I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

65. Chapter 65 The Black Sun Falls! What A Great Opportunity!

Chapter 65: The Fall of the Black Sun! A Great Opportunity!

At this moment, in Zheng Cheng's mind, within the Central Radar Life Detection technique, the light representing Song Chaoyu is indeed yellow.

Neutral entity.

Not an enemy.

However, when his consciousness made contact with the yellow dot, a series of information appeared before him!

[Current target: Human female, carbon-based life form]

[Current status: Unconscious/extremely weak]

[Name: Song Chaoyu]

[Gender: Female]

[Occupation: Soul-sucking Banshee]

[Height: 165cm]

[Weight: 45KG]

[Measurements: 86, 60, 88]

[Constitution: 4]

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Spirit: 9]

Her condition had changed from possession to unconsciousness.

Her spiritual attribute points had also dropped from a terrifying 1050 to 9 points!

Most importantly...

In Song Chaoyu's information, a section labeled "Occupation" appeared!

Soul-sucking Banshee!

Zheng Cheng remembered very clearly that Song Chaoyu had failed to awaken at the awakening ceremony half a month ago!

And now, she had actually obtained an occupational attribute panel.

What on earth was going on?

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yunxiao asked, "Did you discover something unexpected?"

Zheng Cheng hesitated for a moment, then said, "I detected... it seems like Song Chaoyu has become an occupational person?"

"What?!" Zhao Yunxiao and Yao Zhixue's expressions changed drastically, especially Yao Zhixue, who subconsciously said, "Half a month ago, didn't she fail to awaken? How..."

All eyes turned to Zhao Yunxiao among the four present, as he had the highest level and came from the Night Watch, presumably knowing more than they did!

Zhao Yunxiao's eyes flickered and he hesitated, saying, "I seem to have heard about this kind of event related to Song Chaoyu from my elders at home."

"Over three hundred years ago, when many different worlds merged with our Blue Star, there appeared a miraculous item called the 'Inheritance Crystal.'"

"When this item was fused with an ordinary person, they could become an occupational person!"

Zhao Yunxiao carefully observed Song Chaoyu again, "During the first wave of occupational people in the Great Cataclysm, apart from a few who awakened on their own, most occupational people awakened through this method."

"However, that was only during the Great Cataclysm over three hundred years ago, and there are no longer any of these items in existence."

"The reason your classmate Song Chaoyu was able to become an occupational person might have something to do with the Lord of the Black Sun..."


Suddenly, Zheng Cheng's body jolted.

An inexplicable soul power appeared within him.

He exclaimed, "I've gained soul power, it seems that the Lord of the Black Sun is truly dead this time!"

The Lord of the Black Sun was killed by the Night Watchman Shen Nanfeng.

He could be considered to have assisted and gained a lot of soul power.

"Leveled up?"


Zhao Yunxiao said, "Let's keep an eye on her for now and discuss it when the director arrives."


Soon, Shen Nanfeng's figure flew over from a distance.

The array in his hand seemed to have become even more profound.


Zhao Yunxiao went up to meet him and quickly explained the current situation.

"What?" Shen Nanfeng was also somewhat surprised, "Are you saying that an ordinary person, after being possessed by the Lord of the Black Sun, has gained the Lord of the Black Sun's occupation?"

"Soul-sucking Banshee... No, isn't the Soul-sucking Banshee an alien race? When did it become an occupation?"

Zhao Yunxiao smiled wryly, "I'm not sure either. I suspect it's related to the Inheritance Crystal from the Great Cataclysm over three hundred years ago."

"What is the Inheritance Crystal..." Shen Nanfeng subconsciously stopped himself and coughed lightly, "In that case, let Song Chaoyu stay here for now. We must investigate her situation thoroughly."

"Whether it's a contingency plan of the Lord of the Black Sun or a genuine accident, we have ways to find out!"

"Director, are you going to use the 'Heart Inquiry'?" Zhao Yunxiao asked.


Shen Nanfeng nodded, "In a few days, four Night Watch colleagues from Jincheng will come to Eternal Peace City for official business, and among them happens to be a spiritual mystery practitioner. We'll have him perform the Heart Inquiry technique on Song Chaoyu!"

"Another four people?" Zhao Yunxiao said strangely, "Why do the people from Jincheng always have to go on missions in groups of four? Aren't the usual tasks for the sub-bureau three-person teams?"

"I know about this," Shen Nanfeng shrugged, "It's said that the people from Jincheng are very hospitable. Every time they meet someone new, they have to ask if they've eaten and what they've eaten, and it's different people asking each time."

"Breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus a late-night snack, exactly four meals, so that's why they always go out in groups of four."

"I've also heard that if they can't gather four people, they'd rather not go..."

"This habit..." Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched as he listened, "It's really... simple."

"Zheng Cheng, you did well just now," Shen Nanfeng looked at Zheng Cheng again and nodded, "Your skill was able to constantly entangle the main soul of the Lord of the Black Sun, which allowed me to keep chasing her."

"Otherwise, if the main soul of the Lord of the Black Sun had escaped, we would have been in big trouble!"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, "But isn't she dying? Even if she runs, it'll only be for a year or two at most."

"A year or two..."

Shen Nanfeng shook his head, "For some strong-willed individuals who know they can't extend their lives, no one knows what kind of crazy things they might do."

"They might embark on an epic breakthrough task and become an epic powerhouse."

"Or, their lifespan exhausted, they might perish!"

"By the way," Shen Nanfeng added, "It's very late now, let's stop here for today. Go back and rest quickly."

"You did very well this time, your merits will be recorded by a specialist. What reward do you want?"

Zheng Cheng immediately said, "A healing-type skill book!"

"Most of the skills I currently possess are debuffs and attack-type skills. I'm worried that the next breakthrough task for the Priest class will require healing skills again..."

"Breakthrough task?" Shen Nanfeng nodded, "Indeed, the early breakthrough tasks for the Priest class are mainly focused on healing."

"By the way, I remember that your initial skill caused diarrhea. How did you complete the breakthrough task?"

Zhao Yunxiao's expression was strange, "Director, I know about this. It's like this, he..."

Soon, Shen Nanfeng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry, "I've lived for so many years, and this is truly the first time I've seen someone complete a breakthrough task using this method."

"You really are..."

After thinking for a while, he could only say "talented."

"Hehe, thank you for the praise."

Zheng Cheng chuckled, "I had no choice, so I wanted to learn a few healing skills from you, Director."

According to the changes in Virtual Fire Incineration, it would definitely undergo mutation when learning healing skills.

But it couldn't be too far-fetched.

The Sacrificial Fire was considered an attack skill.

After the mutation, the mutated Virtual Fire Incineration would also be an attack skill.

If he were to learn healing skills, it might also mutate into a healing skill!

Shen Nanfeng said, "Your situation reminds me of a new member of the Night Watch recruited by the Imperial Capital this year."

"Her skills are as strange as yours, and she's a little girl~"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, "Strange skills? What kind of skills?"

Could they also be mutated skills?

Shen Nanfeng smiled, "Want to know? Wait until you pass the entrance exam for the Imperial Capital Vocational University and see for yourself!"

Zhao Yunxiao also said, "By the way, Zheng Cheng, Zhixue, the new occupational exam for new occupational people is in half a month. Which university do you want to apply to?"

(End of this chapter)

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