I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

194. Chapter 193 She Is My FiancéE, You Have To Kill Her!

Chapter 193 She is my fiancée, you have to kill her!

The rookie asked first: "Who are you? I clearly remembered to lock the door before I left."

The boy in flower pants smiled lightly and said: "A mere lock can lock us professionals, but you are probably not a mountain cannon~"

"I'm going~!"

The rookie was about to roll up his sleeves and teach others a lesson, but Zheng Cheng grabbed him and said, "The existence of the lock is to protect against villains and not gentlemen. What are you anxious about?"

"Hahaha~! You are so guarded against villains but not gentlemen. The tone of your words is very similar to mine. What a pity~"

"What's a pity?"

"It's a pity that your bloodline is really not from my Zheng family, otherwise I really want to drag you to Nine Snakes Island for identification."

"Nine Snake Island?"

"Nine Snake Island?"

Caiji and Yao Zhixue were both surprised and looked at the visitor up and down.

But Zheng Cheng already knew the identity of this person and said: "Zheng Yi, the young master of the Zheng family on Nine Snake Island, tell me, what is the purpose of coming to me?"

Zheng Yi stood up, but her eyes were on Yao Zhixue: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are worthy of being an influential figure among the new students. She is indeed beautiful."

"In my life, my appearance and temperament alone are enough to rank among the top three."

Yao Zhixue frowned, and his evaluation of him immediately dropped by three points.

"I'm leaving first. If you need anything, come to me anytime."

After that, he turned around and left, too lazy to stay here any longer.

"Oh wait~" Zheng Yi said quickly: "I am here this time. In addition to wanting to see people with the same surname, I also have one more thing to ask of you."


Yao Zhixue stopped, his eyes a little strange.

Zheng Cheng also asked suspiciously: "Are you here to see Zhixue? Why are you looking for her?"

Zheng Yi rolled his eyes and said, "What if I can't find a pretty boy like you?"

"I, Zheng Yi, have only loved beautiful women and fine wine in my life, and these are the only two things I can deign to have!"

Zheng Cheng said unceremoniously: "Come on, why are you looking for Zhixue?"

"Can you be her master?"

Yao Zhixue said calmly: "Okay."

"Alas, this is Prince Xiang's intention but not his intention~" Zheng Yi was still shaking his head, and immediately felt a cold breath flowing around his neck, and said quickly: "I am looking for Yao Zhixue this time because I want to ask her to kill her. one person!"

"For this reason, I am willing to form an alliance with you in the battle between the ten hidden dragons!"

Yao Zhixue asked strangely: "Killing? Who to kill?"

Zheng Cheng's mind suddenly moved: "Zhang Meiyu?"

Zheng Yi gave a thumbs up: "Clever! As long as you kill Zhang Meiyu in the Secret Realm one month later, I will form an alliance with you personally and even share the secrets about the battle between the top ten hidden dragons!"

The rookie said: "What's the secret? Isn't it the newly discovered alien battlefield wilderness!"

"you know?"

Now, it was Zheng Yi's turn to be surprised.

The rookie said proudly: "Tsk~ What is my identity as brother Cheng? What kind of secret is this!"

"It's amazing." Zheng Yi said again: "What is the specific situation of the wilderness? Do you know?"

The rookie huffed and was about to speak but was interrupted by Zheng Cheng: "Why do you want to kill Zhang Meiyu?"

Zheng Yi said unceremoniously: "She is the fiancée that the old man at home found for me. Unfortunately, I don't like her, so I can only kill her!"


Do you want to kill her because you don't like her?

What the hell kind of logic is this?

Does your whole family do this?

Zheng Cheng said strangely: "Zhang Meiyu is also a beauty. Don't you like beautiful women and fine wine? Why..."

Zheng Yi twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "No matter how much I like beauties, I don't want to wear a bunch of cuckolds on my head!"

"I know that there are more than a dozen of those crazy women. Who am I, Zheng Yi, to be able to touch that kind of woman?"

"Dragon nature is inherently lustful. As a dragon descendant, Zhang Meiyu has very strong desires. I can't control her at all."

"Her existence is a bargaining chip for the clan to fight against Storm Island. I can't possibly touch her openly, so..."

"So, you came to us." Zheng Cheng continued: "A perfect excuse. Everyone knows the conflict between Zhang Meiyu and Zhixue. If she is killed in Secret Realm, no one will contact you. On the body."


Zheng Yi snapped her fingers and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people. What do you think? This is a good deal."

"Although Zhang Meiyu's black dragon body is powerful, she also has weaknesses. I can tell you all about these weaknesses."

"Also, my alliance, the specific situation of the foreign battlefield wilderness, and I can even support you with some supplies..."

"I reject!"

"Okay... hmm? You refuse?" Zheng Yi frowned and asked, "Why did you refuse?"

"Zhang Meiyu has an extreme personality and will retaliate. Yao Zhixue has already offended her. Let her embarrass such a big person in public. The two of you have an undying hatred."

"Even if you don't take action, she will definitely take action in Secret Realm."

"As long as you are ruthless and kill her in Secret Realm, no one will think about it..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "If Zhang Meiyu dares to cause trouble for Zhixue, of course we will kill her."

"But...I can't promise you."

