I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

155. Chapter 154 Real Men Fight! Bai Jingqi Vs Tyrese!

Chapter 154 Real men fight! Bai Jingqi VS Tyrese!

Tyrese felt a strong sense of malice.


In the past, he was just a small figure in the Moorish Kingdom, and his mother was just a dancer next to the Eagle Kingdom's military base.

After picking up a customer once, there was him.

His mother often whispered in his ears that his father was a tall and handsome white man from the Eagle Kingdom!

She also said that her father would come back in the future and take their family to Eagle Country!

For this reason, he has been very proud since he was a child and looks down on his compatriots who are black and carbon.

Accordingly, he often fought with the children around him until he was a teenager.

That year, my mother died of illness.

Before she died, she was still talking about her white husband.

Looking at his mother's body, Tyrese secretly vowed to go to Eagle Country to find his father.

Finally, he sneaked into the Eagle Kingdom.

The dream of a life of luxury and a few hundred dollars an hour was shattered. When he came to Eagle Country, he had no money and no identity, and no one wanted him to work.

Fortunately, he has a pair of fists that have been trained since childhood, and he joined the underground black boxing in the Eagle Kingdom.

With his fearless fighting style and fists, he finally survived.

Moreover, I also made a lot of money!

By accident, he was spotted by an organization from the Eagle Kingdom, which lured him to come to the Xia Kingdom!

According to that group of people, Xia Guo values ​​​​foreign people very much, especially little white horses like him!

You can go to school casually, play casually with women, and even if you kill someone, you will just be sent back to your country.

In this way, he boarded a flight to Xia Kingdom and was assigned to a city called Eternal Peace City to become a high school student in an international school.

Two years later, he actually awakened the eight-star profession, the Orc Sword Master!

His status was immediately raised. The Eagle Kingdom gave him massive rewards and benefits, and promised him to help him find his missing father!

For this reason, he must always be loyal to the Eagle Country and dedicate everything to the Eagle Country!

This time, an order came from the Eagle Kingdom, asking him to snatch something called a 'world's wonder' at any cost!

He fought hard and fought hard all the way, but was stopped by a group of freshmen from Eternal Peace City.

The key item was the Blood Guanyin. He was defeated by those damn Eternal Peace City freshmen without even seeing him.

But it doesn't matter, he still has the opportunity to participate in solo qualifying.

But who would have thought that during qualifying, seven or eight challengers would choose to challenge him.

Although these seven or eight challengers were not very strong, the two strongest ones only injured themselves and could not defeat themselves at all.

But this feeling of being constantly challenged is really disgusting.

And now.

Another person wants to challenge himself!

Looking at Bai Jingqi on the stage, who was holding a wild goose-wing knife and pointing at him from a distance, Tyrese's copper-bell-sized pupils were filled with burning flames.

"Challenge me?"

"Challenge me!"

"Why me again!"

"Damn it! I'm going to tear you apart this time!"

He roared angrily, jumped up suddenly, and hit the ring directly.

He reached out and grabbed it, and a one-handed giant sword the size of a door panel appeared in his hand.

When the referee saw this, he didn't even ask whether the two were ready, and quickly shouted: "The competition begins!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole person ran off the stage like a rabbit.


Before Bai Jingqi could say anything, Tyrese picked up the giant sword and struck him with one strike!


The storm exploded, and Tyrese was like a violent rhinoceros, sweeping in with wind blades all over the sky and slamming into Bai Jingqi.


Bai Jingqi also cursed secretly. According to the rules, shouldn't we say harsh words to each other before challenging? Why is he...


He quickly raised the Wild Goose Wing Saber and blocked Tyrese's sword.

The violent wind blades rolled up around the two of them, blowing their clothes loudly.

"Damn it!" Bai Jingqi cursed secretly: "Why are you so crazy? I still..."


Before he could finish his words, Tyrese exerted a sudden force and directly suppressed him.

Bai Jingqi cursed secretly, twisted his waist, and took off Tyrese's sword.


The giant sword hit the ground hard, making a big hole in the ground.

Bai Jingqi had already taken advantage of this opportunity and retreated more than ten meters away.

He moved his arms and his eyes became serious.

"In that case, let's do it!"


"Fight in all directions at night, Hidden Sword Style!"

He held a knife in his right hand, with the blade hidden behind his armpit, and he rushed towards Tyrese at an extremely fast speed.

Halfway through, the Wild Goose Wing Saber in his hand suddenly turned and slashed diagonally towards Tyrese at a right and downward angle.

"Damn Xia people! They keep bullying me!"

"Tear you apart!"

Tyrese also shouted loudly, strode out, and slashed towards Bai Jingqi with the giant sword in his hand without any plan at all.


Bai Jingqi cursed secretly, does Tyrese know how to use a sword?

Damn it, I'm going to cut you to the waist, why don't you use a weapon to block it, what the hell are you going to do if you just hit me on the head with your sword?

Although he could seriously injure Tyrese in this way, his sword would definitely cut him in half. What a disadvantage!

In desperation, he could only change his sword stance midway and meet Tyrese's sword falling from the sky.


There was another loud noise, Tyrese came in a rage, Bai Jingqi changed his sword halfway, and this sword suppressed him again.

The Wild Goose Wing Saber suddenly trembled, and it spread to his arms, and his palms also felt numb.

