I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

Chapter 40 Naked Perverted Man? A Familiar Figure!

Chapter 40 Strange Fruit Transformation? A Familiar Figure!

Zhao Yunxiao stuttered, "Are you saying... you guys cleared the Hell-level difficulty Fire Rat Nest instance?"

Zheng Cheng nodded, "Of course, thanks to Yao Zhixue. Without her guidance, we wouldn't have been able to clear it at all."

Yao Zhixue glared at Zheng Cheng, but considering their secret, she could only reluctantly nod.

"The Fire Rat Nest is full of fire attribute monsters, which are countered by my attributes."

"Combined with everyone's teamwork..."

Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, and Zhang Ping'an nodded frantically like little chicks pecking at feed.

"I see. I'm glad you're all okay. I need to report to the director first..."

She couldn't help but ask, looking at the colorful giant rooster, "What is this?"

Cai Shen blinked and said, "Um... Leader, I'm a Druid, what's wrong?"

"Druids' novice skill is Animal Affinity, and they only transform into eagles, black bears, or wild wolves after reaching LV30. What you are..."

"I'm a domestic fowl Druid..."

"A domestic fowl Druid?"

Zhao Yunxiao's expression became even more bizarre.

Is there such a profession?

Why have I never heard of it?

"Yao Zhixue! Zheng Cheng! Are you both okay?"

Gao Yang finally ran over, followed by a group of students gathering around.

"Wow! That's a huge one, who is that?"

"Cai Shen! Isn't he a domestic fowl Druid?"

"Wow! He can really transform into a rooster! Amazing!"

"Yao Zhixue and the others are out. Could they have already cleared the Hell-level instance?"

"Let's check..."

Zheng Cheng said, "Teacher Gao, we're fine."

"Then, have you cleared the Hell-level difficulty instance?"

"Well, more or less."

"What do you mean by 'more or less'?"

"It should be considered a first clearance."


Upon hearing Zheng Cheng's words, the surrounding students gasped in shock.

The Hell-level difficulty instance!

Among over a hundred new student professionals in the school, the most they had cleared was the Hard-level instance.

Unexpectedly, they had directly cleared the Hell-level difficulty instance!

"What about your levels?"

Zheng Cheng said, "We are all at LV4, only Yao Zhixue is at LV3."

Gao Yang nodded, "Yao Zhixue has high star rating and soul power requirements... What, LV4 already?"

"So fast!"

"Liang Feifan and the others are only LV3!"

"Zheng Cheng's team cleared the Hell-level difficulty instance, while Liang Feifan's team failed the Nightmare-level instance. Zheng Cheng won the bet!"

"I don't believe it!"

As Gao Yang was speaking, Liang Feifan suddenly rushed over, looking crazed.

"How is that possible! A one-star professional, two three-star professionals, and one five-star professional, at most adding a nine-star professional, how could they clear the Hell-level difficulty!"

Chen Xiao sneered, "If you don't believe it, go check for yourself!"

Liang Feifan gritted his teeth and went to the entrance of the instance.

Here, one could check the top ten instance clearance records.

There was no record of him clearing the Nightmare-level instance.

For the Hell-level instance, there was only one team.

First place: Zheng Cheng, Yao Zhixue, Chen Xiao, Cai Shen, Zhang Ping'an.

Time taken: one hour and fifty-two minutes.

"How is this possible..."

"How is this possible!"

Liang Feifan gritted his teeth, "Could this be the difference between a nine-star professional and a seven-star professional..."

Zhao Yunxiao looked at Liang Feifan, who seemed lost, and shook her head, "Let's go, let's rest at the town's hotel first and let him calm down by himself."

"You can all train here for the next few days, don't waste this opportunity."

The students followed suit and headed towards the nearby Weihe Town.

Gao Yang also took out the bet he made with Liang Feifan and the others, a scroll of return to town.

After some mutual pushing and shoving, it was eventually taken by Zheng Cheng.

The instance was not far from the hotel, only about a ten-minute walk.

On the way, Zheng Cheng and Chen Xiao discussed the schedule for the next few days.

The school had arranged ten days for this trial instance.

Within these ten days, they could train in the LV5 Fire Rat Nest and the LV10 Crimson Altar instances.

They planned to spend the first three days clearing the Fire Rat Nest and then attempt the LV10 Crimson Altar instance in the last few days.

At the same time, they divided the spoils obtained from the instances.

Chen Xiao obtained the Taunt skill book, and the Giant Ice Fruit was taken by Yao Zhixue.

As for the beast egg, no one wanted it.

Chen Xiao and Yao Zhixue already had spoils, so they didn't feel right taking it.

Cai Shen and Zhang Ping'an claimed they hadn't contributed at all and refused to take it.

In the end, the beast egg ended up in Zheng Cheng's pocket.

Outside the town, Zhao Yunxiao bid farewell to Yao Zhixue and Zheng Cheng and the others.

"Zheng Cheng, Yao Zhixue is now a Night Guardian. We Night Guardians also have a base here, so we won't be going to the hotel with you."

Chen Xiao's tone was somewhat sour, "Night Guardians have such great benefits, all expenses paid travel?"

Zhao Yunxiao laughed, "What do you say, little brother, do you want to join our Night Guardians?"



Chen Xiao immediately shut up.

Zheng Cheng also smiled and said, "In that case, see you tomorrow."

Zhao Yunxiao said seriously, "Zheng Cheng, please seriously consider the invitation to join the Night Guardians."

"We really need talents like you in the Night Guardians."

"I understand."

On the way back, Chen Xiao asked curiously, "Brother Cheng, why didn't you join the Night Guardians?"

"The Night Guardians..."

Zheng Cheng's thoughts on the official concept were still stuck in his previous life. It wasn't that he didn't want to join the Night Guardians in this life.

It was just that he had too many secrets!

But now, it seemed that only by joining the Night Guardians could he investigate the secrets of his skills.

Does that mean he really needs to investigate within the Night Guardians?


Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

At the end of the Fire Rat Nest instance, he had obtained a skill scroll.

It happened to be one he could learn.

I wonder if using a skill book to learn a skill could cause it to mutate?

"Yeah, Brother Cheng, the Night Guardians are great, with lots of benefits and no need for military service. You can go to the otherworldly battlefield whenever you want..."

Cai Shen's large head also leaned over, scaring Chen Xiao into stepping back.

"Damn, bro! Change back to your original form quickly."

"No one around?"

Cai Shen looked around and indeed found no one nearby.

In an instant, he shimmered with a bright light.

And he turned back into his original form.


A fruit-bodied youth.

"Damn! Put on your clothes quickly, otherwise people will think you're a pervert!"

"Tsk~ Is there a pervert as handsome as me?"

Cai Shen was extremely smug.

The group of friends bantered and soon arrived at Weihe Town.

Cai Shen took out a set of plain white cloth from his backpack and put it on.

Red Star Hotel.

A group of people were checking in, and Chen Xiao suddenly grabbed Zheng Cheng and said mysteriously, "Brother Cheng, do you know who I just saw?"


On the way, Zheng Cheng had been pondering the mutation of skills and skill books and hadn't paid attention to the surrounding crowd.

"Song Chaoyu!"


"Song Chaoyu!" Chen Xiao said, "Our class's beauty, I just saw her in town, seems like she's buying something with a few classmates."


Zheng Cheng was also puzzled, "What is she doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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