Zheng Yi's eyes flashed as he stood up and said, "I understand, then I'll leave."

After taking two steps, he said again: "Oh, by the way, I have never been here, and you have not seen me. I have been talking to my escort girl all night~"



After Zheng Yi left, the rookie murmured: "Is he Zheng Yi, the young master of Nine Snake Island? It's so strange."

"What's weird?"

"Hmm... I can't really tell. I just feel like he's a bit stupid. Is it so easy to find someone to kill someone?"

"Hehehe..." Zheng Cheng smiled lightly and said, "He is not simple."

"Brother Cheng, what do you mean?"


Zheng Cheng motioned to the sofa with his eyes. Caiji and Yao Zhixue looked over and saw a USB drive lying quietly on the spot where Zheng Yi had been sitting.

The rookie said in surprise: "That's..."

"He just said the chips." Zheng Cheng picked up the USB flash drive and said, "What are the weaknesses of Zhang Meiyu's black dragon body, and what are the specific conditions of the alien battlefield wilderness?"

The rookie said: "Brother Cheng, didn't you reject him? Why..."

Yao Zhixue suddenly said: "Zheng Cheng rejected him, but don't forget, I have offended Zhang Meiyu to death. According to Zhang Meiyu's temperament, he will never coexist peacefully with us."

"In that case, why don't we strike first?"

Zheng Cheng said in surprise: "You can see it."


"Are you sure?"

Yao Zhixue shook his head and said: "I don't know. I haven't fully discovered Zhang Meiyu's specific strength. I just caught her off guard today."

"But it's not easy for her to hurt me!"

"Is this so..."

"By the way, what is your college's Secret Realm assessment?"

Yao Zhixue said: "A Secret Realm called the 'Dark Forest', destroy the monsters hidden in it."

"Dark Forest..."

Zheng Cheng leaned on the sofa, tapping the sofa with one hand, and considered: "It seems that I have to go to the Night Watch Base."

"Go there? What to do?"

"We are going to the Imperial Capital Night Watch to report" Zheng Cheng continued: "There is another reason, of course it is to enhance your strength!"

At the same time, Zhang Meiyu who was leaving was also blocked by a shadow.

In the darkness, Zhang Meiyu said with burning eyes: "Who are you? How dare you block my way?"

A slender figure with a Dao Body shape came out of the darkness: "We have a common enemy, why not join forces?"

"Oh? Are you worthy of joining forces with me?"

The visitor frowned and looked behind Zhang Meiyu.

Several pretty boys were still following, Zhang Meiyu said coldly: "Get out! Get out of here!"

Several people quickly ran away for hundreds of meters, and then the Daoist figure appeared in the darkness.

"Dongfang Yang? It turns out to be you!"


Dongfang Yang said in a deep voice: "Your target is Yao Zhixue, and my target is Zheng Cheng."

"In Secret Realm, you and I happen to be together with Yao Zhixue. If you and I join forces, wouldn't it be even more foolproof?"


In the darkness, Zhang Meiyu's voice was a little low: "Okay, but I'm very angry now!"

Dongfang Yang said in astonishment: "What do you mean?"

"I heard that men in Binhai City are afraid of their wives and still like to lie down?" Zhang Meiyu approached, staring at Dongfang Yang with a pair of pupils: "It just so happens that I, Zhang Meiyu, like to ride men!"

The next few days were uneventful.

Zheng Cheng attended classes and conducted practical exercises as normal, quickly absorbing knowledge about the alien battlefield and the positioning of auxiliary professionals.

Their main courses are to understand their respective professions and the alien battlefield.

The content taught is mainly about how to develop and develop one's own career.

For some reason, Zhang Meiyu didn't come to trouble them these days.

Only Cui Xiabing, this girl, keeps looking for opportunities to get close to her, and her thoughts of wooing her have not stopped yet.

Friday is the class time for Zheng Cheng's elective course "Military Theory of Modern Warfare".

The substitute teacher was none other than Teacher Bai Bin, who had presided over the first competition between him and Shi He.

The classroom is large, but there are very few classmates. There are only about 20 people, and almost most of them are boys.

"Students, today is the first class of our elective course "Military Theory of Modern Warfare". And the content of the first class I teach is very simple, that is... people who are not my race must have different minds!"

"Since the great cataclysm more than three hundred years ago, the death toll of our Blue Star human race has exceeded 10 billion!"

"There are countless nations and countries that have been exterminated, and the reason why we can survive is because of the spirit of self-improvement and tenacity of our Blue Star human race!"

"The battlefield of alien races, all races in the world, is our Blue Star human race's unending feud!"

"We must destroy their country, destroy their species, and exterminate their descendants. Otherwise, we will be the ones who perish!"

The first class of "Military Theory of Modern Warfare" shocked many students in the audience.

For the first time, I had a clear understanding of the dangers of the alien battlefield.

Bai Bin took a sip of tea and continued: "Today's first class is titled 'Practice and Application of Modern Thermal Weapons on Alien Battlefields'."

"What our Blue Star human race is best at is thermal weapons. There was a saying hundreds of years ago: any carbon-based creature is scum under the power of thermal weapons."

"But why did we, the Blue Star human race, suffer such a complete defeat during the great cataclysm more than three hundred years ago?!"

"Do any of the classmates here know?"

(End of chapter)

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