I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

242. Chapter 241 Are Six-Star Alien Beasts So Weak?

Chapter 241 Are six-star alien beasts so weak?


Baker was startled and said quickly: "Lord! Don't be impulsive! Our best option is to stick to our position and use defensive buildings such as arrow towers and bunkers as defenses to gradually consume the opponent's troops, just like how we dealt with Kani Same as the jaw wasp!"

Zheng Cheng said: "You are right. If it were normal times, I would definitely choose your method. But..."

"I only have half a month left."

"According to the rules of the Secret Realm of Jiasha Island, I will be automatically teleported out after one month. If I want to enter again, I will have to wait a year."

"And in a year's time, no one knows what will happen."

"Maybe Jiasha Island will be occupied by the alien zerg, maybe the home crystal will be destroyed. Or..."

Zheng Cheng touched Shadel's little hand: "The desolate world will be occupied by alien zerg."

"That's why I chose to take the initiative and find the home crystal first."

"But..." Baker still hesitated: "The Fly Clan is very powerful and is best at spreading plague. I'm afraid..."


Zheng Cheng smiled and said: "What you are afraid of is that the soldiers cannot withstand the plague. I can attach a penicillin bacteriophage shield to them to isolate them from the outside air."

"No matter how strong the plague is, it must spread through the air."

"By the way, the shield I used is also the nemesis of viruses and bacteria. It can't break through the protection of the penicillin bacteriophage shield!"

"one more……"

Zheng Cheng continued: "You also said that the Fly Clan breeds offspring through the corpses of other creatures. It has only been a few days, and I think these strange beasts from the Fly Clan are just newborns."

"Presumably their ability to spread the plague is not very strong, and their own strength is also very weak."

"This is also our opportunity."

"If we go according to your idea and we continue to hold on, we can certainly weaken their strength step by step. But don't forget that corpses on the battlefield will breed more flies!"

It dawned on Baker that he had only seen the surface.

The lord, however, went one step further.

Before the strange beasts of the Fly Clan have grown up, attack first and kill them!

I have to say, this is a good approach.

"I understand, lord, I'll get ready right now!"

Baker said respectfully, then turned around and left quickly.

"Lord, do we really want to take the initiative?"

Shadel asked worriedly, her eyes full of worry.

Zheng Cheng held her in his arms and said softly: "Don't worry, Shadel, even for you, I won't be so impulsive."


"By the way, it's still early, let's do it again~"

"Well, my lord~"

Once you break the precept, you will know the taste by eating the marrow.

Unfortunately, time is tight, so we can only seize the time.

Two hours later.

The flags hunt, the cold wind kills!

Three thousand soldiers lined up neatly on the school field. In front of them were Baker, Zhang San, Niu Jindao and others.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zheng Cheng and Shadel took the stage together.

Zheng Cheng is brave, Sha Daier is charming.

Everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Zheng Cheng raised his sword to the sky and said in a deep voice: "Everyone! For the sake of your homeland and your descendants, follow me and crush the strange beasts!"

"Crush the alien beasts!!!"

"Set off……!"

Under Zheng Cheng's order, all three thousand soldiers moved.

This time, Zheng Cheng only left 500 units of defenders in his homeland to defend his homeland.

All the remaining 2,500 units of soldiers are dispatched!



There are 2,500 units of soldiers, and the first to set off are 1,500 units of gryphon knights.

Densely packed griffins soared into the sky, covering most of the sky, and even the ground was in shadow.

On the ground, the Raptor Knight rushed out first.

Then came the large army of silver-backed armored dragon knights and salon knights, and the whole land was filled with smoke and dust, shaking violently.

After the army set off, Zheng Cheng pinched Jerry who was lying on his shoulder. He looked strange.

Jerry is already awake.

The DNA molecules of the black squid fishmen seemed to have no effect on him.

At least, he didn't notice anything different about Jerry.

How about... throw it into the water and try it?

Shadel pulled Zheng Cheng and said, "Lord, let's go."

"Well, follow me."

He once advised Sadele to let her stay behind, but unfortunately she didn't listen at all.

In desperation, he can only let her follow him, so that he can protect her safety at all times.

It's a pity that he doesn't have his own mount until now, and he doesn't have any spare gryphons.

There was no other way, he and Shadel had no choice but to ride a giant eagle together.

Fortunately, Shadel is petite and Zheng Cheng can hold her in his arms.

Otherwise, it would still be difficult for two people to ride together.

The march of the army, especially the speed of the gryphon knights, soon approached the edge of the black mist.

This is already the outermost part of Zheng Cheng's control range.


Baker also rode over on a giant eagle, with a large mirror like water waves floating in front of him.

Water Mirror Technique.

The magic world version's long-distance communication capability can be connected to the detection crystal in the home detection and guard base.

