abei continued, "Radiation Island is the island of our Lieru clan!"

The Lieru clan is the name other races use to refer to the radiation island race.

And they call themselves: the Lieru clan!

"We worship the sun and long for the sun, but the clouds on our planet completely envelop the sunlight!"

"In order to see the sun again, our clan has fought on the battlefield of other races for hundreds of years!"

"The souls of those who died in battle will not dissipate. They will return and protect us again at the call of our clan!"

Abei continued to roar, "Fellow countrymen! Citizens! Professionals!"

"The elderly, women, and children!"

"Pick up your weapons and kill these foreign invaders who dare to invade our homeland with your flesh and blood!"

"Radiation Island is the homeland of our Lieru clan! We must not let them occupy it!"

"The spirits of our clan will watch over you in the Imperial Shrine!"

"A billion citizens, shattered jade, withered grass, crawling in the mountains and fields, we firmly believe that the Divine Land will not perish, and the Imperial Nation will endure forever!"

Abei raised his single hand high and shouted with all his might.

"The Imperial Nation will endure forever!"

"The Imperial Nation will endure forever!"

"The Imperial Nation will endure forever!"




Countless shouts resounded, with millions, tens of millions, and even billions of Lieru people roaring in anger.

They surged forward like a tide towards the distance.

Above the sky, stars appeared.

They connected to form threads, slowly rising from the end of the horizon.

Finally, they converged above everyone's heads, like a huge spider web or a birdcage, enveloping the entire Radiation Island.

"The Star Locking Formation..."

Looking at the spider web and birdcage in the sky, Abei's eyes were filled with killing intent.

"Blue Star humans!"

"Even if our clan is annihilated, we will devour all the professionals who dare to enter our Radiation Island planet!"

"Our clan will not be extinguished!"

"Even if only one child is left, we will seek revenge against you!"


Several half-human, half-monster figures walked up from behind and said, "General, the plan to shatter a billion jades has already begun, and we must also leave."

"Take care, everyone!"

"Take care!"

"General, rest assured, even if we die in battle, we will kill several more Blue Star humans... to prepare for your next plan."


Abei sneered, "The Blue Star humans plan to annihilate our Lieru clan, how can we fulfill their wishes?"

"We are trapped on this island by the main formation of the Star Locking Formation and cannot leave, but we can completely break through the blockade of the Star Locking Formation by using the blood of billions of living beings to fuse with the power of radiation!"

"As long as someone can escape from this island, immediately slaughter all the newly emerged professionals of the Blue Star race on the surrounding islands, understood?"

"Yes, General!"

Suddenly, Ah Bei's only second head also opened its small mouth, and its sharp teeth seemed to be rubbing against each other.

The voice was hoarse and rough, as if two rusty blades were rubbing hard.


"The flesh and blood of the Blue Star race..."

"Bring them over quickly! I want to eat them! Eat them!"

"Gaga, gaga..."

"I am already thirsty, so thirsty!"

"Take action!"

"With their flesh and blood, feed the few offerings that were taken from the Blue Star three hundred years ago."

Ah Bei cruelly said, "Use the offerings from their planet, their country, to slaughter their descendants."


"I can't wait to see the regretful faces of those powerful Blue Star race members..."



Yidu Island.

Zheng Cheng, Chen Xiao, and Liu Siyu walked side by side, with the others following closely behind.

Over an hour ago, under the command of the invigilator Xu Qingfeng, all the new students participating in this assessment had poured out and rushed towards the surroundings of Yidu Island.

And they randomly chose a direction to move forward.

Along the way, under the scan of Zheng Cheng's Central Radar Life Detection technique, the ten people basically encountered no danger.

They safely arrived at... the seaside!

"What the f*ck!"

Looking at the boundless 'ocean', the inexperienced ones instinctively cursed.

What appeared before them was not the blue sea they had in mind, but... a murky black.

Upon closer inspection, there were also blue and purple lights among them.

Muddy seawater surged forward, leaving glaring traces on the beach.

There were also many marine animal corpses and bones floating in the wind.

The nostrils were filled with a pungent smell, and if they got closer, it would be impossible to keep their eyes open.

"Is this... the ocean? How did the sea become like this?"

Chen Xiao also exclaimed, "I've been to the coastal city for tourism before, and the ocean there was azure blue. Why is it like this here..."

"This is the work of the inferior race!" Zheng Cheng said coldly, "They betrayed their own planet and detonated five thousand nuclear bombs underwater, polluting the entire planet."

"Even the ocean was not spared!"

"The inferior race... deserves to die!"

"Damn it! Is this the ocean? It stinks so much!"

"Why did the inferior race do this? Are they crazy?"

"I heard they wanted to drag all the countries on the radiation island down... We don't know the specific situation..."

"We're done! Do we have to survive in this kind of place for ten days?"


The distant seawater suddenly churned, causing towering waves.

Zheng Cheng's expression suddenly changed. In the 3D map of the Central Radar Life Detection technique, a crimson dot was rapidly approaching.

Location... the ocean!

"Be careful! Enemies are coming!" he quickly warned, "From the direction of the ocean, it's marine creatures!"

"Boom... Puff!"

In the not-too-distant ocean, accompanied by the rolling waves, a huge figure suddenly leaped out of the sea.

It was a giant black whale.

On its head, there were densely packed tentacles growing, entwined around its head like dirty braids.


The massive figure slammed heavily onto the ground, and its exposed body on the surface of the water alone was as tall as a ten-story building.

"Be on guard!"

"Don't run around!"


Although they were startled, they did not panic.

Chen Xiao, Liu Siyu, and Zhao Yeping quickly stood in front of the others, while the rest also took out their weapons and aimed at the whale from a distance.

Suddenly, the whale slowly opened hundreds of cloudy eyes on its forehead, staring fixedly at them.

Each of these eyes was filled with grayish-white cloudy crystals, as if suffering from cataracts, covering its entire head.

Just like a huge lychee.


"So many eyes!"

"Is this a whale? So strange."

"So terrifying, so disgusting..."


The black whale suddenly let out a roar, and the surrounding seawater began to churn.

On both sides of its head, two pupils emitting a crimson light opened again.

The grayish-white iris surrounded a pitch-black pupil, and the whites of the eyes were filled with fine blood vessels.

Filled with violence, madness, pain, and sorrow.

Its two pairs of pupils, as well as countless densely packed eyes, stared fixedly at the ten people on the shore.

The seawater behind it, accompanied by the swaying of its tail, continuously stirred up huge waves.

"Zheng, Brother Cheng, what kind of monster is this?"

Trembling, the novice said, "If the ocean has become like this, can there still be living creatures?"

Zheng Cheng hesitated, "Don't underestimate the vitality of living creatures. They will adapt to the current environment and gradually evolve or mutate."

"This whale is no exception..."


His tone suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

In the Central Radar Life Detection technique, the crimson light representing this whale slowly turned yellow!

Yellow light... neutral creature!


The whale swayed its massive body and retreated back into the ocean.


The mournful cry continued to echo, lingering in the hearts of the ten people along with the sea breeze blowing from afar.

"Brother Cheng, this..."

"Put down your weapons."

Zheng Cheng's tone was somewhat hesitant, "They... still consider us as friends..."

(End of this chapter)

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