I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

205. Chapter 204: Venge Your Anger? Go Away To The Demon Realm!

"Qianhuan Shenjun!"

"Breaking Dawn Nine Days of Phantom Sun!"

"It's indeed him!"

Several people present exclaimed, especially Lao Bai and Liu Ying.

A few minutes ago, they had sworn to trust Meng Yao.

Unexpectedly, she was really a clone of Qian Huan Shenjun!

He has been hiding among their night watchmen, waiting for opportunities to do evil.

A scarlet light flashed across Wu Fuqing's eyes, and strange fluctuations immediately fell on the soul of Qian Huan Shenjun.

However, Qian Huan Shenjun also suddenly flashed a mental wave. Two mental waves with the same origin but completely different forms collided in the air and were annihilated.

"Hey Hey……"

"Wu Fuqing! You're not dead yet..." Qian Huan Shenjun sneered: "I said, your illusion ability has no effect on me."

"You have killed one person after so many years, and still the woman who loves you the most, hahahaha..."

"you wanna die!"

Wu Fuqing immediately cursed secretly, and his originally calm expression became filled with murderous intent.

Grabbing it with one hand, five glazed rays of light immediately enveloped the soul of Qian Huan Shenjun.


A low whine suddenly sounded in the air, as if there were countless ghostly roars.

"Old Gou Wu! Even if I die, I will kill that boy!"

Qian Huan Shenjun cursed angrily, and suddenly let out a series of low chants from his mouth.

His eyes were fixed on Zheng Cheng!

Meng Yao's memory just now has been obtained by him.

Wu Fuqing said coldly: "Everyone covers their ears due to the illusion of Qianhuan Shenjun!"

His reminder came quickly, but Qian Huan Shenjun was even faster.

Lao Bai and Liu Ying, who were closest to him, were immediately hit, and two green flames appeared in the depths of their eyes. ,

"Damn Fallen One! I'll kill you!"

Lao Bai roared angrily, and actually twisted around and rushed towards Zheng Cheng and the others at extremely high speed.

Liu Ying also reached out and grabbed the void, and two ghost figures came out of the crowd and pounced on Yao Zhixue and Rookie.

"Brother Cheng, get out of here!"

The rookie screamed and subconsciously rushed to Zheng Cheng.

But Zheng Cheng took one step forward and stood in front of the two of them.

Facing Lao Bai who was rushing towards him, he punched him out!


The two fists collided, and there was a deep muffled sound.

Thump thump thump!

The two of them retreated.

Zheng Cheng took three steps back and was quickly supported by the rookie.

Lao Bai, on the other hand, took five steps back, accidentally stepped on Meng Yao's body, and fell to the ground.


In mid-air, two ghost figures rushed down at the right time.

Yao Zhixue grabbed hold of him, and a large amount of cold air surged, blocking the three of them.

As soon as the two ghost figures came into contact with the cold air, they were immediately frozen and their speed dropped sharply.

Zheng Cheng took this opportunity and raised his hand, and the body-burning technique of virtual fire suddenly burned on the two ghost figures.


Piercing screams rang out in the large office, and Liu Ying screamed and kept retreating.

These two ghost servants were fed by her with her own blood. After being burned by the virtual fire, they immediately affected her.


At this time, Wu Yanqing snorted coldly, grabbed it with his left hand again, and five more glazed lights fell on Qian Huan Shenjun.

His entire phantom immediately burned with illusive glass-colored flames, burning brightly.

In the midst of this flame, Qianhuan Shenjun's expression rarely became calm.

"Hey hey hey..."

"It is indeed the headquarters of the Night Watch. I have been planning this for a long time, but I didn't expect that it would fall into your hands."

"Wu Laogou...I will be back!"


Following a low roar, the shadow of Qian Huan Shenjun immediately collapsed and dissipated, turning into smoke and dust and disappearing.

Lao Bai and Liu Ying also woke up.

"What's wrong with me?"

"I remember that Fallen One just appeared in the headquarters. Why..."