Baker can also grasp the situation detected by the surrounding reconnaissance guards at any time.

"The reconnaissance crystal shows that the giant fly beast in the northeast is still wandering in that area and has not moved away."

Zheng Cheng glanced at the water mirror and saw that the forest inside the water mirror was densely packed with huge flies.

These flies are black-green in color, with a pair of transparent wings and large red compound eyes.

They lay on the big tree and greedily absorbed the sap from the big tree.

More giant flies are chasing other strange beasts!

They lay on these alien beasts and devoured the flesh and blood of the alien beasts, not caring that they were the same race.

There are also alien beasts that are resisting, but for some unknown reason, their resistance is very weak and they are allowed to be eaten by those giant flies.

The Central Radar Life Detection technique was activated instantly, covering a three-kilometer radius.

In front of him, countless red dots appeared densely.

That's...a giant fly!

The further the distance, the greater the number. At the back, there are even layers piled up on top of each other, and they are so dense that they are uncountable.

The attributes of a giant fly appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

[Name: Flyfly]

[Race: Alien Zerg/Flyflies]

[Template: Ordinary arms]

[Star rating: six stars]

[Level: LV29]

[Length: 60cm]

[Weight: 0.8kg]

[Physique: 16]

[Strength: 35]

[Agility: 66]

[Spirit: 87]

[Skills: Plague Spread, Spawning]

[Explanation: The fly family is an ordinary soldier born by laying eggs. It is numerous in number but has a low lifespan. It exists as a carrier to spread plague. ]

"Is it a highly sensitive and high-spirited creature? That's just a little bit of physique and strength... huh?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at its star column.

"Six-star? Are you kidding! Can such a weak four-dimensional attribute be considered a six-star creature?"

"Could it be that... this so-called six-star power is the main body that gave birth to these giant flies. These are just cannon fodder, but because of their bloodline, especially the skill of spreading plague, they have such a high level. Star rating…”

Zheng Cheng made a quick decision: "The attributes of these giant flies are very low, but there are a lot of them. They probably rely on their ability to spread the plague."

"Yang Hou'er!"

"Lord! My subordinate is here!"

Yang Hou'er quickly flew over on a griffin and said respectfully.

"You will lead your men into the black mist and first attract a group of giant flies."

"Yes! Lord!"

He waved his hand, and a rich cyan light fell from the sky, immediately covering the front one hundred units of Griffin Knights.

"Follow me!"

Yang Hou'er gave the order and led the troops into the black mist.

Behind him, another hundred gryphon knights guarded by penicillin phage shields also rushed in.


"Buzz buzz..."

Soon, the black mist rolled violently, as if boiling.

A griffin knight rushed out first, followed closely by another griffin knight.

After a while, there was a violent buzzing sound, and giant flies rushed over.

They opened their huge mouthparts, flapped their wings vigorously, and were extremely excited.

Blood food!

Living blood food!

By eating these blood foods, their lives can continue.

Otherwise, their lives will quickly come to an end and they will become nourishment for other tribesmen!


In the military formation, Li Youji gave an order, and all the griffin knights bent their bows and shot the arrows in their hands!



In an instant, arrows rained down like rain. The giant flies that had just rushed out of the black mist were hit in the head before they could react.

Immediately, hundreds of giant flies were hit by arrows and fell down with a buzzing sound.

The giant fly behind him rushed forward without fear of death and quickly approached the griffin knight.


Another rain of arrows struck, and hundreds of giant flies in the air were lost again.

At this time, they finally approached the Griffin Knight.


At this moment, a dull explosion suddenly came from mid-air.

A blazing fireball struck from a distance, exploded suddenly, and turned into a raging flame, enveloping the countless giant flies at the head.


Crazy fire!


Another gust of wind came, and the fire took advantage of the wind and became more violent, rolling back towards the black mist behind them!

Giant flies struggled and buzzed in the flames, but they could not escape the sparseness of the flames.

Their bodies can resist the flames for a short time, but those pairs of wings as thin as cicada wings cannot resist it at all!

Under the burning of the flames, their wings were burned to ashes in just a few breaths, and they fell down screaming.

Most of the giant flies were burned to death by the blazing flames while they were in the air.

Some giant flies that luckily landed on the ground and were half-burnt are still alive, but what awaits them is the attack and massacre of the Terrain Dragon Knights!

Velociraptors, silver-backed armored dragons, and Sharons stepped over their corpses one after another, trampling these living giant flies into pulp one by one.

"Buzz buzz..."

In the black mist in the distance, groups of giant flies buzzed out, seemingly endless.

Shadel's wild fire technique continued, and the giant flies rushing out in groups seemed to be licking the flames and never extinguished.

Thick black smoke rose into the sky, and the entire forest was filled with a foul stench.

(End of chapter)

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