Chapter 217 Shura Mantis! Alien Zerg!

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he swung his knife without hesitation to destroy this territorial heart!

For him, no matter what kind of creature comes from the heart of the territory at this time, they are all enemies!

Just as Yunxiao Sword was slashed out, the opponent also noticed Zheng Cheng's intention.

He raised his arm and blocked it suddenly, and the two intersected, and immediately there was a harsh collision and friction sound.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak...?"

Soon, the alien beast summoned by the heart of the territory made a questioning sound, as if questioning something.

As the light dissipated, the figure of the strange beast in front of him completely fell into Zheng Cheng's eyes.


A dwarf mantis that is only half a human tall but has a human body and a human head.

His head was tilted towards an inverted triangle, his skin was black and green, and his pupils were bulging, resembling a large mantis walking upright.

And his arms are long, narrow and sharp, with jagged edges, which are very sharp.

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, and the Central Radar Life Detection technique was activated, and he immediately obtained some intelligence information about this semi-humanoid mantis.

[Name: Unable to query]


[Race: Alien Zerg]

[Star rating: seven stars]

[Occupation: Shura Mantis]

[Level: LV29]

[Physique: 25]

[Strength: 159]

[Agility: 186]

[Spirit: 45]

[Skill 1: Basic Knife TechniqueLV6. ]

[Skill 2: Shura Yidao LV6. ]

[Skill 3: Shura Sword Storm LV3. ]

[Skill 4:? ? ? ? ]

"Seven-star Shura Mantis?"

Before Zheng Cheng could finish his words, the other party had already rushed up to him.

His arms, or rather his swords, slashed across the front of his body, drawing an arc and slashing towards Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng subconsciously blocked it with his sword, and only heard a 'click' sound, and there was a harsh friction sound from the Yunxiao Sword in his hand.

In the flash of lightning, he suddenly withdrew his sword to dodge, but it was already too late!

An obvious crack appeared on the Yunxiao Sword, like a spider web!

" knife!"

This Yunxiao Sword was given to him by Zhao Yunxiao. It stayed with him for several months and made great contributions to him.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed at the hands of an inexplicable alien race.

A gold-level weapon was destroyed like this?

What the hell are these praying mantis hands?

Alien Zerg?

I’ve never heard of this alien race!

As soon as his thoughts changed, he immediately shouted: "Everyone, stay away! Don't come near!"

The LV29 seven-star alien race, the troops he summoned were no match for him at all.

"Jili gua la wow wow wow..."

The half-human mantis on the opposite side spoke again, this time in a different language, but Zheng Cheng still couldn't understand it!

He has only initially come into contact with ancient animal language, elven language and demonic language, and has never heard of this inexplicable language.

Niu Jindao behind him suddenly shouted: "Lord! This is the language of alien beasts! A language that only a very small number of alien beast heroes know!"

"He is asking if you want to destroy the territorial heart of their subordinate races..."

"So what?"

Zheng Cheng asked back: "We are already enemies, and we only have to live and die!"

Niu Jindao did not translate, and the other party seemed to hear the hostility in Zheng Cheng's tone.

Without any hesitation, he swung his sword towards Zheng Cheng again!

"This is...!"

The sharp blade pierced the air and almost instantly reached Zheng Cheng's eyes!

"What a fast speed...!"

Zheng Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly backed away.

The half-mantis humanoid creature in front of him is obviously an assassin type professional with high attack speed and high attack speed, especially the long knives transformed into both arms are very sharp.

It would be unwise to fight him without a suitable weapon.

Continuing to retreat, Shura Mantis continued to attack.

But he didn't notice that Zheng Cheng had already retreated to the center of the battlefield where he had just fought with the beasts.

Here, the ground is full of corpses of strange beasts.

Many of the strange beasts have a large number of vines tied to their bodies.

Flower scepter!


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!"

In an instant, at least a dozen powerful vines shot out of the air, like a dozen giant pythons, rushing towards the Shura Mantis!

There was also a hint of surprise in its pupils. It probably didn't expect that someone could control plants while fighting in close combat.

At the critical moment, he quickly put away his sword to defend himself.

The two long knives almost turned into a storm, chopping up all the incoming vines!

There was a trace of sarcasm on the long and narrow face, as if he was laughing at Zheng Cheng's overestimation of his abilities.

But using vines to attack is not Zheng Cheng's purpose. The real killer move lies in the next skill!

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst! ! !

The Secret Realm of Protecting Home can ban the active offensive skills of all professionals, but it cannot ban auxiliary skills.

And Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst is undoubtedly a auxiliary skill!

What is assistance?

Strengthen yourself and weaken your opponents, this is the auxiliary profession!

A strange wave suddenly fell on Shura Mantis, and he seemed not to notice it at all.

The long knife in his hand was still flying up and down, chopping up the incoming vines one by one.

Just a few seconds later, his expression suddenly changed and he subconsciously bent down.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, attack!

Zheng Cheng chuckled and took out the Yunxiao Sword again.

Although there was a crack in the Yunxiao Sword, there was no doubt that it could still be used.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

Just when Zheng Cheng was about to take action, he saw the Shura mantis suddenly swaying.

The skin on the back suddenly split, and a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings grew out!

"Buzz buzz..."

With a sudden flap of his wings, he soared into the sky and flew to one of the big trees.

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened, this kid can actually fly!

No, not flying.

Like a rookie, it can only glide for a short period of time and a short distance.


Shura Mantis cursed loudly and lay on the big tree very excited.

Niu Jindao looked strange and said: "Master, he is asking you if you poisoned him?"


Zheng Cheng sneered: "There's so much nonsense, shoot it down!"

With an order, the archers and marksmen nearby immediately bent their bows and set arrows, and shot towards the Shura Mantis in mid-air.



More than thirty arrows shot through the air, covering an area of ​​tens of meters around Shura Mantis.

But Shura Mantis' body was spinning rapidly in the air, easily dodging the attacks of so many arrows.

The difference was that thick liquid kept gushing out from its lower body in mid-air, causing it to curse loudly.

"Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst is useful against Zerg, but not very effective."

Zheng Cheng guessed: "Is the alien insect race related to bugs?"

"The digestive system and intestines of insects seem to be different from those of humans. The Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst targeted at humans has little effect on the alien zerg, unless the level is improved, or... hmm?"

His eyes flashed suddenly and he said, "How could I forget it!"

"It can weaken all the target's abilities and four-dimensional attributes in all directions, and can also trigger parasites in its body. It is simply a killer for the alien Zerg!"

The flower scepter in his hand pointed towards the direction of Shura Mantis' flight again, and a strange wave immediately hit him.

Three corpses and nine insects! ! !

(End of chapter)

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