"Fuck! Such strength!"

Bai Jingqi cursed secretly, and was suppressed by Tyrese twice in a row. He had a hot temper and immediately became angry.

He didn't care at the moment, he picked up the wild goose wing knife and slashed towards Tyrese.

The two big men immediately picked up their long knives and giant swords and started slashing at each other. The swords were flashing and their figures were flying among them, which was extremely dangerous.

However, this style of fighting did arouse the hormones of most males in the ring.

"Damn it! There's a fight! This is a competition that real men should watch!"

"Too fierce! Cut him to death! Cut him!"

"Oh! This knife almost took off the little white horse's arm!"

"Damn, this Tyrese is so fierce, it's a completely life-threatening way!"

"What does a little white horse know about swordsmanship and swordsmanship? I think he is just slashing around with a knife, exchanging injuries for injuries!"

"Doesn't that mean Bai Jingqi is destined to lose?"

"Not necessarily. The Hundred Battles Sword Emperor gets stronger with each battle, and Bai Jingqi becomes more powerful as time goes on."

"You are wrong. I have studied the profession of the Hundred Battles Sword King. It is true that the more he fights, the stronger he gets. But the stronger he gets, the stronger he is in group battles on the battlefield! The more teammates around him and the longer the fighting time, the stronger his strength will be. powerful!"

"This kind of solo fight cannot bring out his full strength at all."

"So according to my inference, Bai Jingqi will definitely lose!"

"Fuck! What are you talking about? Why didn't you tell me that Tyrese was also seriously injured in the previous challenges. Even with the treatment of Priest and the doctor, it is impossible to fully recover."

"Well, this is also a variable..."

The crowd around them was quarreling so loudly that they almost started fighting.

In the player lounge, Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "What are you doing? Why are you targeting Tyrese?"

Zhu Chengyu shrugged and said, "Don't ask me, this was the idea from above."

"I know." Qin Zheng chuckled and said, "No matter what, that world wonder belongs to our Xia Kingdom and our Qinzhou Province."

"Whether you or I get it, it doesn't matter."

"But if Tyrese gets it, that's not a good thing."

"So, the old men at home made an agreement with the leaders of the military, night watchmen, and professional guilds."

"Kick Tyrese out first, then the rest will fight for it!"

"At that time, just use your true skills to rob it!"

"I see."

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized that the importance of the world's wonders is self-evident here.

I don’t know what this thing is used for?


At this moment, the situation in the arena changed again.

Tyrese slammed his sword and created a huge hole in the ground. Smoke filled the air and gravel flew, forcing Bai Jingqi back.

Then he roared angrily, his size increased dramatically, and fine hair grew again on his body.

Coupled with the ferocious face and huge pupils, it turned out to be a huge chimpanzee!

He roared angrily, grabbed the giant sword like a big wooden stick, and smashed it towards Bai Jingqi crazily!

Seeing Tyrese's actions, Qin Zheng in the audience couldn't help but complain: "What kind of orc sword master is this? He's like a big monkey..."

"The Orc Sword Master awakened in Tyrese, it's really... a waste of resources!"


Zhu Chengyu also smiled bitterly and said: "There is also a leader in the Underground Great Wall of the Catacomb World whose profession is the Orc Sword Master."

"When he fights with the earth demon clan, he uses exquisite swordsmanship. With only three points of strength, he can gain ten points of combat power."

"And this Tyrese..."

Zheng Cheng also said: "Bai Jingqi is going to lose."


The two of them said in surprise, and both looked at the ring.

Qin Zheng even said: "How is it possible? Bai Jingqi's strength is not weaker than mine. If I didn't have professional blessing..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "Bai Jingqi's professional strength is that he can gain strength and fighting spirit from his teammates in melee. He can also absorb the enemy's blood, evil spirit, etc. to strengthen himself."

"But he is facing only Tyrese now, and there are no comrades around him. The characteristics of the Hundred Battles Sword Emperor profession cannot be fully utilized..."


Just as he was speaking, a burst of golden light suddenly erupted from Tyrese on the ring, covering his entire body.

Fine wind blades began to condense on the giant sword in his hand.

"Blade Storm!"

The fine and sharp sword energy turned into a wind blade, rushing towards Bai Jingqi!


Zhu Chengyu exclaimed: "I have seen this move before on that leader. The sword energy condenses the wind blade and covers a radius of 10,000 meters. Even Monster Sovereign's armor can be torn into pieces."

"But the leader's move seems to be called Blade Storm..."

Amidst the exclamations of countless people, Bai Jingqi's figure retreated suddenly, trying to get out of the scope of the sword wind.

Unfortunately, Tyrese had already locked onto him, and the blade of the wind was so fast that Bai Jingqi was within the attack range almost instantly!


The wind blade swept across, even the earth was torn apart, and a large amount of gravel and smoke rose into the sky!

"Did you lose?"

"Bai Jingqi is going to lose."

"Where are the people?"

The smoke and dust scattered, and among countless pairs of expectant eyes, a strong wind swept across, and a figure covered in blood rushed out.

White flag!

His body was covered with blood.

But his eyes were burning with endless fire and fighting spirit.

"Hahaha... cool!"

"This is the real fight of life and death!"

"Tyrese! The real competition begins now!"

"The Blood Demon Bone Crusher Knife!"

"Behead me!"


(End of chapter)

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