I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

221. Chapter 220 Alien Girl! Can You Conquer Me?

Chapter 220 Alien girl! Can you conquer me?


Zheng Cheng's eyes moved slightly.

Soon the light dissipated, and a very tall girl appeared in front of him!

This girl is almost the same height as herself, enough to look at her at eye level.

She has a pair of big watery eyes, the pupils are actually blue, her skin is as white as milk, her hair is slightly curly, and she has a half-moon decoration on her back.

The thick hair is also dotted with gold sand, diamonds, green pine, amber and other accessories, making it look noble and elegant.

The bridge of his nose is slightly high and his eyelashes are shaped like a crescent moon, slightly curved.

There is also a white lace gauze on the face, covering most of the face, looking very mysterious.

The body is covered with a white lace gauze, and the chest is wrapped with a light yellow tube top, which is firm and full.

There is nothing on the abdomen, revealing the tender white skin and small and exquisite belly button, which looks very cute.

The lower body is wearing a light yellow tight skirt, revealing the white calves, outlining an extremely perfect arc.

There were also a pair of fine bells on the wrists of both hands. When the breeze blew, there seemed to be a crisp sound of bells.

"Is this... a hero?"

Zheng Cheng blinked his eyes, this girl looked like a foreign girl.


The girl looked at Zheng Cheng with her big beautiful eyes, lowered her head slightly, and made a special gesture with her hands on her chest.

Like flowers blooming, and like Bodhisattvas dancing lightly.

"My name is Shadel, from the Canglan Desert. Dear Chosen One, thank you for your call!"

"Canglan Desert!"

Before Zheng Cheng said anything, Niu Jindao, Ma Lie and others beside him subconsciously exclaimed.

"Canglan Desert? Is there anything strange?"


Ma Lie hurriedly said: "The Canglan Desert is the only area on our desolate planet that has not been attacked by alien beasts. The people living in it are the nomadic Tianmo tribe, and the nation and country in it have very Spirit Partitioning secrets. Until now we... "

"Our home was also attacked by strange beasts!"

Sadele's clear yet somewhat awkward tone came from her mouth: "A strange beast called a 'sandworm' penetrated our land and invaded our home."

"Many of the men in the desert have died fighting to fend off sandworms and protect the elderly and children!"

"As a descendant of the most powerful Golden Scorpion family in the Canglan Desert, I obeyed the call of the Chosen One and came to this world!"

Shadel clasped her hands together and said piously: "In order to save our home and our world, I, Shadel, am willing to obey the orders of the Chosen One and sacrifice everything!"

After saying that, she tilted her head and said: "Of course, I will refuse some 'unreasonable' orders from the Chosen One~"

His tone was a little naughty, and he was obviously inexperienced in the world.

"When I was following the call of the Chosen One, many brothers and uncles in my clan said that some Chosen Ones are just idiots."

"We, the Tianmo Clan, value the strong, and only the strong have the right to order us. And the weak only deserve to be conquered by us!"

She blinked and said, "I wonder, my dear Chosen One, can you conquer me?"

"Or...are you conquered by me?"

Zheng Cheng immediately puffed up his chest.

Just kidding, how can a man say no?

Especially in front of such a beautiful girl!

"How can I prove that I am strong? A martial arts contest?"

"Of course... not anymore!"

Shadel chuckled and said, "In the past, our Tianmo clan would have put individual bravery first."

"Warriors who win the championship in the competition, even my father, the great patriarch of the Golden Scorpion family, will let his daughter, who is me, marry!"

"But now, what we need is a general to lead the army, a king who can lead our Golden Scorpion family warriors to resist the alien beasts and rebuild the Canglan Desert Kingdom!"

"The Golden Scorpion family? The general who leads the army? The king who rebuilds the desert country?"

Zheng Cheng murmured.

The Golden Scorpion Family should be the most powerful force in the Canglan Desert, similar to the Temujin Golden Family in the grasslands.

As for the so-called general who leads the army and rebuilds the desert country, it is the power of rules in this Secret Realm world.

What is cultivated is not the main battle professionals who can kill all sides, but the professions such as strategists, staff officers, and generals who are good at auxiliary arms, or seeking victory through strategies and military formations.

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "In other words, you will temporarily obey my orders?"


Shadel nodded and said: "Unless you can prove your strength, then of course I will serve you wholeheartedly."

"Otherwise, I will imprison you and let me control this home."

"I understand." Zheng Cheng nodded: "In that case, I will issue the first order."

"You will lead the team to eliminate the strange beasts in the black mist on the south side of our home."

"Since we can find a territorial heart of an alien beast from the west, it proves that there are territorial hearts in the four directions of our homeland..."

"what are you saying?"

Shadel interrupted Zheng Cheng's words: "Kill out the alien beasts in the black mist? Huang Tian is above! Our mission now is to protect our homeland. How can we take the initiative to attack the alien beasts in the black mist?"

"The strength of alien beasts far exceeds that of us humans. We can only rely on various defensive buildings and terrain to protect our homeland and resist the attacks of alien beasts one after another. Then..."

Saying that, Sadele stopped.

Because she found that several soldiers around her were looking at her with very strange eyes.


laugh at.

And... look down on it?

It's like looking at country people or slaves.

She asked strangely: "What are you looking at? Did I say something wrong?"

Niu Jindao chuckled and said: "Miss Shadel, right? Our lord has cleared the territory of the three-star alien beasts, the colorful spider and the giant blood-sucking mosquito!"

"Three days! This is only three days!"

"Hehehe, even the home crystal in the lord's territory has reached LV3!"


Shadel's blue eyes suddenly widened, and even her small mouth opened slightly, sucking out a small dent in the lace and white gauze mask.

"How can it be possible for the home level to be raised to LV3 in three or three days?"

"And take the initiative to eliminate the strange beasts in the black mist?"

"From the information provided to us by the Human City, the chosen ones who can raise their home level to LV2 within a week are all geniuses worthy of investment. How do you..."

Zheng Cheng said quietly: "Nothing is impossible!"

"I will give you the strength of forty sword and shield bearers, thirty spearmen, twenty sharpshooters, and ten light cavalry, and I will leave the black mist beasts on the south side of my home to you."

"Find the heart of the territory in that direction as quickly as possible and bring it back. Is there any problem?"

After clearing out the black mist beasts on the west side and destroying the heart of the territory, the resources he obtained allowed him to quickly launch a wave of troops.


After listening to Zheng Cheng's order, Shadel gritted her teeth and said, "No problem!"

"By the way, this is the location of the heart of the territory."

Zheng Cheng took out a piece of paper, marked the location on the paper, and handed it to Shadel.

"If something unexpected happens, withdraw quickly and preserve your strength is the most important thing!"

"I see!"

Sadele held the paper tightly in her hand and said through gritted teeth.

"Three-star troops!"

"It's only been three days... He actually has three-star troops! And there are still so many..."

"Father! Mother! Sister! I seem to have found...the chosen one!"

(End of chapter)

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