I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

209. Chapter 208 Guard Your Home! The Secret Of The Gap In Time And Space!

Chapter 208 Defend your home! The secret of the gap in time and space!

[Secret Realm: Guard Home]

[Level: LV59 (only professionals below LV59 can enter)]

[Number of people entering: No upper limit]

[Difficulty: increasing over time]

[Restrictions: Only auxiliary side professionals can enter]

[Explanation: A land affected by a mysterious aura, and all the creatures in it are transformed into strange beasts that only know how to choose people and devour them. Your mission is to protect the last home of mankind! ]

[Main mission: Guard your home! ]

[Task description: Alien beasts will attack the last home of mankind like a tide. You need to rely on your auxiliary abilities to assist the last humans to resist the invasion of alien beasts. ]

[The minimum guard is thirty days, otherwise all humans and homes in the world will be overrun by alien beasts. Even the human base camp will be affected. ]

In a land with a dark sky, Zheng Cheng's figure slowly appeared.

Looking into the distance, the sky is dim, the earth is barren, and there are large dense forests growing on the left and right sides.

He was now on a low hillside. In the distance, about three kilometers away, was a dark mist that was constantly surging.

"Is this the Secret Realm that protects our home?"

Zheng Cheng murmured, recalling the information collected, and then turned around.

Behind him stood a low thatched hut.

Walking into the hut, there was indeed a prismatic crystal standing in the center, floating quietly in the air.

"Summoning Crystal..."

At the same time, writings appeared again in front of Zheng Cheng's eyes.

These are the rules for guarding your homeland, Secret Realm!

[Professionals are welcome to enter the Guarded Home Secret Realm, please always abide by the following rules! ]

[1. Please protect your home crystal at all times. Once the home crystal is destroyed, your mission will be considered a failure! ]

[2. Please note that any skills with attack effects in this home will be disabled! ]

[3. You can increase your summoned units by collecting life crystals, or upgrade your home crystals by collecting wood and iron ore to summon higher-star units. ]

[4. Every time you summon a unit, there is a chance to summon a ‘hero unit’. Hero unit summoning success rate: 1 in 100,000. ]

[5. Your troops can absorb soul power by killing strange beasts and then upgrade. However, different star-level troops are blocked by level caps and cannot break through the level caps. ]

[6. After killing the alien BOSS, there is a chance to obtain hero crystals, which can be used to summon hero units. There is no upgrade limit for hero units. ]

[7. After killing alien beasts, there is a certain chance that architectural drawings will drop. Please reserve enough wood and crystals in advance. ]

[8. After killing alien beasts, there is a certain chance to obtain life essence, which can be used to improve the hero's star rating. ]

[9. As your star level for killing alien beasts increases and time passes, the area covered by your home will expand accordingly. ]

[10. Home level limits the number of units you have. Please upgrade your home level as soon as possible. ]

[Good luck. ]

Rule after rule appeared in front of Zheng Cheng. Although he already knew it, Zheng Cheng still read it carefully.

Then he reached out and touched the summoning crystal, and another handwriting appeared in front of him.

[Name: Home Crystal]

[Attribute: Gap of Time and Space]

[Function: Summon the life of the corresponding race]

[Host: Zheng Cheng]

[Level: LV1]

[Current unit: 0/10]

[Resources: 0 (with 10 units that can summon free resources)]

[Ancillary buildings: none]

[Durability: 100/100]

[Tip: You need 100 units of iron ore and 10 units of space crystal to upgrade to LV2]

"Well, it's just the Rank One home crystal, and the other data are all 0... huh?"

Zheng Cheng's pupils shrank slightly, his eyes fixed on the "Attributes" column of the Home Crystal.

"The gap between time and space!"

"The Home Crystal is actually a gap in time and space!"

"The function is to summon the life of the corresponding race..."

He quickly took out something from his arms, a piece of 'living thing' that was like jelly and lay paralyzed in the palm of his hand.

World wonders!

Rewards obtained from the Joint College Entrance Examination for Professionals.

It needs to heal and grow by devouring the gaps in time and space, and he has been searching for information on the gaps in time and space.

Unexpectedly, I got the answer here.


The world's wonders in his hand seemed to feel the temptation of "food" and actually started to squirm.

In the direction of the Home Crystal!

Zheng Cheng quickly stuffed the world's rare objects back. This Home Crystal was a key prop for him to complete the Secret Realm.

Wouldn't he be miserable if he were swallowed by the world's strange objects?

"I didn't expect that the Home Crystal is a rare thing in the world. It seems that there are secrets here that I don't know about. It's a pity that there is only one Home Crystal here... huh?"

Zheng Cheng's pupils moved slightly: "No! Not one!"

"The Secret Realm's assessment targets this time are all students from the Auxiliary College of Imperial National University, as well as some students from the Special College. There are at least two thousand people."

"Doesn't that mean there are more than two thousand home crystals here?"

"No no no..."

Zheng Cheng still shook his head vigorously: "Those are all owned by the owner, and they are all classmates, so it would be bad to take them away... However, if they give up voluntarily, wouldn't it be..."

