I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

223. Chapter 222 Beast Tide! Cui Xiabing’S Despair!

Seven days later!

"hold onto!"

"Everyone, hold on!"

"Damn it! It's a giant blood-sucking mosquito! The giant blood-sucking mosquito is here!"

On a defense line composed of hundreds of big trees, more than a hundred sword, shield, and sharpshooters were constantly attacking the colorful spiders below.

This is already the last three-star unit!

As long as they can survive this attack, they will get another 10 hours of rest time!

But at this time, a large number of giant blood-sucking mosquitoes the size of an adult's head appeared in the distant sky.

To everyone, the threat from colorful spiders is not that great.

As long as you have enough weapons and morale, you can resist it, even with your flesh and blood.

But when facing giant blood-sucking mosquitoes, ordinary soldiers only wait for death.

Their speed is really too fast!

And as long as it is attacked by the mouthparts of the giant blood-sucking mosquito, it can be sucked into a human being in less than ten seconds!

Even if it is stung, a big bump will grow.

Just when everyone was panicking, six of the thick trees that made up the city wall suddenly came to life.

They stretched their huge bodies, and their vines stretched like snakes.

Later, the huge tree crown also bloomed like chrysanthemums.

One by one, long needles about three feet long and gray-green in color slowly began to squirm.




"Puff puff!!!"

In an instant, hundreds of long needles shot out from the crowns of these six big trees, like bursts of heavy rain, shooting into the swarm of giant blood-sucking mosquitoes.

This group of giant blood-sucking mosquitoes immediately fell from the sky like dumplings, hitting the ground and being crushed into a pulp by the colorful spiders underground.

"Hahaha! We won!"

"Long live my lord!"

"My lord is so powerful! He can actually transform a big tree into a tree man!"

"This time it's thanks to the Lord's Silver Needle Tree Man again!"

"Hahaha, we can make some improvements again. I don't know how many brothers we can recruit this time..."

A group of soldiers on the big tree wall shouted excitedly, and Cui Xiabing behind the crowd was also full of confidence.

"Driving trees to form a wall around my home allows soldiers to fight in the safest environment."

"With six special Silver Needle Trees as the main force, we can clean out all the waves of alien beasts!"

"If this snowball continues, I will definitely get the first place in this Secret Realm assessment!"

Cui Xiabing felt high-spirited and extremely comfortable for a moment.

In her mind, she had begun to imagine circles and circles of city walls made entirely of big trees, guarding the heart of her territory like a giant maze, and then continuously compressing and occupying the world, thereby removing all the alien beasts from it. Banished from this planet!


She had already learned the secrets of the deserted planet and this planet from the hero Ran Mou.


Suddenly at this time, a cry of killing came from a certain direction under the city wall.

Hundreds of cavalrymen on tall horses, led by Ran Gao, roared out of the city wall.

They were holding long knives and were wrapped in a large number of armors made of tree vines, and they were constantly slashing and killing the colorful spiders around them.


Under Cui Xiabing's ability, she condensed a large amount of tree vine armor, and its defensive power was still higher than that of the light cavalry's leather armor.

This group of light cavalry was like a red-hot steel knife thrust into a cow, and the colorful spiders around them quickly dissolved.

Especially the leader Ran Mourning, his level has been upgraded to LV20 at this moment.

The attributes of the whole body have been greatly improved, and another skill has been awakened.

Under his charge, this group of light cavalry seemed to be wrapped with a layer of strong wind power, making them faster and their arrows sharper!

In just a few minutes, under the leadership of Ran Dao, this group of light cavalry penetrated directly through the formation of the Colorful Spider, with minimal losses.


After sorting out the formation, Ran Dao roared again and led the light cavalry to turn around and kill again!

On the cold weapon battlefield, cavalry is a nightmare for infantry!

Even when facing the alien beast, the colorful spider, it is the same.

In this way, the giant blood-sucking mosquito in mid-air was resisted by the Silver Needle Treant.

The colorful spiders on the ground were being fought by the cavalry led by Ran Dao. It was only a matter of time before these strange beasts were slaughtered.


Cui Xiabing breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the black fog in the distance.

In previous sieges by alien beasts, the third wave of colorful spiders and giant blood-sucking mosquitoes was a big obstacle.

This attack can eliminate 70% of the auxiliary professionals.

the reason is simple.

Joint operations between land and air arms.

It is difficult for auxiliary professionals without special abilities to withstand the attacks of these two types of arms.

But these two arms can also bring a lot of resources to professionals.

Relying on these resources, the overall strength of the professional home will be qualitatively improved.

"Next, by collecting battlefield resources, I should be able to upgrade my home crystal to LV4. Then I can recruit four-star troops. I wonder if they are heavy warriors or flying feather shooters?"

"I still prefer Feiyu Archer. After all, I can build a 'tree city', and the soldiers only need to be on the city wall to attack the strange beasts..."


Just as Cui Xiabing was deep in thought, the black mist in the distance suddenly rolled in again.


This strangeness immediately aroused Cui Xiabing's alert.

Soon, giant centipedes with scarlet red bodies swam out of the black mist and rushed towards the battlefield quickly.

Next to this group of scarlet centipedes, a giant python with a head length of about ten meters and three heads appeared again, and it also swam over with a roar.

Cui Xiabing's face suddenly changed and turned pale.

"Four-star scarlet centipede and three giant pythons! Why are they here?"

The sword-shielders and marksmen on the side also discovered these changes and exclaimed:

"Scarlet centipede! Three giant pythons!"

"A new strange beast has appeared!"

"How could this happen? The attack time of the three-star alien beasts has not ended yet. Why did the four-star alien beasts appear on the battlefield?"

The soldiers were in a panic, but Cui Xiabing quickly calmed down.

"Retreat! Send the order quickly! Let everyone return to the tree city!"

"Ming Jin withdraws his troops!"

"Bring the resources back!"

Cui Xiabing ordered again: "Bring back all the resources you can bring back!"

"I originally wanted to save some resources to upgrade my home crystal, but it seems I can only use it now, otherwise it is very likely to fail in this beast wave!"

Beast tide!

Guarding Homeland In Secret Realm, a special situation will occasionally occur.

Beast tide!

High-star alien beasts will attack the homes of professionals in advance for various reasons, forming a tide of beasts.


Cui Xiabing shouted: "Use all resources to recruit sharpshooters. I want the tree city to be filled with sharpshooters..."


Suddenly, a sharpshooter next to him shouted excitedly: "Quick, look over there!"

"There are other strange beasts! There are other strange beasts...!"

Cui Xiabing suddenly raised his head and saw above the black mist in the distance, above the heads of the scarlet centipede and the three-headed snake, a giant mantis with a head as high as a person suddenly flew out.

Their whole bodies were shrouded in violent storms, and they rushed out like helicopters!

Cui Xiabing's face suddenly changed: "The five-star alien beast Gale Mantis! How is that possible!" (End of this chapter)

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