Wu Fuqing said: "Okay! Don't be embarrassed!"

Lao Bai half-knelt beside Meng Yao and shouted nervously: "Meng Yao, Meng Yao, are you okay?"

"Meng Yao...?"

Wu Fuqing sighed secretly and said: "Old Bai, she is not Meng Yao at all...or in other words, the real Meng Yao has long been replaced by Qian Huan Shenjun."

"The Meng Yao we usually see is just a body..."


Lao Bai's aura immediately weakened, and Liu Ying also struggled to walk over.

His face was pale and he was sweating coldly.

Wu Fuqing said in a deep voice: "Old Bai, your current state is not suitable for the mission. I will give you a few days off to have a good rest..."

"I see."

Lao Bai stood up, first looked down at Meng Yao, who had already lost his breath, and then looked back at Zheng Cheng and the others.

His eyes were slightly red, and he said in a trembling voice:

"Director, I know what you mean."

"Meng Yao is the clone of Huanri, one of the Nine Suns in Breaking Dawn. No one expected this."

"Don't worry, I will never make anyone else angry because of this matter..."

"I apply to be transferred from my post and go to the alien battlefield!"

Wu Fuqing frowned and said, "Have you thought about it?"


Lao Bai stretched out his hand and looked at his hands, and said with a wry smile: "Thirteen years ago, I withdrew from the alien battlefield and survived till now. Now it's time to go back."

Wu Fuqing shook his head and said, "Okay, where do you want to go?"

"Demon Realm."

"Demon Realm?" Wu Fuqing said in surprise: "Demon Realm is the most intense fighting place among all alien battlefields. Why not go outside the territory? The situation outside the territory is relatively stable..."

"No, Director." Lao Bai refused: "Thanks to your care over the past ten years, I will go to Demon Realm."

"I've wanted to go to that place for a long time, hehehe..."

As he said that, he looked back at Zheng Cheng and said, "Newcomer, I really hated you before, but you found a Fallen One spy for us. Thank you very much."

"Don't worry, I, Lao Bai, will never take out my anger on you. Hahaha... But when I go to Demon Realm, you and I may never meet again."

"Captain Bai, you don't have to..."

Zheng Cheng wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lao Bai: "Okay, I should go."

Lao Bai ignored Wu Fuqing's obstruction and turned around to leave, looking extremely lonely.


Liu Ying sighed and said, "Boss, I'll see him off."


Wu Fuqing nodded and said, "By the way, let the people from the logistics department take Meng Yao's body down for an autopsy and see if they can find anything."


Liu Ying agreed awkwardly, sighed softly, turned around and left.

"That's right." Wu Fuqing stopped Liu Ying again: "This matter is confidential and cannot be mentioned to anyone."

"I see."

After the two left, Zheng Cheng frowned slightly.

What Wu Fuqing did was a little too... arbitrary.

What happened in just over half an hour was enough to push the three of them to the opposite side of the other special departments of the Night Watch.

As soon as the three of them arrived, one of the captains of the Profound Rank of the Night Watch died and the other went to Demon Realm, the alien battlefield.

Although the other one is still at the headquarters, everything he does will still be spread.

Wu Fuqing said: "Zheng Cheng, thank you very much."

"Don't worry, Liu Ying will keep this matter a secret for you."

Zheng Cheng said: "Director Wu, I would like to take a few days off."

After Wu Fuqing was silent for a few breaths, he said, "Okay, I'll give you three a long vacation."

"After Yunxiao is transferred back, how about you three come back to work?"

"Don't worry, your wages for these months will still be paid!"

"You have done great service for us."

'Bang bang bang...'

Someone knocked on the office door, and several people from the logistics department came in and carried Meng Yao's body out.

Zheng Cheng and the other three also said goodbye. As soon as they walked out, they heard a lot of noise outside and a voice counting breaths.

"Whoa, whoa, captain! What's wrong with you, captain..."

"Wake up, Captain!" (End of Chapter)

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