I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

216. Chapter 215 Deserted Planet! Samsung Beast!

Chapter 215 Deserted planet! Samsung beast!

Zhang San, Niu Jindao, Yang Houer, and Chen Zhong are all captains of their respective arms.

In one aspect of the four-dimensional attributes, they are one or two points higher than other colleagues.

One's own character, knowledge and vision must also be higher than those of other comrades-in-arms.

Therefore, they also became captains of their respective arms.

Especially after being strengthened with the special ingredients of black-skinned worms and black-armored worms, they are even stronger!

Three hours later, everyone opened their eyes.

Under the leadership of Zheng Cheng, the five people stepped into the black mist again.

Their mission this time is to eliminate the three-star alien beasts, colorful spiders and giant blood-sucking mosquitoes inside the valley!

This time he chose the forest in the south, where there are dense forests, numerous bushes, and mostly coniferous forests that are twenty to thirty meters high, which can most effectively restrict the flight of giant blood-sucking mosquitoes.

In Zheng Cheng's Central Radar Life Detection technique, hundreds of colorful spiders and giant blood-sucking mosquitoes were densely packed in that direction.

"Zhang San, I summoned you from your home. I want to know what kind of world you lived in before?"

In the black mist, five people walked one after another, and Zheng Cheng suddenly asked.

"our world?"

Zhang San was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Lord, I am just an ordinary hard worker of the Rank One unit. I usually do some heavy lifting and logistics work."

“I only know that the place I live in is called ‘Desolate Planet’, and I live in a city called ‘Human City’.”

"I don't know much about the situation outside. Maybe Captain Niu and the others..."

Looking at Zheng Cheng's eyes, Niu Jindao said: "Sir, Zhang San is right. The planet we live in is indeed called a desolate planet. It is a planet where more than 90% of the world has been occupied by alien beasts! "

"We humans have built only a dozen cities on high mountains, deep in canyons, and on some Jedi. Among them, the human city is the largest city."

"Since we are born, we will be trained to become qualified warriors, waiting for the call of the 'Chosen One' to go to 'Home'!"

"The Chosen One? Home?"

Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "What do you mean?"

Niu Jindao continued: "In a deserted land, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers like us to upgrade and improve their strength. Years of training may not be as good as a charge from an alien beast."

"Even those heroes are the same. They improve their strength very slowly. Some heroes will not be able to leave the human city in their entire lives."

"But there is a legend circulating on our desolate planet."

The eyes of the four people became extremely yearning.

"Legend has it that our desolate planet is connected to a place called 'Home'. A chosen one can summon us through our home and allow us to enter the original planet where strange beasts were born!"

"In the planet where alien beasts originate, we can quickly increase our strength by killing alien beasts!"

"Especially for heroic units, their strength will increase faster."

Niu Jindao's tone became excited: "But the Chosen One's call to us is completely random. No one knows who will be called to their homeland."

"Originally we thought this legend was false. Who knew that a group of humans really disappeared suddenly more than sixty years ago! When they returned, their strength had indeed been greatly improved, especially those heroes..."

"For more than sixty years since then, we have been looking forward to the call of the 'Chosen One' and 'Home'!"

"I didn't expect that we would be summoned to our home this time!"

"We can really improve our strength by killing strange beasts..."

Chen Zhong and Yang Hou'er on the side also answered: "Yes, my lord, you are our chosen one!"

"I really hope we can hold on here and wait for the arrival of the follow-up tribesmen!"

"Yes, yes, I heard that the highest-star military unit that could enter our homeland in the past sixty years was only six-star. I wonder if we will have higher-star members of the same race enter this time!"

Listening to the discussion of several people, Zheng Cheng also fell into deep thought.

The Chosen One?


A deserted planet?

And the origin planet of the alien beasts?

Are there other connections between them?


Suddenly there was a strange cry in the black mist ahead. Zheng Cheng raised his hand to signal a few people to stop.

In the sight of the five people, the dense forest ahead was covered with countless spider webs.

One after another, giant spiders that were as tall as a person hung upside down in the air. They had black, yellow and some red lines growing on their bodies, and several fist-sized pupils protruded from their heads, staring hard at the outside.

This is the dividing line between home and black mist. If you take a step forward, you will be attacked by colorful spiders.

"Lord! I'll lure the monsters first!"

Niu Jindao raised the shield in front of him and said.

Zheng Cheng wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it he agreed.

Although the level of Niu Jin Dao is not high, its four-dimensional attributes far exceed all two-star soldiers.

Especially for the two attributes of physique and strength, one has to open their eyes wide when the five-star troops come.

Niu Jindao held a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, and slowly walked into the black mist.

As soon as he entered, the colorful spider closest to him screamed strangely, suddenly fell from the spider web, and pounced on Niu Jindao from mid-air.

"Well done!"

Niu Jindao shouted, hid most of his body behind the shield, and rushed forward.

Shield Bash!


The bodies of Niu Jin Dao and the colorful spider collided violently, but there was no movement from the body. Instead, the larger colorful spider screamed and took a few steps back.

Taking this opportunity, Niu Jindao strode forward again and chopped it down with one strike!


The Bailian Steel Knife struck directly on the head of the colorful spider, immediately making a large gash in its head.

Thick green liquid and blood immediately poured out.


The colorful spider screamed strangely, its huge body shook violently, and its two front claws fiercely grabbed the Niu Jin Dao.

"Colorful spider, nothing more than that!"

Niu Jindao shouted excitedly, twisted forward again, and hit the colorful spider hard with his shield.

Normally, he is no match for the colorful spider.

One colorful spider can kill three to five sword and shield wielders.

And now, he can actually crush the colorful spider by himself!

This is the power of the Lord!


He laughed wildly, picked up the hundred-smelted steel knife and slashed wildly, and soon chopped half of the head of the colorful spider into pieces.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak...!"

At this time, in the darkness not far away, another colorful spider rushed up.


Yang Houer reminded loudly, Niu Jindao could only turn around quickly and protect himself with a shield.


At this moment, a harsh sound broke through the air suddenly.

Yang Hou'er shot an arrow, and the strong wind hit him. It shot into the head of the second colorful spider in an instant, and the arrow was completely gone!

The body of this colorful spider trembled suddenly, and it immediately lost its breath.

He looked at the bow and arrow in his hand stupidly, as if he couldn't believe that he could kill a colorful spider with one arrow!

"Buzz buzz..."

Suddenly, there was a harsh buzzing sound in the air.

Zheng Cheng suddenly raised his head: "Be careful! It's a giant blood-sucking mosquito!"

(End of chapter)

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