"Forget it, the first priority is to defend our homeland."

"After the strength of the troops under our command improves, we can then find ways to investigate the surrounding environment."

Thinking of this, he placed his hand on the Home Crystal again.

"Summon troops!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Home Crystal began to flicker with faint light.

Ten shadows slowly appeared in front of him.

"I wonder if I can summon heroic units? One in a hundred thousand..."

After a few breaths, the light dissipated, and ten Daoist figures appeared in front of him.

He is a yellow man, short in stature, with a yellow complexion and thin muscles. He is also wearing linen clothes. He is probably in his twenties, but he looks like a mummy without any morale.

Three of them had sickles in their hands, three had axes, and four had nothing but bare hands.

Zheng Cheng frowned: "This unit seems to be only a one-star... human peon?"

"So unlucky? Not to mention the heroic units, we didn't even summon a human civilian with a little bit of combat power!"

"Human peons are considered rubbish among one-star units..."

With a flash of his eyes, one of the human peons holding a sickle appeared in front of him.

[Name: Zhang San]

[Race: Human race]

[Military Type: Hard Worker]

[Star rating: one star]

[Level: LV1 (upper limit: LV10)]

[Host: Zheng Cheng]

[Constitution: 3]

[Strength: 2]

[Agility: 2]

[Spirit: 1]

[Morale: 20]

[Loyalty: 60]

[Hunger level: 60]

[Skill 1: Cutting down LV3. Years of hard work have given human laborers unique abilities in felling wood, collecting fodder, and weeds. Gain an additional +1 proficiency when felling. ]

The attributes of the other nine human race peons are not too far apart.

After watching these ten human beings working hard for a few times, the corners of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched subconsciously.

What kind of military type is this?

Damn it!

The four-dimensional attributes are not even as good as those of a ten-year-old child from Blue Star!

Moreover, their morale is only a pitiful 20 points, which means that they have a high probability of escaping during the battle.

The loyalty level is only 60 points, which barely meets the standard of not defecting.

The hunger level is also 60 points, which also means that they can only work continuously for about an hour at most.

After the hunger level reaches 80 points, he will become passive and slow down at work.

Once it reaches 90 points, abnormal states such as dizziness, weakness, and hallucinations will occur, making it impossible to work at all.

Want to rely on them to ward off alien beasts?

Don’t worry, I’ll starve to death before the alien beast comes!

Forget it, I never thought of relying on them.

"I've met my lord!"

After a few breaths, all ten human workers, led by Zhang San, knelt down and saluted Zheng Cheng.

"Get up~"

Zheng Cheng waved his hand. He knew from the intelligence he had learned in advance that these summoned human troops would regard themselves as leaders, generals and other positions.

You have to be nice to them, care about them, or infect them with your leadership will, and enhance their morale and loyalty, in order to maximize their combat power.

If they are treated as cannon fodder and exploited blindly, their morale and loyalty will be greatly reduced.

Once the loyalty drops below 60 points, there is a certain chance of defecting!

"Six of you, all go to the forest to cut wood."

Zheng Cheng pointed to the six people holding sickles and axes and ordered: "The remaining four will all go to the forest to find wild vegetables and fruits. Only when they are full."

Zhang San asked strangely: "Sir, alien beasts will attack our home in half an hour, don't we need to guard it?"

Zheng Cheng waved his hand: "No, I can make arrangements freely."

After hearing this, the eyes of the ten peons all changed, and they said in unison: "Yes, sir!"

The ten people walked together towards the forest not far away. Only then did Zheng Cheng find that the morale and loyalty of the ten people had dropped by 1-3 points.

"That's stupid!"

Zheng Cheng cursed secretly, these guys don't believe in themselves...

Under normal circumstances, ten one-star units go looking for food together, trying to improve their morale and loyalty, reduce hunger, and preserve their strength to face the first wave of alien attacks.

When the first wave of alien beasts attacks, there is a high probability of dropping various materials.

As long as they have materials, their strength can be improved.

This is like a snowball that gets bigger and bigger, and then forms a more solid strength.

But he has no choice now. He can't let these ten hard workers guard his home.

Once someone is injured, morale and loyalty will drop quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, Zheng Cheng walked around the area shrouded in black mist.

The home is located in the middle of a hillside, surrounded by low hillsides, which is more conducive to his guarding.

Moreover, at the edge of the black mist on the south side of his home, he also heard the sound of running water. Maybe there was a river there.

On the west side, there is a dense forest.

Zhang San and other ten hard workers were all there cutting wood and searching for food.

The front of the home is facing the north.

As for the east side, there is nothing.

The entire home area is not large, about 10,000 square meters, which is roughly equivalent to 1.5 football fields.

After the investigation, Zheng Cheng came to the center of his home and activated the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

In an instant, a large 3D map appeared in his mind.

The area covers an area of ​​three kilometers in radius!

After seeing the map in his mind clearly, Zheng Cheng's pupils narrowed slightly: "This is..."

On the map, except where Zheng Cheng is standing, it is green.

Within a radius of dozens of kilometers, there are densely packed scarlet light spots! ! !

(End of chapter)

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